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Expert Review of Medical Devices

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Design and preparation of polymeric scaffolds for

tissue engineering

Thomas Weigel, Gregor Schinkel & Andreas Lendlein

To cite this article: Thomas Weigel, Gregor Schinkel & Andreas Lendlein (2006) Design and
preparation of polymeric scaffolds for tissue engineering, Expert Review of Medical Devices,
3:6, 835-851, DOI: 10.1586/17434440.3.6.835

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Design and preparation of

polymeric scaffolds for
tissue engineering
Thomas Weigel, Gregor Schinkel and Andreas Lendlein†
Polymeric scaffolds for tissue engineering can be prepared with a multitude of different
techniques. Many diverse approaches have recently been under development. The
CONTENTS adaptation of conventional preparation methods, such as electrospinning, induced phase
Scaffold preparation from separation of polymer solutions or porogen leaching, which were developed originally for
polymer solution by other research areas, are described. In addition, the utilization of novel fabrication
nonsolvent-induced phase techniques, such as rapid prototyping or solid free-form procedures, with their many
separation or thermally
different methods to generate or to embody scaffold structures or the usage of self-
induced phase separation
assembly systems that mimic the properties of the extracellular matrix are also described.
Scaffold preparation from
These methods are reviewed and evaluated with specific regard to their utility in the area
the polymer melt by a
foaming process of tissue engineering.
Scaffolds by Expert Rev. Med. Devices 3(6), 835–851 (2006)
microsphere sintering
Rapid prototyping/
The technology of tissue engineering aims to formation in vitro and in vivo. Up to now
solid free-form fabrication generate new or substitute damaged or malfunc- scaffolds made from biomaterials have temporar-
tioning tissue or organs and could well become ily substituted the extracellular matrix (ECM).
Indirect methods using RP or
SFF fabrication methods an alternative method to whole organ trans- Such biomaterials can be of natural origin, such
plantation [1–6]. In the last decade particularly, as organic collagen [74–76], fibrin glue [77–79],
Self-assembly systems
enormous advances have been made in the area hyaluronic acid [80–82] or the inorganic-like cor-
Electrospinning of tissue regeneration for therapeutical purposes. alline [83,84]. Synthetic polymeric materials have
Scaffold fabrication Tissue engineering is an interdisciplinary also been investigated, including, for example,
supporting processes research area in which principles of material aliphatic, copolyesters [85–87], polyhydroxyal-
Method comparison science/engineering and cell biology/life science kanoates [88–90] and polyethylene glycol [91,92], or
are combined. The methods of tissue engineer- inorganic materials, such as hydroxy-
ing have been applied to different types of tissue, apatite [48,93,94], tricalciumphosphate [95,96], glass
Expert commentary
including skin [7–11], bone [12–16], liver [17–21], ceramics and glass [97–99].
Five-year view intestine [22–27], esophagus [28–32], valve The intrinsic material properties, such as
Key issues leaflets [33–36], muscle [37–39] and tongue [40–42], the mechanical [100] or thermal [101,102] behav-
the vascular system [43–47], for craniofacial ior, of a polymer play a role in the utilization
defects [48–50], tendons and ligaments [51–55], of tissue engineering and also in the embodi-
cartilage [56–60] and nerve tissue [61–65]. Since the ment and the morphology of the shaped scaf-

Author for correspondence early commercialization of tissue-engineered fold body. By ‘embodiment’, we mean the
Institute of Polymer Research, applications, for example, the work of Bell and preparation with, for example, the use of
GKSS Research Center, Kantstr. 55, colleagues [66], research with stem cells [3,67–69] fibers [103], microspheres [104,105] or flat bod-
D-14513 Teltow, Germany
Tel.: +49 332 835 2450
and the use of growth factors [70–73] that support ies, like particular structured films [106], to cell differentiation and proliferation, have pro- become a scaffold body. The definition of
vided new opportunities in the field of tissue embodiment also includes the computer-
KEYWORDS: engineering. At present, tissue engineering aided construction of these bodies [107]. The
electrospinning, phase separation,
preparation methods, rapid methods generally require the use of a porous morphology of a scaffold has to meet the
prototyping, scaffolds, scaffold that serves as a matrix for initial cell demands of the targeted applications [108].
self-assembly systems,
tissue engineering attachment and subsequently for tissue General requirements for the scaffold 10.1586/17434440.3.6.835 © 2006 Future Drugs Ltd ISSN 1743-4440 835

Weigel, Schinkel & Lendlein

morphology are interconnected pores in order to assure cell require pore sizes in the upper micrometer range, for example,
growth and the transport flow of nutrients and metabolic for skin (20–150 µm) or bone scaffolds (40–400 µm) [124],
waste [109,110]. The scaffold surface should enable a suitable which cannot be realized with this technique unless it is com-
cell attachment and promote the cell differentiation and pro- bined with other processes, such as salt leaching [125]. Special
liferation. Furthermore, the biocompatible degradation of the shaped bodies prepared by ‘pure’ nonsolvent-induced phase sep-
scaffold material has to proceed appropriately and in sync aration (NIPS) can also be used in biomedical applications [126],
with the formation of the tissue [111]. The scaffold morphol- for example, as a carrier for epidermal substitutes (FIGURE 1) [127].
ogy is determined by the fabrication method and/or the As well as the initiation of phase separation by a nonsolvent,
embodiment. By varying the component dimensions it is also possible to initiate the phase separation thermally by a
(e.g., reducing the diameter of filaments from the micrometer thermally induced phase separation (TIPS). A homogeneous
to the nanometer scale), scaffolds can be formed with porosi- solution of a polymer in a solvent is prepared at an elevated
ties and strengths that are significantly different to their origi- temperature [128,129]. The solution is introduced into the
nal morphology [112]. The mechanical properties of the scaf- desired form and cooled afterwards by removal of heat energy
fold and the tissue, which need to be replaced, should in a quenching process [130]. The solvent is typically removed by
match [113] and, eventually, the material processing properties sublimation [131,132] or extraction [133,134] to yield a micro-
need to be suitable for the scaffold formation. porous scaffold. A liquid–liquid phase separation takes place, in
In this review, different methods for scaffold design are which the solution separates into a polymer-rich phase and a
summarized with specific emphasis on fabrication methods. polymer-poor phase (FIGURE 2) [135].
The preparation of porous scaffold bodies can be realized by a Depending on the nature and strength of the polymer sol-
multitude of different techniques. Especially, new develop- vent interactions, further thermodynamic polymer solvent
ments in the area of electronically controlled processes [114,115] systems are conceivable. Such a constellation is a solid–liquid
and the utilization of new research results, which mimic natu- TIPS [136,137], in which the polymer crystallizes from the solu-
ral systems, such as the ECM [116], induce new progress in tion and, at least, in theory, a liquid–solid TIPS exists, in
scaffold formation. The spectrum of achievable scaffold types which the solvent crystallizes first, before the polymer [138].
with very different properties has been expanded by both the The microstructure of the resulting scaffold depends on
process adaptation, which has been established initially in which of these three sequences is followed and on the kinetics
other applications, such as membrane formation [117], and the of structure development. Liquid–liquid TIPS seems to be the
combination of different scaffold preparation methods [118]. preferred method because it has been proven to be a valuable
method of making scaffolds and it has been studied
Scaffold preparation from polymer solution by extensively [130,139–141].
nonsolvent-induced phase separation or thermally induced
phase separation
In order to fabricate scaffolds from polymer solution, poly-
mers are dissolved in a solvent and brought by casting onto a 50 μm
solid surface to immerse this flat thin solution into a nonsol-
vent, to form a flat membrane-like structure for tissue engi-
neering applications [119]. By casting the solution through a
nozzle into the nonsolvent, a tubular structure can be
created [120,121]. A block structure is also possible by casting
the polymer solution into a mold and bringing the solution
surface into contact with the nonsolvent afterwards [122].
When adding the nonsolvent, the solvent diffuses out while
the nonsolvent diffuses into the polymer solution that will
form the scaffold structure. The nonsolvent concentration in
the polymer solution increases. After a short diffusion time,
which means a few fractions of a second, at the specific work-
ing temperature, the ternary system of solvent, nonsolvent
and polymer is no longer stable. The polymer begins to pre-
cipitate from the solution and it finally forms the
scaffold [119]. At the end of this exchanging process, the
porous morphology has been created and the shape is
solidified [122]. Figure 1. Laser-scanning microscopic picture from poly(ether imide)
The average pore size that can be realized by this process can membranes prepared by nonsolvent-induced phase separation and
be varied only from the nanometer [123] to the few micrometer modified with poly(ethylene imine) (keratinocytes cultured for 4 days
stained for cell cytoskeleton). Reproduced with permission from [127].
range [122]. However, applications in tissue engineering often

836 Expert Rev. Med. Devices 3(6), (2006)

Design and preparation of polymeric scaffolds for tissue engineering

example, closed cell foams and microsizes of approximately

10 µm [156] or a homogeneous nucleation with cell sizes in a
broad range of 30–700 µm [157]. It has been published regularly
that the foams possess closed cells [158–160], however, this means,
at the same time, that there is a low level of interconnectivity
and therefore their application in the area of tissue engineering
is limited. Thus, foaming processes are often coupled with
leaching methods in order to increase the porosity of the result-
ing scaffold [161–163]. Scaffold preparation by a foaming process
also allows the incorporation of bioactive [164] or
pharmaceutical [165] substances.

200 μm Scaffolds by microsphere sintering

Microspheres can be formed by different processes, such as
spraying a polymer solution followed by NIPS [166]. The use of
ultrasound [167] to emulsify water in a polymer solution is also
Figure 2. Scanning electron microscope micrograph of scaffold from a described. It aims to finally obtain a water-in-oil-in-water
multiblock copolymer prepared by thermally induced phase separation.
emulsion. The water droplets may even be loaded with, for
Reproduced with permission from [135].
example, DNA [164]. Then, the emulsion of water-in-polymer
solution is brought into an aqueous poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)
Scaffold preparation from the polymer melt by a solution to complete the NIPS by stirring for 3 h. By the use of
foaming process a vortexer [168,169], a water-in-oil-in-water is achievable. Hot
The foaming process of thermoplastics represents a fre- stirring of a paraffin/gelatin–water emulsion at 80°C is also
quently used method for the fabrication of porous materials. reported. The stirring is followed by an ice water quenching to
Methods differ mainly in the type of foaming agents, such as obtain paraffin spheres for paraffin leaching [170]. The simplest
water [142] or CO2 and nitrogen [143], as well as way is to pour the organic polymer solution into the aqueous
fluoroform [144], and the processing procedure, for example, PVA solution and to stir for a few hours. It was chosen to iso-
by an injection molding with a foaming agent based on a late microspheres that could be brought into a 3D shape fol-
carboxylic acid to obtain porous cores [145] or by the use of a lowed by a sintering process to an in vivo characterized scaffold
high-pressure chamber in an autoclave [101]. Expanding sub- body [171,172]. Microsphere sintering is, furthermore, a suitable
stances are generated by chemical reaction, for example, dur- method of obtaining composite structures from polymeric and
ing polyurethane synthesis as well as ammonium bicarbonate inorganic substances for bone tissue engineering [173].
that spontaneously produces CO2 and ammonia gas
bubbles [146] or by a thermal decomposition of specially Rapid prototyping/solid free-form fabrication
added substances, such as azodicarbonamide [147,148]. The Conventional fabrication techniques can not build up a complex
foaming process can also be initiated by ‘physically’ acting scaffold with an exactly predefined shape. Rapid prototyping
agents, which change their physical state via variation in tem- (RP) [174,175] or solid free-form (SFF) [115,176,177] fabrication, are
perature and pressure during the process. Foaming processes common terms for a group of techniques that model a scaffold
are realized as continuous [149] or discontinuous [150,151] directly from a computer-aided design (CAD) data set. RP tech-
working processes. A common method of scaffold prepara- niques mostly build up a specific body shape by the selective
tion is the exposure of polymers to high-pressure CO2 [152]. addition of material, layer-by-layer, guided by a computer
This method has the advantages that CO2 is cheap, simple to program [178]. RP systems were not developed for biomaterials
access, gives, for example, a lower dense foam than originally; for example, the 3D-Printing system Model
nitrogen [73,143] and it does not require removal before cell Maker II™ [179] but the manifold of RP designs also enables
seeding like other pore forming substances. The gas is dis- their biomedical application. The step-by-step construction of
solved in the solid polymer or polymer melt at high tempera- scaffolds facilitates improved reproducibility. In contrast to con-
ture and high pressure, for example, for poly(lactide-co-gly- ventional fabrication methods, parameters, such as porosity,
colide)acid (PLGA) 35–40°C, 10–20 MPa [153], for interconnectivity, pore size and geometric stability, can be con-
poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) 70–90°C and 7–32 MPa [154] or trolled more precisely [180]. Furthermore, cells can be printed on
even cyclic olefin copolymer (COC) 100–180°C and surfaces [181] and so it seems to be possible that living biological
30 MPa [155]. substances could be incorporated into the prefabricated layer
The thermodynamic instability is then induced by reducing before the final assembly [114,182]. However, the method is
the CO2 gas pressure to an ambient level [150]. During the restricted in the choice of materials and limited by its resolution
expansion process, the morphology of the scaffold may be gen- determined by the use of engineered precision machine tools and
erated by implementing a heterogeneous nucleation with, for tools like nozzles and the frequent small final size of the scaffold 837
Weigel, Schinkel & Lendlein

(e.g., 0.4–3.5 cm3) [183–185], depending on the fabrication. In Nonfused liquid deposition modeling
most cases, scaffolds with resolutions in a range of 200–500 µm The deposition of extruded strands, filaments or the plotting of
are described [107] – depending on the RP technology used. The dots in 3D is not necessarily connected with high temperatures
usage of a special RP fabrication technique demands specific and polymer melts. A further possibility is the usage of pastes or
material properties. Although many different applications to slurries, solutions and dispersions of polymers or reactive
embody scaffolds under RP processing conditions are described, oligomers [200]. Special experimental equipment, with adapted
the special requisitions of the polymer material limit the processing options, is required for processing of these materials
utilization of RP fabrication techniques. into 3D scaffolds. The described multiphase jet solidification
(MJS) process for biomaterials [201] generally means the use of a
Shape deposition manufacturing dispersion of different phases, for example, solid ceramic particles
Shape deposition manufacturing involves the fabrication of a lay- and a binder solution [202] in RP. The bioplotter™ [203,204] or
ered scaffold in a tailor-made geometry by a computer-controlled reactive plotter [205] dispenses pastes or dispersions into a match-
cutting machine [114]. The scaffolds are built up incrementally ing plotting liquid with the right density. After leaving the nozzle
from prefabricated cross-sectional layers of formed materials. and contacting the previous layer of the body that is being fabri-
Layers are assembled manually and joined to form 3D bodies cated, the plotting medium is becoming solid. No supports are
using biodegradable or biostable fasteners. The concept of needed owing to the fact that the plotting liquid medium
robotic microassembly follows the same principle [114,182]. Differ- compensates the gravity [107].
ently designed block units are first prepared [186], for example, by
lithographic methods or other previously mentioned techniques. 3D printing
The blocks are assembled with a precision robot with microgrip- In 3D printing technology (3D-P), the shaped bodies are cre-
ping capabilities. However, this interesting and innovative ated by a layering printing process with adhesive bonding,
method is still awaiting broad application in tissue engineering. using powder as a base material [301]. In the beginning, a layer
of powder is spread over a building platform. Then a binder
Fused deposition modeling solution is deposited precisely by an ink-jet print head on the
Compressed polymer melts are starting points for the prepara- powder layer to join single powder particles, resulting in a 2D
tion of porous scaffolds using a 3D-fiber deposition layer profile [206]. A fresh layer of powder is laid down and the
technique [187–190]. In this procedure, a polymer melt is formed process is repeated. After drying of the binder, the nonjoined
into a fiber with a temperature–controlled extruder. Its nozzle powder is removed by an air jet flow [184] and the finished scaf-
deposits the fiber or the filaments on a motor–driven x-y-z table. fold retrieved. The resolution of 3D-P is influenced by the par-
The machine first builds a layer of fibers with a well defined dis- ticle size of the powder, the nozzle size and degree of control
tance. On the top, fiber layers are deposited, which form a 3D over the position controller that defines print-head movement.
scaffold with an exact porous morphology and 100% intercon- An achievable channel diameter of 500 µm has been
nectivity. The positional control of the table is often computer reported [206]. The powder of materials that can be used for bio-
aided and allows for the construction of 3D structures (FIGURE 3). medical applications is not always available in the appropriate
Models could also use data from computer tomography, particle size (usually 80–250 µm) and often requires certain
magnetic resonance imaging scans or data created from 3D pretreatments [207]. Powder particles have to flow well with a
object digitizing systems [191]. In a modification of the fused defined size range and have to demonstrate good interaction
deposition modeling (FDM) process, the filament preparation with the liquid binder in an amount of at least 500 ml granu-
to feed the extrusion head as described, for example, with a late [208]. The successful realization of the 3D-P process also
diameter of 1.78 mm [57], is no longer necessary. Instead, the depends on the adaptation of an appropriate binder for differ-
polymer material can be used in its commercial form as pellets ent base materials. A preferred solvent with regard to biocom-
and granules by precision extruding deposition (PED), which patibility is water, suitable for natural biopolymers, such as
forms, for example, PCL scaffolds with a pore size of starch-based [209], gelatin or collagen. Organic solvent as bind-
250 µm [192] or even 200 µm 193]. ers (e.g., chloroform or methylene chloride) might be harmful
A specific demand on the material is that it demonstrates a suit- to the human body and difficult to remove completely [210].
able thermoplastic behavior. Therefore, meltable polymers are
used frequently, such as the slow biodegrading PCL [110,191,194,195] Selective laser sintering
or the nonbiodegradable acrylonitrile butadiene styrene This technique uses deflected laser beams (infrared laser, CO2
(ABS) [188,196] or polypropylene (PP) [197]. The use of the good laser) to sinter thin layers [211] of powdered materials, such as
biodegradable PLGA or poly(lactic acid) (PLA) in FDM is rarely wax, synthetic polymers (polycarbonate [207], polyamides [210],
reported. A disadvantage of the biodegradability may also be the PCL [212]) or mixtures/coatings with polymers, such as ultra
thickness of the pore walls stemming from the fiber diameters, for high molecular weight polyethylene [213], poly(etherether-
example, approximately 200–300 µm [110,191,198] and the dimen- ketone)/hydroxyapatite [214] or polyvinyl alcohol/hydroxy-
sions of the scaffold bodies are often rectangular and with a size of apatite [213], to prepare solid 3D scaffolds. The laser beam selec-
a few hundred mm3 to several cm3 [110,183,199]. tively scans over the powder surface [210]. The interaction of the

838 Expert Rev. Med. Devices 3(6), (2006)

Design and preparation of polymeric scaffolds for tissue engineering

2 mm 1 mm 1 mm


2 mm D 2 mm E 1 mm F

Figure 3. Scanning electron microscope photos of scaffolds from fibers with different deposition geometries. (A) Homogeneous fiber spacing of 1 mm
showing typical fiber diameters and pore geometries; (B) top view; (C) staggered fiber spacing of 1 mm; (D) inhomogeneous pore-size gradient;
(E) inhomogeneous pore-size gradient deposited on a dense basal layer of fibers; (F) superficial layer of gradient scaffold. Reproduced with permission from [190].

laser beam with the powder elevates the powder temperature Furthermore, different adaptations and variations concern-
just beyond the glass transition temperature but below the ing the improvement of the hydrogel stability (usage of
melting temperature of the used material. The powder particles polymer mixtures) [216] were developed to incorporate living
that are in contact are deformed and fused together. New layers cells during the formation process (adaptation of processing
of powder are deposited by a roller, building a new sintered conditions to prevent toxic free radicals) [218,219] or to
layer on top of the previous one (FIGURE 4). improve the acuteness of prepared structures – more precise
The laser-beam diameter (∼400 µm) or powder–particle laser beam moves connected with the expansion of the
size limits the dimension of generated scaffold structures. material base [114] or using photolithographic techniques
Owing to Gaussian distribution of the laser energy and the with x-rays, electron or ion beams [220]. The specific property
principle of powder bonding (different powder-particle
forms), it is usually difficult to build up special shaped bodies
with sharp corners or clear boundaries. Improvements in
selective laser sintering are expected, especially concerning
laser spot size, powder size and new ways to remove trapped
loose powder from scaffolds [215]. The restrictions to the mate-
rial properties are given by the demand for it to be available as
a powder and that the powder must demonstrate a suitable
melting and welding behavior.

Stereolithographic working principles

The principle of this technique is based on the initiation of a
chemical reaction (photopolymerization [216] or cross-
linking [217]) in special polymer liquids by electromagnetic radi-
ation. Light from a laser beam is directed onto selected regions
of a layer of liquid polymer causing solidification in the
exposed areas. By lowering of the nascent-shaped body, which
is arranged in a polymer liquid bath, a new layer of polymer Figure 4. Scanning electron microscope micrographs of a 3D structure
solution can be exposed to the laser beam for the initiation of obtained by selective laser sintering from a composite containing
the chain reaction. The stereolithographic working principle is 90 wt% polyetheretherketone and 10 wt% hydroxyapatite. Reproduced
repeated, generating 3D scaffolds (FIGURE 5). with permission from [107]. 839
Weigel, Schinkel & Lendlein

Furthermore, the porosity of the scaffold can be increased by

combining the solidification process, which is caused either by
Z axis movement
conventional phase separation or by the TIPS technology, with a
X–Y movable Elevator porogen leaching process in order to form sponge-like
UV laser morphologies [223,225]. Scaffolds prepared by indirect RP or SFF
Resin surface fabrication methods sometimes inherit errors and defects caused
by additional processing steps of mold manufacturing and elimi-
Vat nation. Whenever RP techniques for biomaterials require, for the
SL pattern respective application, specific materials with additional and often
specific properties – this method allows the use of a wider range of
biomaterials and combination of materials. For the mold building
step, it is remitted to select the best material for a precise RP proc-
ess that hardly directly depends on the biological behavior of the
scaffold. The scaffold is made with this mold from a biomaterial,
for example, by a molding or casting process.

Self-assembly systems
Molecular self-assembly is also an approach for fabrication of scaf-
folds for tissue engineering [226,227] and scaffolds from self-assem-
bling peptide scaffolds may be used, for example, in nerve tissue
engineering [228] or cartilage repair [229]. Molecular self-assembly
requires the molecules to undergo self-association and thus form
hierarchical structures from the bottom-up, molecule by molecule
without any external manipulations. Self-assembly systems are
omnipresent in nature. There are endeavors to mimic such natural
systems, such as the ECM, for scaffold formation [230]. Materials
used for these systems range from bi- or tri-block copolymers [231],
complex DNA structures [232] and lipids to simple or complex
peptides and proteins. Important principles of self-assembly are
Figure 5. Stereolithography. (A) UV light is used to crosslink the material in chemical complementarity and structural compatibility through
specific regions of a layer. The elevator is then lowered to reveal a new layer of weak and noncovalent interactions. Different construction units,
polymer and the process is repeated to create the desired shape. (B) A such as well ordered nanofiber scaffolds [233,234], peptide
prototype scaffold designed using stereolithographic technique. nanotubes [235–237], segmented surface assembling peptides as a
Reproduced with permission from [217].
‘molecular carpet’ [238–240] and dipolar molecules with changeable
conformation as a ‘molecular switch’ [241–243], can be realized by
that a material requires in order to be employed in specially designed peptide units and sequences. However, the real-
stereolithographic techniques is the ability to react to light, ization of peptide scaffolds by molecular self-assembly is extremely
activating a chemical reaction. extensive and it depends on elaborate techniques.

Indirect methods using RP or SFF methods Electrospinning

The manufacturing methods for scaffold preparation Corresponding to the ambition to mimic the supramolecular
resuming under the terms RP or SFF fabrication allow structure and biological functions of the ECM, the 3D-fiber
manifold usage of different materials. Nevertheless, every network of collagen composed of nanoscale multifibrils is often
technique requires certain material properties as prerequisites. the focus of consideration.
The indirect SFF fabrication technique [221] is an emerging Electrospinning (ELSP) is an established process capable of
method designed to partly overcome these limitations fabricating ultrafine fibers, in the micrometer [244] or nanometer
regarding biomaterials. In this procedure, a negative mold is scale [245,246], by electrically charging a suspended droplet of pol-
generated by one of the SFF fabrication techniques ymer melt [244,247] or solution [248,249]. A high-voltage electro-
(e.g., stereolithographic working principles [220], the 3D static field (10–20 kV) operated between a metallic nozzle of a
printing system Model Maker II [222,223]) as a first step. In the syringe and a metallic collector is used to generate a sufficient
second step, the scaffold is formed by adding the casting surface charge to overcome the surface tension in a pendent
solution [224] to the negative mold using the desired polymeric drop of the polymer fluid. Nanofibers are formed by the nar-
and/or ceramic biomaterials. After solidification, the negative rowing of the ejected jet stream as it undergoes increasing sur-
mold is removed by dissolution, melting or other procedures face charge density due to the evaporation of the solvent [250,251].
(FIGURE 6) [225]. Different processing parameters (e.g., kind of polymer/solution,

840 Expert Rev. Med. Devices 3(6), (2006)

Design and preparation of polymeric scaffolds for tissue engineering


1 mm

Figure 6. Scaffold fabrication using rapid prototyped negative replica. (A) A computer-generated, 3D negative replica of a scaffold with a cubical pore shape.
(B) The negative replica of the scaffold fabricated using a rapid prototyping machine. (C) A photograph of the polymer scaffold fabricated using the negative
replica. (D) A scanning electron micrograph of the internal pore structure of the scaffold. Reproduced with permission from [225].

viscosity, surface tension, net charge density, polymer mass flux technique in combination with injection [265] or compression
in the syringe or ambient parameters, such as temperature, molding [210,266], in combination with a NIPS [125], in gas
humidity and air velocity) control the ELSP process, especially foaming processes [150], as addendum of indirect SFF fabrica-
the diameter and morphology of the resulting fibers [252]. The tion techniques [267], in combination with soft lithographic
fibers with diameters ranging from several µm down to 100 nm methods [268], photopolymerization [269] or in combination of
and less are deposited in the form of a nonwoven fabric on a coagulation with thermal processing [176], documents the
collector through a random deposition process (FIGURE 7) [253]. comprehensive character of this technique.
Nonwoven sheets with 2D profiles are usually obtained by
ELSP and can be extended to nonwoven 3D fibrous meshes by Computer-aided tissue engineering technique
the prolongation of processing time [252]. Another supporting utility is computer-aided tissue engineering
Various polymer nanofibers can be deposited together into one (CATE) [270,271]. Sun and colleagues see, in this concept, the
multilayered structure by ELSP of different polymer solutions combination of three major categories [272–274]. These are:
layer-by-layer. If different polymer solutions are ejected by several • Computer-aided tissue modeling, including 3D anatomical
orifices simultaneously, a mat consisting of a composition of dif- visualization with imaging-data acquisition, 3D
ferent nanofibers is realizable [254]. The nanofiber-based scaffolds reconstruction and CAD-based tissue modeling [185];
possess a wide range of pore size distribution, high porosity and a
• Computer-aided tissue informatics [275], including computer-
high surface area:volume ratio, which are favorable parameters
aided tissue classification and the application for tissue
for cell attachment, growth and proliferation [255].
identification and characterization at different tissue
hierarchical levels;
Scaffold fabrication supporting processes
Besides the methods for scaffold preparation discussed above, • Computer-aided tissue scaffold design and manufacturing
the following two techniques are presented. They have a com- [113,276], including SFF of tissue scaffolds and bioblueprint

prehensive character and often act as a supporting method to modeling [275], for 3D cell and organ printing [181,277].
realize the targeted parameters in the fabrication process. Under the term CATE, summarized methods are not
restricted to the control and the design [180] of the internal
Leaching technique architecture [185,278] of scaffolds of the RP technologies by CAD
The leaching technique is described mostly in connection methods. They have opened up new possibilities to match the
with the solvent casting/particulate leaching [12,256,257] to different mechanical and geometrical requirements of the origi-
form tissue engineering materials but it has also been applied nal patient computed tomography data to create, for example,
as a supporting process in combination with many other dif- exact bone scaffolds [275,279,280].
ferent scaffold fabrication methods. Different porogens are
used frequently for the leaching techniques. These are, for Method comparison
example, NaCl [258], as perhaps the most common leaching Different authors have given short [204,281,282] or more
substance, as well as paraffin spheres [170,259,260], sugar detailed [57,124,180] tables showing the advantages and dis-
crystals [261–263] or gelatin [264], which serve as place holders advantages of different fabrication methods. However, such
for pores and their interconnections in the actual scaffold for- tables can only partially provide what the reader requires, such
mation process. These spacers are removed by leaching fol- as: a plan to avoid the loss of time and money in attempting to
lowing the main processing step. Thus, the objective of the create a suitable scaffold for its own application. So it is often
leaching procedure is usually the realization of bigger pore reported in overviews in diverse articles [57,180,204] that the
sizes and increased interconnectivity. The use of the leaching heating to a molten state, for example, in a molding or a FDM 841
Weigel, Schinkel & Lendlein

The requirements of scaffolds for tissue engineering are com-

plex and tissue specific, regarding structure and function. Even
for a specific tissue, it is not quite clear what defines an ideal scaf-
fold/cell or scaffold/neotissue construct. Thus, only the inclusion
of several different scientific disciplines with a high level of multi-
disciplinarity will enable further successful development of scaf-
fold-based tissue engineering. Manifold different techniques of
scaffold fabrication have been introduced. These methods and
the deduced possible combinations describe a pool of procedures
allowing preparation of scaffolds with defined morphologies and
suitable properties regarding application in tissue engineering.
10 μm Expert commentary
In recent decades, success in modern medicine has mainly influ-
Figure 7. Scanning electron microscope micrograph of electrospun enced the therapy of infectious and cardiovascular diseases. A
poly[(dl-lactide)-co-glycolide] nanofibrous nonwoven composed of constant increase of life expectancy and a relevant increase of life
randomly oriented ultrafine fibers. Reproduced with permission from [253]. quality is connected with this development, including the
understandable demand of the population to accept no loss in
process may badly affect the polymer. But it may also advanced age during the whole life. Because of the shifting mor-
accelerate the designated and demanded degradation of the bidity spectrum from now on, the clinic medicine deals with
biomaterial in a special application. Or the use of organic sol- diseases referring to creeping loss of cell or organ functions.
vents during the prepration seems to be harmful [124,282] but if Mechanical overstressing, chronic inflammations cellular
they can be removed completely, for example, by an annealing degeneration, defects in immunological system or organ damage
step after the scaffold fabrication, so the former employment by injuries and by exogenic-toxic influences can be consequences.
of organic solvents is no longer an issue for cell culturing. The In most cases, these diseases cannot be healed by classical
utilization of CO2 foaming can show a higher amount of therapies. They have to be under permanent treatment causing
closed cells [124]. Then the interconnectivity may be increased considerable efforts. Sometimes organ transplantation might be
frequently by combining with salt leaching. But the leached helpful but limited availability of organs and immunological
NaCl crystals leave a partly cubic porous morphology [283] incompatibility narrows this option. An increasing need for
with a difficult interconnectivity control in comparison to suitable organs and a nearly equal number of transplantations
other leaching processes [170,259]. The TIPS is described in in the last 10 years is also evidence of the recent situation.
overviews as a long-time method [282] but the use of extrac- Thus, the desire for more transplantable cells, tissues and
tion methods [133,134] instead of freeze drying for many organs with good tissue compatibility by reduced rejection or
days [86,130] lowers the fabrication time, increases the produc- aggression reaction are an integral part of clinical strategy in the
tion scale and does not require the expensive equipment future. Nonbiological organ replacement through hybridized
either [281]. RP techniques demand specific material proper- systems will bridge the development to fully biological systems
ties and still show a low resolution in many cases. But the and finally to human regenerative systems in vivo. The forma-
exact building of 100% interconnected porous scaffolds tion and design of scaffolds are an essential part of this
from, for example, CT data is impressive. In the end, the suc- progression of tissue engineering.
cessful application of a scaffold in medicine or biology will
only decide that a preparation method is able to fabricate Five-year view
good materials in tissue engineering. In the future, solutions to problems in the fileds of tissue engi-
neering and regenerative medicine will probably be determined
Summary by a causal treatment mode that expects the complete func-
The field of scaffold-based tissue engineering is still in an early tional replacement of damaged or destroyed tissue. New thera-
state of development but has been growing rapidly over the last pies with this background should be superior to conventional
few years. Many different approaches of scaffold fabrication are approaches owing to the duration and extent of recovery or by
under investigation currently. One strategy is the advancement the reduction of potential side effects. Thus, the mechanism of
and adaptation of conventional fabrication technologies, such regeneration will be a standard therapy approach. Tissue engi-
as ELSP, methods of coagulation agent induced-phase separa- neering also provides great promise for posed tasks but there is
tion or leaching methods developed originally for other also a considerable responsibility to quickly identify the best
research areas. But novel fabrication techniques, like RP or SFF treatements with the greatest potential.
procedures with their many different embodiments or usage of For the preparation of scaffolds, the advancement and
self-assembly systems mimicking properties of the ECM, also adaptation of conventional fabrication technologies
have potential for future developments. (e.g., electrospinning, methods of coagulation agent-induced

842 Expert Rev. Med. Devices 3(6), (2006)

Design and preparation of polymeric scaffolds for tissue engineering

phase separation or leaching methods developed originally for aspects, such as usage of materials with self-assembly proper-
other research areas) will be pursued. But novel fabrication tech- ties. The utilization of external stimuli (biological acting by
niques (e.g., rapid prototyping or solid free form procedures with growth factors, chemical acting by adsorption processes or
their many different embodiments or the usage of self-assembly mechanical acting by alternating material stress) with scaf-
systems) will also have the potential for future developments. folds as alloplastic guide track will enable or improve cell
Progress in tissue engineering can be only achieved by inter- settlement behavior.
actions among natural scientists, engineers and physicians. A It will expect that progress in stem cell investigation will gener-
high level of multidisciplinarity is prerequisite of successful ate essential impulses for in vitro breeding of cells and tissue in
work for the development of scaffold design and functional- the next years. Intermediate goals on the way to fully biological
ity. Future scaffold constructs will only be successful if an implants and finally the human regenerative system in vivo
improved compatibility regarding the ECM is realized. The could be biodegradable tissue support systems and smart mate-
variation or selective modification of prestructured scaffolds, rial implants within 5 years and organ-assist systems based on
as well as the reproduction of natural systems, could be pass- human cell-lines within 10 years. Functional autologous tissue
able procedures that account for both the variation of physical systems, such as implantable autologous heart valves, will need
and chemical properties and the special morphological at least another 15–20 years.

Key issues

• In recent decades successes in modern medicine have contributed to increased life expectancy connecting with the understandable
demand of the population to accept no loss of life quality in advanced age.
• Recently employed tissue engineering will bridge the development to fully biological systems and finally to human regenerative
systems in vivo by nonbiological organ replacement through hybridized systems.
• At present, tissue engineering methods generally require the use of porous scaffolds that serve as a matrix for initial cell attachment
and subsequently for tissue formation in vitro and in vivo and in so far temporarily substitutes the extracellular matrix.
• The advancement and adaptation of conventional fabrication technologies (e.g., electrospinning, methods of coagulation agent
induced phase separation or leaching methods) as well as novel fabrication techniques (e.g. rapid prototyping or solid free-form
procedures or the usage of self-assembly systems) have a potential for future scaffold developments.
• Successful development of scaffold-based tissue engineering demands a high level of multidisciplinarity between natural scientists,
engineers and physicians to answer questions regarding efforts to develop scaffolds for specific tissue function and structures and
the ‘ideal’ scaffold/cell or scaffold/neotissue construct.

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application to biomimetic modelling and
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik D-14513 Teltow, Germany
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273 Sun W, Darling A, Starly B, Nam J. 280 Warnke PH, Springer IN, Acil Y et al. The
• Andreas Lendlein
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Appl. Biochem. 39(Pt 1), 29–47 (2004). 1081–1087 (2006).
Kantstr. 55, D-14513 Teltow, Germany
Tel.: +49 332 835 2450 851

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