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B.S. 4 Years Program I Second Semester

Paper: Electricity & Magnetism (IT)
Short Questions. (10x2=20)

1. What is meant by an electric field of continuous charge distribution?

2. States shell theorems for electric field?
3. What do you mean by an electric dipole? Show that it is a vector quantity.
4. What is the effect of dielectric on the capacitance of capacitor?
5. Explain briefly the difference between Gauss’s law and ampere law?
6. State Lenz’s law and gauss’s law for magnetism?
7. Why Maxwell’s modification of Ampere’s law needed to understand the propagation of
electromagnetic waves?
8. Is there any way to setup a magnetic other than by causing charge to move?
9. What do you mean by the term “Motional EMF”?
10. Why an electron volt is often a more convenient unit of energy than joule?
11. Why can an isolated atom not have a permanent electric dipole moment.
12. Define current density and microscopic form of ohm’s law.
13. Can a charged particle at rest be set in motion by the action of magnetic field?
14. Define motional EMF and Lorentz force?
15. Briefly explain the difference between diamagnetic and ferromagnetic materials.
16. Why silicon is preferred over Germanium for fabrication of semiconductor devices?
17. State Faraday’s law and give reason for its negative sign?
18. Define the term poynting vector and write down its mathematical formula and unit?
19. Differentiate between semiconductor and superconductor?
20. Define current density and Lorentz force?
21. In faraday’s law of induction does the induced EMF depend on the resistance of the
22. Why anti parallel charge repels each other?
23. Write integral form of faraday law.
24. Why ferromagnetic materials become paramagnetic at curie temperature?
25. A charge is lying stationary at a certain point. Can it be set into motion if a magnetic
field is applied on it, if not why?
26. State and explain Carle's law.
27. A gas is compressed at constant pressure at 0.3atm from volume of 8L to 3L. In this
process 400J heat energy flows out of gas. Find the work done by the gas and the
change in internal energy.
28. Discuss the efficiency of Carnot cycle.
29. Show that for adiabatic process PVϒ = constant.
30. Find the relation between drift velocity and current density?
31. Explain Gauss's law briefly.
32. Differentiate between conductors and insulators.
33. What are the types of electricity? Give the units of electric current.
34. State Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. Explain briefly.
35. What is Magnetic field? Describe right hand rule to find direction of electromagnetic
field with the help of diagrams.
B.S. 4 Years Program I Second Semester
Paper: Electricity & Magnetism (IT)
Write detailed answer of the following questions.

 Write down the mathematical form of Maxwell’s equations?

 Show that the capacitance with dielectric is given by C’ = Ke C
 An electrical dipole of dipole moment P is placed in a uniform electric field E. Write an
expression for its potential energy. For what orientation its potential energy will be maximum?
 A spherical body of radius R has a surface charge density Ϭ. What will be the total charge
enclosed by the sphere?
 The value of E at a given point is zero. What will be the value of V at that point?
 An electric dipole consists of charges +2c and -2e separated be 0.78 nm. It is in electric field
strength. Calculate the magnitude of Torque on the dipole, when the dipole moment is (i)
parallel to (ii) antiparallel to the electric field.
 What will be the capacitance of parallel plates capacitor change if the free space between them
its plates is replaced by a dielectric medium?
 A potential difference V is applied across a conducting wire of length L and diameter d, what
will be effect on the drift velocity of electrons if the length of wire is doubled?
 Explain the experiment performed to find the expression of Coulomb's law. Also write its vector
form and show that it obeys Newton' s third law of motion.
 Find the magnetic force on a current carrying wire. Explain the phenomena with the help of
 A 200 turns solenoid having a length of 2Scm carries a current of 0.30A. Find magnetic field B
inside the solenoid.

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