Questioner GR9

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1. Do you think using virgin coconut oil mouthwash can improve one’s oral hygiene?

- Strongly disagree
- Disagree
- Neutral
- Agree
- Strongly agree
2. Is using virgin coconut oil mouthwash a viable addition to personal hygiene as a
daily routine?
- Strongly disagree
- Disagree
- Neutral
- Agree
- Strongly agree
3. Do you recommend virgin coconut oil mouthwash for people who need it?
- Strongly disagree
- Disagree
- Neutral
- Agree
- Strongly agree
4. Have you ever used virgin coconut oil mouthwash before?
- Yes
- No
- Not sure
5. If virgin coconut oil mouthwash was available in public settings (e.g., schools,
workplaces, or public restrooms), how likely would you be to use it?
- Very likely
- Somewhat likely
- Neither likely nor unlikely
- Somewhat unlikely
- Very unlikely
6. What factors would influence your decision to use virgin coconut oil mouthwash in
public settings? (Select all that apply)
- Effectiveness in reducing harmful bacteria
- Improved oral health and hygiene
- Pleasant taste and aroma
- Availability and accessibility
- Perceived safety and quality
- Recommendation from dental professionals
- Peer influence and social acceptability
- Other (please specify):
7. Have you noticed any reduction in gum inflammation since using virgin coconut oil
- Yes
- No
- Not sure
8. Do you feel that virgin coconut oil mouthwash has helped reduce plaque buildup on
your teeth and gums?
- Yes
- No
- Not sure
9. On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with the overall effects of virgin coconut
oil mouthwash on your gum health? (1 being very dissatisfied, 10 being very

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