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Problem Solving

Q1. There is a drought in Egypt. Describe the problems that will arise and also brainstorm solutions to those

Problem- Drought in Egypt leads to water scarcity for drinking, farming,cooking and other needs.


1. Water conservation: Encourage less water usage by fixing leaks and taking shorter showers.
2. Desalination: Build plants to turn salty seawater into freshwater.
3. Rainwater harvesting: Collect rainwater for dry periods.
4. Efficient irrigation: Use drip systems to water plants directly, reducing waste.
5. Crop diversification: Support farmers in growing drought-resistant crops that need less water.
6. Public awareness: Educate people to save water in daily life.

Analysis and Reasoning

Q2. The Narmer Palette, also known as the Narmer Plate, is indeed a significant archaeological artifact housed
in the museum in Cairo. Analyze this statement and write why it is important.

The Narmer Palette is a crucial archaeological artifact kept in Cairo's museum. It holds significance because it
provides insight into ancient Egyptian history and culture. The Narmer Palette shows King Narmer, who
united Upper and Lower Egypt first. This started Egypt's dynastic period and one of the earliest civilizations.
Studying it helps us learn about Egypt's society, politics, and how hieroglyphic writing began.

As I arrived in the bustling streets of ancient Thebes, I saw a scribe carving on a stone. I
asked what he was doing. He smiled and told me he was carving a story about a brave prince
who fought a scary serpent to protect his kingdom. The prince was really brave and had a
strong sword. He fought the serpent in a big fight. Each time he hit, he showed how brave he
was. Finally, he beat the serpent and saved everyone. Everyone in Egypt loved the prince's
bravery. The scribe made the story come alive with his carving, and I listened happily to the
exciting tale.

Benefits of the River Nile:

1. Provides water for farming, essential for crops like wheat and barley.
2. Supported transportation, aiding movement of goods and people.
3. Allowed for fishing, supplying food and income.
Threats of the River Nile:

1. Floods can damage crops and homes during the yearly floods.
2. Droughts lead to water shortages for drinking and farming.
3. Mosquitoes near the river spread malaria, making people sick.

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