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International Journal of Management (IJM)

Volume 10, Issue 2, March–April 2019, pp.154-163, Article ID: IJM_10_02_015

Available online at
Journal Impact Factor (2019): 9.6780 (Calculated by GISI)
ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510
DOI: 10.34218/IJM.10.2.2019.015

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


Dr. Syed Shahid Zaheer Zaidi
Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, University of Karachi, Karachi,
Karachi City, Sindh, Pakistan

The prime objective of this qualitative Study, to calculate strength of local governing
system accuracy in Pakistan; in contrast to practices implied in different regimes mainly
concerning with their functioning and structure of the imposed system. The papers
distinguishingly discusses the impact and problem & issues of local governing system
in Pakistan through the case study of each regime. Especially, the regimes of military
rule in Pakistan in which local governing system was imposed giving mere importance
for the attainment of democratic legitimacy within the implied system. However, the
democratic regimes has been unluckily failed to enlighten mere importance to the
practiced system from its historical roots. The papers also discusses the weak political
roots of Pakistan since the day of its creation. Therefore, it secondarily stresses upon
the findings of any probable solution to come to any point through analytics of past
practices in Pakistan under different approaches changes of the imposition of the
system. The hypothesis is to calculate the unsatisfactory working of the local
government system in contrast to its adequate functioning and goals of achievement.
Qualitative method of concluding is adopted to come to any point of concern.
Key words: local governing system, historical roots, military rule, Pakistan.
Cite this Article: Syed Shahid Zaheer Zaidi, Problem & Issues of Local Government
System (A Qualitative Study and Perspective of Pakistan Local Government Setup
under Different Regimes), International Journal of Management (IJM), 10(2), 2019,
pp. 154-163. 154

Syed Shahid Zaheer Zaidi

In a historical context, it has been seen that almost all local governments are preceded by
national governments. The age old systems of the Indo-Pak sub land masses, the Greek
democracies and the British colonies all had the convention of developing a state wide ladder
system originating from the national down towards the local and the provincial.
The term local government is characterized as "such part of the administrative system of a
state or nation that deals mainly with matters as concern with the inhabitants of a particular
place or district, including functions which the central government may consider desirable
This extraordinary framework of local government has worldwide succeeded in achieving
rapid growth of advancement. The freedoms of England, wellbeing of the common man in
France, The independence in modern and agrarian fields in the Peoples Republic of China are
a direct result of their entrenched local government frameworks. It has led to the foundation of
some significant associations which eventually lead towards the overall socio-economic
progress of the nations.
After achieving independence in 1947, Pakistan was not rich enough in term of efficient
local government institutions due to the lack of political commitment on the part of colonial
power. Moreover, the centralize tendencies hampered the progress and development of locally
administered institutions.
Within Pakistan, local governing systems has gone through the various stages of
development. It has been generally admired that local governance can be develop and
establishes in an equitable atmosphere, yet tragically this has not been a case in Pakistan. Both
civilian and military regimes failed to give an atmosphere helpful for the development of local
governments. In this manner, keeping in mind the end goal to dispassionately survey the
circumstances or local government framework in Pakistan and propose vistas enhancing and
reinforcing the Local Government System in Pakistan for fulfillment of upcoming stat’s desires
and necessities.


Democracy is the basic ingredient for a happy and prosperous state. In order to ensure that
democratization is the active form of government it is necessary to establish local self-
governing bodies. The reason that local government is given significance is that, it is an
institution which has direct coordination with the common masses, so it helps in solving
problems and in the development of social and economic aspect. If these to aspect become
stable then this would result in political stability as well.
Local government provides a system in which different people can work together under the
democratic rule, which safeguards the rights and interest of every citizen. Apart from this there
are several reasons explaining the importance of local. Several other reasons are stated below
to enlighten the significance of local government:
• DE Tocqueville a French political thinker highlights the importance of local government
by saying that local government serves as a pedestal of the entire nation. They serve the
primary establishment and basic foundation of democracy. Democracy is an institution
that safeguards the preferences and interests of people, because it is the only form of
government that involves mass participation in the political process (Tony, 1990).
• Professor Laski exclaims that “The institution of local government is by education in
perhaps a higher degree at least contingently, than any other part of government. And it
must be remembered that there is no other way of bringing the mass of citizens into
intimate contact with persons responsible for decisions (Laski, 1961, p. 412).” 155

Problem & Issues of Local Government System (A Qualitative Study and Perspective of Pakistan
Local Government Setup under Different Regimes)

• local government helps in polishing the abilities of a legislator by providing firsthand

knowledge of local issues and their solution. This guarantees that the leaders of national
government of nation government will be able to take more serious problems of national
government due to their prior experience in the local government.
• Democracy is that form of government that provides equal opportunities to the local
public to give their opinion in the matter of state. According to Hampton “The political
equality may flourish by providing excess to political office and political activities for
wider group of people than are accommodated through national politics” (Hampton,
1991, p. 3).”

3.1 Objective/S
A qualitative case study and perspective which is primarily focused on the analysis of problem
and issues of local governing system in Pakistan under the governance of different regimes
either democratic or dictatorship.

3.2 Hypothesis
Due to qualitative nature of study the hypothesis to check the strength of local government
system practices and succession in Pakistan under different regimes i.e. democratic or
dictatorship and the issues and problems that pressurized the pace of the system to work
satisfactorily in Pakistan:
• Local government system practices in Pakistan were unsatisfactory in contrast to their

3.3 Data Collection Technique

• Secondary data (Internet, books, journals and articles), close encounters of historical
perspectives, to come to any point of inference.


The term ‘local governance’ can be applied to such form of government that helps in the
management of local issues of the people. These local issues are managed by elected
representatives. These representatives are elected from within the locality; the logic behind this
is that a local representative will understand the problems better as he himself has observed the
problems from that vicinity.
In most systems of control, local governments have a certain degree of autonomy. They can
exercise several legislative powers without the express permission of the provincial of national
bodies. According to the United States the local government of any area is a political sub-
division of the area and can thereby impose their laws on the local matters of the area. Since
these bodies are the ones that are directly contacted by the local populace, they must have the
budget, resources and authority to carry out certain localized rulings.
On the other hand, the second approach sees local government within some defined
boundaries. This approach suggests that local government must have five defining characters
which are
• Legal personality
• Specified power to perform different functions
• Have sufficient budget 156

Syed Shahid Zaheer Zaidi

• Power to limit the control of central government over local government

• Participation of the common masses
These attributes set apart local government from other institutions and also guaranties its
effectiveness (Mawhood, 1987). Orewa (1991, p. 24) defined local government as “Local
government is the third tier of administration, to whose laws and regulations are for the
communities who live in a defined geographical area and with common social and political ties,
are subject”. Similar to this the international encyclopedia of social sciences opined it as “a
politically sub-division of national or regional governance structure which performs functions
which nearly in all cases delegated with its legal power from the national or regional
government but possesses some degree of discretion on the making of decisions and which
normally has some taxing powers” (Adeyemo, 1997).
Similarly Maddick (1963) also defines local government in terms of its council; he states
that a local government is run with the efforts of the local council. The local government has
the right to handle local affairs but only in the limit prescribed by the central government.
Furthermore, Montague Haris (1955, p. 4) in his book ‘local government in many lands’
has reviewed it as “A system under which the people of the vicinity possesses a certain
responsibility and discretion in the administration of local public affairs and in the raising of
funds to meet their expenditure”. , Professor William Anderson (1953, p. 3)believes that “local
government is that smallest unit of centralized government which is usually meant a resident
population that occupies a definite land area, which is legally organized for government and for
the rendering of public services and that, has authority to exercise certain delegated powers and
to exercise one or more public functions”.


Pakistan has been a federative unit since its independence, partly as the constitutional legacy of
British India, as the result of necessity from 1947 to 1971 when it comprised two non-
contiguous territorial units and partly because of the provinces had developed distinctive ethnic
and linguistic identities of their own as sovereign states.
Unluckily, the phenomenon of ‘local democracy’ is not quite remarkable in Pakistan and as
a matter of fact, once again authenticated the point of view that democratically elected regimes
have never promoted the grass-roots democracy in Pakistan. 1962, 1979 and 2001, all these
three models of Local Governments systems were experienced in Pakistan under the patronage
of military administrations.
Extensive analyses of the local government system of Pakistan, clearly shows, that it has
been quite successful in dealing key issues in advance but it lacks in making some important
structural changes. Since, the level of independence achieved by the local governments during
the period under concern exposes that, despite considerable structural alteration, there has been
little adjustments in the authorities and powers of real administrative. Consequently, this
wavering standing of the associations of local government did not result in giving rise to a
strong and radical political system. More specifically the governing class seems to ignore the
fact that without making the foundations of the whole system stronger, the system may not
work effectively. So they first had to stabilize the lower level elected institutions in order to let
the whole system work properly.
The issues that had been the hurdle in the satisfactory functioning of local government
practices in Pakistan are discussed below: 157

Problem & Issues of Local Government System (A Qualitative Study and Perspective of Pakistan
Local Government Setup under Different Regimes)

5.1 Democratic Actions of Undemocratic Regimes

A profound authentic examination demonstrates that with a specific end goal to legitimize the
control of non-representative administrations over the state, the local governments have been
instituted by them. In the pre-independence period when it was the British majestic express that
proclaimed local government amendment. In the post-autonomy period it has been exercised
by the Pakistani military. Unlike endeavors at decentralization in different nations world-over,
which are usually driven largely by changes in state philosophy or pressure from different
quarters, Pakistan’s local government reforms, whether made by Ayub, Zia or Musharraf, were
primarily aimed at gaining legitimacy in state control.

5.2 Predicament of Representative Parliament

The citizens of Pakistan have never completely appreciated the profits of vote based system at
the local level Because of incessant changes of government, its checked political history, and
long military administrations. The power is kept exceptionally concentrated by rapidly
changing the governments. Because of the eighteenth Amendment, common governments have
given the decision making power at the locally administered level without elected impedance.
Tragically, undemocratic regimes in Pakistan are more compelling than chosen delegates of the

5.3 Centralized Mindset

In the current context of bureaucratic institutions, the central federation is mostly reluctant to
transfer real powers to the local level. Most of the government framework including the
institutions, parties and intelligence are aimed at strengthening the core a democratic regime.
The long standing strength of the centralized core of Pakistan, due to the history of unregulated
martial law governments of Pakistan provides the greatest threat to the decentralizing forces
that are developing in recent times. This is one of the reasons why the central system of Pakistan
today is rigid and unresponsive to make core issues that are faced by the local communities in
smaller rural and urban areas. In many cases, people are forced to travel to provincial states or
central federal capitals for the solutions to their problems by which time the damage done
becomes irreparable. This is why local governments should have significant authority to look
after the problems of their local communities.

5.4 Political Volatility of Elected Central Government

Since freedom, Pakistan’s most striking situation has been its failure to set up stable-and
powerful political establishments. Pakistan's rulers have regularly looked for the speedy
resolution of the issues of establishment building. Since partition none of the local
administration systems have survived, nor; those have worked for a long period of time.

5.5 Public Apathy

The whole system is to analyzed well in terms of how the democracy is being exercised in terms
of free public participation, their role in forming decisions and the extent to which their stance
is given priority. Since the deprivation of a local level government make it difficult for the
common people to put forward their views and demands that would affect the decision making
task, this unfair state of affairs generate disputes for local development.

5.6 Provincial-Central-Relations
A direct bearing on the functioning of local government is due to the predominant political and
authoritative patterns in the relationship between the central and provincial areas. The matter 158

Syed Shahid Zaheer Zaidi

of profound discussion is the inquiry of provincial self-sufficiency, which has brought on

extreme harm to the development of local government and other democratic foundations.
Despite obvious procurements concerning provincial independence in the constitution, the
absence of an enthusiasm and a craving to advance the interest of the parties led to these

5.7 Administrative Impediments

Historical analysis demonstrates a variation in the propensity of non-representative sectors to
use the bureaucracy to assist local governments. It has been noticed that amid the British and
Ayub periods, Bureaucratic dominance over local governments was unequivocal. In-spite of
the fact that the deputy commissioner kept on retaining huge accepted control, but during Zia’s
administration bureaucratic control seem to be decreased over local governments.
The established inclination is put forward by Musharraf administration by adopting two
kinds of methodologies: First, the provincial bureaucracy is further incapacitated by
reallocating a range of their capacities to the elected local representatives and by eliminating
the authority of deputy commissioner. Secondly, the present framework made alterations in the
responsibility, according to which, the provincial administration at the local level was made
answerable to the district and Tehsil nazims. In this way, regarding chain of command for the
bureaucratic organization at the district level supplanted factually by progression at the districts
and Tehsil levels.

5.8 Parties Induction into Local Government

The informal stress of the political parties' in municipal government in urban areas is but a fact.
There is a requirement of making it formal. But the big landlords might not be comfortable with
it. However, in the larger interest of the nation, giving space to the political parties on the local
government establishments might help to put a check on the landlords’ control over the common
man in the rural area.

5.9 Provincial-Local Relations

The matters of real concern which are required to be resolved is the liaison of local government
with provincial governments and the character of official and authoritative power.
Remembering the earlier misuse of powers in the local councils in terms of monetary and
regulatory issues, a method to eradicate corrupt elements and disqualifying them, if found
accused, to run in any future election will make the environment healthy

5.10 Financial Methods

Local councils are confronted with the issues of disproportion in their income and expenditure,
as a significant proportion being used on the establishment. The constantly expanding quantity
of staff causes a real trouble for the economy of these organizations. The establishment in the
Western states charges constitute a little impart of the monetary allowance, while local councils
in Pakistan apportion a significant part of their wages to the compensation of workers and
installment of power bills.

Unfortunately in Pakistan, because of the government’s regulatory authorities is in the hands of
military administration, a well-built democratic system has failed to exist. In contrast, in India,
there has been a good political system without any intrusion of the armed forces. 159

Problem & Issues of Local Government System (A Qualitative Study and Perspective of Pakistan
Local Government Setup under Different Regimes)

Ayub Khan’s Regime

In 1958, October 7, the martial law regime took its grounds under the assistance of Mohammad
Ayub Khan, designated as chief martial-law commissioner (Jalal, 1995). The president declared
the end of political parties, and demolished the existing constitution. After terminating the
provincial and national governments, the military government felt the necessity to provide to
common man a social standing in his own matters of concerns and as a result, the Basic
Democracies system came into existence (Jahan, 1972). This framework aims at creating a new
local government system across the nation for the selections of representatives. What made the
local government structure contentious is that Ayub utilized it to made legal his fundamentally
unitary Presidential Constitution (1962), which gave effective state power to the armed forces
through the office of the President (Cheema & Sayeed, 2006). This gave viable state force to
the military through the workplace of the President. The 1962 Constitution expressly connected
the workplace of the President to the recently made local bodies by announcing the 80,000
Basic Democrats as the Electoral College for the election of the President and in national and
provincial assemblies.
Notwithstanding, it fell into disapproval with the fall of the Ayub Khan' administration, to
which the framework was nearly related. Also, the first general decisions in the form of 1970
election and the detachment of East Pakistan from Pakistan brought about the development of
an overall new arrangement of government in the nation. However the paradox is that, the
proposed elections executed under the People's Local Government Ordinance of 1975 declared
by Pakistan's first equitably chosen government and intended to choose town and metropolitan
councils (and committees in the rural range), did not executed at all.

Zia’s Regime
It is important to notice in this case that the first Martial Law administration of Pakistan had
initiated a strong system of local governance that was far-reaching and effective enough to run
the daily matters effectively. However, in the regime of General Zia it was important to take
into account the core focus on the centralization of power in many aspects. A policy of
legalization of the central governments at the national and provincial levels was done to the
point of a single local level electoral representation. In the years from 1977 to 1985 this process
of political centralization gained traction and by putting the Martial Law fully into practice
resulting in the development of the 1973 constitution and later the 8th constitutional amendment
of 1985 (Quddus, 1981). This amendment resulted in a central presidential system of control
the core of which was defined in indirect military control. Local governments were revitalized
and local bodies were nominated in all four' provinces during 1979 and 1980. In addition, an
innovative, competitive or collaborative class of local-level politicians was made by the military
(Cheema, Khwaja, & Qadir, 2005).
The general election executed in 1988 after the downfall of Zia government. The elections
made PPP's the dominant party and it then PML (N) government follows the dominance.
Coincidently, this procedure repeated once again PPP appear as the leading party followed by
the PML (N) government. Unfortunately, neither of the political parties got effective success
rather their ineffective functioning led to the outbreak of political instability. Consequently, the
realm of P.M Nawaz Sharif was put to an end and a new Martial law was imposed once again,
under the supreme assistance of General Pervez Musharraf. General Pervez Musharraf
proposed an innovated Devolution of Power Plan which aimed to reallocate the powers to the
grass root level. As a result, , an innovative local government framework came into existence
and revised the electoral process. According to this system, all over the country, the local
governments were arranged to ensure the contribution of ordinary populace in order to handle
their local level affairs local level. 160

Syed Shahid Zaheer Zaidi

This new arrangement of local government encounters a range of challenges from diverse
martial administration, however, the most frequent challenges are discussed below as under:-

Musharraf’s Regime
Before the martial realm of Musharraf, local government institutions have long been present in
diverse structure in all the periods but they were not designated such powers that would make
their contribution to a greater level. In particular in pastoral areas, local governments were
dormant pragmatically and provincial administration used to perform larger part of the
functions of state.
This issue was treated best by Musharraf's new Devolution Plan. It focused on resolving the
issues of bureaucratic preeminence and political control has been transferred to the local
governments. This process was made operational by adopting two strategies; initially by
reallocating range of tasks to elected local governments, it aimed to undermine the provincial
bureaucracy and secondly, it also eliminated the workplace of the deputy commissioner. Yet
general society arrangement ventures its path through the bureaucratic intertwined condition of
undertakings (Anjum, 2005). It is further formed, molded, and advanced being executed.
Subsequently, the bureaucratic impact can't be completely dispensed with and will stay there in
one from or an alternate.
Despite the fact that the local governments’ rank, with regards to their undertakings and
their manner of dealing with the district level expenditures on services, considerably have
incremented post-devolution, but the degree of financial transference remained confined in both
pre and post devolution periods. It happened due to the lack of efficient revenue of local
governments which has made it confined in its propensities made it largely dependant upon
getting financial assistance from regional and eventually federal funds. Another reason was that
the considerable size of local expenditures is "establishment charges" that is impossible change
according to their level.
In both, military and civilian rule, the absence of local self-governance constantly remained
an issue. Essentially, the local delegates are never designated with the authorities of making
judgments in appreciation of local planning and advancement. Furthermore to ensure money
related reasonability and specialized capability, this methodology dependably includes a
significant level of supervision and mediation by national servants.
However one thing is not crystal clear in this new Devolution Plan is that transference
basically included an exchange of provincial authorities and obligations to the locale and
subordinate levels of governments, however, it neglected delegation of any federal authorities
to either the provincial or local levels.
During the period of British rule and Zia’s realm, the local government was not granted
legitimate scope. It implies the lack of control at central level to settle in an independent and
autonomous body of governance at local level. Dissimilar to these Ayub utilized the local
government to give a legitimate spread to his self-proclaimed constitution, where military were
engaged with the viable state power. This was carried out by utilizing the recently made local
governments to choose the President and national and provincial congregations
With an end to the Ayub Khan administration, his framework fell into disgrace and brought
about the development of an overall arrangement of new government in the nation.
Notwithstanding, Musharraf’s innovative framework of local government, has intrinsically
transformed Pakistan into a two-tier elected state i.e. the local governments are not perceived
as the third tier of the government by the 1973 Constitution. The seventeenth Constitutional
Amendment gives restricted insurance to the local governments for a time of just six years amid
which territories can roll out improvements to the local government enactment with the 161

Problem & Issues of Local Government System (A Qualitative Study and Perspective of Pakistan
Local Government Setup under Different Regimes)

consensus of the President. This again put an inquiry check on the progression of the framework
after the end of Musharraf administration as occurred in the instances of his antecedents.
Despite the fact, that all governments, which are designated as non-representative, have
enacted as the pioneers of local government changes, yet they are not absolutely independent
to these administrations by outline. This is maybe an alternate indication of the yearning of the
non-representative focus to hold political command over local governments. Amid the British
and Ayub periods, political supremacy was specifically practiced by the inside through the
Amid the Zia period, reforms of the local government were intended to give the authority
of deferment to regional armed forces governors, which secured a concrete risk of evacuation
over local legislators. This was an attempt by the non-representative to maintain a defense
shield against the development of a politically free local bodies.
The current administration likewise has not gotten rid of the deferment powers conceded to
the higher levels of government. These loopholes in configuration may critically influence the
manageable quality of these changes, particularly as provincial rights for the local level stays

From the above analytics it has been found that the result of local government system under
different regimes was unsatisfactory in contrast to its functioning due to the mentioned above
problem & issues in each regime model imposed contingently at that time. But due to weakness
and flawlessness was unable to attain its targets. 1) Ayub’s regime was unsuccessful to achieve
the goal of local governing system due to too much influence and empowerment given to elite
class within the system. 2) During Zia’s regime, the local governing system was not given legal
legitimacy scope of functioning which was the major cause of its dis-functioning. 3)
Musharraf’s regime brought an influence on transforming Pakistan’s local governing system
into two state elected procedure which was not recognized by 1973 constitution. If legal
attempts to be made to ensure the adequate functioning of the adopted administered system.
Then the fruits of the imposed system will be in satisfactory performance.

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Syed Shahid Zaheer Zaidi

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