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Number series (ch. 11 p.


Telescoping series:(apply divergence test)

Telescoping Series
Partial fraction decomposition to find sum of telescoping series
Taylor and Maclaurin Series
Taylor Series and Maclaurin Series - Calculus 2
Taylor & Maclaurin polynomials intro (part 1) | Series | AP Calculus BC | Khan Academy
Maclaurin series of cos(x) | Series | AP Calculus BC | Khan Academy
Maclaurin series of sin(x) | Series | AP Calculus BC | Khan Academy
Maclaurin series of e_ | Series | AP Calculus BC | Khan Academy
The tests:

Divergence Test For Series - Calculus 2

Direct Comparison Test - Calculus 2

Limit Comparison Test

Absolute Convergence, Conditional Convergence, and Divergence

(Ratio test e folosit cand avem n! sau a^n)

Ratio Test

Root Test

Power series:

Power Series - Finding The Radius & Interval of Convergence - Calculus 2

Functions of several variables(ch. 14 p.877)

14.1: Functions of Several Variables (Aici e un playlist intreg ce explica tot chapter 14.)
-detect the domain def
-detect level curves/ level surfaces
-say that it doesn't have limit and provide paths with different answers/ prove by
definition that it has a limit(one question)
-part deriv. 1st, 2nd, and high order (definitely one)
-could be a function where to apply the derivative of a product/ chain rule/ derivative
of the ratio
-tangent planes and linear approximation- you need to know how to write the
equation of a tangent plane or normal line (one question)
-gradient and directional derivatives (one question)
-the chain rule
-optimisation - necessarily - find local extremum or absolute maximum or maybe
conditional one by use of the lagrange multipliers (one question)
-apply not only the necessary conditions but also the second derivative test which is
the sufficient conditions of existence for the extremum
-to find the absolute extremum

Improper Integrals(Ch. 7.8 p.519)

Improper Integrals - Convergence and Divergence - Calculus 2

Introduction to improper integrals | AP Calculus BC | Khan Academy
Divergent improper integral | AP Calculus BC | Khan Academy
Improper integral with two infinite bounds | AP Calculus BC | Khan Academy
-given an integral we need to recognize it
-motivate is it improper and why
-type 1 or type 2?
-evaluate the integral - recogn type and then apply definition in order to compute it
-there are some type of integrals in which it's very difficult to compute so use
comparison test
-answer is it convergent or divergent

Multiple integration(ch.15 p.973)

Double Integrals
Type I or Type II domains
Double and Triple Integrals
-sketching the domains
-a problem to change the coordinates to cylindric or spherical
-part deriv. 1st, 2nd, and high order

15.1: Double Integrals over Rectangles (playlist cu tot chapter 15 explicat)

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