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Investigating Bias

1. Which news article do you think gives you more information? Why?
I think the article Taxas gave me more information because the article gave me a lot of research
on people,but not so much evaluation.On the contrary,the article written by Samnatha only gives
me a lot of evaluation from many people,only a few research about what people thinks.I think
this is not good for a news article.
Can you trust the information in both articles? Why or why not?
I can’t because both articles are obviously bios .They could make up some research for us to
believe.The article Taxas wrote was obviously supporting the people who were against the
President because they gave us a lot of information about people who think this action was
right.On the contrary, the other article only gives us a lot of information about the people who
support the president.Due to these I think I can’t believe informations in both articles.
2. Which article do you think looks at both sides of the argument most evenly? Why (as
opposed to the other one)?
I think the one Taxas wrote looks at both sides of the argument mostly because they gave me
both sides of the argument such as how many people support the president and how many people
are against the president.Although it barely talked about what people say to support the
president,that is much better than the other article.The other article only gives me one research of
people and the rest are the evaluation to support the president.
3. Which news article do you think is most trustworthy or unbiased? Why?
The one written by Taxas.I think the article Taxas gave me more information because the article
gave me a lot of research on people,but not so much evaluation.On the contrary,the article
written by Samnatha only gives me a lot of evaluation from many people,only a few research
about what people thinks.I think it is not a good article to read.
4. Skim through the article and identify at least 5 words you do not know or would be
unable to define. List and define each word in your own words.
Emancipate:It is a verb and means to free something to make something get away from the
control of law.
Brutality:It means someone or some things are cold and hard to someone else.Just like the word
cruel or relentless.
Baffle:Means control something, keep something in check.
Gesture:Means you use your hand to show some styles to let someone else understand.
It could be a verb or a noun.
Contribute:Means to dedicate something.To donate something.It could also mean to give one’s
5. What is your opinion on the issue? Why? How did the articles impact your opinion/point
of view? Use examples from the article(s) to explain and support your point.
I think the president has no right to let the players stand when the national anthem starts.
Players can choose to stand or to sit.They have their tights too.You can’t force someone to stand
only because you think this is a way to love our country.Even if it is a way to love your
country.You can not force someone to love countries.Especially they have said this is a way to
love their country but against their government.I think these two articles doesn’t impact my
opinion too much.
Examples:”But for some people of color, patriotism goes beyond standing up for an anthem or a
pledge and encompasses many feelings — including protest. Criticism of that expression of
patriotism, they say, is sometimes cloaked in racism.”

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