2020 - Mango (Mangifera Indica L.) Leaf Extracts

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International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2020 1

Original article
Mango (Mangifera indica L.) leaf extracts as ingredient for the
formulation of functional beverages with biological activity

Guadalupe Yeraldin Medina-Saavedra,1† Jose Andres Herrera-Corredor,2† Yamill Vargas-Rivera,1

Oscar Valeriano S
anchez-Valera, Ad
an Cabal-Prieto, 3
Witoon Prinyawiwatkul,4
Emmanuel de Jes us Ramırez-Rivera *
& Lorena Guadalupe Ramon-Canul5*
1 Innovacion Agricola Sustentable, Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico/Instituto Tecnol
ogico Superior de Zongolica, Veracruz, Mexico
2 Posgrado en Innovaci on Agroalimentaria Sustentable, Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus C ordoba, Veracruz, Mexico
3 Maestrıa en Ingenierıa, Tecnol
ogico Nacional de Mexico/Instituto Tecnol
ogico Superior de Huatusco, Veracruz, Mexico
4 School of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge LA, 70803, USA
5 Instituto de Nutrici
on, Universidad de la Sierra Sur, Oaxaca, Mexico
(Received 4 August 2020; Accepted in revised form 16 November 2020)

Summary The biological activity of mango leaf extracts from different mango varieties was evaluated in terms of
total phenolic content, flavonoids, antioxidant activity and inhibition of a-amylase and a-glucosidase
enzymes. Leaf extract-based beverages were formulated and evaluated for some physicochemical, microbi-
ological and sensory properties. Results indicated that the extract from ’Tommy Atkins’ mango leaves
had the highest total phenols content (137.08 mg of GAE g1) and antioxidant activity
(DDPH = 38.26 mg TEAC 100 g1; ABTS = 59.13 mg TEAC 100 g1). The beverage formulated with
20% leaf extract presented the highest percentage of antioxidant activity (38.63%) and inhibition of
enzymes a-amylase (41.9%) and a-glucosidase (37.53%). All beverages presented a yellow hue and con-
sumers rated it with a degree of liking between 4.8 and 7.3 according to a hedonic scale. Results showed
that the biological properties of beverages could be an alternative for the control of free radicals and glu-
cose levels.
Keywords Aqueous extract, beverage, biological activity, flavonoid content, mango leaf, phenolic content.

disease appear when hyperglycaemia is not controlled,

causing organ dysfunction or failure and long-term
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a disease characterised by complications such as neuropathy, retinopathy,
chronic hyperglycaemia. This disease results from a nephropathy, diabetic foot, among others (Maldonado
progressive deterioration in the function of pancreatic et al., 2010). During the development and complica-
cells. This causes a decrease in insulin synthesis, a tions of this pathology, oxidative stress increases when
resistance of peripheral tissues to insulin and a glucose auto-oxidation and protein glycation occurs,
decrease in the metabolic response to insulin. The reducing the antioxidant defence system and promot-
development of type 2 diabetes mellitus can be ing the generation of free radicals (Sigh et al., 2013).
described as a series of cellular and metabolic alter- A therapeutic practice in the management of type 2
ations that affect and impair glucose homeostasis diabetes mellitus is controlling the postprandial hyper-
(ADA, 2010; Rojas et al., 2012). In addition to hyper- glycaemia by inhibiting the a-amylase and a-glucosi-
glycaemia, metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and dase enzymes present in the gastrointestinal tract
fats are also affected by this disease (Rojas et al., (Chen & Kang, 2013). Inhibitions of these enzymes
2012). The main symptoms are polyuria, polyphagia, can significantly reduce the postprandial increase in
polydipsia and accelerated weight loss (Maldonado et blood glucose, which is an important strategy for the
al., 2010; Rojas et al., 2012). Complications from this treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
(Chen & Kang, 2013; Ruız-Ruız et al., 2015).
Unfortunately, therapeutic drugs designed as inhibi-
*Correspondent: E-mails: l_g_r_c@hotmail.com (LGR-C),
ejramirezrivera@zongolica.tecnm.mx (EJR-R)
tors of these enzymes have several side effects such as

First authors. flatulence, bowel sounds and diarrhoea (Chen & Kang,

© 2020 Institute of Food Science and Technology
2 Mango leaf functional beverage G. Y. Medina-Saavedra et al.

2013). By-products and residues (e.g. stems, husks, developing beverages with antioxidant and hypogly-
seeds, barks and leaves) from different plants are a caemic potential.
potential alternative for the study of various biological The objectives of this study were as follows: (i) to
activities such as antidiabetic, antioxidant, antibacte- determine the biological activity of mango leaf extracts
rial, among others. Roots and Mangifera indica L. in terms of phenols content, flavonoids content,
leaves have been used since ancestral times as tradi- antioxidant activity and inhibition of the a-amylase
tional medicine (Dıaz-Torres et al., 2017). This species and a-glucosidase enzymes on leaves from different
is native to the Indo-Burmanic region which include varieties of Mangifera indica L. and (ii) to formulate
tropical and subtropical areas (Infante et al., 2011). In leaf extract-based beverages focusing on their physico-
Mexico, the states with the largest mango planted area chemical, microbiological and sensory properties.
are as follows: Chiapas, Sinaloa, Guerrero, Nayarit,
Oaxaca, Michoac an and Veracruz (SIAP, 2019). In
Materials and methods
2017, Mexico reported 202 000 ha of planted area of
Mangifera indica L., of ’Manila’, ’Ataulfo’, ’Tommy
Plant material and chemicals
Atkins’, ’Haden’, ’Kent’ and Creole varieties (SIAP,
2019). Despite fruit from these varieties are of great Mangifera indica L. leaves were collected from the
economic importance in Mexico, leaves are not com- experimental field at Instituto Nacional de Investiga-
monly used. Leaves represent a promising source of ciones Forestales, Agrıcolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP),
bioactive compounds such as phenols, flavonoids, located in Cotaxtla, Veracruz, Mexico. Mango vari-
triterpenes, phytosterols and polyphenols (Mohan et eties included for the study were as follows: Manila,
al., 2013; Medina et al., 2016). Guan-Lin et al. (2014), Ataulfo and Tommy Atkins. Mango leaves were col-
Lin & Lee (2014), Jibaja & S anchez (2015) and Xiang lected from this research centre because the agricul-
et al. (2016) have shown that mango leaves contain tural practices are controlled and environmental
different bioactive compounds that contribute to the factors were common for all varieties. Botanical plant
reduction of blood glucose and neutralisation of cellu- identification was carried out in the Department of
lar damage by oxygen. Mangiferin (1,3,6,7-tetrahy- Botany of the INIFAP (Family: Anacardiaceae;
droxyxanthone-C2-b-D-glucoside) is among these Genus: Mangifera; reference voucher: 2362842). Chem-
bioactive compounds. This phenol compound has icals used were reagent-grade and purchased from
strong free radical scavenging activity and has the abil- Sigma AldrichÒ of Mexico (Quımica S.A. de C.V.,
ity to chelate metals. It also inhibits, in a non-competi- Toluca, Mexico).
tively way, the a-amylase enzyme and the substrate-
enzyme complex, causing a decrease in starch degrada-
Chemical analysis proximal of Mangifera indica L. leaves
tion. In addition, some studies have shown that mango
leaves do not have a genotoxic, cytotoxic or clasto- The proximal chemical composition was performed
genic effect making them suitable for human consump- according to the methods as described in the Official
tion (Zhang et al., 2014; Reddeman et al., 2019; Villas Methods of analysis (AOAC International, 2005). The
et al., 2019). moisture and dry matter content were carried out
To date, there is limited information on the bio- according to method 926.08. Ash, crude protein, fat
logical activities of the varieties ’Ataulfo’, ’Manila’ and crude fibre contents were determined according to
and ’Tommy Atkins’ neither on the use of their leaf methods 923.03, 920.23, 920.39 and 962.09 (AOAC
extracts for beverage formulation. For this reason, it International, 2005).
is necessary to study and test leaf extracts from dif-
ferent mango varieties in order to identify which
Obtaining the aqueous extract of Mangifera indica L.
variety had the highest biological potential (antioxi-
dant activity and inhibition of the enzymes a-amy-
lase and a-glucosidase) for the development The mango leaves were dried by convection at 60 °C
functional beverages. Consumer interest in products for 24 h. They were then crushed in a Thomas Scien-
that promote health has led to an increase in the tificÒ Wiley Mill Model 4 mill (PARMEX, Mexico,
formulation and marketing of infusion-based bever- NJ, USA) to obtain a powder with particle size of
ages, which may be rich in phytochemicals and have approximately 1 mm. Samples were stored at room
properties for reducing the risk of diseases such as temperature in polyethylene bags until required for
diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer (Perez- extract preparation (Ruız-Ruız et al., 2015). Mango
Ramırez et al., 2015). Infusions based on fruit fla- leaf extracts were processed according to Ruız-Ruız et
vours and aromas are well accepted by consumers al. (2015). A 500 mg sample of crushed leaves was
due to their sensory properties and antioxidant prop- weighed and then added to 5 mL of distilled water at
erties. The use of leaf extracts is an alternative for 100 °C for 30 min. The mixture was centrifuged at

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2020 © 2020 Institute of Food Science and Technology
Mango leaf functional beverage G. Y. Medina-Saavedra et al. 3

2000 g (10 °C) for 10 min in a Clinical Centrifuge reduction-FRAP (Ferric Reduction Antioxidant
device (Model Z100A; Labnet, Newark, NJ, USA). Power). DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) assay
The supernatant was decanted, and the solid residue was conducted according to the Brand-Williams et al.
was again added to 5 mL of distilled water, and the (1995) technique. The stock solution was prepared by
procedure was repeated two more times. The aqueous mixing 2.5 mg of DPPH radical with 100 mL of
phase obtained from three extractions was decanted methanol. The solution absorbance was adjusted to
into a 25 mL volumetric flask and then filtered with 0.7  0.02 in 515 nm using an UV–Vis spectropho-
membrane 0.45 lm. Finally, the aqueous extract was tometer Beckman DUÒ 730 (CA, USA). 3.9 mL of
concentrated using a lyophiliser (LabconcoÒ freeze DPPH radical were placed in a test tube, and 100 lL
dryer 5, Kansas, MO, USA). of the sample extract or standard was added (metha-
nol was used as blank). The decrease in absorbance at
515 nm was measured at 1 min intervals for the first
Determination of total phenols of Mangifera indica L. leaf
10 min and then at 5 min intervals until stabilisation.
The time required to obtain DPPH readings of each
Phenolic compounds were determined using the Folin extract was 30 min. Trolox was used as standard for
and Ciocalteu’s Phenol method (Singleton & Rossi, the calibration curve, and the results were expressed as
1965). A total of 100 µL of aqueous extract was mixed mg of trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC)
with 600 µL of distilled water and then 500 µL of 100 g1 of sample.
Folin-Ciocalteu 2 N reagent were added in a tube. The For the ABTS method, 19.2 mg of ABTS was mix-
mixture was allowed to stand for 8 min in dark condi- ing with 5 mL of distilled water and 88 lL of Potas-
tions, then 1.5 mL of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) sium Persulphate (K2S2O8) (0.0378 g mL1) (Re et al.,
(20%) solution was added and adjusted to 10 mL with 1999). This solution was incubated at room tempera-
distilled water. The mixture was allowed to stand ture for 16 h in dark conditions. Then, 1 mL of the
again for 2 h in dark conditions. After this time, the activated ABTS solution was taken and mixed with
readings were performed at 760 nm in a Beckman 100 mL of ethanol. The radical was adjusted to an
DUÒ 730 spectrophotometer (San Francisco, CA, absorbance of 0.7  0.02 at 734 nm. After adjusting
USA). The total amount of phenolic compounds was the blank with methanol, a 30 lL aliquot of diluted
determined in mg of gallic acid equivalent (GAE) g1 extract was added to 2970 lL of ABTS solution. The
sample and calculated by comparing the standard decrease in absorbance at 734 nm was first measured
curve (0–1 mg of gallic acid mL1) against the absor- at intervals of 1 min for 10 min and then every 5 min
bance of each sample. until stability was achieved using a Beckman DUÒ 730
spectrophotometer. Trolox was used as standard for
the calibration curve, and the results were expressed as
Determination of flavonoids of Mangifera indica L. leaf
mg of trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC)
100 g1 of sample.
Flavonoid content was determined using the alu- The antioxidant activity was carried out through fer-
minium chloride technique (AlCl3) proposed by ric reduction-FRAP (ferric reduction antioxidant
Dewanto et al. (2002). A total of 250 µL of aqueous power) according to Arnous et al. (2002). A total of
extract was taken and 75 µL of sodium nitrite (NaNO2 100 µL of extract, 100 µL of ferric chloride (3 mM)
prepared at 5%), 150 µL of aluminium chloride (AlCl3 and 1800 µL of TPTZ (2.4.6-Tris (2-pyridyl)-s-triazine)
prepared at 10%) and 500 µL of sodium hydroxide (1 mM) solution were mixed. The reaction was main-
(NaOH prepared at 1 M) were mixed in a tube. Then tained in a water bath at 37 °C for 30 min. Absor-
the mixture was adjusted to a volume of 2.5 mL with bance was measured at 620 nm. Results were
distilled water and allowed to stand for 5 min. The expressed as mg of TEAC 100 g1 sample using a cali-
readings were performed at 510 nm on a Beckman bration curve with Trolox standards.
DUÒ 730 spectrophotometer (CA). The total amount
of flavonoids was determined in mg of quercitin equiv-
Inhibition of the a-amylase and a-glucosidase enzymes
alent (QE) g1 sample and calculated by comparing
from Mangifera indica L. leaf extracts
the standard curve (0–300 µg of quercitin mL1) with
the absorbance of each sample. The assay was carried out following the standard pro-
tocol as described by Dineshkumar et al. (2010).
Starch (2 mg; substrate) was suspended in a test tube
Antioxidant activity of Mangifera indica L. leaf extracts
containing 0.2 mL of Tris-HCl (0.5 M, pH 6.9) with
The antioxidant activity was determined by DDPH calcium chloride (0.01 M). The suspension was heated
(2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), ABTS (2,2-azinobis-3- at 100 °C for 5 min and then pre-incubated at 37 °C
ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) and ferric for 5 min. The aqueous extract was dissolved with

© 2020 Institute of Food Science and Technology International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2020
4 Mango leaf functional beverage G. Y. Medina-Saavedra et al.

1 mL of dimethyl sulphoxide (0.1%) to obtain concen- formulated at 0% mango leaf extract was used as the
trations of 50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800 and control. Each beverage was pasteurised (95 °C for
1000 lg mL1. Then, 0.2 mL of aqueous extract was 10 min) and stored in a sterile glass amber bottle with a
placed in the tube containing the substrate solution. screw cap at 7  2 °C until microbiological, physico-
Swine pancreatic amylase enzyme dissolved in Tris- chemical, biological activities and sensory evaluation.
HCl buffer (2 units mL1) was added to the tube con-
taining the extract and starch. The process was carried
Microbiological analysis of mango leaf extract-based
out at 37 °C for 10 min. The reaction was stopped by
adding 0.5 mL of 50% acetic acid solution to each
tube. The mixture was centrifuged at 2000 g for 5 min The Colony Forming Units (CFU mL1) measurement
in a clinical centrifuge device (Model Z100A; Labnet). for aerobic mesophiles, total coliforms, fungi and yeast
Finally, the absorbance of the supernatant was mea- were determined according to the guidelines of the
sured at 595 nm in a spectrophotometer Beckman Official Mexican Standards NOM-092-SSA1, 1994,
DUÒ 730. The concentration of the extract which NOM-111-SSA1, 1994 and NOM-113-SSA1, 1994.
reduced the amylase activity by 50% was defined as
the IC50 value. The in vitro a-glucosidase inhibitory
Physicochemical analysis of mango leaf extract-based
assay was performed according to Dineshkumar et al.
(2010). The a-glucosidase was mixed with 20 lL of
aqueous extract at various concentrations (50, 100, Colour determination was carried out with a Konica
200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000 lg mL1) and incubated MinoltaÒ colorimeter (Model CR-400; USA) using a
for 5 min at 37 °C. Then, 20 lL of paranitrophenyl tristimulus scale (L*, a*, b*), where the value of L* rep-
glucopyranoside (pNPG) was added at 1 mM to start resents the relative luminosity and has values between 0
the reaction. The mixture was incubated at 37 °C for and 100, the value of a* goes from green to red, that of
20 min. The reaction was terminated by the addition b* from blue to yellow. Chroma (C) and Hue Angle
of 50 lL of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) 1 mM and the (°H) were also determined (G ongora et al., 2018). In
final volume was completed to 150 lL. The a-glucosi- addition, pH and acidity were determined according to
dase activity was determined spectrophotometrically at the methodologies of the AOAC International (2005).
405 nm on a ChroMateÒ 4300 Microplate reader by Total Sugars (TS) content was determined according to
measuring the quantity of paranitrophenol released the methodology of phenol-sulphuric from Dubois et al.
from pNPG. The concentration of the aqueous extract (1956). Reducing sugars (RS) contents were measured
required to reduce the a-glucosidase activity in 50% according to Miller (1959). Total soluble solids (TSS)
was defined as the IC50 value. Acarbose drug (Glu- were performed using a digital refractometer (Sper Sci-
cobayÒ, Bayer, Mexico, NJ, USA) was used as a refer- entific, Model 300034, Phoenix, AZ, USA). Results were
ence standard for both tests, since it is currently used reported as °Brix (AOAC International, 2005005). Total
as an oral antidiabetic treatment. phenolic and flavonoid contents were also determined
by the Folin–Ciocalteu and aluminium chloride (AlCl3)
methods, respectively (Singleton & Rossi, 1965;
Formulation of mango leaf extract-based beverages
Dewanto et al., 2002).
The beverages were prepared using the leaf extracts of
the variety that presented a higher content of phenolic
Antioxidant activity and inhibition of the a-amylase and
compounds, antioxidant activity, and inhibition of the
a-glucosidase enzymes of mango leaf extract-based
a-amylase and a-glucosidase enzymes. Dehydrated
leaves were extracted with purified hot water at a 1:10
ratio (water at 100 °C for 30 min) with constant stir- The antioxidant activity was determined by scavenging
ring. The beverages with the leaf infusions were pre- effect on DDPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) free
pared according to the methodology proposed by Perez- radical as a described by Brand-William et al. (1995).
Ramırez et al. (2015). The ingredients used were: 0.7 g The antioxidant activity was expressed as percentage
L1 sodium benzoate (Sigma AldrichÒ, Mexico) as a of DPPH radical scavenging. The enzyme inhibition
preservative, 10 g L1 SteviaÒ (Walmart de Mexico SA was carried out as described by Dineshkumar et al.
de CV) as a sweetener, 10 g L1 mandarin juice as (2010), and the results were expressed in percentages
flavouring and 0.2 g L1 citric acid (Sigma AldrichÒ, of enzyme inhibition.
Mexico) as a stabilising agent. The concentration of
additives used in this study was consistent with that
Sensory evaluation of mango leaf extract-based beverages
used in the beverage industry (Codex, 1995). Beverages
were formulated using different porportions of mango Sensory evaluation was carried out with 100 con-
leaf extract (10%, 15% and 20%). A beverage sumers (fifty women and fifty men between the ages of

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2020 © 2020 Institute of Food Science and Technology
Mango leaf functional beverage G. Y. Medina-Saavedra et al. 5

20 and 35 years old) from the Universidad de la Sierra and 5.50 g 100 g1 of sample, respectively) compared
Sur. Consumers were selected according to their level to Manila and Ataulfo leaves, in which, a crude pro-
of consumption of this type of products (ISO 8586-1, tein content of 8.23 and 6.77, respectively, and fat of
1993). Consumers were informed about product ingre- 2.90 and 4.33, respectively, was obtained. The crude
dients. Participation in the study was voluntary. Prin- protein results in this research were higher than those
ciples established by the Declaration of Helsinki were reported by Rambabu et al. (2018) who obtained a
followed in order to protect subjects participating in value of 0.3 g 100 g1 of sample in Neelam mango
the study. Each consumer determined their level of lik- leaves. The difference in the values obtained in this
ing for each beverage sample using a hedonic scale (1– research and the mentioned authors may be due to the
9, where 1 = dislike extremely and 9 = like extremely). collection period of mango leaves. The Manila mango
Samples were coded with a three-digit random code leaves showed higher (P < 0.001) crude fibre content
and served sequentially monadic (MacFie et al., 1989). (31.10 g 100 g1 of sample) compared to Ataulfo and
Tommy Atkins who contained 26.60 and 24.97 g
100 g1 of sample, respectively.
Statistical analysis
The treatments were distributed in a completely ran-
Total phenols and total flavonoids content of Mangifera
domised design with five repetitions. Data were sub-
indica L. leaf extracts
jected to a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with
a = 5% level of significance. Mean comparison was Results of the total phenol and flavonoid content of
performed using the Tukey’s test. The Pearson correla- Mangifera indica L. leaves are shown in Table 2.
tion coefficient (r) was determined between the bioac- Tommy Atkins mango leaves showed higher
tive compounds and the antioxidant capacity by two (P < 0.0001) total phenolic content (137.08 mg of
levels of significance (P < 0.05 and P < 0.01). The sen- GAE g1) compared to Manila and Ataulfo having
sory properties values were analysed with a one-way 117.19 and 125.22 mg of GAE g1, respectively.
factor ANOVA. Statistical analyses were performed using Results of the total phenolic content in the aqueous
the Statgraphic Plus version 5.1 program (Statistical extracts of the Mangifera indica L. leaves in this study
Graphics Corp., The Plains, VA, USA). were higher than those reported by Saleh-Gazwi &
Mahmoud (2019) (86.20 mg of GAE g1). However,
they were lower than those values of 390.6, 376.7 and
Results and discussion
292.7 mg of GAE g1 in mango leaves of Tommy
Atkins, Haden and Edward from Ecuador, respectively
Proximate analysis of the Mangifera indica L. leaves
(Dıaz-Torres et al., 2017). The difference in the total
Proximate analysis results of mango leaves are shown phenolic content may be due to the fact that these
in Table 1. Mango leaves of Ataulfo variety had the authors used 70% ethanol as the extraction solvent
highest (P < 0.0001) moisture and ash content (14.13 which caused a higher interaction of the solvent with
and 8.87 g 100 g of sample1) compared to the Manila the secondary metabolites, facilitating the release of
and Tommy Atkins varieties, which had moisture con- the total phenols. Regarding the flavonoid content,
tents of 7.33 and 8.37 g 100 g1 of sample, respectively Tommy Atkins mango leaves had a higher (P < 0.05)
and ashes of 6.43 and 5.03 g 100 g1 of sample, content (135.28 mg of QE g1) compared to Manila
respectively (Table 1). Moisture values from this study and Ataulfo having between 109.99 and 120.04 mg of
were similar to those reported by Rakholiya & Chanda QE g1. Regarding the content of flavonoids, the val-
(2012), who obtained 8.9 g 100 g1 of wet-basis sam- ues found in this study were higher than those
ple on Kesar mango leaves from India. Rambabu et reported by Saleh-Gazwi & Mahmoud (2019), who
al. (2018) found 7.2 g 100 g1 of moisture sample in observed a value of 42.64 mg of QE g1 in Mangifera
Indian Neelam mango leaves. Ash content values were indica L. leaves using aqueous extract. According to
similar to those reported by Rakholiya & Chanda Ma et al. (2011) the differences in flavonoids may be
(2012) who reported 9.6 g 100 g1 of sample of ashes due to the type of mango leaf variety analysed. Addi-
on Kesar mango leaves. On the other hand, Rambabu tionally, flavonoid contents found in this study may be
et al. (2018) reported 1.9 g 100 g1 of sample in Nee- affected by climate, soil, water, air quality, among
lam mango leaves. The similarities of the moisture and others (Ma et al., 2011).
ash contents in the present study and those described
above could be due to the similarities in agricultural
Antioxidant activity of Mangifera indica L. leaves extracts
practices (e.g. fertilisation, irrigation, pest management
and disease controls) used in Mexico and India. The Results of DPPH, ABTS and ferric-FRAP free radical
Tommy Atkins mango leaves obtained the highest scavenging activity for the samples evaluated ranged
content (P < 0.001) of protein and crude fat (10.40 between 22.27 to 38.26 mg of TEAC 100 g1, 30.95 to

© 2020 Institute of Food Science and Technology International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2020
6 Mango leaf functional beverage G. Y. Medina-Saavedra et al.

Table 1 Proximate analysis of Mangifera indica L. leaves

Moisture Ash Crude protein Crude fat Crude fibre N.F.E

g 100 g1
Variety of sample

Manila 7.33  0.06c 6.43  0.15c 8.23  0.76b 2.90  0.20c 31.10  0.95a 44.03  1.78a
Ataulfo 14.13  0.31a 8.87  0.12a 6.77  0.15c 4.33  0.32b 26.60  1.81b 39.37  2.50b
Tommy Atkins 8.37  0.06b 5.03  0.06b 10.40  0.26a 5.50  0.10a 24.97  1.77b 45.70  1.65a

Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences according to the Tukey (n = 5; P < 0.05).
N.F.E, Nitrogen Free Extract.

Table 2 Total phenols and total flavonoids content of Mangi- Table 3 Antioxidant activity of Mangifera indica L. leaves
fera indica L. leaf extracts extracts

Total phenols (mg of Total flavonoids (mg of DPPH (TEAC ABTS (TEAC FRAP (TEAC
Variety GAE g1) QE g1) Variety 100 g1) 100 g1) 100 g1)

Manila 117.19  0.82c 109.99  0.08c Manila 23.95  2.11b 30.95  3.94c 39.25  4.05c
Ataulfo 125.22  1.69b 120.04  1.27b Ataulfo 22.27  2.60b 37.09  2.78b 50.12  6.31b
Tommy 137.08  0.54a 135.28  0.23a Tommy 38.26  2.94a 59.13  3.70a 64.58  7.01a
Atkins Atkins

Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences
according to the Tukey (n = 5; P < 0.05). according to the Tukey (n = 5; P < 0.05).
GAE, gallic acid equivalents; QE, quercitin equivalents. ABTS, 2.20 -Azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid); DPPH,
2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl; FRAP, Ferric Reduction Antioxidant
Power; TEAC, mg of Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity.
59.13 mg of TEAC 100 g1 and 39.25 to 64.58 TEAC
mg 100 g1, respectively (Table 3). The sample that
presented the highest antioxidant activity on the three that the DPPH values obtained are lower than those
techniques evaluated was the Tommy Atkins variety. of ABTS. Likewise, high values were presented in
Mohan et al. (2013) evaluated the antioxidant activity the FRAP technique, which indicates that the chelat-
in the aqueous extracts of mango leaves and found ing property of the samples with the highest reduc-
that free radical scavenging activity with the DPPH ing power can provide protection against oxidative
method was 31.42 µg mL1. The antioxidant activity damage (Aseervatham et al., 2012; Mercado-Mercado
in the aqueous extracts of mango leaves (80 mg mL1) et al., 2013). Pearson’s correlation coefficients
using the FRAP method has also been reported by (Table 4) show that all antioxidant analysis presented
some authors (Udem et al., 2018). This biological significant correlation at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01. This
activity is due to the antirradical activity and the inhi- fact shows that the bioactive compound contents (to-
bitory effect on metal ions present in mango leaves tal phenols and flavonoids) found in this study
(G€ulcin et al., 2010). Results showed that antioxidant showed a significant correlation with antioxidant
activity values from the ABTS technique were higher activity (DDPH, ABTS and FRAP), suggesting that
than those from the DDPH technique for all samples. these compounds contributed significantly to antioxi-
This is related to the low selectivity of the ABTS. This dant activity.
fact can be attributed to (i) the ABTS radical reacts
with any hydroxylated aromatic compound regardless Inhibitory activity of the a-amylase and a-glucosidase
of its real antioxidant potential and (ii) the DPPH rad- enzymes in Mangifera indica L. leaf extracts
ical does not react with flavonoids lacking hydroxyl
groups in ring B with aromatic acids containing a sin- In this study, extracts of mango leaves showed an inhi-
gle hydroxyl group. bitory capacity of the a-amylase and a-glucosidase
In addition, if the antioxidant capacity of extracts enzymes. The varieties that presented high inhibitory
is caused by the presence of flavonoids and other activity for the a-amylase enzyme were Ataulfo and
types of polyphenols, it should be taken into Tommy Atkins (263.65 and 236.41 µg mL1)
account that DPPH is more selective than ABTS (Table 5). In the case of a-glucosidase, the variety with
and does not react with flavonoids that have no the higher inhibitory activity was Tommy Atkins
hydroxyl groups in ring B or with aromatic acids (270.96 µg mL1). These values were lower than those
that contain a single hydroxyl group. This explains obtained by Ganogpichayagrai et al. (2017), who

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2020 © 2020 Institute of Food Science and Technology
Mango leaf functional beverage G. Y. Medina-Saavedra et al. 7

Table 4 Pearson’s correlation coefficient between antioxidant Table 5 Inhibitory activity of the a-amylase and a-glucosidase
activity and total phenols and total flavonoids content enzymes in Mangifera indica L. leaf extracts

Manila variety† a-amylase IC50 a-glucosidase IC50

Variety (µg mL1) (µg mL1)
Coeficiente de Total Total
 n (r)
correlacio phenols flavonoids DDPH ABTS FRAP Manila 348.61  17.45a 314.90  31.62a
Ataulfo 263.65  4.75b 372.53  2.60a
Total phenols 0.84 0.80 0.83 0.85 Tommy 236.41  15.45b 270.96  23.2b
Total flavonoids 0.91 0.90 0.90 0.91 Atkins
DPPH 0.85 0.80 Acarbose 23.39  10.23c 49.38  9.37c
ABTS 0.80
Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences
Ataulfo variety†
according to the Tukey (n = 5; P < 0.05). IC50: concentration of the
Correlation Total Total aqueous extract required to inhibit 50% of the enzyme. Acarbose drug
coefficient (r) phenols flavonoids DDPH ABTS FRAP (Glucobayâ, Bayer) was used as a reference standard for both tests.

Total phenols 0.88 0.86 0.80 0.75

Total flavonoids 0.88 0.90 0.92 0.88 possibly attributed to various bioactive compounds,
DPPH 0.85 0.90 one of which was the phenolic compounds. Phenolic
ABTS 0.90 compounds have been shown to inhibit a-amylase
Tommy Atkins variety† and a-glucosidase enzymes by the action of OH
groups that tend to form hydrogen bonds with amino
Correlation Total Total acids present in the active sites of the enzymes. Man-
coefficient (r) phenols flavonoids DDPH ABTS FRAP
giferin (1,3,6,7-tetrahydroxyxanthone-C2-b-D-glu-
Total phenols 0.88 0.81 0.85 0.87 coside) is the main phenolic component in mango
Total flavonoids 0.89 0.88 0.9 0.92 leaves (Medina et al., 2016). Mangiferin acts as a
DPPH 0.87 0.79 non-competitive inhibitor, which binds to enzymes
ABTS 0.85 and the enzyme-substrate complex, causing a decrease
in starch degradation and controlling blood glucose
ABTS, 2.20 -Azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid); DPPH,
2,2-Diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazyl; FRAP, Ferric Reduction Antioxidant
peaks. Mangiferin reduces the postprandial glucose
Power. response through impaired secretion of the glucose-

All data show a significant correlation of P < 0.05 and P < 0.01. dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) of the
incretin hormones and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-
1). In addition, it stimulates the secretion of insulin
found that extracts from the leaves of M. indica from pancreatic b cells and the modulation of glucose
Okrong had an IC50 of 1452.8 µg mL1 for the a-glu- release from the liver, making it possible to control
cosidase enzyme and 2284 µg mL1 for the a-amylase patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (ADA, 2010;
enzyme. Kulkarni & Rathod (2018) evaluated the Zhang et al., 2014; Reddeman et al., 2019). Phenolic
aqueous extracts of mango leaves for inhibition of a- compounds also facilitated the reduction of glucose
amylase and a-glucosidase enzymes. They found that a absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract (Sigh et al.,
concentration of 100 lg mL1 caused an inhibition of 2013; Ganogpichayagrai et al., 2017).
64.5% and 77.8% of amylase and a-glucosidase activi- The biological activities present in the extracts were
ties respectively. lower compared to the reference standards (IC50
The inhibition of amylase and a-glucosidase a-amylase = 23.39 lg mL1 and IC50 a-glucosi-
enzymes caused by the mango leaf extracts was dase = 49.38 µg mL1). However, as it was found that

Table 6 Physicochemical analysis of the beverages containing the Mangifera indica L. leaves extracts

Formulation Acidity (%) pH TSS (°Brix) TS (g of glucose L1) RS (g of glucose L1)

F1 0.026  0.00c 3.15  0.03d 5.47  0.06b 28.90  0.32a 4.70  0.04c
F2 0.028  0.00b 3.39  0.02c 5.43  0.21b 28.79  2.60a 4.84  0.02b
F3 0.029  0.00a 3.47  0.01b 5.53  0.06b 28.33  1.61a 4.87  0.01b
F4 0.027  0.00b 3.57  0.01a 5.80  0.10a 29.03  1.51a 4.96  0.02a

Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences according to the Tukey (n = 5; P < 0.05). F1: 0% leaf extract (control beverage);
F2: 10% leaf extract; F3: 15% leaf extract and F4: 20% leaf extract.
RS, reducing sugars; TS, total sugars; TSS, total soluble solids.

© 2020 Institute of Food Science and Technology International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2020
8 Mango leaf functional beverage G. Y. Medina-Saavedra et al.

there was inhibition of the amylase and glucosidase (14.79 mg of QE mL1) compared to F1, F2 and F3
enzymes in the present study, the extracts can be used formulations having 1.77, 7.46 and 11.50 mg of QE
as natural anti-a-amylase and a-glucosidase agents and mL1, respectively. Results of flavonoids in the sam-
can also be considered as an alternative for the formu- ples were superior to those obtained by Rubio-Perez et
lation of a functional food aimed to help people with al. (2014) who prepared a beverage based on green tea
type 2 diabetes mellitus. and apple and found values of 5.2 mg of QE mL1.
The flavonoid content in beverages evaluated in this
study may help decrease the onset and progression of
Microbiological and physicochemical analysis of the
some chronic degenerative diseases (Rubio-Perez et al.,
beverage based on the Mangifera indica L. leaves extracts
Results from microbiological analysis of the beverage
based on leaves extracts evidenced the absence of aero-
Antioxidant activity and inhibition of a-amylase and a-
bic bacteria, moulds, yeasts and coliforms, which sug-
glucosidase enzymes of mango leaf extract-based
gested compliance with hygiene standards during
product preparation (NOM-218-SSA1, 2011). The
acidity content of beverages ranged from 0.026% to The results of antioxidant activity and enzyme inhibi-
0.029% (Table 6). F3 had the highest (P < 0.05) acid- tion are shown in Table 8. Formulation F4 showed
ity content (0.029%) and F4 showed the highest pH higher (P < 0.0001) antioxidant activity (38.63%) com-
value (3.57; P < 0.05). The beverage that obtained the pared to formulations F1, F2 and F3 (9.56%, 8.45%
highest (P < 0.05) TSS content was F4 (5.80 °Brix). and 19.59%, respectively). The efficiency of the bever-
However, there were no differences (P > 0.05) among ages containing mango leaf extracts to reduce diges-
formulations for TS content. tion of polysaccharides and glucose absorption was
reflected by the inhibitory activity of the a-amylase
and a-glucosidase enzymes. The percentage inhibition
Total phenols and flavonoids of beverages based on the
of the a-amylase and the a-glucosidase enzymes was
Mangifera indica L. leaves extracts
below 50% (10.7–41.9% and 12.90–37.53%, respec-
Total phenol and flavonoid content of beverages are tively). However, the results suggest a possible antidia-
shown in Table 7. Results indicated that formulation betic effect that could contribute to the production of
F4 showed a higher total phenolic content (83.83 mg short-chain fatty acids, which are considered beneficial
of GAE mL1) than F1, F2 and F3 formulations with for digestive system. Future research should be focused
41.63, 51.27 and 72.28 mg of GAE mL1, respectively. on how to improve the hypoglycaemic function in for-
Results of phenol content in the samples were lower mulated beverages by ensuring the enzymatic activity
than those reported by Medina et al. (2016) who eval- using nanoencapsulation of bioactive compounds from
uated an infusion of Mangifera indica L. leaves and the mango leaf. Nanoencapsulation can be prepared
found a content of 381 mg of GAE mL1. However, using carbohydrates such as succinated starch, mal-
phenol contents found in this study can help increase todextrin and other compounds as wall materials. This
the intake of phenols by approximately 30% by method can increase the solubility and chemical stabil-
increasing the antioxidant capacity in the human diet ity of bioactive compounds during manufacture and
(Medina et al., 2016). Regarding flavonoid content,
the F4 formulation had a higher (P < 0.05) content
Table 8 Antioxidant activity and inhibition of the a-amylase
and a-glucosidase enzymes in beverages containing the Man-
Table 7 Total phenols and total flavonoids of beverages con- gifera indica L. leaf extracts
taining the Mangifera indica L. leaves extracts
Antioxidant activity a-amylase a-glucosidase
Total phenols (mg de Total flavonoids (mg de Formulation (%)† (%)‡ (%)‡
Formulation GAE mL1) QE mL1)
F1 9.56  1.25c 10.7  0.85d 12.90  2.50c
F1 41.63  3.43d 1.77  0.63d F2 8.45  3.13c 30.5  0.70c 26.73  1.60b
F2 51.27  5.97c 7.46  0.41c F3 19.59  2.53b 37.9  1.65b 34.63  1.69a
F3 72.28  3.78b 11.50  0.74b F4 38.63  0.43a 41.9  1.32a 37.53  1.15a
F4 83.83  4.37a 14.79  0.051a
Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences
Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences according to the Tukey (n = 5; P < 0.05). F1: 0% leaf extract (control
according to the Tukey (n = 5; P < 0.05). F1: 0% leaf extract (control beverage); F2: 10% leaf extract; F3: 15% leaf extract and F4: 20% leaf
beverage); F2: 10% leaf extract; F3: 15% leaf extract and F4: 20% leaf extract.

extract. Per cent Removal of DDPH (%).

GAE, Gallic acid equivalents; QE, Quercitin equivalents. Per cent inhibition of enzyme (%).

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2020 © 2020 Institute of Food Science and Technology
Mango leaf functional beverage G. Y. Medina-Saavedra et al. 9

Table 9 Colour analysis in beverages containing the Mangifera indica L. leaf extracts

Formulations L* a* b* C °H

F1 90  0.56a 0.5  0.03b 27  0.43c 80  0.16a 80  0.15c

F2 83  0.56b 0.5  0.25b 43  2.63b 43  2.37b 89  0.32a
F3 84  0.56b 2  0.08a 50  0.26a 50  0.71c 88  0.11b
F4 75  0.56c 1  0.17a 48  1.96a 48  0.18c 89  0.18b

Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences according to the Tukey (n = 5; P < 0.05). F1: 0% leaf extract (control beverage);
F2: 10% leaf extract; F3: 15% leaf extract and F4: 20% leaf extract. L*: represents the relative luminosity and has values between 0 and 100; a*: goes
from green () to red (+); b*: from blue () to yellow (+); C: Chroma; °H: Hue Angle.

storage, and protect them against decomposition by beverage from mango Uba leaves. This could be
light. In addition, nanoencapsulation can help achieve caused by the concentration of sweetener used to make
a controlled release of bioactive compounds and main- the beverage (Keast, 2016). Medina et al. (2016) men-
tain their biological activity for during storage. tioned that sweeteners can influence the consumer lik-
(Rashidinejad & Mahdi, 2017). The antioxidant effect ing for this type of beverages.
of beverages could contribute to preventing or delay-
ing the oxidation of various substances such as fatty
acids, which could cause important physiological alter- Conclusion
ations with the triggering of multiple diseases (Ruız- Mango leaf extracts were found to have hypogly-
Ruız et al., 2015; Shuyuan et al., 2017). caemic and antioxidant activity. The beverage formu-
lated with 20% leaf extract presented the highest total
Colour analysis and sensory evaluation of mango leaf phenols content, antioxidant activity and inhibition of
extract-based beverages enzymes a-amylase and a-glucosidase. In addition, the
microbiological quality indicates that beverages evalu-
Colour results of beverage formulations are shown in ated were safe for human consumption. According to
Table 9. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were the consumer study, the beverages were rated between
observed in all colour variables measured. Regarding ‘Neither like nor dislike’ to ‘Like slightly’. Results
the luminosity (L*), the F2 (10% extract) and F3 showed that the biological properties of beverages
(15% extract) formulations were similar (P > 0.05) could be an alternative for the control of free radicals
between them and presented values between 83 and 84 and glucose levels. However, it is important to per-
of L*. The F1 formulation exhibited a higher value of form in vivo studies to determine their biological activ-
L* with a slightly perceptible red (a*) and with a ten- ity. Improving the flavour the beverage should be
dency to a yellow colour (b*). However, F4 formula- done in the future to improve sensory liking of this
tion showed a low luminosity (P < 0.05) with an functional beverage.
almost imperceptible red tone but with a higher ten-
dency towards yellow. Therefore, the values of chroma
(C) and hue angle (°H) indicated that the formulations Acknowledgments
tended to the yellow region of the colour space. The
yellow colour of the different formulations of this The research and development of the thesis of the first
study could be due to the concentration of polyphe- author was financed with the resources of the Convo-
nols, which are a group of yellow pigments produced catoria de Apoyo a la Investigaci on Cientıfica y Tec-
by oxidation reactions. nol
ogica 2019 with the code 6770.19-P (entitled:
Results from the consumer study indicated that for- Activiades biologicas in vitro de diversas plantas
mulations based on leaf extracts were located in the medicinales que ayudan a enfermedades incluidas den-
region ‘Neither like nor dislike’ to ‘Like slightly’ of the tro del sındrome metab olico) of the Tecnol ogico
hedonic scale. F2 (10% mango leave extract Tommy Nacional de Mexico. The Centro de Investigaci on en
Atkins) and F3 (15% mango leave extract Tommy Nutrici
on y Alimentaci on de la Universidad de la
Atkins) formulations were scored with 5.8 and 6.2, Sierra Sur is thanked for the facilities granted for the
respectively. The F4 formulation (20% Tommy Atkins completion of the first author’s research stay. Also,
mango leave extract) obtained a value of 4.9 on the thanks to Dr. Enrique Noe Becerra Leor of Instituto
hedonic scale while the control sample (0% Tommy Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrıcolas y
Atkins mango leave extract) had a score of 7.3. Pecuarias (INIFAP) Campo Experimental Cotaxtla,
Results from this study were similar (5.7) to those Veracruz for the facilities granted for the collection of
reported by Medina et al. (2016) whom evaluated mango leaves.

© 2020 Institute of Food Science and Technology International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2020
10 Mango leaf functional beverage G. Y. Medina-Saavedra et al.

18th edn. Washington, DC: Association of Official Analytical Che-

Conflicts of interest mists.
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© 2020 Institute of Food Science and Technology International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2020

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