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Name: _____________________________________ Grade & Section: _______________ Score: ____________

School: ____________________________________ Teacher: _______________________ Subject: __________

LAS Writers: Aquilino P. Soguilon, Jr., Agustin A. Pandoma, Mary Ann C. Peñaflorida, and Meryen
G. Visande

Lesson Topic: Selecting Relevant Literature

Learning Targets: (Week 3) LAS1
1. Explain the goals of a literature review.
Reference(s): Quarter 3- Module 3: INQUIRIES, INVESTIGATIONS AND IMMERSION Pages 1-10

Literature, in the context of research, refers to a collection of published information or

materials on a particular area of research or topic, such as books and journal articles of academic
value. On the other hand, a literature review is a process of studying what has already been
written on a particular topic. The process involves identifying, locating, and analyzing documents
that contain information related to a researcher’s research topic (Avilla, 2016). Likewise, Aveyard
(2010) defined it as a "comprehensive study and interpretation of literature that addresses a specific

Listed below are the goals/purposes for which literature review is done.
1. To demonstrate a familiarity with a body of knowledge and establish credibility. A good
review increases a reader’s confidence in the researcher’s professional competence, ability
and background.
2. To show the path of prior research and how a current project is linked to it. A good review
places a research project in a context and demonstrates its relevance by making connections
to a body of knowledge.
3. To integrate and summarize what is known in an area. A good review points out areas
where prior studies agree, where they disagree and where major questions remain. It also
indicates the directions for future research.
4. To learn from others and stimulate new ideas. A good review identifies blind alleys and
suggests hypotheses for replication and gain new insights.

Activity 1. Explain the goals of writing the literature review using the three words that you will
choose from the word cloud below. Answer in three to five sentences only. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of intermediate paper.

Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Name: _____________________________________ Grade & Section: _______________ Score: ____________
School: ____________________________________ Teacher: _______________________ Subject: __________
LAS Writers: Aquilino P. Soguilon, Jr., Agustin A. Pandoma, Mary Ann C. Peñaflorida, and Meryen
G. Visande

Lesson Topic: Selecting Relevant Literature

Learning Targets: (Week 3) LAS 2
1. Distinguish the five basic criteria for evaluating literature.
Reference(s): Quarter 3- Module 3: INQUIRIES, INVESTIGATIONS AND IMMERSION Pages 1-10

As you look for literature to incorporate in your review, you have to eye the most valuable
and pertinent information to your study. Hence, you do not list everything you find especially
resources that are not collected by an academic library.

The following are the five basic criteria for evaluating information from any sources:


• Is the information reliable?
• Is the information error-free?
• Is the information based on proven facts?
• Can the information be verified against other reliable
• Who is the author?
Authority • Does he or she have the qualifications to speak or write on that topic?
• Is the author affiliated with a rep
• What is the intended purpose of the information?
Objectivity • Is the information facts or opinions?
• Is the information biased?
• When was the information published?
Currency • Is the information current or outdated?
• Does currency matter in this topic?
• Does the information covered meet your information needs?
• Does it provide basic or in-depth coverage?

Example: Using the above criteria for evaluating information from the literature review,
distinguish the following statements.

1. “This paper is a little too outdated. This won’t do.” Currency

2. “This does not go along with my research topic. I won’t need this.” Coverage

Activity 2. Give the criteria in evaluating literature employed in the following statements.
(Copy the given statements and write your answers on your paper.)

______1. “This paper has just been conducted last year. This suits my study.”

______2. “This paper went through a peer evaluation. This must be a thorough research.”

______3. “Upon reading the title, I thought it is relevant to my study, but as I read on, it is not.”

______4. “I have read the qualifications of this author and he is a doctor. I will include this.”

______5. “The results of this research were also proven in the previous research I read. I will include

Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Name: _____________________________________ Grade & Section: _______________ Score: ____________
School: ____________________________________ Teacher: _______________________ Subject: __________
LAS Writers: Aquilino P. Soguilon, Jr., Agustin A. Pandoma, Mary Ann C. Peñaflorida, and Meryen
G. Visande

Lesson Topic: Selecting Relevant Literature

Learning Targets: (Week 3) LAS 3
1. To select literature relevant to the chosen research topic and get the most important
information from it.

Reference(s): Quarter 3- Module 3: INQUIRIES, INVESTIGATIONS AND IMMERSION Pages 1-10


Selecting relevant literature will help you to segregate the known and the unknown
information in a topic. Some research undertakings are conducted to disprove, redefine or even
replicate what is already established. Others seek to explore an unfamiliar concept or idea. Thus,
doing a literature review clarifies your research focus within the context of your field.

Some people mistook this part for a mere record of who wrote, what and when of information
connected to the study. However, the presence of literature review demonstrates the soundness of
the research while it highlights what this new research can address.

Research Title:
Influence of Internet Based Marketing Activities on Digital Consumer’s Mind
Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality Social media platforms shape the minds of their
Customer Service and Marketing Together readers.

Activity 1. Following the above example, look for at least two literature relevant to your chosen
research topic. Give the most important information in your selected source that is relevant to your
topic. Write your answers on a separate sheet of intermediate paper.

Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

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