Urban Greener Initiative Work 1

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Plan and organize Greener initiative works 2024

Greener initiative works

Learning Objectives
After the end of this unit of competence, the trainees should be able to:
 Set objectives for plan and organize greener initiative works
 Plan and schedule work activities
 Undertake a site assessment
 Implement work plans
 Monitor work activities
 Review and evaluate work plans and activities
Greening initiative offerings a series of imagined socio-economic and environmental
benefits. Greening plays a crucial role in mitigating or qualifying climate change as well as
climate management in cities. Various direct and indirect Ecosystems are provided by Greening
to city dwellers, which regulating (climate regulation, carbon storage) and supporting (nutrient
cycling) the urban environment. Thus, Greening play a significant role in climate change
mitigation and therefore need to be integrated into urban design and decision-making
frameworks to enhance urban resilience or flexibility to climate change. The application of
innovative solutions and the development of new tools are essential for better urban planning and
management over the rapidly growing cities. Climate change mitigation strategies, such as low
energy consumption buildings, innovative urban structures, and enhancement of greening have a
crucial role to play in adaptation to climate change. Enhancement of greening is considered to be
significant to new visions of cities to achieve sustainability and resilience of the cities and
Greenings, in particular, provide socio-ecological and economic benefits, improve air
quality, reduce noise pollution level, and support Ecosystems (such as food, wood, and fuel
provision) and control of water pollution. Greening can also increase carbon storage capacity,
reduce the urban heat island effect, offer social benefits, enhance human health and well-being,
and provide ecological benefits. Thus, Greening Spaces have an immense impact on the overall
sustainability of the urban environment.
Identifying how urban sustainability can be achieved through the implementation of
effective strategies for urban landscape planning. Greenings have immense impact on the health

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Plan and organize Greener initiative works 2024

and well-being of the people. Apart from mental health (such as mental refreshment), Greenings
have a significant impact on physical health (such as walking, physical activities, and leisure).
Therefore human welfares or interests are highly dependent on the services (such as educational
value, walking, recreations, leisure, social cohesion, living area, etc.,) provided by green public
spaces (such as gardens). Therefore, it is essential to implement GSs provision for urban
environmental sustainability and to enhance the quality of life of the people. Recently, the rapid
urban expansion has become of the significant threats to the management as well as restoration
of Greenings.

According to different data sources the conversion of natural and semi-natural landscape
into built-up areas has had an immense impact on the thermal behavior pattern in urban
environment due to increase in anthropogenic heat emission, long-wave radiation, and storage of
incoming solar radiation. As a result, the increasing trend of temperature in cities across the
world has, in turn, had a major impact on human health and overall well-being of the urban
population. The rapid increase in the population in urban areas will surely result in urban
expansion and diversification of urban areas. Sustainable urban development alongside rapid
urban expansion is crucial for both resource-efficient systems and better urban infrastructure
development to achieve higher quality of life for urban dwellers.
LO1:- Set objectives for plan and organize greener initiative works
Planning objectives consistent with and linked to work activities in accordance with green
 Planning objectives are consistent and linked with
 Achievement of business/enterprise objectives
 Fulfillment of business commitment
 Facilities decision making
 Optimum utilization of resource
Stating objectives as measurable targets with clear time frames.
 Starting objectives with clear time frames is according to
 Assessing existing or current situation
 Breaking down the goals into smaller steps
 Many organization find it useful to breakdown
objectives into three categories
o Process objectives
o Impact objectives
o Outcome objectives

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Plan and organize Greener initiative works 2024

 Reviewing and adjusting time frame

 Seek feedback and supports and customers
Reflecting support and commitment of team members in the objectives.
 Ways of reflecting support and commitment of team members
 Involving team members in the planning
 Foster or adopting a supportive team culture
 Provide adequate resource and support
 Recognize and empowering team
Identifying realistic and attainable objectives.
 Objectives should be well-defined, and clear to other team members and to
partners with the same level of knowledge
 Should use action oriented verbs such as “increase” or “decrease” will make our
objectives easier to measure in the end.
 Developing SMART objectives
SMART objectives should consider the points such as
 Resource: who is involved with executing the activity
 Target population: who is your target population
 Action: what exactly will we do for them
Remember that the acronym SMART stands for
 Specific
 Measurable
 Attainable
 Relevant and
 Timely
LO2 Plan and schedule work activities
Identifying and prioritizing tasks/work activities to be completed as directed.
As we know success is a result of long-term planning and daily action. Minding this,
there are certain points for plan and schedule work activities. Such as:-
 Focus on what’s important,
 Make lists
 Manage your time well
 Use calendar and planners
 Delegate tasks
 Manage your mail and phone calls
 Reduce clutter
 Stay organized and scheduled
Planning is the key to any successful business, no matter its size. Planning can help
alleviate work stress and increase productivity. Planning is a needed workplace skill, and it is
particularly important as a person advances into more supervisory or managerial roles.

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Plan and organize Greener initiative works 2024

Scheduling is often called a rota or roster, is a list of employees, and associated

information e.g. location, working time, responsibility for a given time period, e.g. week, month,
…season. A schedule is necessary for day to day operation of many businesses. An effective
workplace schedule balances the needs of stakeholders such as management, employees and
customers. A daily schedule is usually ordered chronologically, which means the first employee
working that day are listed at the top, followed by the employee who come in the next.
A weekly or monthly schedule is usually ordered alphabetically, employee being listed in
the left hand side of a grid, with the day of the week on the top of the grid. In shift work, a
schedule usually employs a recurring shift plan. Scheduling involves allocating a time period for
specific tasks or workloads, and then assigning tasks to certain employees.
Scheduling the work is necessary for any size or type of businesses. However, the
techniques used can vary widely depending on the type of businesses. For adaptive types of
businesses, creating the businesses schedule is done throughout the life of the businesses. During
the initial planning phase, the initial list of use cases or user stores are developed for each
subsystem. The use cases are divided up and tentatively assigned to the iterations, in what is
called the businesses iteration schedule. The other schedule, the detailed work schedule,
schedules the work within iteration. Creating the businesses iteration schedule must take into
account the total size and configuration of the solution system and the number of teams available
to work on the businesses. Separate lists of requirements are made by subsystem, and businesses
iteration schedule can then be made for each subsystem.
Developing a detailed work schedule for a single iteration is a three-step process:
 Develop a work breakdown structure.
 Estimate effort and identify dependencies.
 Create a schedule by using a Gantt chart.
The first step, developing a work breakdown structure (WBS), which is a list of all the
required individual activities and tasks for the project, can be done in either of two ways: by
deliverable or by a time line. The first approach identifies all the deliverables that must be
completed for a given iteration.
The second approach works through the normal sequence of activities that are required
for the final deliverable. How detailed should the individual tasks be in a WBS?
A few guidelines can help answer that question:
 There should be a way to recognize when the task is complete.
 The definition of the task should be clear enough so one can estimate the amount
of effort required.
 As a general rule for software projects, the effort should take one to five working
The second step in developing a detailed work schedule is to determine the dependencies
between the tasks and the amount of effort required for each. The most common way to relate
tasks is as one task finishes, the next one starts. This is called a finish-start relationship. Other

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relationships are start-start, start-finish, and finish-finish. The effort required should be the actual
amount of work required to complete the task.
The third step in developing a detailed work schedule is to actually create the iteration
schedule, which is often done with a Gantt chart, which is a bar chart showing the tasks and the
amount of time required for each. The critical path is defined as those tasks that must stay on
schedule. If any of the critical path tasks cause a schedule slip, then the entire project is delayed.
Staff and Allocating Resources
In an Agile project, the various teams are self-organizing. However, the job of identifying
what expertise is needed for the project and getting those people assigned to the project falls on
the shoulders of the project manager. The staffing activity consists of five tasks:
 Developing a resource plan for the businesses
 Identifying and requesting specific technical staff
 Identifying and requesting specific user staff
 Organizing the project team into work groups
 Conducting preliminary training and team-building exercises
Breaking tasks/work activities down into steps in accordance with set time frames and
achievable components.
 Breaking major tasks down into manageable steps will enable to complete
work more effectively.
 Break down larger tasks into smaller more manageable tasks. Whenever
you are given a major task, find a way to break down instead of
approaching it all at once. This will help you plan & prepare for
completing the work both effectively & efficiently.
 In some cases, it is helpful to break activities down further into tasks. The
tasks are more detailed, discrete actions that include all the steps that are
needed to complete an activity.
 If so, break down your large project into smaller, more manageable tasks.
It is easier to work on a short task (30-90 minutes) than on a large project
(weeks/months). The following steps will help you break your large
project (e.g. paper, lab report, presentation, etc.) into bite-size pieces.
Assigning task/work activities to appropriate team or individuals in accordance with agreed
Effectively assign tasks to appropriate team or individuals in accordance with agreed functions:
Delegate Positively

 Don't just throw work at someone and expect them to deliver when they might not be

qualified for that particular assignment.

 Maintain a mindset of doubting every assignment you gave and go over your personnel

roster to see whether anyone else is capable of completing it as effectively as you can.

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Plan and organize Greener initiative works 2024

Set Clear Goals and Objectives

 To understand how your team performs, you should set clear goals and objectives before
entrusting them with any responsibilities.
 When goals and objectives are not defined, it'll be harder for your team to see the big
picture and perform tasks in a particular manner.

Assign the Right Task to the Right Employee

 This is the key to productivity.
 Who has the most expertise and experience should be given priority, but don't give that
individual too much work.
 You should also think about who needs to develop their sense of responsibility.
Obtain Inputs from Your Team and Set Up Meetings if Possible

 Get suggestions from your team on what should be modified, who you could include, and

how outcomes should be defined.

 Engage with the specific managers of the sub-teams if you are in charge of a large team

or organization.
 A meeting with the entire team is necessary before assigning tasks to team members.
Conduct Training and Supervision
 A project's completion necessitates the blending of various delegation techniques, a high
degree of team member commitment, and effective planning and execution.
 It is essential to teach the team members and meet with the team every day in order to
produce a skilled workforce.
Communicate Constantly
 It doesn't mean that when you're done delegating the tasks, everything's good.
 Professionals at work must keep a close watch on their team members to learn about any
challenges or issues they may be having.
Allocate resources as per requirements of the activity.
Resource Allocation Process:
 Defining our activity Scope
 Estimate what activity Resources Will Be Needed
 Assess Your Current Resource Utilization & Resource Availability
 Create a resource allocation plan
 Keep Track of Your activity Resources
 Use Resource Allocation Reports.

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Coordinate schedule of work activities with personnel concerned.

 Identify the time you have available.
 Block in the essential tasks you must carry out to succeed in your job.
 Schedule high-priority urgent tasks and vital "housekeeping" activities.
 Block in appropriate contingency time to handle unpredictable events and
LO3:- Undertake a site assessment
Undertaking assessment to identify site conditions that may impact upon the protection
Conducting a Technical Site Assessment
 Prepare for site sits. Identify point of contact at each facility and have all their contact
information. Obtain clearance to enter each facility ahead of time.
 Conduct the Site Assessment. Perform a physical inspection of the surrounding area
and take photographs
 Develop Site Report.
Assessing level of risk, and identifying appropriate protection methods to minimize or
prevent damage and selecting activities or circumstances with the potential to harm trees.
Main risk assessment process
 Determine who might be harmed and how. As you look around your organization,
think about how your employees could be harmed by business activities or external
 Evaluate the risks and take precautions
 Record your findings
 Review your assessment and update if necessary.
Plotting tree locations onto working drawings to enable their identification by on-site staff.
Identifying and documenting OHS requirements to ensure safety of operators, the public and
property throughout the tree protection program in the plan.
LO4:- Implement work plans
An implementation work plan is a written document that outlines a team’s steps to
accomplish a goal or business. Having such a document enables team members and key
stakeholders to understand all aspects of a project before executing it. Creating an

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implementation work plan for your business means you have an actionable roadmap for the
whole business and a mechanism to hold team members and stakeholders accountable, simplify
communication, and offer transparency.
Identifying work methods and practices in consultation with personnel concerned.
Consultation can occur in different ways depending on what suits your workplace and workers.
The best way to consult will depend on:
 The size of the business and how it is structured
 The way work is arranged and where workers are located
 What suits workers - ask your workers how they would like to be consulted and
consider their needs, and
 The complexity, frequency and urgency of the issues that require consultation.
Consultation procedures are likely to be most effective if they outline:
 The issues you need to consult on
 Who will be consulted
 The ways consultation will occur
 How information will be shared with workers and health and safety
 How workers and health and safety representatives can give their views
 How consultation will occur with workers who have a disability, special language
or literacy needs
 How feedback will be given to workers and health and safety representatives, and
timeframes for reviewing the procedures.
Implementing work plans in accordance with set time frames, resources and standards.
LO5:- Monitor work activities
Monitoring and comparing work activities with set objectives.
Employee monitoring is the use of various methods of workplace observation to gather
information about the activities and locations of staff members. Businesses monitor employees to
improve productivity and protect corporate resources. For each selected indicator, M&E tools
(means of verification) have to be defined. For Examples
 Semi-structured interviews;
 Focus group discussions;

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Plan and organize Greener initiative works 2024

 Surveys and questionnaires;

 Regular workshops and roundtables with stakeholders;
 Field monitoring visits; testimonials; and
 Scorecards
Work activities in greenery may include green components such as:
 Park
 Nursery site
 Institutional compound
 Agriculture
 Peri urban
 Right-off way
 Plaza
 Sport field
 Cemetery
Clusters of Green space typology
 Natural, semi-natural and feral areas
 forest (e.g., remnant woodland, managed forests, mixed forms)
 shrubland
 abandoned areas
 rocks
 sand dunes
 sand pit, quarry, open cast mine
 wetland, bog, fen, marsh
 Blue spaces
 Lake, pond
 River, stream
 Dry riverbed
 Canal
 Estuary
 Delta
 Coast
 Building greens
 Balcony green
 Ground-based green wall
 Façade-bound green wall
 Extensive green roof
 Intensive green roof
 Atrium

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Plan and organize Greener initiative works 2024

 Private, commercial, industrial and institutional green space/green space connected to

grey infrastructure
 Bioswale
 Tree side street and street tree, hedge
 Street green and green verge
 Private garden
 Railroad embankment
 Green playground, schoolground
 Parks and recreation
 Large urban park
 Historical park/garden
 Pocket park
 Botanical garden/arboretum
 Zoological garden
 Neighbourhood green space
 Institutional green space
 Cemetery and churchyard
 Green sport facilities
 Camping areas
 Agricultural land
 Arable land
 Grassland
 Tree meadow/orchard
 Biofuel production/ agroforestry
 Horticulture
Monitoring work performance
To answer is the Work Getting Done? There are some ways to Monitor Employee Performance
 Watch employees work. One of the most effective ways to monitor an employee's
performance is with your own eyes
 Ask for an account
 Help employees use self-monitoring tools
 Review work in progress on a regular basis
 Ask around a little
Reporting deviations from work activities and recommendations would be coordinated
with appropriate personnel and in accordance with set standards.

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Deviation means doing something that is different from what people consider to be normal or
acceptable. The ways of preparing deviation from work activities; first, you need to document
the reason for the investigation. Include such things as,
 What event or finding prompted investigation;
 How and when identified;
 Consider tracking / trending;
 Evaluation;
 Consider related activities;
 Think global
 Next, you need to describe what happened.
Compiling reporting requirements with in accordance with recommended format.
Reporting requirements are information and data that companies must supply to government
agencies. All insurance companies of a certain size must adhere to reporting requirements.
Consider points when creating strong general reporting requirements for any given business
 The report's purpose. What is the purpose of this report?
 Industry standards
 User expectations
 Unique Identifiers
 The design of the report function
 The design of the report look
Observing timeliness of report.
Establishing and maintaining files in accordance with standard operating procedures.
 Avoid saving unnecessary documents
 Follow a consistent method for naming your files and folders
 Store related documents together, whatever their type
 Separate ongoing work from completed work
 Avoid overfilling folders
 Organize documents by date
 Make digital copies of paper documents.
LO6:- Review and evaluate work plans and activities

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Reviewing work plans, strategies and implementation based on accurate, relevant and
current information.
 Set goals and objectives. The first step to creating a work plan is to set clear goals and
 Establish team responsibilities. Once you have identified the objectives, assign team
members to drive those initiatives
 Set project timelines
 Establish a budget.
Doing review based on comprehensive consultation with appropriate personnel on
outcomes of work plans and reliable feedback.
Providing results of review to concerned parties and formed as the basis for
adjustments/simplifications to be made to policies, processes and activities.
Conducting performance appraisal in accordance with organization rules and regulations.
Preparing and documenting performance appraisal report regularly as per organization
Preparing and presenting recommendations to appropriate personnel/authorities.
Implementing feedback mechanisms in line with organization policies.

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