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Faculty of Engineering & Technology

B.E. (Electrical Engg.) (Electronics & Power)
Semester-V (CGS) Examination
Paper-5 EP 04/5 EL 04/5 EE 04
Sections—A &
Time—Three Hours] [Maximum Marks-80
(1) All questions carry marks as indicated.
(2) Answer THREE questions from Section A and
THREE questions from Section B.
(3) Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate
(4) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
(5) Diagrams and Mathematical equations should be
given wherever necessary.
(6) Illustrate your answers wherever necessary with
the help of neat sketches.
(7) Use of Slide rule, Logarithmic tables, Non-
programmable calculator, Drawing instruments,
is permitted.
(8) Use pen of Blue/Black ink/refill only for writing
the answer book.

UWO-46908(Re) 1 (Contd.)
i (n) = cos 27c n ; and X 2 sin
(n)=sin n
12. (a) For X
1. (a) What are the different properties of the continuous-
6 0 5_ n 5_ N-1. Determine N-point circular
time system ? Explain in detail.
convolution X i (n) 0 X2 (n). 7
(b) Determine the power and energy of the following
(b) Explain in detail decimation in Time FFT,
signals :
algorithm to determine DFT of the sequence. Draw
(i) X(t) = A u(t) and
the butterfly diagram for 8-point DFT using DIT
(ii) X(t) = e-4 t u(t). 7
FFT algorithm. 7
2. (a) Determine the periodicity of the signals, also their
fundamental period, if signal is periodic :
(i) X(t) = tan(8t + 0);
(ii) X(t) = eon - 2)t and
(iii) X(t) = even part of cos 4 nt. 6
(b) Determine the convolution of the following
two continuous time signals using graphical
method :
X(t) = u(t) and h(t) = e -t for t 0. 7

3. (a) Explain the following properties of the Fourier

transform :
(i) Time shifting
(ii) Frequency shifting
(iii) Convolution. 6

UWO-46908(Re) 7 500
2 (Contd.)
10. (a) Determine the unit step response of discrete time (b) Determine the Fourier transform of the signal
shown in Fig. Q. 3(b). 7
LTI system described by the difference equation

for n 0 :

y(n) + 3y(n — 1) = X(n), where initial condition

is y(-1) = 1. 8

(b) Explain the relation between z-transform and

Fourier transform. 5

11. (a) Explain the symmetry property of DFT for :

Fig. Q. 3(b)
(i) Real-value sequences,
(ii) Real and even sequences, 4. (a) Find the impulse response of an integrator in
(iii) Real and odd sequences, and frequency domain. 7

(iv) Purely imaginary sequences. 7

h(t) --> Y(t) = X(T) di
(b) What is FFT algorithm ? Explain the following Integrator

related to implementation of FFT algorithm : (b) Obtain the Fourier transform of the following :

Shuffling of the data and bit reversal (i) X(t) = e -a t - to t


(ii) Memory requirement, and d2

(ii) X(t)= X(t — 2), and
(iii) No. of computations required. 7
(iii) X(t) = cos wot • u(t). 6

UWO-46908(Re) 6 (Contd.) UW0-46908(Re) 3 (Contd.)

5. (a) The impulse response of the discrete time LTI
system is given as :
Draw and explain the general block diagram of
(i) h(n) = (0.99)" u(n + 3), and
the system for digital processing of continuous
time signal. 7
(ii) h(n) = n -(-1 ) nu(n)
2 Explain the sampling theorem with example. Give
the applications also. 6
Determine stability and causality of the system.
8 What are the effects of aliasing ? Also explain
(b) Two linear time invariant discrete time systems the methods to avoid aliasing. 6
having impulse responses h 1 (n) and h2(n) are Find the Nyquist rate and interval for the signals :

connected in combination as given below. Find sin 100 nt

(i) X(t) = and
their response y(n) (i) in Parallel, (ii) in Cascade.
(ii) X(t) = (sin 200 nt) 2 .
Draw the signals X(t) and sampled signal, if
OR sampled at frequency 200 Hz. 7
6. (a) A system has unit impulse response 9. (a) Find z-transform and sketch R.O.C. for the
1 )n +1 sequence :
h(n) =(31 u(n +1) . Find the response for (i) X(n) = -a. u(—n — 1);
(ii) X(n) = e - anT u(n), if a is imaginary and
unit step input by graphical method. 8
(iii) X(n) = ; b > 0. 7
(b) If the sequence X(n) convolves with 8(n — n.), then (b) Solve the following difference equation using
X(n) * 8(n — n.) = X(n — n.). Explain. 6 z-transform method :
2X(n — 2) — 3X(n — 1) + X(n) = 3" -2 . 6
UW0-46908(Re) 4 (Contd.) UW0-46908(Re) 5 (Contd.)

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