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Part 1
1. Are there environmental problems where you live?
2. What do you usually do to protect the environment?
3. What do you usually do to protect yourself from environmental pollution?

Part 2:
Situation: You're going to an environmental conference. There are three options: using public transportation,
carpooling with other attendees, and taking a shared electric vehicle service. Which do you think is the best
option for reducing the overall carbon footprint of the event?"

Part 3:
Topic: Pollution results from several human activities.


Agriculture [your own

Pollution ideas]

Part 1
1. Do you use solar energy?
2. What energy-saving habits do you practice in your daily life?
3. Which renewable energy sources are commonly used in your country?

Part 2:
Situation: Your 8-year-old sister asked you to help with her recycling project. There are three options: a
cardboard photo frame, a bag from old jeans, and a plastic vase. Which do you think is the best option?

Part 3:
Topic: Deforestation has several negative effects.

Loss of animal habitats

Natural disaters
Effects of [your own
deforestation ideas]

Loss of valuable medicine

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