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Class – 3rd Subject – Computer

• It is mandatory to Solve all the questions.

Q.1 Choose the correct option.

1. What is computer ?

(a) Electronic machine (b) Video game (c) Television (d) Radio

2. What is the brain of computer ?

(a) RAM (b) ROM (c) CPU (d) DVD

3. Where do we use computer ?

(a) School (b) Office (c) Hospital (d) All

4. What is an input device ?

(a) printer (b) fax machine (c) keyboard (d) monitor

5. What is an output device ?

(a) mouse (b) joystick (c) CPU (d) Printer

Q.2 Complete the word with missing alphabet .

(a) I _ P _ T (b) _ UT_ UT (c) MA _ HI_ E (d) M _ M _ RY (e)M_U_E

Q.3 Name the following.

1. An input device. _______________

2. Storage of computer. _______________

3. The longest key on keyboard. _______________

4. Brain of computer ______________

5. How many arrow keys are there _____________

Q.4 Write the full form of the following abbreviations.

1. CPU _____________

2. ALU _____________

3. ROM ____________

4. RAM _____________

5. CD _____________

Q.5 Match the following columns.

1. Ctrl + X Paste

2. Ctrl + V Undo

3. Ctrl + C Repeat

4. Ctrl + Z Copy

5 Ctrl + Y Cut

Q.6 Write T for true and F for False statement.

1. Scroll bars are used to move the page up, down , left , right . ( )

2. Area below the horizontal ruler is called the Text area . ( )

3. I am a computer and I can Think . ( )

4. There are 4 arrows key on keyboard. ( )

5. Screen saver increase the energy consumption. ( )

Q.7 Answer the following questions.

1. How does a computer work ?

2. Describe the three type of monitors ?

3. How will you save your drawing made in paint ?

4. What is microcomputer ?

5. What is super computer ?

Q.8 Draw the picture of any one hardware.

1. CD

2. Monitor

3. CPU

4. Joystick

5. Mobile phone

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