Present Perfect Simple or Continuous

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Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.

Do not
change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
a) Steve started learning the violin a month ago. learning
Steve .................... the violin for a month.
b) I haven't been to an Indian restaurant for ages. since
It's ages .............................. an Indian restaurant.
c) When she heard the results, Mary began to feel more confident. become
Since hearing the results ................. more confident.
d) The last time Nancy came here was in 1986. since
Nancy hasn't ............................... 1986.
e) This is my first visit to Japan. time
This is the first .................... to Japan.
f) How long have Helen and Robert been married? get
When ........................ married?
g) Jack bought those trousers last month, and has been wearing them ever since. for
Jack has ...................... a month.
h) It's a long time since our last conversation. spoken
We ..................... long time.
i) Thanks, but I had something to eat earlier. already
Thanks, but I've ..................... eat.
j) This is my first game of water-polo. played
I ................................. before.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not
change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
a) Steve started learning the violin a month ago. learning
Steve .................... the violin for a month.
b) I haven't been to an Indian restaurant for ages. since
It's ages .............................. an Indian restaurant.
c) When she heard the results, Mary began to feel more confident. become
Since hearing the results ................. more confident.
d) The last time Nancy came here was in 1986. since
Nancy hasn't ............................... 1986.
e) This is my first visit to Japan. time
This is the first .................... to Japan.
f) How long have Helen and Robert been married? get
When ........................ married?
g) Jack bought those trousers last month, and has been wearing them ever since. for
Jack has ...................... a month.
h) It's a long time since our last conversation. spoken
We ..................... long time.
i) Thanks, but I had something to eat earlier. already
Thanks, but I've ..................... eat.
j) This is my first game of water-polo. played
I ................................. before.
I.Complete the dialogues below with the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous of the verbs in brackets.
If both tenses are possible, use the present perfect continuous.
1.A: I'm very tired. We .................. (walk) too fast.
B: Maybe you are right, we ............. (walk) 10 kilometres in only one hour and a half.
2.A: You ............... (drink). You can't take the car.
B: But I ................... (only/drink) a couple of beers!
A: That isn't true; you .................. (drink) four beers.
3.I ................. (wait) for you all morning! Where .................... (you/be) all this time?
4.I ........... (teach) in this school for 20 years, and I ............... (meet) thousands of students from hundreds of different
5.A: It smells fantastic!
B: Yeah, I ................. (make) cookies all afternoon.
A: Let me see. Wow! You .................. (make) a lot of cookies!
6.A: Someone .................... (call) all morning. They ................. (call) at least ten times.
B: Well, you ................... (sit) next to the phone all this time. You could have picked it up.
7.I ................. (work) here for over a month and I .............. (not meet) the manager yet.
8.I .............. (lose) my keys and I ................. (try) to contact my wife all morning, but she isn't answering her phone.
9.What's the matter with you? You ................. (say) anything since this morning.
10.Look, I .............. (wash) my car. Doesn't it look new now?

II.Underline the most suitable verb form in each sentence.

a) Did you see/Have you seen my bag anywhere? I can't find it.
b) Larry is writing/has been writing/has written his novel for the last two years.
c) From the minute he got up this morning Gary asked/has asked/has been asking silly questions!
d) Have you given/Did you give Helen my message when you have seen/saw her?
e) Sorry, could you say that again? I didn't listen/haven't listened/haven't been listening to you.
f) The police think that they found/have found your wallet, so call this number.
g) Did you two meet/Have you two met before? Eric, this is Amanda, h) Did you meet/Have you met anyone interesting
at the reception?

III.Present perfect simple or Present perfect continuous

1.I ______ the book you lent me and it's great. I'll give it back to you when I finish it.
a.'ve read
b.was read
c.'ve been reading
2.Bruce ______ tennis since he was a child. He ______ many trophies.
a.has been playing / has won playing / has won
c.has played / has been winning
3.You ______ too much time playing that stupid game!
a.'ve spent
b.'ve spending
c.'ve been spending
4.You ______ tennis since 10 o'clock. How many sets ______ ?
a.have played / have you been playing
b.have been playing / have you played
c.are playing / have you played
5.He ______ since he was a little boy. Choose TWO correct options fishing
b.has fished
c.has been fishing

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