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Unit 3 - At the doctors

• Skin
• Ankle
• Skull
• Bottom
• Spin
• Brain
• Spot
• Calf (pantorrilla)
• Stomach
• Cheek
• Thigh
• Elbow
• Throat
• Eyebrow
• Thumb
• Eyelid
• Toe
• Lid
• Waist
• Forehead
• Wrist
• Heart

• Heel • Nurse

• Hip • Surgeon

• Surgery
• Intestine
• Hospital
• Jaw
• Clinic
• Kidney
• Ambulance
• Knee • Paramedics

• Lip • Theatre

• Lung • Prescrption

• Pain
• Muscle
• Antibiotics
• Nail
• Painkillers
• Rib
• To treat
• Scalp • Treatment

• Shin • Bandage

• Shoulder • Band-aid

Hacer daño To injure

Herir, lastimar To hurt

Golpearse la cabeza Bang your head

Romperse un hueso Breake a bone

Hacerse un moretón Have a bruise

Quemarse Bruise yourself

Tener una revisión Have a check- up

Tener un corte Have a cut

Cortarse Cut yourself

Amputar To chop

Sangrar por la nariiz Have a bad nosebleed

Tener un ojo morado Have a black eye

Torcerse la muñeca Sprain/ twist your ankle

Torcerse el tobillo Sprain/ twist your wrist

Tener gripe Have a u

Tener un resfriado Have a cold

Golpearse Bruise yourself badly

Tener dolor de muelas Have a tootache

Tener dolor de barriga Have a stomachache

Tener dolor de orejas Have a earache

Tener dolor de espalda Have a backache

Preescribir To prescribe


Hard Hard Anxiety Anxiously

Pride Proudly Anger Angrily

Hope Hopefully Sadness Sadly

Hunger Hungrily Happiness Happily

Bad Badly Surprise Susrprigsingly

Fast Fast General Generally

Good Well Day Daily

Most importants accidents and injuries
Bang your head Break a bone Have a nosebleed

Cut yourself Have a black eye Burn yourself

Twist your ankle Bruise yourself badly Sprain your wrist

Most important tratements

Bandage Cream Antibiotics

Painkillers Medicine X- Ray


Level Work

Exercise Arm

Hard Chest

Light Foot

Rest Hand

Head Nail

• Level • Work
1. There is a worryingly level of CO2 in the 1. Does your mom work at the hospital?
atmosphere 2. This MP3 player doesn’t work
2. The shelf isn’t level so the books might fall o • Arm
• Exercise 3. She geld the baby in her arms
1. Look at exercise 3 on page 77 4. British police don’t usually carry arms
2. You need to exercise to stay t • Chest
• Hard 5. The body has a chest
1. I couldn’t sleep because my bed was too 6. We keep all the towels in a chest
hard • Foot
2. If I think hard I’m sure I’ll work out the answer 1. Cathy is 5 foot six inches tall
• Light 2. Jack can kick a ball with either foot
1. It’s getting dark. Switch on the light • Hand
2. The suitcase is quite light . Only 6 kg 1. The big hand on the clock is pointing to
• Rest twelve.
1. I´´m exhausted. I need a rest 2. 'Put your hand up if you know the answer,'
2. How will you spend the rest of the holiday said
• Show • Head
1. There’s a great quiz show on the TV 1. It's getting late. Let’s head for home
2. Can you show me the wat to the library? 2. He shook his head and said `no´
• Nail
1. I need to cut the nail on my right thumb
2. I negad a nail to hang the picture on the wall.

Unit 4 - Houses
Types of Home

A house without stairs with is in one level Bungalow

is not connected to any other building Detached house

the main house on a farm where the farmer lives Farmhouse

a set of rooms for living in, especially on one oor of a building Flat

a boat that people use as their home, often kept in one place on a river or Houseboat

A very large, expensive house Mansion

A house that it came moved Mobile house

House that shares a wall with another Semi-detached

Line of houses that are joined by a wall one to another Terraced

A small, old house with a roof made of straw Thatched cottage

a house, usually in the countryside or near the sea, Villa

Parts of a house
- Group of owers making ornaments: ower bed
- Place in the basement where you can store things: cellar
- Greenhouse made in glass for plants and owers: conservatory
- A space or room inside or partly inside the roof of a building: studio
- a short road leading from a public road to a house or other building: driveway
- a barrier, railing, or other upright structure, typically of wood or wire:
- a passage between rows of seats in a building such as a church or theatre: aisle
- a fence or boundary formed by closely growing bushes or shrubs: hedge
- When the stairs stop: landing
- Grass of a house: lawn
- Estanque: pond
- Camino/ sendero: path
- The gates of a window: shutters
- Lavabo: basin
- Sofa: armchair
- Where you keep water if it rains: bucket
- Bed of a baby: cot
- Cafetera: kettle
- Synonym of closet: wardrobe

Describing houses
Uncomfortably small Cramped

Very small Tiny

Quiet Peaceful

Far from other places Remote

Modern Contemporary

In a good location Conventenly located

In very bad condition Dilapidated

Large (2 word) Enormous, Gigantic

Compound nouns
Rubish Dump

Sofa Bed

Front Door

Sky Scraper

Dinning Table

Solar Panels

Rain Water

Shipping Containers

Housing Estate

State Flat

Do/ Make/ Take

a favour the dishes A mess a suggestion A photo

A damage the ironing Someones mind A sound A look

a project the laundry your bed a promise A lesson

a test the shopping a snack a fortune

an exam your best breakfast/lunch/ a di erence
(esmerarse) dinner/supper
exercises your duty someone’s day A deal

homework your hair plans a decision

housework your nails an o er a complaint

Everything Your job an enquiry A call

research Yoga/karate/ an appointment a booking

Unit 5 - Computing

Digital activities
Do your homework Read / write a blog

Dowload music Shop on the internet

Follow people on Twitter Use social network

Play games

Computing verbs
Comment Search

Foward Set up

Install Suscribe

Log on Update

Print Upload

Program Rate

Useful Collocations
Open / close An app, a new window, a folder

Save A document, a le, a photo

Enter Your password, username, address

Scroll down/ up A page, a menu, a document

Empty The trash, the recycle bin

Check / uncheck A box

Follow A link

Copy and paste A text a photo, a le, a document

Create An account

Click on A bottom, an icon, a link

Verb - noun collocations
1. Who can come up with ____________ to this question?
2. Did you ____________ the test or fail it?
3. Ed entered a singing ____________ and ______ rst prize
4. Mathematicians tried to ____________ the enemy code
5. I searched the Amazon ____________, but I couldn’t nd the book I was looking for
6. My cousin and I ____________ a few text messages, then had an interesting ____________ on the

Come up with an answer Exchange messages

Pass the test Enter a competition

Break a code A contest

Hava a conversation Win a prize/ an award/ the lottery/ a bet

Have a party Search a website

Battery life
Flash drive

Unit 7 - Arts an artist

Types of artists
A. Write who writes theatre plays: a _______________________
B. Director who conducts an orchestra: a _______________________
C. Artist who carves scultures: a ___________________
D. Dancer who designs choreographies: a ____________________
E. Person who copies and makes fake forgeries: a __________________
F. Write poems: a _________________
G. A person who composes music a _________________
H. A person who acts in plays and lms a _________________
I. Artist who paints a_________________
J. Person who writes novels a_________________
K. Singer in a band a_________________
L. Performer in operas a_________________
M. Director of lms and plays a _________________

Playwright Poet Pop singer

Conductor Composer Opera singer

Sculptor Actor / actress Director

Choreographer Painter

Forger Novelist


Ballet Ballet Pulso Beat

Caricatura Cartoon Coro Choir
Musica clasica Classical music Armonía Harmony
Baile Dance Letra Lyrics
Dibujo Drawing Melodia Melody
Mimica Mime Tono Tune
Musical Musical Ritmo Rythm
Novela Novel Velocidad Speed
Opera Opera Tiempo Tempo
Cuadro Painting Verso Chorus
Obra de teatro Play Culebrón Soap opera
Poema Poem Insonorizado Soundproof
Musica Pop music Aplaudir To applaud
Escultora Sculpture Inclinarse To bow
Comedia Sitcom Estar en el escenario To be on the stage

Types of music
Blues Heavy Rap

Classical Metal Jazz

Countnry Hip hop Rock and techno

Street art
A place when you park your bike Bicycle rack

A piece of furniture on wich a number of people can sit Bench

The area at the side of the road where pedestrians (peatones) can walk Pavement

A tall post with a strong light on the top Lamp post

A place where you can ring somebody Phone box

A model of somebody usually made of stone Statue

A place where you catch a form of transport Bus stop

Something wich tells drivers not to go Stop sinal

A jet or stream of water usually coming from a pool Fountain

Cultural events and venues
Arena Estadio Concert hall Concierto

Art gallery Galeria de arte Library Biblioteca

Circus Circo Opera house Teatro para operas

Comedy club Club de comedia Theatre Operas

Decribing stories
(main) character = role, story, based on ( a real story, a book...)

Art crimes
Forger : falsi cador


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