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Empowerment Technology

Radio Broadcasting — Podcast

Group 1 Script


Podcast Hosts
Podcast Host #1: Sophia Abad
Podcast Host #2: Icechristian Meracap
Podcast Host #3: Luisa Galang

Juliann Trangia
Divino Navarro
Lowel Quizon
Charles Arcilla
Sean Kurt Dumayas
Elaine Mae Havana
Seven Jhaine Ranollo

Technical Team
Lea Ling
Divino Navarro


Podcast Host #1: Another day, another gossip! Welcome everyone! I’m your host, Sophia,

Podcast Host #2: Ice

Podcast Host #3: and Luisa, and you’re listening to…

All: TalkThatTalk!

Podcast Host #1: And we are back again with another hot topic issue nowadays! But before we
start our session, partners, I just want to ask you guys if you have the power to change the
country, like in a blink of an eye, what will you change first?
Podcast Host #2: Good question, partner! Hmmm… if I had the power to change the country,
what would I change first? There are plenty actually, especially nowadays that there are a lot of
issues that are happening in our world, but I would choose to change and fix poverty.

Podcast Host #3: Well, for me, there is this one certain issue that I want to change in this
country and that is corruption. This has been and will always be a major issue here! There are
officials that keep on abusing their power, and it is really irritating to witness!

Podcast Host #1: Oh damn, wait! I guess we are starting to get serious now! Okay, for this
episode, let’s talk about corruption here within our country, the Philippines. So, (Host #3), since
you are already going at it, what is corruption for you?

Podcast Host #3: Corruption has been one of the most hot issues here in the Philippines.
Imagine, the Philippines ranked 115 out of 180 in terms of being least corrupt, and perceived as
one of the most corrupt countries in the world and that is according to philstar in 2024!

Podcast Host #2: Oh well, disappointed but not surprised.

Podcast Host #1: I can feel you on that one, (Host #3). I totally can.

Podcast Host #3: We’re all exposed to the political circus of this country, so uncivilized!

Podcast Host #2: I know, right? No wonder we are still considered as a third world country.

Podcast Host #1: I think we are so ready to start our talk session!

Podcast Host #3: We are so ready for it! Without further ado, let’s now delve into the wonders
of corruption in Episode 3 of TalkThatTalk!

(music interlude)

Podcast Host #2: Corruption is a very scary occurrence to ever happen to one’s life, right?

Podcast Host #3: Oh, I cannot imagine the horrors of that thing! But, can you imagine that, the
Philippines is greatly exposed to corruption, it became like a common thing for us?

Podcast Host #1: I know, and that’s concerning! It’s like you’re being robbed in a dark alley and
all you have to say is, “ Oh well” like you just don’t care anymore.

Podcast Host #3: Who the heck would react like that, (Podcast Host #1)?
Podcast Host #2: But, I mean, (Host #1) is not wrong either, and it’s scary as hell because some
people are now normalizing corruption, which is so messed up!

Podcast Host #1: It really just became like a standard norm in our society! I mean, corruption is
really a thing even in other countries, but having abnormally low rates of being unaware and
concerned, that’s a very concerning move y’all.

Podcast Host #2: Maybe our government’s really messed us up, we just don’t care anymore,

Podcast Host #3: I certainly agree with you on that one.

Podcast Host #1: But you know, sometimes people don't seem to bother it at all because they
were just blinded by their own beliefs. Like you know, just like what happened with the famous
“Golden Era”.

Podcast Host #3: Oh man, that era was so messed up! I have heard lots from the news about the
Marcos Regime, and it was horrid!

Podcast Host #2: I can still hear my grandmother telling me that era was ‘great’.

Podcast Host #1: What the…!!

Podcast Host #2: No bluff!

Podcast Host #3: But seriously, what’s up with that regime?

Podcast Host #2: That regime was the worst of them all! Did you know that the external debt of
the Philippines rose up from 0.36 billion dollars ($0.36B) to 28.26 billion dollars ($28.26B)!

Podcast Host #1: Are you serious? I can feed a whole village for a decade with that sum of

Podcast Host #2: I know, right! And guess what, according to Transparency International, he
had successfully embezzled $5 billion to $10 billion dollars within his 20-year dictatorship! He
even funded a private island with the government funds for his son, Bongbong Marcos.

Podcast Host #3: That was a hard punch in the gut! Award!
Podcast Host #2: I bet the devil is afraid of him.

Podcast Host #1: But seriously, that was way too much! Imagine, all of the blood, sweat, and
tears you’ve saved up from your hard labor will all just end up on an exclusive island!

Podcast Host #2: And you know what? There’s more! According to the Human Rights
Violations Victims’ Memorial Commission (HRVVMC), 11,103 individuals became victims
within the dictatorial span of the Marcos Regime! Can you believe that?

Podcast Host #2: This corruption was the worst of them all. It was even dubbed by the Guinness
World Records as “The Greatest Robbery of A Government”!

Podcast Host #3: Award!

Podcast Host #1: So cruel! How could he even do this without remorse?

Podcast Host #2: I know, right! But don’t be so resentful, we’ve got more contenders here!

Podcast Host #3: I believe Erap can compete with those kinds of abilities right there!

Podcast Host #1: The Joseph Estrada regime, you mean? Do you know what happened there? I
believe that this is also one of the worst regimes in the history of the Philippines!

Podcast Host #2: Is that true, partner?

Podcast Host #3: What? You didn’t know?! He even created a gambling site inside the house of
the president.

Podcast Host #2: Oh really, good thing I wasn't born during that time. Maybe I would even be a
billionaire if I joined the gambling inside the house of the president.

Podcast Host #3: I doubt it.

Podcast Host #2: Hey!

Podcast Host #3: But in all seriousness, Estrada did commit a serious crime, such as plundering
85 million dollars of funds, which are worth 4 billion pesos here in the Philippines.

Podcast Host #1: Oh my God! That's a huge amount of money! I wonder where they all end up.
Podcast Host #2: Maybe Estrada spent it on something else or he kept it tight in his pocket.

Podcast Host #1: It really is quite a headache having a president like that…

Podcast Host #2: Oh, I love it! I love this episode! But before we continue, I think we all need a
breather. These issues are getting hotter and hotter!

Podcast Host #3: But hey! Are you still there, Sophians?


Podcast Host #1, #2, and #3 : Hey Sophians! Welcome to a socio-political podcast. This is an
episode for our live session, where we talk about some issues here in the Philippines.

Podcast Host #1: The hottest topics that are trending in social media. Join us as we unravel the
hot social and political issues that are going on in the Philippines. Catch up every Monday at
1:30 pm on socio-political podcast: TalkThatTalk on Spotify for you to join our daily chikas.

Podcast Host #2: Oops! There's more! You are also able to send us the topics you want us to
cover next! Just email us at, or you can comment down on our
facebook page!

Podcast Host #3: Visit our page, TalkThatTalk, click the comment button, share your insights as
well as your suggestions. For now, let's think about this episode and give 5 star ratings as your
feedback on our show. TalkThatTalk, where eye-opening topics matter. Join and listen for free!

Podcast Host #1, #2, and #3: Only here at Spotify….

(back to the podcast)

Podcast Host #3: And we are back with another corruption issue!

Podcast Host #1: Last topic, we talked about Estrada’s regime right? But are you guys familiar
with what happened to the former president, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo?

Podcast Host #2: Ohh, I think I’ve heard that topic before, but it just surfaced. So what
happened to her back then partner?

Podcast Host #1: Well, she was also involved in corruption!

Podcast Host #2: Ohhhh…

Podcast Host #1: Well, it all started when reports surfaced about irregularities in the recent
election. Many citizens and opposition leaders were already questioning the legitimacy of the
results, alleging voter suppression and tampering with ballots.

Podcast Host #3: And then the government decided to take legal action?

Podcast Host #1: Exactly! Just as she was about to leave the country, authorities swooped in
with a court order, accusing her of orchestrating the electoral fraud.

Podcast Host #2: That's a dramatic turn of events! What's the reaction been like?

Podcast Host #1: It's been a mix of outrage and vindication. Her supporters claim it's a
politically motivated smear campaign, while others see it as a long-awaited reckoning for alleged

Podcast Host #2: It sounds like this story is far from over. We'll be sure to keep our listeners
updated as it unfolds.

Podcast Host #2: But despite that, I think she also did remarkable work during her time as a
president of the Philippines.

Podcast Host #1: What did she do back then?

Podcast Host #2: President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo supported the Framework Plan for
Women, which aimed to promote women’s economic empowerment, protect women’s human
rights, and encourage and strengthen gender-responsive governance.

Podcast Host #3: Also, the presidency of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, also known as the Arroyo
administration, spanned nine years in service from January 20, 2001, to June 30, 2010. She
served the remainder of her predecessor Joseph Estrada's term after he was deposed, and she was
elected to a full second term in 2004, which ended in 2010.

Podcast Host #2: Well, it’s not surprising that there is still corruption happening nowadays. Just
like the recent issue about the confidential funds.

Podcast Host #1: Ohh, what a hot topic indeed! I remember there were lots of people talking
about that issue.
Podcast Host #2: Right? I was shocked because even teenagers nowadays are talking about that!
And it’s a good thing that teenagers are interested in what’s happening in our country.

Podcast Host #3: How about you, partners? What do you think about the confidential funds? Is
it necessary?

Podcast Host #1: There was a controversy surrounding VP Sara Duterte’s use of confidential
and intelligence funds. For me it has flagged serious questions about transparency, legality, as
well as accountability within the government.

Podcast Host #2: The allocation and expenditure of those confidential funds have become such a
subject of public concern, and just rightfully so, cause can you believe it 125 Million pesos, for
what?! With that amount of money, I can literally become the president without even a diploma.

Podcast Host #3: To be honest, I don’t really know why VP Sara told the media that whoever is
against the confidential fund is against the peace.

Podcast Host #2: Yeah. As far as I know, confidential funds are for our national security right?
But what is there to fund in the education field? How about the transparencies that are essential
in the government?

Podcast Host #1: Confidential funds just really open more doors for corruption. Even the 1987
Constitution stated that every fund must be audited appropriately, but this confidential fund does
not even go into the common auditing procedures. That means that it can even be stolen more

Podcast Host #3: Definitely! As a Filipino Citizen, we must be aware of the government
allocations that are from our taxes. If the funds are really intended for Filipino Citizens, what
even is the sense of them being confidential, right?

Podcast Host #2: That’s true, partner!

Podcast Host # 1: Arghh, this topic is making me thirsty but…

(proceeds to the commercial)


Podcast Host #1: Speaking of security, have you secured your home internet wifi?

Podcast Host #2: Actually, no. I haven't yet.

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Podcast Host #2: Yah, but how do I prevent that?

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Podcast Host #3: And here's the best part - use the code (TalkThatTalk) to get an exclusive 30%
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Podcast Host #2: Don't compromise on your online security. Stay safe with NordVPN. Now
back to the topic.

(music interlude)

Podcast Host #1: So partners, we are nearing the end of this episode. But before we end, what
can you say about this episode?

Podcast Host #2: Well, personally, I really like this episode out of all the episodes that we’ve
talked about.

Podcast Host #3: Me too, partner! I love how we’ve talked about one of the hottest topics here
in the Philippines. With the help of our podcast, I hope many of our listeners become
knowledgeable about the corruption that happened here in our country!

Podcast Host #1: Well, that’s it for today’s episode. Thank you so much for listening to our

Podcast Host #2: Don’t forget to follow us on Spotify and keep tuning in on every episode to be
continuously updated on every new topic and content.

Podcast Host #3: Once again, this is TalkThatTalk! Chismis out!!

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