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School:______________________Teacher:________________________Subject: PE & HEALTH 11
LAS Writer: Rengie M. Ladua Content Editors: Melody C. Paba
Lesson Topic: Personal Safety Protocol Quarter 4, LAS #5________________________
Learning Targets: Observes personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration and overexertion, hypo- and
hyperthermia during MVPA participation.PE11FH-lk-t-10
Reference(s) Paba, M. ,Fale, M., Bibanco, W., et al.(2020), Grade 11 Physical Education and Health, Self
Learning Module, Quarter 1 – Module 1:Health Optimizing P.E(H.O.P.E)Exercise for
Fitness(1st ed).City of Korondal , Philippines: Department of Education- SOCCSKSARGEN
Region, pp. 20 - 21.


Personal Safety Protocol is essential in any form of fitness program, as you engage in Moderate to
Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA); you should take some personal safety precautions to avoid certain
conditions associated with physical activity participation. These following conditions are dehydration,
overexertion, hypothermia, and Hyperthermia.

 Dehydration - This refers to excessive loss of water from our body, more often during moderate to
vigorous physical activity through perspiration or sweating, urination, or evaporation. To prevent
dehydration, a person should drink 6 to 8 ounces of water per day, or 150-250 ml of water every 15 to
20 minutes to compensate the loss of fluid caused by sweating.

 Overexertion – This refers to some individuals pushing themselves too much physical activity, this
involves physical and mental effort that’s beyond your current. In an overtraining status may cause
serious illness and injuries like strain, sprains and even fractures. Excessive or prolonged physical
activity slows muscle recovery. An adult should engage in 5 hours of moderate exercise per week and
2-5 hours of intense activity per week.

 Hypothermia - Is a condition when your body expose to very cold temperature, your body begins to
lose heat excessively than its produced, it happens when temperature less than 95 degrees Fahrenheit
(35 C. To avoid this condition happens, exercisers and athletes should not work out in a cold climate,
Stir in warm clothing layers, Shift your body to help your heart warm up, Overexertion makes you
sweaty and always have towel for immediate drying of your sweat.

 Hyperthermia also known as "heat disease", an alarming rise of body temperature, which is an effect
in exercising in a humid environment. Some short facts are as follows about hyperthermia, Body
temperature in excess of 104 ° F (40 °C). One severe level of hyperthermia is heat exhaustion ,In dry,
humid environments, long exposure can increase the risk of this condition.

Guidelines for the treatment of mild to moderate hyperthermia

 Sip fresh water or an electrolyte drink  Loosen or remove excess clothes
 Lie down and try to relax  Taking a cool shower or bath
 Place cool, wet tissue on your forehand  Execute the wrists 60 seconds under cool water
 Placing or compressing ice pack

Activity 1: What will happen, if you are not observing Personal safety protocol during MVPA(Moderate to
Vigorous Physical Activity)


10= answer is correct and comprehensive
7= answer is partly correct and comprehensive
5= answer is partly correct and partly comprehensive
3= answer is partly correct and not comprehensive
1= answer is incorrect
Activity 2: My Personal Safety Protocol: Make your personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration
overexertion, hypothermia and hyperthermia during MPVA by filling the table below.
Before During After
Ex. Drink at least 16- 20 ounces of Drink cool water rather
Dehydration fluid one to two hours before an
than cold water to help
outdoor activity.
your body absorb the
water rapidly.

Overexertion Ensure to perform at least to perform

at least 5-15 minutes of warm up prior
engaging yourself to any physical



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