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Agricultural Systems 215 (2024) 103854

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Achieving sustainable development through agriculture-forestry-livestock

nexus in Bangladesh: Synergies and trade-offs
Pritha Datta a, *, Bhagirath Behera b, Jagadish Timsina c, e, Dil Bahadur Rahut d
TERI School of Advanced Studies, New Delhi, India
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
Institute for Study and Development Worldwide, Sydney, Australia
Asian Development Bank Institute, Japan
Global Evergreening Alliance, Melbourne, Australia


• Integrating agriculture-forestry-livestock
(AFL) systems for SDGs lacks clarity in
developing countries.
• The study explores AFL synergies, trade-
offs in Bangladesh for SDGs and suggests
• AFL integration offers SDG synergies,
but challenges like limited resources and
gender inequities arise.
• Strategies like specialized credit, co­
operatives, land resolution, etc. could
address challenges.


Editor: Dr. Emma Stephens CONTEXT: In the pursuit of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, integrating
Guest Editor: Jagadish Timsina agriculture-forestry-livestock (AFL) systems has emerged as a potential tool in developing countries. Yet, the
extent of synergies and trade-offs associated with each SDG and viable strategies to address these trade-offs and
Keywords: leverage the synergies lack clarity.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to investigate the synergies and trade-offs associated with integrating
AFL practices in Bangladesh toward achieving the 17 SDGs and suggest appropriate solutions to address the
Strategies trade-offs.
Bangladesh METHODS: This study employs an online survey based on the Delphi principles, ensuring unbiased opinions from
a diverse set of experts with relevant expertise in the AFL nexus. The first survey round gathers insights on
potential synergies and trade-offs, and the second round focuses on effective management strategies to address
the challenges.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Findings reveal that AFL integration holds potential for synergies across SDGs,
especially for poverty eradication, zero hunger, life on land, and climate action. However, trade-offs develop due
to a lack of technical expertise and managerial knowledge, limited access to financial resources, fragmented land

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (P. Datta), (B. Behera), (D.B. Rahut).
Received 26 August 2023; Received in revised form 12 December 2023; Accepted 3 January 2024
Available online 12 January 2024
0308-521X/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
P. Datta et al. Agricultural Systems 215 (2024) 103854

ownership, insufficient market opportunities, existing gender inequities, child labor practices, and an over­
reliance on wood as a fuel source in Bangladesh. To address these challenges, this study recommends compre­
hensive strategies such as creating specialized agricultural credit facilities, introducing insurance schemes,
promoting cooperative associations, resolving land ownership issues, improving market linkages, addressing
child labor, promoting gender equality, and advocating for clean energy alternatives like biogas. These strategies
are linked with several national agendas of Bangladesh and aim to minimize trade-offs and maximize the syn­
ergies of AFL integration for sustainable development.
SIGNIFICANCE: This research contributes to the global discourse on sustainable development by shedding light
on the potential of AFL systems in Bangladesh and offers insights for policymakers and stakeholders. The findings
also provide guidance for other developing countries facing similar challenges while pursuing the SDGs.

1. Introduction vulnerability of conventional agriculture to climate change undermines

resilience and the achievement of SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption
As countries worldwide strive to balance economic growth, envi­ and Production) (Iizumi et al., 2018). Consequently, employing farming
ronmental conservation, and social equity, the significance of sustain­ practices that require minimal financial costs and external inputs while
able development has surged enormously (Kakar et al., 2021). In this simultaneously addressing the SDG goals is critical.
context, the United Nations made a significant contribution to In pursuit of the SDGs, leveraging integrated agricultural practices
advancing sustainable development by introducing the 17 Sustainable like Agriculture-Forestry-Livestock (AFL) systems can offer a holistic
Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 (United Nations, 2015). Building pathway, optimizing resources, ensuring resilience, and fostering in­
upon the earlier Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the SDGs clusive growth through the interconnectedness between these three
encompass a wide range of subjects, including clean energy, clean water sectors (Lal, 2020; Ruba and Talucder, 2023). For instance, integrating
and sanitation, climate action, and biodiversity conservation, among livestock production with crops and trees can enhance nutrient cycling,
others, to accomplish them by 2030 (Bexell and Jönsson, 2017). reduce waste generation, and provide multiple products for diversified
One area that has emerged as a focal point for achieving these goals is income and diet while maintaining the principles of a circular economy
land use, mainly concerning the agricultural practices for food produc­ (Bateki et al., 2019). In addition, sustainable management of forests and
tion (Fader et al., 2018; van Noordwijk et al., 2018). However, con­ landscapes can provide critical habitats for biodiversity while enhancing
ventional agrarian practices face significant challenges aligning with the soil and water quality and carbon sequestration (Mbow et al., 2014).
SDGs (Fig. 1). For instance, issues like soil degradation, water pollution, However, integrating AFL systems may cause trade-offs such as
and biodiversity loss associated with agrochemical use hinder progress competition for resources, reduced yield from understory crops, adverse
toward SDG 15 (Life on Land) and SDG 14 (Life Below Water) (Timsina, effects on biodiversity, and greenhouse gas emissions, posing challenges
2018). Greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation, fossil fuel use, and toward achieving the SDGs (Herrero et al., 2009; Soussana and Lemaire,
livestock production obstruct advancements in SDG 13 (Climate Action) 2014).
(Aryal et al., 2020). Unsustainable resource consumption, such as
excessive water use and reliance on fossil fuels, creates barriers to SDG 6
(Clean Water and Sanitation) and SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) 1.1. The state of agriculture, forestry, and livestock sectors and the
(Elahi et al., 2022). Limited dietary diversity and monocropping in achievement of various sustainable development goals in Bangladesh
conventional practices hinder progress toward SDG 2 (Zero Hunger)
(Wijerathna-Yapa and Pathirana, 2022). Social inequalities propagated Considering the growing population, limited land resources, and the
by large-scale farming systems challenge SDG 1 (No Poverty) and SDG impact of climate change on agriculture (Fahim and Arefin, 2023),
10 (Reduced Inequalities) (Ceddia, 2019). Furthermore, the Bangladesh presents an interesting case for examining the synergies and
trade-offs involved in the AFL systems in achieving the SDGs. These

Fig. 1. Some of the key challenges that conventional agrarian practices face in aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals.

P. Datta et al. Agricultural Systems 215 (2024) 103854

three sectors play a crucial role in the economy of Bangladesh by comprising two rounds inspired by the Delphi principles, with a focus on
employing most of the rural workforce, supporting the livelihoods of the anonymity of participating experts (Datta et al., 2023). This
nearly 87% of the rural in Bangladesh (Ruba and Talucder, 2023). approach aimed to elicit unbiased opinions and mitigate common lim­
However, the contribution towards toward GDP has remained low and is itations associated with group-based discussions, such as groupthink,
currently, declining (Fig. 2), while the contribution of the service sector the halo effect, egocentrism, and dominance (Orr, 2021). Unlike the
has remained almost the same, and the industrial sector is growing traditional Delphi method, which typically prioritizes seeking consensus
(Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, 2023). on a particular topic, this study adopted a scoping-like survey approach.
Several SDGs, including poverty eradication (SDG 1), zero hunger In this approach, the second round of the survey was built upon the
(SDG 2), gender equality (SDG 5), affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), responses gathered in the first round, facilitating the collection of reli­
decent work and economic growth (SDG 8), industry, innovation, and able and relatively agreed-upon opinions from the participating experts.
infrastructure (SDG 9), and reduced inequalities (SDG 10) face sub­ By following this methodology, we sought to avoid certain drawbacks
stantial challenges in Bangladesh (Nasrullah, 2021; Sachs et al., 2022). associated with conventional Delphi studies, such as a potential high
Additionally, challenges exist for the SDGs relating to life on land (SDG drop-out rate in subsequent survey cycles, leading to a reduced sample
15), clean water and sanitation (SDG 6), and good health and well-being population for evaluation (Day and Bobeva, 2005). The anonymous
(SDG 3) (Sachs et al., 2022) (Fig. 3). nature of the survey ensured that participants could freely express their
The conventional agricultural practices can worsen the situation views without unnecessary influence, providing unbiased data collec­
further, for instance, rice and cattle farming contributes to around 91% tion. The methodology details are elaborated on in the subsequent sec­
of agricultural emissions (Sapkota et al., 2021), while diesel consump­ tion and presented in Fig. 4.
tion in agriculture contributes to increased greenhouse gas emissions,
posing challenges to SDG 13 (Climate Action) in Bangladesh (Raihan 2.1. Selection of participants for the online survey
et al., 2023). Besides, unsustainable agricultural practices have
degraded groundwater quality in Bangladesh; though current nitrate The online survey was conducted to gather insights from experts
levels in groundwater remain within permissible limits, extensive use of with relevant expertise in the AFL nexus in Bangladesh. Identifying
nitrogen-based chemical fertilizers may elevate these levels in the potential participants began with a systematic search for authors of
future, impacting SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) (Salman et al., scientific literature related to the AFL nexus or agroforestry in
2018). Studies further reveal that due to a lack of knowledge, most Bangladesh. The search was carried out on Google Scholar, and the
Bangladeshi farmers excessively and inefficiently use pesticides, result­ authors of the papers found on the first 25 pages of the results were
ing in soil degradation and pesticide residues in food items, posing a collated.
severe threat to public health and affecting SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) and 3 Additionally, participants were searched through the sustainable
(Good Health and Well-being) (Rahman et al., 2015; Hasan et al., 2019). agricultural practice networks, including well-known organizations, e.
Besides, agricultural expansion in Bangladesh has led to significant g., the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research
deforestation, disrupting wildlife habitats and biodiversity, thus (CGIAR), International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIM­
affecting SDG 15 (Life on Land) (Reddy et al., 2016a, 2016b). MYT), International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
In this context, the need to integrate AFL to achieve SDGs in (ICRISAT), Center for International Forestry Research-World Agrofor­
Bangladesh is well-recognized, since it has demonstrated significant estry (CIFOR-ICRAF), and International Rice Research Institute (IRRI).
potential in enhancing food security, uplifting livelihoods, and Involving experts from these networks provided diverse perspectives on
conserving environmental resources (Ruba and Talucder, 2023). It is the AFL nexus in Bangladesh. Furthermore, potential participants from
further important to note that although Bangladeshi farmers commonly the Ministry of Agriculture in Bangladesh and non-governmental orga­
integrate agriculture, forestry, and livestock, the synergistic benefits in nizations (NGOs) promoting sustainable farming practices were also
achieving SDGs are yet to be fully realized due to several factors, invited to participate in the survey, ensuring that policy perspectives
including but not limited to the smaller scale of integration based on and on-the-ground experiences were taken into account.
indigenous knowledge, inadequate technical support and training, In total, 82 experts were invited to participate in the first survey
financial constraints and so on (Jahan et al., 2022; Ruba and Talucder, round. The selected participants represented a mix of scientists, insti­
2023). However, the extent of synergies and trade-offs associated with tutional and private researchers, policymakers, and scientifically trained
each SDG and the potential management options to address these officials, all with expertise relevant to the AFL nexus. In the first round,
trade-offs and leverage the synergies remains unclear. 32 respondents provided their input and answered the survey, repre­
Therefore, this study aims to analyze (i) the level of synergies and senting various backgrounds, including 13 scientists, three policy­
trade-offs in the AFL nexus in Bangladesh, categorizing them as low, makers, 11 researchers, three scientifically trained officials, and 2 NGO
moderate, or high, with a specific focus on achieving the various SDGs; workers. For the second round, 21 respondents completed the survey,
and (ii) to identify effective management strategies to address the trade- with representation from 8 scientists, two policymakers, eight re­
offs within the AFL nexus and promote sustainable development in line searchers, two scientifically trained officials, and one NGO worker. By
with the SDGs. The findings of this study could contribute to the ongoing engaging various experts and professionals with varied backgrounds and
global discourse on sustainable development, highlighting the impor­ expertise, the study ensured a comprehensive analysis of the AFL nexus
tance of the AFL nexus in realizing SDGs in Bangladesh and other in Bangladesh and the development of effective management strategies
countries. By understanding the interdependencies and interlinkages for minimizing the trade-offs. The participation of policymakers and
between these three sectors, policymakers and other stakeholders can scientifically trained officials also increased the potential for the survey
make informed decisions that promote economic growth, environmental findings to influence policy and decision-making processes in Bangla­
conservation, and social equity. Ultimately, this study could facilitate desh's sustainable agricultural practices.
the transition toward a more sustainable and resilient future, where
Bangladesh's AFL nexus could catalyze sustainable development. 2.2. Questionnaire design and conducting the online survey
Moreover, the study could serve as a reference for other developing
countries, in particular in Asia, facing similar challenges. The first phase of the online survey consisted of a questionnaire
containing a mix of closed and open-ended questions. It commenced by
2. Methodology evaluating the potential impact of the AFL integration on accomplishing
the SDGs in Bangladesh. Participants were requested to express their
To achieve the study objectives, we employed an online survey level of agreement using a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from “Strongly

P. Datta et al. Agricultural Systems 215 (2024) 103854

Fig. 2. Contribution of the agricultural sector to GDP in Bangladesh (Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics ( *Provisional).

Fig. 3. The status of SDGs in Bangladesh (Source: Sustainable Development Report,

disagree” to “Strongly agree” (1 = Strongly disagree; 2 = Disagree; 3 = moderate to high levels of synergies and trade-offs. SDGs with lower
Neutral; 4 = Agree; 5 = Strongly agree). Following this, the question­ levels of synergies and trade-offs were excluded from further analysis.
naire gathered insights on the degree of synergies and trade-offs in Subsequently, we analyzed the participants' explanations regarding the
achieving the 17 SDGs through the AFL nexus in Bangladesh. Partici­ trade-offs using inductive coding and thematic analysis. This process led
pants were asked to identify which specific goals exhibited high, mod­ to the identification of 7 root causes that have the potential to impede
erate, and low synergies and trade-offs. Additionally, they were given the achievement of synergies. These root causes were identified as fol­
the scope to provide explanations and justifications for their opinions lows: lack of technical expertise among Bangladeshi farmers, limited
through open-ended questions. To aid participants, we also included access to financial resources, fragmented land ownership and tenure,
notes on how synergies1 and trade-offs2 were conceptualized in this inadequate market opportunities and value chain systems, the issue of
study. child labor, gender inequalities, and heavy reliance on fuel wood as the
Following the first round, we obtained responses from 32 experts. primary energy source in rural areas. To address these hindrances and
These responses were then scrutinized to identify the SDGs exhibiting achieve synergistic benefits, we developed a questionnaire to gather
expert opinions. After conducting a pre-test of the questionnaire, it was
distributed to the participants, resulting in 21 responses. The data from
1 the questionnaire were then analyzed to identify the most appropriate
Synergies refer to situations where achieving one goal or objective can
management options, and the findings were then incorporated into this
contribute to the achievement of another goal or objective.
Trade-offs refer to situations where achieving one goal or objective requires study.
sacrificing or compromising another goal or objective.

P. Datta et al. Agricultural Systems 215 (2024) 103854

Fig. 4. Methodological flowchart of the study.

3. Results potential synergies and trade-offs were consolidated after the initial
survey round, and the overall findings are presented in Fig. 5 and
A majority of the participants (50% strongly agreed and 40.6% elaborated upon in the subsequent section. Also, the management stra­
agreed, rests were neutral) in the online survey supported the notion tegies to address these trade-offs are discussed.
that integrating AFL systems have substantial potential to contribute to
the achievement of SDGs in Bangladesh. The experts' opinions on

P. Datta et al. Agricultural Systems 215 (2024) 103854

Fig. 5. Levels of synergies and trade-offs through the integration of Agriculture-Livestock-Forestry systems in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
in Bangladesh.

3.1. Identifying synergies: Agriculture-forestry-livestock integration for integration enhances farming system resilience, reducing vulnerability
SDGs to economic shocks and offering alternative income streams. The
improved financial condition of the household might also improve the
The results of the first round of the survey demonstrate that the educational attainment, thereby supporting SDG 4 (Quality Education).
integration of AFL systems holds the potential for fostering synergies Similarly, SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) is positively impacted by AFL practices
across several SDGs. SDG 1 (No Poverty) benefits from AFL systems as that contribute to food security by producing diverse crops and livestock
they provide diversified income sources through crops, livestock, and products, ensuring a more nutritious diet. Trees integrated into agri­
tree products, contributing to poverty reduction. Furthermore, AFL cultural landscapes further enhance soil fertility, microclimate, and

P. Datta et al. Agricultural Systems 215 (2024) 103854

water retention, bolstering crop productivity and livestock forage and Sanitation) can arise when unregulated livestock access to water
availability, which aligns with SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation). bodies leads to contamination without proper management of waste and
Additionally, SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being) is advanced as AFL access. Additionally, improved biomass from AFL systems may reduce
systems provide a variety of nutritious foods, supporting improved incentives for households to adopt clean energy (SDG 7: Affordable and
health outcomes while creating a healthier and more comfortable Clean Energy).
environment for farmers and livestock by integrating trees. Efforts to achieve SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth)
SDG 5 (Gender Equality) is also influenced by AFL integration, as it through AFL systems might increase drudgery for women and children
creates income-generating opportunities for women, empowering them due to increased labor demands. Similarly, SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation,
economically. The AFL systems can also contribute to renewable energy and Infrastructure) might face labor shortages if workforce availability
production by cultivating energy crops or generating biomass for bio­ is redirected toward AFL practices. SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities) might
energy, which are essential for SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy). require addressing power dynamics and unequal resource access to
SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) is further supported by AFL ensure equitable distribution of benefits and opportunities among
systems, which create employment opportunities through combined different social groups within AFL systems. Striving for SDG 11 (Sus­
livestock rearing, crop production, and agroforestry activities. More­ tainable Cities and Communities) involves managing land-use conflicts
over, integrating trees in agricultural landscapes contributes to SDG 9 as agricultural needs often compete with urbanization and infrastructure
(Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) by providing natural infra­ demands. SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) may
structure elements like windbreaks or living fences, enhancing soil necessitate careful management of AFL systems to minimize environ­
conservation and microclimate regulation. AFL practices could foster mental impacts, such as agrochemicals or livestock waste disposal. The
inclusive development, reducing inequalities (SDG 10) by offering eco­ pursuit of SDG 13 (Climate Action) can be affected by livestock-related
nomic opportunities to small-scale farmers, pastoralists, women, and GHG emissions, contributing to climate change if not appropriately
marginalized communities. managed.
Regarding environmental impact, AFL systems play a crucial role in In AFL systems, trade-offs with SDG 14 (Life Below Water) and SDG
climate change mitigation (SDG 13) by sequestering carbon through tree 15 (Life on Land) could emerge due to unregulated livestock access and
growth and reducing GHG emissions through sustainable livestock and competition with tree growth or resource utilization. Achieving SDG 16
crop management practices. They also aid in preserving marine re­ (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions) may require effective conflict
sources (SDG 14: Life Below Water) by reducing the soil erosion and resolution mechanisms and well-functioning institutions to address
pollution of water bodies through appropriate land management prac­ competing land-use interests. Finally, for SDG 17 (Partnerships for the
tices. Additionally, AFL integration contributes to SDG 15 (Life on Land) Goals), balancing diverse perspectives and power dynamics among
by promoting land and biodiversity conservation, providing habitats for stakeholders can be challenging but necessary to establish effective
diverse plant and animal species while improving soil health and partnerships and ensure equitable distribution of benefits in AFL
ecosystem resilience. initiatives.
Addressing the social goals, AFL systems can contribute to SDG 11
(Sustainable Cities and Communities) by facilitating urban gardening 3.3. Which sustainable development goals will likely exhibit higher
and green spaces creation in growing cities and to SDG 16 (Peace, Jus­ synergies and trade-offs from integrating agriculture-forestry-livestock
tice, and Strong Institutions) by fostering social cohesion and sustain­ systems?
able rural development through offering economic opportunities and
poverty reduction. Collaborative efforts (SDG 17: Partnerships for the While the participants indicated that integrating AFL systems could
Goals) among stakeholders, including farmers, researchers, policy­ have both the synergies and trade-offs related to all the SDGs, further
makers, and NGOs, are critical for promoting and scaling up AFL systems analysis suggests that SDGs 1, 2, 13, and 15 hold high levels of synergies
to ensure their broader positive impact on achieving the SDGs. and trade-offs (Fig. 5). Whereas SDGs 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 12 exhibit
moderate-level synergies and trade-offs, the rest (SDGs 9, 11, 14, 16, 17)
3.2. Understanding the complexity of trade-offs of the agriculture- have low levels of synergies and trade-offs. Interestingly, the SDGs
forestry-livestock systems showing a high level of synergies also show high trade-offs from the
integration of AFL systems. This finding underscores the complexities
Integrating AFL systems to achieve various SDGs could also come involved in achieving sustainable development across multiple goals.
with trade-offs. In pursuing SDG 1 (No Poverty), establishing and While there are opportunities for positive impacts, it is essential to
managing AFL systems may pose challenges for resource-limited farmers approach the practice cautiously and adopt appropriate strategies to
and communities due to upfront investments and the need for technical minimize trade-offs and optimize positive outcomes for sustainable
knowledge. Similarly, while aiming for SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), trees in development.
AFL systems can limit sunlight availability for some crops, requiring
careful crop selection or specific management practices, without which 3.4. How could the trade-offs be minimized to gain synergistic benefits
crop yields might decrease. Furthermore, subsistence farmers may pri­ from agriculture-forestry-livestock systems for achieving sustainable
oritize selling nutritious fruits and vegetables for economic gain, development goals in Bangladesh?
potentially undermining their household nutritional needs. SDG 3 (Good
Health and Well-being) can be impacted by zoonotic disease risks The pursuit of SDGs through integrated AFL systems can face multi-
associated with livestock management, necessitating proper hygiene faceted challenges that require strategic solutions. One of the significant
and animal health care practices. Besides, engaging women in AFL ac­ impediments is the lack of technical expertise among Bangladeshi
tivities, as observed in SDG 5 (Gender Equality), may affect their well- farmers. To address this, participants recommend a multi-pronged
being due to several gender-specific roles and responsibilities. approach involving organizing training programs, workshops, and
In the pursuit of SDG 4 (Quality Education), the time and labor de­ field demonstrations (Fig. 6). Furthermore, enhancing farmers' access to
mands of AFL management might reduce school-going children's information through digital platforms, mobile apps, and extension ser­
attendance for formal education during the peak farming periods. vices can empower them with updated knowledge. Research and
Additionally, improved household income from AFL systems might not development initiatives also generate context-specific insights, innova­
necessarily translate to better education if other priorities, since enter­ tive technologies, and best practices tailored to sustainable AFL systems
tainment and marriage expenses, consume a significant portion of the in Bangladesh.
income in the developing countries. Trade-offs in SDG 6 (Clean Water Another critical obstacle is the limited access to the financial

P. Datta et al. Agricultural Systems 215 (2024) 103854

Fig. 6. Root causes of the trade-offs and proposed strategies suggested by the participants.

resources of Bangladeshi farmers required for the AFL system estab­ for the certification process of AFL products.
lishment. Proposed strategies involve the creation of specialized agri­ Gender inequalities within the agricultural sector can hinder the
cultural credit facilities and expanding existing mechanisms to offer progress of SDGs through AFL integration. Therefore, it is crucial to
affordable loans. Additionally, introducing agriculture insurance encourage women's active involvement in decision-making processes
schemes can safeguard farmers from potential losses due to different through their inclusion in cooperatives, farmers' groups, and community
natural disasters, pests, diseases, or market fluctuations. Encouraging organizations. Moreover, organizing awareness campaigns and com­
the formation of farmer cooperatives and associations provides a col­ munity dialogues are pivotal in promoting gender equality, challenging
lective resource pool, enabling improved access to financial support. stereotypes, and advocating equitable labor-sharing between genders in
Besides, the fragmented land ownership and tenure issues can disrupt Bangladesh. Supporting women's participation in value chain develop­
the cohesion of the integrated AFL systems. The suggested solutions ment and market-oriented activities could further empower them.
include promoting land pooling arrangements to encourage multiple Lastly, the heavy reliance on fuel wood presents environmental and
landowners to manage their lands collaboratively, thus acquiring col­ health risks in Bangladesh. Creating awareness about clean energy al­
lective benefits. Education plays a vital role in this process, with ternatives, with their associated benefits, such as reduced GHG emis­
awareness campaigns and outreach programs educating farmers about sions and improved indoor air quality, is vital. Providing technical
the advantages of AFL systems and the importance of resolving land assistance and training for installing, operating, and maintaining biogas
ownership and tenure issues. enhancing land tenure security by plants could offer a sustainable energy solution in this regard. Encour­
improving land documentation, registration, and titling systems could aging community-based biogas projects could allow multiple house­
also contribute to a stable foundation for these integrated systems. holds to invest collectively and benefit from a centralized biogas plant,
Inadequate market opportunities and inefficient value chain systems contributing to reduced reliance on fuel wood.
often pose significant challenges in Bangladesh. Direct market linkages
between farmers and various stakeholders, including retailers, pro­ 4. Discussion
cessors, exporters, and wholesalers, should be facilitated to address this.
Strengthening farmer cooperatives or producer organizations can In this study, we assert that integrating AFL systems can generate
collectively market their AFL products, ensuring a stronger negotiating synergistic outcomes for several SDGs, particularly SDGs 1, 2, 13, and
position. Moreover, improving rural connectivity and storage facilities 14, which constitute significant challenges for Bangladesh. The Sus­
can enhance the efficient distribution and storage of products from the tainable Development Report (2023) underscores that progress is being
farms to the markets. Besides, child labor remains an ethical concern and moderately achieved in SDGs 1 and 2, albeit considerable challenges
a barrier to holistic development in Bangladesh. Addressing this issue persist. On the other hand, SDG 15 is grappling with notable impedi­
requires establishing and supporting schools in rural areas, coupled with ments, resulting in a slowing down of progress, while SDG 13 remains
scholarships and incentives, to encourage children's enrolment and stagnant in its advancement (Sachs et al., 2022). Furthermore, the
attendance. Also, reducing the dependency on manual labor by pro­ achievement of several SDGs, viz. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 – encounter
moting the use of appropriate farm machinery, tools, and technology is several challenges in Bangladesh, except for SDG 12 (Sachs et al., 2022).
essential. Ensuring transparency and accountability in eradicating child These goals exhibit a moderate level of synergies facilitated by incor­
labor practices can also involve establishing clear criteria and standards porating AFL systems. Given this backdrop, the robust support from our

P. Datta et al. Agricultural Systems 215 (2024) 103854

study's participants for the potential of AFL integration to contribute to access to resources and markets (Rahman and Akter, 2020).
the attainment of multiple SDGs mirrors the views expressed in previous Addressing inadequate market opportunities and inefficient value
research on agroforestry in Bangladesh (Rahman et al., 2012; Baul et al., chains is a pressing concern in the Bangladeshi agricultural sector
2021; Akter et al., 2022; Islam et al., 2022; Baul et al., 2022; Hemel (Islam, 2022). In Bangladesh, similar to numerous other developing
et al., 2022). Additionally, a considerable number of the identified nations, agroforestry product prices are inadequate for the farmers due
trade-offs have been extensively documented in the context of to the presence of multiple intermediaries within the value chain (Islam
Bangladesh, underscoring the imperative need for comprehensive and et al., 2014; Gessesse et al., 2019; Atreya et al., 2021). The emphasis on
context-specific strategies to effectively address them (Hanif et al., 2018; direct market linkages, cooperative marketing, and improved rural
Jahan et al., 2022; Rahman et al., 2012). connectivity is highly required to enhance agrarian market access
While the past studies in Bangladesh (as mentioned above) pre­ (Mankhin et al., 2023). Besides, child labor remains a socioeconomic
dominantly center on the tree component of the agroforestry and challenge in Bangladesh, particularly in the agricultural sector. Inte­
homesteads, our investigation casts a light on the integration and ben­ grating AFL systems could exacerbate the burden on children, leading to
efits spanning all three components – crops, trees, and livestock – which higher drop-out rates from school. This issue is particularly pronounced
have not received extensive attention due to an excessive emphasis on among girls, as traditional farm responsibilities often fall on them,
the tree component due the benefit of carbon sequestration in context of resulting in potential gender disparities, as highlighted in a study by
climate change mitigation. Besides, potential obstacles to integrating Saqib (2015). The suggested approach of establishing schools in rural
AFL systems, as identified in our study, could impede the progress of communities, coupled with scholarships and incentives, shows a
several SDGs. While these impediments might vary across countries and promising approach to the national goal of achieving quality and equity
agroforestry systems, our analysis highlights common challenges, in Universal Primary Education in Bangladesh.
encompassing the scarcity of technical expertise among farmers, con­ Furthermore, persistent gender inequalities within Bangladesh's
strained access to financial resources, fragmented land ownership and agricultural sector underscore the importance of empowering women,
tenure, inadequate market opportunities, bottlenecks within the value aiming to alleviate gender disparities and the excessive burden placed
chain, concerns about child labor, gender inequalities, and heavy reli­ on women due to various farm-related duties and household re­
ance on fuelwood as the primary rural energy source, all of which are sponsibilities (Rahman et al., 2010). Research indicates that narrowing
prevalent in numerous developing nations (Mwase et al., 2015; Beyene gender gaps within Bangladeshi households correlates with heightened
et al., 2019; Dhakal et al., 2022; Datta and Behera, 2023; Ahmad et al., technical efficiency (Seymour, 2017). Similarly, studies have illustrated
2023). As a result, the strategies formulated in our study could serve as that involving women in value chains constitutes a pivotal approach to
valuable guidelines for other developing nations facing similar issues. enhancing their empowerment within agriculture, leading to better
Integrating trees into arable or livestock systems often requires new agricultural output and enhanced livelihoods (Quisumbing et al., 2015).
skills, techniques, or equipment (Kiyani et al., 2017). However, Ban­ Moreover, addressing the significant dependence on fuel wood remains
gladeshi farmers often face obstacles due to their limited education, crucial to mitigating environmental and indoor health complexities in
resistance to adopting suitable management practices, and a lack of Bangladesh (Khan et al., 2017). The reliance on fuel wood carries
expert guidance (Afrad et al., 2019; Jahan et al., 2022). To tackle this environmental ramifications, and the advocacy for cleaner energy al­
issue, the participants suggested a multi-faceted strategy that aligns with ternatives aligns with Bangladesh's focus on renewable energy sources to
the agricultural extension models commonly employed in Bangladesh. curb ecological degradation (Uddin et al., 2019). Furthermore, the
Initiatives such as arranging training sessions, workshops, and on-field concept of community-based biogas initiatives aligns with the principles
demonstrations align with the country's established tradition of partic­ of collective action and shared responsibility, not only advancing sus­
ipatory extension approaches to disseminate knowledge and enhance tainable energy practices but also fostering social unity and cooperation
farmers' capabilities (Biswas et al., 2021). Improving access to infor­ within the communities (Chaichana et al., 2017).
mation through digital platforms, mobile apps, and extension services
reflects the role of technology in overcoming information barriers and 5. Conclusion
empowering farmers. Bangladesh has embraced digital agricultural
extension services to bridge the knowledge gap and provide timely in­ The findings from this study shed light on the potential synergies and
formation to farmers (Khan Tithi et al., 2021). Besides, the proposed trade-offs of integrating AFL systems to advance the SDGs in
research and development endeavors are particularly significant in Bangladesh. The substantial support among participants for the AFL
Bangladesh, given the imperative for innovative and adaptable agri­ integration underscores its viability as a multi-dimensional approach to
cultural approaches due to the nation's susceptibility to climate change, address complex developmental issues. Examining synergies and trade-
with localized research having the potential to yield insights and tech­ offs across various SDGs highlights the intricate interplay between so­
nologies tailored to Bangladesh's distinctive agro-ecological conditions cioeconomic, environmental, and institutional factors. While high levels
and resource limitations (Jahan et al., 2022). of synergies are evident in SDGs 1, 2, 13, and 14, trade-offs are equally
The challenge of limited financial resources, particularly for small­ prevalent and demand careful management to avoid unintended con­
holder farmers, is a common scenario in Bangladesh (Rahman et al., sequences. In this context, the strategies proposed in this study for
2020). The provision of specialized agricultural credit facilities and minimizing trade-offs and harnessing synergistic benefits offer a
affordable loans is critical in Bangladesh because studies show that comprehensive framework for action.
credit-constrained farmers are less technically efficient than credit-non- The study underscores the importance of context-specific approaches
constrained farmers; additionally, credit provision increases farm pro­ tailored to developing countries' unique challenges and opportunities.
duction and financial growth, both of which are critical for achieving By embracing participatory extension methods, digital technology, and
many of the SDGs (Islam, 2020). Besides, introducing agriculture in­ localized research, nations can empower their farmers with the knowl­
surance schemes has proven effective in mitigating farmers' risks due to edge and tools needed to navigate the complexities of AFL integration.
climate variability (Islam et al., 2021). However, the crop insurance Addressing financial limitations through credit mechanisms and insur­
concept is relatively new to Bangladesh; it has succeeded in many cases ance schemes, coupled with cooperative models, has the potential to
(Al-Maruf et al., 2021; Islam et al., 2021). The formation of farmer co­ unlock opportunities and mitigate disparities. Forming farmer co­
operatives and associations, alongside fragmented land ownership and operatives and collaborative land management strategies also presents
tenure solutions, reflects the potential of collective action to address opportunities to enhance resource access and land-use efficiency. In the
resource constraints and enhance land-use efficiency. Bangladesh has a context of market challenges and inefficient value chains, the study
history of successful farmer organizations contributing to improved emphasizes the importance of direct market linkages, cooperative

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