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Forced Convection Heat Transfer

Jian Yang
Enhancement by Porous Pin Fins
Min Zeng in Rectangular Channels
Qiuwang Wang1 The forced convective heat transfer in three-dimensional porous pin fin channels is nu-
e-mail: merically studied in this paper. The Forchheimer–Brinkman extended Darcy model and
two-equation energy model are adopted to describe the flow and heat transfer in porous
State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in media. Air and water are employed as the cold fluids and the effects of Reynolds number
Power Engineering, (Re), pore density (PPI) and pin fin form are studied in detail. The results show that, with
School of Energy and Power Engineering, proper selection of physical parameters, significant heat transfer enhancements and pres-
Xi’an Jiaotong University, sure drop reductions can be achieved simultaneously with porous pin fins and the overall
Xi’an, Shaanxi 710049, China heat transfer performances in porous pin fin channels are much better than those in
traditional solid pin fin channels. The effects of pore density are significant. As PPI
increases, the pressure drops and heat fluxes in porous pin fin channels increase while the
Akira Nakayama overall heat transfer efficiencies decrease and the maximal overall heat transfer efficien-
Department of Mechanical Engineering, cies are obtained at PPI ⫽ 20 for both air and water cases. Furthermore, the effects of
Shizuoka University, pin fin form are also remarkable. With the same physical parameters, the overall heat
3-5-1 Johoku, transfer efficiencies in the long elliptic porous pin fin channels are the highest while they
Hamamatsu 432-8561, Japan are the lowest in the short elliptic porous pin fin channels. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.4000708兴

Keywords: porous pin fin channel, forced convection, heat transfer enhancement, CFD

1 Introduction much lower. Hadim and Bethancourt 关6兴 later studied the similar
problem in a partially filled porous channel. They found that when
Pin fins have a variety of applications in industry due to their
the heat source width was decreased, there was a moderate in-
excellent heat transfer performance, e.g., in cooling of electronic
crease in heat transfer enhancement and a significant decrease in
components, in cooling of gas turbine blades, and recently, in hot
pressure drop. Huang and Vafai 关7兴 presented a detailed investi-
water boilers of central heating systems, etc. 关1兴. In the two early
studies by Sahiti et al. 关2,3兴, it was demonstrated that pin fin gation of forced convection in a channel filled with multiple em-
arrays offer the most effective way of enhancing the heat transfer placed porous blocks. With comparison of the local Nusselt num-
rate within a particular heat exchanger volume. However, the ber distributions between the channel with and without porous
pressure drops in such heat exchangers are usually much higher blocks, they found that significant heat transfer augmentation can
than those in others 关1兴; this defect greatly lowers the overall heat be achieved through the emplacement of porous blocks. Huang et
transfer performances of pin fin heat exchangers and as a result, al. 关8兴 later presented a similar investigation in cooling of multiple
their applications are restricted. In order to reduce the pressure heated blocks covered with porous media. The results showed that
drops and improve the overall heat transfer performances for pin significant cooling augmentation of the blocks can be achieved
fin heat exchangers, porous metal pin fin arrays may be used through the cover of finite-sized porous substance. Other similar
instead of traditional solid metal pin fin arrays. studies of forced convection in a channel filled with porous blocks
As porous media can significantly intensify the mixing of fluid can also be found in Refs. 关9,10兴. Besides porous block, porous
flow and increase the contact surface area with fluid inside, it has baffles are also popular for heat transfer enhancement applica-
been regarded as an effective way to enhance heat transfer by tions. Ko and Anand 关11兴 experimentally studied the heat transfer
using porous media 关4兴. The flow and heat transfer in porous pin enhancement in a rectangular channel by using a porous baffle
fin heat exchangers for present study can be modeled as forced made up of aluminum foam. The experiments showed that the use
convective heat transfer in partially filled porous channels. The of porous baffles resulted in heat transfer enhancement as high as
researches on forced convection with partially filled porous con- 300% compared with heat transfer in straight channel with no
figurations have been investigated extensively in the last years. baffles and the heat transfer enhancement ratio was found to be
Hadim 关5兴 studied the laminar forced convection in a fully or higher for taller and thicker porous baffles. Furthermore, Yang and
partially filled porous channel containing discrete heat sources on Huang 关12兴 presented a numerical prediction on the turbulent fluid
the bottom wall. The Brinkman–Forchheimer extended Darcy flow and heat transfer characteristics for rectangular channel with
model were used for the computations. He found that when the porous baffles. They found that, both the solid and porous baffles
width of the heat source and the space between the porous layers walls enhanced the heat transfer relative to the smooth channel
were of same magnitudes as the channel height, the heat transfer while the porous baffle channel has a lower friction factor due to
enhancement in the partially filled channel was almost the same as less channel blockage.
that in the fully filled porous channel while the pressure drop was According to above studies, it can be concluded that with
proper selection of governing parameters, significant heat transfer
augmentation and pressure drop reduction can be achieved simul-
Corresponding author. taneously in partially filled porous channels. Therefore, we could
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division of ASME for publication in the JOUR- believe that the overall heat transfer performance of porous pin fin
NAL OF HEAT TRANSFER. Manuscript received January 8, 2009; final manuscript re-
ceived November 7, 2009; published online March 5, 2010. Assoc. Editor: S. A. heat exchangers with proper configurations would be better than
Sherif. that of traditional solid pin fin heat exchangers. On account of this

Journal of Heat Transfer Copyright © 2010 by ASME MAY 2010, Vol. 132 / 051702-1

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Fig. 2 Different forms of porous pin fin cross-section: „a… cir-
cular form, „b… cubic form, „c… long elliptic form, and „d… short
elliptic form

Fig. 1 Physical model: „a… porous pin fin heat sink and „b…
representative computational domain fied porous pin fin channel with appropriate boundary conditions
is adopted for the computations, which can be regarded as forced
convection heat transfer in a partially filled porous channel
共Hadim 关5兴, Huang and Vafai 关7兴, and Yang et al. 关13兴兲. The com-
reason, in our previous study as reported by Yang et al. 关13兴, we putational domain is depicted in Fig. 1共b兲, which is composed of a
performed a comprehensive numerical study on forced convection developing inlet block 共L1 = 10 mm兲, two pin fin array unit cells
heat transfer in three-dimensional 共3D兲 porous pin fin channels 共L2 = 2 ⫻ 6.52 mm兲, and a developing outlet block 共L3 = 70 mm兲.
with air as the cold fluid. We found that with the proper selection The dimensions of the computational domain are L共93.04 mm兲
of governing parameters, the pressure drops in porous pin fin ⫻ W共3.26 mm兲 ⫻ H共10 mm兲 for air and L共93.04 mm兲 ⫻ W共3.26
channels were much lower than those in solid pin fin channels mm兲 ⫻ H共2 mm兲 for water, where the channel height 共H兲 for wa-
while the heat fluxes and the overall heat transfer efficiencies were ter is much lower due to its higher heat transfer capacity. The total
much higher. The overall heat transfer efficiencies in long elliptic area of pin fin cross-sections over the base wall area in single pin
porous pin fin channels were the best and the maximal values fin array unit cell is 15%, which is reasonable for industry appli-
were obtained at K = 2 ⫻ 10−7 m2. These findings could be useful cations. The temperature and velocity of inlet are kept at Tin and
for understanding and optimizing the flow and heat transfer per- uin, respectively. The bottom wall of pin fin array unit cells is the
formances in porous pin fin heat exchangers. However, it was
hot wall and the temperature is kept at Th. Two other bottom walls
noted that, in our previous study 关13兴, the permeability 共K兲 and and all top walls are kept adiabatic. The symmetry boundary con-
inertial coefficient 共cF兲 in the momentum equation were modeled ditions are adopted for two side walls and the flow and heat trans-
with Ergun equation 关14兴 and the volumetric heat transfer coeffi- fer of outlet are considered to be fully developed. Furthermore,
cient 共hv兲 in the energy equation was calculated with Wakao equa- four different kinds of porous pin fins with circular, cubic, long
tion 关15兴. This would be reasonable for the flow and heat transfer elliptic, and short elliptic cross-section forms are employed to
in the packed beds of particles while for the porous media with investigate the pin fin configuration effects and the cross-section
high porosity 共␾ = 0.9兲, such as metal foams, the applicability of areas of different pin fins are identical with each other 共Apin
the Ergun equation and Wakao equation would be questionable. = 3.14 mm2兲. The physical dimensions and cross-section forms of
Furthermore, in the work of Yang et al. 关13兴, only air was inves- different porous pin fins are presented in Fig. 2.
tigated and the performances for other fluids are still unknown,
which would also be important for applications. With these moti- 2.2 Governing Equations and Computational Method. The
vations in the present study, we further study the forced convec- flow in the computational domain is considered to be three-
tion heat transfer in three-dimensional porous pin fin channels and dimensional, laminar, incompressible, and steady for both clear
the performances for both air and water are carefully compared. fluid and porous regions. For clear fluid region, the flow and heat
According to the authors’ knowledge, almost no such attentions transfer are modeled with Navier–Stokes and energy equations.
have been paid on this subject before. The Forchheimer– For porous region, the metal foams are assumed to be homoge-
Brinkman extended Darcy model and two-equation energy model neous, isotropic, high porosity 共␾ = 0.9兲, and high thermal conduc-
with more reasonable model parameters 共K, cF, and hv兲 for porous tivity 共aluminum: ks = 238 W m−1 K−1兲. The Forchheimer–
media are employed and the effects of Reynolds number, pore Brinkman extended Darcy model 关16兴 is adopted to simulate the
density, and pin fin form are studied in detail. flow in porous media, where the inertia and viscosity effects are
considered. Furthermore, the porous matrix is assumed to be in
local thermal nonequilibrium with fluid phase inside due to their
2 Physical Model and Computational Method large thermal conductivity difference. Therefore, the two-equation
2.1 Physical Model and Dimensions. As shown in Fig. 1共a兲, energy model 关16兴 is employed to account for the heat transfer
the physical model is derived from traditional pin fin heat sink, between porous matrix and fluid inside. The conservation equa-
which generally consists of a bottom wall, two side walls, a top tions for mass, momentum, and energy are as follows.
wall, and a pin fin array. The bottom wall is hot and its tempera-
ture is kept at Th. The side and the top walls are kept adiabatic. Continuity
The pin fin array is made of high porosity metal foams 共alumi-
num兲 and arranged in stagger; air and water are used as the cold
fluids. In order to obtain a basic understanding of flow and heat
transfer performances in porous pin fin heat exchangers, a simpli- ⵜ·V=0 共1兲

051702-2 / Vol. 132, MAY 2010 Transactions of the ASME

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冦 冧
Clear fluid region: V · ⵜV = − ⵜ p + v f ⵜ 2V
1 1 vf vf cF
Porous region: 2 共V · ⵜ兲V = − ⵜ p + ⵜ2V − V −
␾ ␳f ␾ K 冑K 兩V兩V

冦 冎冧
Clear fluid region: 共␳c p兲 f 共V · ⵜT f 兲 = ⵜ · 共k f ⵜ T f 兲

Porous region: 再 fluid phase: 共␳c p兲 f 共V · ⵜT f 兲 = ␾ ⵜ · 共k f ⵜ T f 兲 + h共Ts − T兲 f

porous matrix: 0 = 共1-␾兲 ⵜ · 共ks ⵜ Ts兲 + hv共T f -Ts兲

where V is the velocity vector. T f and Ts are the temperatures of porous matrix and G is a shape function that takes into account
the fluid and porous matrix, respectively. ␾ is the porosity. The the variation in fiber cross-section with porosity. The definitions
permeability 共K兲, Forchheimer coefficient 共cF兲, and volumetric of d p, d f , ␹, and G are as follows:
heat transfer coefficient 共hv兲 are calculated with following corre-
lations developed from high porosity metal foams by Bhatta-
charya et al. 关17兴 and Calmidi and Mahajan 关18兴.
d p = 0.0254/PPI; d f = 1.18 冑 共1 − ␾兲 d p

冦 冧
␾ 3␲ G
K = 0.00926 · · d2
␹−1 p

cF = 0.0095 · G−0.8 冑␾
3共␹ − 1兲
1.18 冉 冑共1 − ␾兲 1
3␲ G
冊 −1
␹= 冋 冉 冉 冑

1 − 1.18
共1 − ␾兲 1
冊 冊册
2 −1
4␾ 3␲ G
3␲d f G k f 共0.52Pr0.37共兩V兩d f /␯ f 兲0.5兲
hv = ·
共0.59d p兲2 df
where Pr is the Prandtl number with the definition of Pr
= ␯ f / 共k / ␳ · c p兲 f . ␯ f is the kinetic viscosity of fluid and k f is the G = 1 − exp共− 共1 − ␾兲/0.04兲 共5兲
thermal conductivity of fluid. d p and d f are the pore size and fiber
diameter of the metal foams, respectively. ␹ is the tortuosity of the where PPI is the pore density of the metal foams.

Boundary conditions

冦 冧
x=0 u = uin, v = w = 0
T f = Tin,
⳵Tf ⳵u ⳵v ⳵w
x=L = 0, = = =0
⳵x ⳵x ⳵x ⳵x
y=0 = 0共0 ⬍ x ⬍ L1,L2 ⬍ x ⬍ L兲, T f = Th共L1 ⱕ x ⱕ L2兲
Ts = Th 共porous region兲, u = v = w = 0
⳵Tf ⳵ Ts
y=H = 0, = 0 共porous region兲, u = v = w = 0
⳵y ⳵y
⳵Tf ⳵ Ts ⳵u ⳵v
z = 0,W = 0, = 0 共porous region兲, = = 0,w = 0
⳵z ⳵z ⳵z ⳵z

The thermal physical quantities of interest in present investigation 共Nuhav,p/Nuhav,s兲

are the heat flux of the hot wall 共q兲, the pressure drop 共⌬p兲, the ␥⬘ = 共6兲
共f p/f s兲1/3
overall heat transfer efficiency 共␥兲, and the heat transfer perfor-
mance ratio 共␥⬘兲, which are defined as follows:
where Ain is the area of inlet. Ah is the base area of hot wall and
Tout is the average temperature of outlet. Nuhav is the average
共␳c p兲 f · uin · Ain · 共Tout − Tin兲 q Nusselt number of the hot wall. f is the friction factor. The sub-
q= ; ⌬p = pin − pout ; ␥= ;
Ah ⌬p scripts “p” and “s” represent values obtained in porous and solid

Journal of Heat Transfer MAY 2010, Vol. 132 / 051702-3

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Table 1 Hot wall heat flux, pressure drop, and overall heat Table 2 Computational grids for different pin fin models
transfer efficiency in circular porous pin fin channel with differ-
ent grids „␾ = 0.9, PPI= 30, Tin = 293 K, Th = 343 K, Pr= 0.7, Re Pin fin models Circular Cubic Long elliptic Short elliptic
= 2291…
Total elements 共air兲 297,864 320,040 298,410 316,512
Total elements 94,809 297,864 766,080 Total elements 共water兲 147,920 173,580 179,200 179,120

q / kW m−2 25.17 25.05 25.02

⌬p / Pa 5.59 5.86 5.93
␥ / kW m−2 Pa−1 4.50 4.27 4.22 Furthermore, the reliability and accuracy of present computa-
tional models and method are validated. According to the authors’
knowledge, most studies of forced convection heat transfer in par-
tially filled porous channels were based on two-dimensional 共2D兲
pin fin channels, respectively. The Nusselt number 共Nuhav兲 and model and almost no three-dimensional researches have been re-
friction factor 共f兲 are defined as follows: ported on this subject before. Therefore, a two-dimensional simi-
lar problem as reported by Hadim 关5兴 共see Fig. 3共a兲兲 is finally
q·D 共⌬p/L兲 · D selected for the validations. In the present study, the 2D partially
Nuhav = ; f= 共7兲
共Th − 共Tin + Tout兲/2兲 · k f 1/2 · 共␳ f uin
兲 filled porous channel 关5兴 is extended along z coordinate with
width of W = 10H and a reasonable 3D physical model is finally
where D = 2H is the hydraulic diameter of inlet.
obtained for the computation 共see Fig. 3共b兲兲. The 3D partially
The Reynolds number 共Re兲 is defined as follows:
filled porous channel with dimensions of L ⫻ H ⫻ W is equipped
uin · D with four porous blocks and each block is heated at bottom with
Re = 共8兲 constant heat flux. The inlet temperature and velocity are kept
constant and all other walls are kept adiabatic. The computational
The Darcy Number 共Da兲 and average Nusselt number 共Nuav兲 in model and method used for this problem are similar to those pre-
the middle section 共z = 0.5W兲 of each heater for model validations sented in Sec. 2 and the predicted average Nusselt numbers 共Nuav兲
共see Figs. 4 and 5兲 are defined as follows: in the middle sections 共y = 0 , z = 0.5W兲 of different heaters are

Da =
; Nuav = 冏 q⬘ · H
共Thav − Tin兲 · k f
冏 y=0, z=0.5W
compared with those as reported in Ref. 关5兴 共see Fig. 4兲. The
average deviation of Nuav is 3.5%. This indicates that the compu-
tational models and method presented in the present study are
where K is the permeability of porous blocks, H is the channel reliable and capable of modeling flow and heat transfer phenom-
height, q⬘ is the constant heat flux of each heater, kf is the thermal ena in 3D partially filled porous channels.
conductivity of fluid, Tin is the temperature of inlet, and Thav is the
average temperature in the middle section 共y = 0 , z = 0.5W兲 of 4 Results and Discussion
each heater.
The governing equations 共Eqs. 共1兲–共3兲兲 for the computational 4.1 Performance Comparison for Solid and Porous Pin
domain are solved with commercial code CFX10. The convective Fin Models. First, the flow and heat transfer performances in
term in momentum equations is discretized with high resolution solid and porous pin fin channels are compared. The circular pin
scheme. The continuity and momentum equations are solved to- fin form 共see Fig. 2共a兲兲 is selected for present study. Air 共Pr
gether with coupled solver based on finite control volume method = 0.7兲 and water 共Pr= 3.9兲 are used as cold fluids and the Reynolds
and the discrete equations are solved with multigrid accelerated number 共Re兲 varies from 1000 to 2291 with ␾ = 0.9, PPI= 30,
incomplete lower upper factorization technique 共CFX 10 关19兴兲. Tin = 293 K, and Th = 343 K.
The user-define expressions for the additional energy equation of The temperature distributions in solid and porous pin fin chan-
porous matrix 共Ts兲 and source terms of interphase heat transfer in nels are shown in Fig. 5. It shows that the internal temperatures of
both energy equations of fluid and porous matrix 共T f and Ts, Eq.
共3兲兲 are developed and compiled with CFX expression language.
Furthermore, the conservative interface flux conditions for mass,
momentum, and heat transfer are adopted at the interfaces be-
tween clear fluid and porous regions. For convergence criteria, the
relative variations in temperature and velocity between two suc-
cessive iterations are demanded to be smaller than the previously
specified accuracy levels of 1.0⫻ 10−6.

3 Grid Independence Test and Model Validation

Before proceeding further, the grids used for present study are
checked at first. As shown in Fig. 2共a兲, the circular porous pin fin
model is selected for the test and the computational parameters are
kept constant with ␾ = 0.9, PPI= 30, Tin = 293 K, Th = 343 K, Pr
= 0.7, and Re= 2291 共Air: uin = 2 m s−1兲. In present test, a multi-
block, O-type, structural grid with hexahedral elements is used
and the grid is intensified on solid walls and pin fin regions. The
total numbers of grid elements vary from 94,809 to 766,080 and
the computational results are presented in Table 1. It shows that,
the grid with total element number of 297,864 is good enough for
the test case with the maximal lengths of the grid elements of
being 0.47 mm for central flow region and 0.1 mm for near wall
flow region. Therefore, similar grids are finally employed for the Fig. 3 Physical models for model validation: „a… 2D physical
following studies and the total numbers of grid elements for dif- model reported in Ref. †5‡ and „b… 3D physical model used for
ferent pin fin models are listed in Table 2. present computation „based on „a……

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Fig. 6 Velocity vector distributions in solid and porous pin fin
Fig. 4 Comparison of average Nusselt number of each heater channels „␾ = 0.9, PPI= 30, Re= 1000…: „a… solid pin fin channel
with Ref. †5‡ „air: y = 5 mm…, „b… porous pin fin channel „air: y = 5 mm…, „c…
solid pin fin channel „water: y = 0.5 mm…, and „d… porous pin fin
channel „water: y = 0.5 mm…
solid pin fins are quite uniform and the average temperatures are
high, which are 342.0 K for air case and 340.4 K for water case,
respectively, while the internal temperatures of porous pin fins are than those in solid pin fin channels 共36.9% lower for air and 9.5%
not so uniform and the average temperatures are much lower, lower for water at Re= 2291, see Fig. 7共a兲兲 while the heat fluxes in
which are 330.1 K for air case and 308.2 K for water case, re- porous pin fin channels are much higher than those in solid pin fin
spectively. However, the fluid temperatures in porous pin fin chan- channels 共38.6% higher for air and 45.7% higher for water at
nels are higher than those in solid pin fin channels. The average Re= 2291, see Fig. 7共a兲兲. Therefore, the overall heat transfer effi-
fluid temperatures in porous pin fin channels are 311.0 K for air ciencies in porous pin fin channels are much higher 共119.5%
and 297.7 K for water while they are 308.2 K and 296.4 K in solid higher for air and 37.9% higher for water at Re= 2291, see Fig.
pin fin channels. These results indicate that more heats can be 7共b兲兲. It is also obvious that as Re increases from 1000 to 2291, all
transported away by using porous pin fins and their heat transfer
performances would be better. This is because the porous pin fins
can greatly enlarge the contact surface areas and mix the fluid
flow inside, which may lead to significant heat transfer enhance-
ments. The velocity vector distributions in solid and porous pin fin
channels are presented in Fig. 6. It shows that with the same
Reynolds number, the fluid velocities in solid pin fin channels are
much higher than those in porous pin fin channels for both air and
water cases. Large vortices are formed behind solid pin fins while
no such vortices are found in porous pin fin channels. In solid pin
fin channels, the solid pin fins are totally impermeable and this
would narrow the flow passages and enhance the flow tortuosities
inside. While in porous pin fin channels, the porous pin fins are
permeable and the fluid can flow through them directly. This
would widen the flow passages and lower the flow tortuosities
inside. Therefore, the flow resistances and pressure drops in po-
rous pin fin channels would be lower.
The variations in pressure drop 共⌬p兲, hot wall heat flux 共q兲,
overall heat transfer efficiency 共␥兲, and heat transfer performance
ratio 共␥⬘兲 with Reynolds number are presented in Fig. 7. It shows
that the pressure drops in porous pin fin channels are much lower

Fig. 5 Temperature distributions in solid and circular porous Fig. 7 Variations in pressure drop, hot wall heat flux, overall
pin fin channels „␾ = 0.9, PPI= 30, Re= 1000…: „a… solid pin fin heat transfer efficiency, and heat transfer performance ratio
channel with air, „b… porous pin fin channel with air, „c… solid pin with Re in solid and porous pin fin channels „␾ = 0.9, PPI= 30…:
fin channel with water, and „d… porous pin fin channel with „a… pressure drop and hot wall heat flux and „b… overall heat
water transfer efficiency and heat transfer performance ratio

Journal of Heat Transfer MAY 2010, Vol. 132 / 051702-5

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Table 3 Characteristics of metal foams

Sample ␾ PPI dp / m df / m K / m2 cf ks / W m−1 K−1

1 0.9 20 1.3⫻ 10−3 1.7⫻ 10−4 7.91⫻ 10−8 0.102 238

2 0.9 25 1.0⫻ 10−3 1.3⫻ 10−4 5.06⫻ 10−8 0.102 238
3 0.9 30 8.5⫻ 10−4 1.1⫻ 10−4 3.51⫻ 10−8 0.102 238
4 0.9 35 7.3⫻ 10−4 9.6⫻ 10−5 2.58⫻ 10−8 0.102 238
5 0.9 40 6.4⫻ 10−4 8.4⫻ 10−5 1.98⫻ 10−8 0.102 238

the values of heat transfer performance ratios 共␥⬘兲 are larger than channels are lower than those in solid pin fin channels 共50.5%
unit for both air and water cases 共see Fig. 7共b兲兲, which means that lower for air and 20.2% lower for water at PPI= 20兲 while the heat
with the same pumping powers, the heat transfer performances in fluxes in porous pin fin channels are higher 共23.4% higher for air
porous pin fin channels are also much better than those in solid and 30.1% higher for water at PPI= 20兲. Therefore, the overall
pin fin channels. These results are consistent with the former heat transfer efficiencies 共␥兲 in porous pin fin channels are much
analysis of temperature and flow variations, which confirms the higher and their maximal values are obtained at PPI= 20, which
point that with proper selection of physical parameters, the heat are 149.2% and 63.1% higher than those in solid pin fin channels
transfer augmentations and flow resistance reductions can be for air and water cases, respectively. These results indicate that
achieved simultaneously and the overall heat transfer perfor- with proper selection of pore density, the flow and heat transfer
mances will be significantly improved by using porous pin fins. performances in porous pin fin channels will be improved.
Furthermore, it can be found that with different fluids, the flow
and heat transfer performances are different. With the same Rey- 4.3 The Effect of Porous Pin Fin Form. Finally, the effect of
nolds number, the pressure drops and heat fluxes in porous pin fin porous pin fin form is examined. Four different kinds of porous
channels for water are much higher than those for air while the pin fins are compared here, including circular, cubic, long elliptic,
overall heat transfer efficiencies and heat transfer performance and short elliptic cross-section forms 共see Fig. 2兲. Air 共Pr= 0.7兲
ratios are much lower. Due to the intrinsic thermophysical differ- and water 共Pr= 3.9兲 are used as cold fluids and the Reynolds num-
ences between air and water, the viscosity and heat transfer capac- ber 共Re兲 varies from 1000 to 2291 with ␾ = 0.9, PPI= 40, Tin
ity of water are much higher, which would lead to higher pressure = 293 K, and Th = 343 K.
drops and heat fluxes. However, due to the same reasons, when The temperature distributions in different porous pin fin chan-
water is used as cold fluid, most heats will be transported away nels are presented in Figs. 9 and 10. It shows that, the temperature
just through the lower parts of the porous pin fins and the heat distributions in circular and cubic porous pin fin channels are
transfers in the upper parts of the porous pin fins are inactive 共see similar while they are quite different in long elliptic and short
Fig. 5共d兲兲. Therefore, the overall utilization ratios of the porous elliptic porous pin fin channels for both air and water cases. The
fins are low for water, which would lead to lower overall heat average temperatures of air are 311.09 K, 311.30 K, 307.07 K, and
transfer efficiencies and heat transfer performance ratios. 316.18 K in circular, cubic, long elliptic, and short elliptic porous
pin fin channels, respectively, and they are 298.13 K, 298.11 K,
4.2 The Effect of Pore Density. In this section, the effect of 297.75 K, and 298.50 K for water, respectively. It is obvious that,
pore density 共PPI兲 for different metal foams is investigated. The the average temperatures of air and water in short elliptic porous
circular pin fin form 共see Fig. 2共a兲兲 is selected again for present pin fin channels are the highest and they are the lowest in long
computations. Both air 共Pr= 0.7兲 and water 共Pr= 3.9兲 are used as elliptic porous pin fin channels. The flows in short elliptic porous
cold fluids. In the present study, five different kinds of high po- pin fin channels are intensively mixed and most of the fluids in the
rosity metal foams with 20ⱕ PPIⱕ 40 are selected for the compu- channels, including central flow regions, have taken part in heat
tations, which are similar to those as studied by Bhattacharya et transfer actively while in long elliptic porous pin fin channels, the
al. 关17兴 and Calmidi and Mahajan 关18兴. These metal foams would
also be common in industry applications and their characteristics
are presented in Table 3. Furthermore, besides PPI, the other pa-
rameters are kept at constant with ␾ = 0.9, Tin = 293 K, Th
= 343 K, and Re= 2291.
The variations in pressure drop 共⌬p兲, hot wall heat flux 共q兲, and
overall heat transfer efficiency 共␥兲 with pore density 共PPI兲 are
presented in Fig. 8. It shows that, as PPI increases from 20 to 40,
the pressure drops and heat fluxes in porous pin fin channels in-
crease for both air and water cases while the overall heat transfer
efficiencies decrease. This is because, as PPI increases, the per-
meability 共K兲 decreases rapidly and the viscosity effects inside
porous media increase, which would lead to increases in pressure
drops. Meanwhile, as PPI increases, the solid-fluid interfacial sur-
face areas inside porous media also increase quickly and the volu-
metric heat transfer coefficient 共hv兲 between porous matrix and
fluid phase increases, which would lead to increases in heat fluxes.
As PPI increases from 20 to 40, the pressure drops in the porous
pin fin channels increase by 52.9% and 24.2% for air and water,
respectively, and the corresponding heat fluxes increase by 15.6%
and 21.1%. It is obvious that the increase rates of pressure drops
are much higher than those of heat fluxes, especially when air is
used as cold fluid. Therefore, as PPI increases, the overall heat
transfer efficiencies decrease. Furthermore, with different pore Fig. 8 Variations in pressure drop, hot wall heat flux, and over-
densities 共20ⱕ PPIⱕ 40兲, the pressure drops in porous pin fin all heat transfer efficiency with pore density „␾ = 0.9, Re= 2291…

051702-6 / Vol. 132, MAY 2010 Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 9 Temperature distributions in different porous pin fin
channels with air „␾ = 0.9, PPI= 40, Pr= 0.7, Re= 1000…: „a… circu-
lar pin fin channel, „b… cubic pin fin channel, „c… long elliptic pin
fin channel, and „d… short elliptic pin fin channel

Fig. 11 Variations in pressure drop, hot wall heat flux and

overall heat transfer efficiency with Re in different porous pin
fin channels „␾ = 0.9, PPI= 40, Pr= 0.7…

Fig. 10 Temperature distributions in different porous pin fin

channels with water „␾ = 0.9, PPI= 40, Pr= 3.9, Re= 1000… „a… cir-
cular pin fin channel, „b… cubic pin fin channel, „c… long elliptic
pin fin channel, and „d… short elliptic pin fin channel

flows are less mixed, the central flow regions are almost not dis-
turbed. Therefore, the heat transfers in short elliptic porous pin fin
channels would be the highest. However, with the same reasons,
the pressure drops in short elliptic porous pin fin channels would
also be the highest.
The variations in pressure drop 共⌬p兲, hot wall heat flux 共q兲, and
overall heat transfer efficiency 共␥兲 with Reynolds number are pre-
sented in Figs. 11 and 12. It shows that with the same Reynolds
number, the pressure drops and heat fluxes in short elliptic porous
pin fin channels are the highest and they are the lowest in long
elliptic porous pin fin channels. The differences in pressure drops
between each other are 95.9% and 48.7% for air and water cases Fig. 12 Variations in pressure drop, hot wall heat flux and
at Re= 2291, respectively, and the corresponding differences in overall heat transfer efficiency with Re in different porous pin
fin channels „␾ = 0.9, PPI= 40, Pr= 3.9…
heat fluxes are 60.6% and 14.3%. However, the variations in over-
all heat transfer efficiencies 共␥兲 are reverse, which are the highest
in long elliptic porous pin fin channels and lowest in short elliptic
porous pin fin channels and the differences between each other are The flow and heat transfer performances in porous pin fin chan-
21.9% and 30.1% for air and water cases at Re= 2291, respec- nels are also compared with those in traditional solid pin fin chan-
tively. These results indicate that, with proper selection of porous nels in detail. The major findings are as follows.
pin fin forms, the overall heat transfer performances in porous pin
fin channels will be greatly improved and optimized. 共1兲 With proper selection of metal foams, such as PPI= 30, sig-
nificant heat transfer enhancements and pressure drop re-
ductions can be achieved simultaneously by using porous
5 Conclusions pin fins for both air and water cases, and the overall heat
The forced convective heat transfer in three-dimensional porous transfer efficiencies in porous pin fin channels are much
pin fin channels is numerically studied in this paper. Both air and higher than those in solid pin fin channels, which are
water are used as the cold fluids and the effects of Reynolds 119.5% and 37.9% higher for air and water cases at Re
number, pore density, and pin fin form are carefully investigated. = 2291, respectively.

Journal of Heat Transfer MAY 2010, Vol. 132 / 051702-7

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共2兲 The effects of pore density are significant. As pore density ␥⬘ ⫽ heat transfer performance ratio, Eq. 共6兲
increases from 20 to 40, the maximal overall heat transfer ␯ ⫽ kinetic viscosity 共m−2 s−1兲
efficiencies are obtained at PPI= 20 for both air and water ␳ ⫽ density 共kg m−3兲
cases, which are 149.2% and 63.1% higher than those in ␾ ⫽ porosity
solid pin fin channels at Re= 2291, respectively. ␹ ⫽ tortuosity of porous matrix, Eq. 共5兲
共3兲 The effects of pin fin form are also remarkable. With same
physical parameters, the pressure drops and heat fluxes are Subscripts
the highest in short elliptic porous pin fin channels and f ⫽ fluid phase, fiber
lowest in long elliptic porous pin fin channels while the h ⫽ hot wall
overall heat transfer performances are the highest in long hav ⫽ average value of each heater
elliptic porous pin fin channels and lowest in short elliptic in ⫽ inlet
porous pin fin channels. The differences in overall heat out ⫽ outlet
transfer efficiencies between each other are 21.9% for air p ⫽ value obtained in porous pin fin channel
case and 30.1% for water case at PPI= 40 and Re= 2291, pin ⫽ pin fin cross-section
respectively. s ⫽ solid phase, value obtained in solid pin fin
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