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Sth Grade q; 1. LIVING ORGANISMS: COMPLETE THESE SENTENCES WITH THE WORDS PROVIDED. functions + processes + muitcelular » single living + cells + tiny * organism © All ving organisms consist of —_ units called —___ © These organisms can be unicellular or @ Ina unicellular organism, the __cell performs all ofthe lfe © Ina multicellular _, many different cells perform different 2. WHICH LIFE PROCESSES DO THESE ACTIONS SHOW? life process 1. A plant grows in the direction of sunk , A fungus feeds on a dod tre trunk Ame anda female zebra produce a baby zebra, ‘4. Abacterum divides into rH, LL} Ld ____} _— 3, THE CELL: COMPLETE THE TEXT. ‘The (a) Controls all the funetions ofthe cell. The cell is protected by a skin! which is called the (by —__. Plant celts. also havea han (0 which gives the cell its shape, ‘The cell is filled with a jelly like substance called (d) Plant cells and most animal ces have (e) They contain warer and minerals, bur only plant cells have (f) they use these for photosynthesis, S@LIVEWORKSHEETS Sth Grade iy 4, LABEL THESE TWO CELLS LISING THE WORDS IN THE BOX. THERE ARE SOME EXTRA WORDS ANDO SOME WORDS THAT NEEO TO BE USED TWICE IN BOTH CELLS) chloroplast * nucleus + vacuole » blade * animal cel membrane + cell wall » plant * protist « cytoplasm 5. HOW ARE LIVING THINGS ORGANIZED? MATCH THE KEY WORDS WITH THE DEFINITION ap of different organe working together to carry S@LIVEWORKSHEETS Sth Grade ay &, DECIDE IF THESE STATEMENTS ARE TRUE OR FALSE Tn mest multicelar organism, cals ae specie. | secede pero alee cn, [Some eample of plant a are red Blood and white biod cls Root air els absorb sunlight so the plants can perform photosynthess nerve ells cry n form the brain . “The nerve cells carry information frm the brain to the est ofthe body 7. ORDER THE STRUCTURES FROM THE SIMPLEST (1) TO THE MOST COMPLEX C5) (organ £essue organism [system had L lod! kdl 8. LABEL EACH PICTURE USING THE WORDS OF EXERCISE 7. @ Labo! cach picture and complete the sentences, . COMPLETE THE SENTENCES. © Calls perform the same function group together to form © The heart and blood vessels are part of the circulatory © The heartis an example of an © The smallest living unit isa © Systerns are the most complex structures in a living S@LIVEWORKSHEETS

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