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Hey there, it's Omar. Today, I'm speaking up not as the HR leader but as someone who's
been a part of this team for two years. I need to get something off my chest I'm suffocating
here. I've put my heart and soul into this job, from designing attendance and performance
review templates to leading recruitment efforts and developing plans for the entrepreneurs’
team. I've always believed in pushing the boundaries of what HR can do, not just for our
student activities but for our team's future careers.

I've been the one behind the scenes, making things happen, but lately, I'm feeling invisible.
I've given countless hours, poured my energy into everything to help , all with little to no
acknowledgment. And it's not just me feeling this way—I've tried to convince my
colleagues that their work matters too, but even I'm struggling to believe it myself.

I know, I've always been the guy who says recognition isn't everything, but right now, I'm
craving it more than ever. I see others being praised for their efforts, even when they fall
short, while I'm here, putting in my all and barely getting a nod.

Remember when I represented HR at the national competition? I had so many ideas before,
but I felt like no one listened. And when things didn't go as planned, I wasn't surprised. I
should've been thrilled when they told me you were chosen to be in the NC, but I couldn't
show up the excitement and to be honest I told them that I can't go.

But here's the thing—I'm not giving up. I still have so much to prove, not just to others but to
myself. I take my work personally because it means something to me. I believe in what
we're doing here, and I won't stop pushing for recognition and respect.
You know, Mohamed Shafey, my head? He's been the one person who consistently
appreciates my hard work. And it's not because we're friends im saying that everyone
knows here that my professionalism knows no favorites and My desk has no room for
drama; it's all about getting the job done.

And let me tell you, there have been times when I've burned the midnight oil, putting
together plans and content for HR, not just for this year, but for the next also. I burn my
cards that I'm using next year just because I believe that we may make something this year.
I didn’t hold back because I believe in what we can achieve, and I wanted to make sure we
had everything we needed to succeed this year.

So yeah I need that appreciation. I need to know that my efforts haven't been in vain.
And while I may have questioned it in the past, I'm owning up to that need now. We all
deserve to feel valued, and I'm not backing down until that happens.

Omar Farid


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