Respondents DataGatheringProcedure DocumentaryAnalysis ProcedureOfInvestigation StatisticalTool

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The respondents of this study will comprise former first- and second-year Bachelor of Science in
Accountancy (BSA) students at Naga College Foundation, Inc. (NCF) who were enrolled in the College of
Accountancy and Finance Department during the academic year 2022-2023. Specifically, the study will
focus on those students who are currently enrolled in the BSA Information System. The selection criteria
for respondents will include individuals who were unable to continue the accountancy program,
capturing the total population of students who faced challenges in maintaining enrollment in the BSA
program. These respondents will provide valuable insights into the perceived effects of the retention
standards implemented by NCF on BSA students' emotional, mental, and academic performance.
Additionally, their experiences and perspectives will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the
factors influencing student attrition rates within the BSA program.


The data gathering procedure for this research on the perceived effects of retention standards
on Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA) students at Naga College Foundation, Inc. involves a
structured approach to collecting information from first- and second-year students. Firstly, a
comprehensive questionnaire will be developed, encompassing aspects related to emotional, mental,
and academic performance impacts of the retention policy. The questionnaire will be designed to elicit
detailed responses from participants, providing insights into their experiences and perspectives.
Additionally, interviews may be conducted to delve deeper into individual experiences and understand
the course of action taken by students affected by the retention standards. The selection of respondents
will be carefully considered to ensure representation from diverse backgrounds within the BSA program.
Ethical considerations will be paramount, with informed consent obtained from participants prior to
data collection. Furthermore, confidentiality and anonymity will be assured to encourage honest and
candid responses. The gathered data will be meticulously analyzed using appropriate statistical methods
to identify patterns, trends, and correlations. The findings will contribute valuable insights to various
stakeholders including BSA students, faculty, institution, guidance counselors, JPIA community, parents,
peers, researchers, and future researchers, thereby facilitating informed decision-making, policy
evaluation, and academic support initiatives.


The documentary analysis for this research on the perceived effects of retention standards on
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA) students at Naga College Foundation, Inc. involves a thorough
examination of relevant documentary sources. Firstly, academic policies and guidelines pertaining to the
retention standards set by the institution will be scrutinized, including official documents from the
college administration and the Department of Accountancy and Finance. These documents will provide
insights into the specific criteria and requirements for maintaining enrollment in the BSA program.
Additionally, historical data such as enrollment figures, retention rates, and academic performance
records will be reviewed to discern trends and patterns over time. Moreover, scholarly literature and
research studies on retention policies in higher education, particularly in the field of accounting, will be
analyzed to contextualize the findings and compare them with broader academic discourse. The
documentary analysis will be instrumental in providing a comprehensive understanding of the
institutional framework, historical context, and scholarly perspectives relevant to the research topic,
thereby enhancing the depth and credibility of the study's findings and conclusions.


The procedure of investigation for this research on the perceived effects of retention standards
on Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA) students at Naga College Foundation, Inc. will be conducted
systematically to ensure thoroughness and accuracy. Firstly, ethical clearance will be obtained from the
relevant institutional review board to ensure compliance with ethical guidelines for human subjects
research. Following this, data collection will commence with the distribution of structured
questionnaires to first- and second-year BSA students, designed to assess the emotional, mental, and
academic performance impacts of the retention policy. The questionnaire will be administered
electronically or in person, depending on participant preferences and logistical considerations.
Additionally, semi-structured interviews will be conducted with a subset of participants to gain deeper
insights into their experiences and perspectives. The selection of interviewees will be based on criteria
such as diversity of backgrounds and representation of varying viewpoints. All participants will be
informed about the purpose of the study and their rights as research subjects, including confidentiality
and voluntary participation. Data analysis will involve both quantitative methods, such as statistical
analysis of questionnaire responses, and qualitative methods, such as thematic analysis of interview
transcripts. The findings will be interpreted in light of relevant literature and contextual factors to draw
meaningful conclusions about the perceived effects of retention standards on BSA students. Finally, the
results of the investigation will be disseminated through academic publications, presentations, and
reports, contributing to scholarly knowledge and informing institutional policies and practices.


For this research on the perceived effects of retention standards on Bachelor of Science in
Accountancy (BSA) students at Naga College Foundation, Inc., several statistical tools can be employed to
analyze the data collected from questionnaires and interviews. One commonly used statistical tool is
descriptive statistics, which can provide an overview of the data by calculating measures such as means,
frequencies, and percentages. This tool will help in summarizing the responses to the questionnaire
items, allowing for a clear understanding of the distribution of perceptions among BSA students
regarding the retention policy's impacts.
Furthermore, inferential statistics can be utilized to examine relationships and differences between
variables. For example, correlation analysis can determine whether there is a significant relationship
between perceived emotional impacts and academic performance, while t-tests or analysis of variance
(ANOVA) can assess differences in perceptions between different groups of students (e.g., first-year vs.
second-year students).

Additionally, qualitative data from interviews can be analyzed using thematic analysis, a qualitative
method that identifies patterns or themes within the data. This approach will allow for a nuanced
understanding of students' experiences and perceptions regarding the retention policy.

Overall, employing a combination of descriptive and inferential statistics, along with qualitative analysis
techniques, will provide a comprehensive analysis of the data, enabling meaningful insights into the
perceived effects of retention standards on BSA students at Naga College Foundation, Inc.

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