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Section-A (12 Marks)

Arrange the following events in chronological order and cho0se the correct option : (1)
() Draft of first five year plan in India was released.
(i) Plan Holiday' was declared in India due to economic crisis.
(i) Ajoint proposal was drafted in the form Bombay Plan' for planned economy.
(iv) Establishment of Planning Commission.
Option :
(a) (iv), (i), (i), () (b) (i), (iv), (),(1)
(c) (iv), (), (ii), () (a) (in), (), (), (iv)
The Trustiship Council, an organ of the United Nation, was suspended from 1November,
1994 because: (1)
(a) The last UN trust territory, Palau, became independent.
(b) There was international pressure on United Nation.
(c) All the permanent members of the Security Council used Veto power.
(d) Cold war was ended due to disintegration of the USSR.
Aperson is arrested under the preventive detention if : (1)
(a) He/she has committed a crime.

(b) Aperson is suspected of committing a crime.

(c) A person has joined the strike.
() A person has opposed state's policies.
Match the List I with ListII: (1)
List I List II

(A) Alliance () Allstates to give up certain kind of weapons

(B) Deterrence (ii) To regulate the accusation of weapon
development of weapon
(C) Disarmament (iii) To prevent or end war for security reasons
(D) Arms Control (iv) Measures taken by states to deter or defer against
military attack
Codes :

A-iv, B-ii, C-i, D-iii (b) A-iv,B-ii, C-i, D-i

A-ii, B-iii, C-iv, D-i (d) A-iii, B-i, C-iv, D-ii
India had adopted the idea of planned economy from (1)
(a) Soviet Union (b) United States of America
(c) Japan (d) Germany
In the following question a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of
Reason (R). Choose the appropriate option as answer.
Assertion (A) : In world politics, each country has to be responsible for its
own security. (1)
Reason (R) : In world politics there is no acknowledged central authority that stands
above everyone else.
(a) Assertion (A) and Reason (R) both are true, and Reason (R) is the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are correct, but Reason (R) is not the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A)is false, but Reason (R)is true.
(d) Assertion (A) is correct butReason (R) is wrong.
The most severe conflict took place in Balkan Republic and broke apart with several
provinces : (1)
(a) Romania (b) Bulgaria
(c) Greece (d) Yugoslavia
While recounting the trauma of partition writers, poets and filmmakers often used the
phrase to describe the partition as (1)
.(a) Division of hearts (b) Division of country
(c) Division of house (d) Division of garden
State related to the students agitation against corruptions in high places, inflation and
unemployment in the 1970was: (1)
. (a) Gujarat (b) Assam

(c) Nagaland (d) Punjab

In the following question a statement of Assertion (A)is
followed by a statement of
Reason (R). Choose the appropriate option as
Assertion (A) : Immediate after the independence there was athreat on the existence of
United India.
Reason (R) : States were free to join either India or Pakistan or
they so wished and the decision was left to remain independentif
the people
- (a) Assertion (A) and Reason (R) both are
true, and Reason (R) is the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (Ryare
correct, but Reason (R) is not the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.
(d) Assertion (A) is correct but Reason (R) is
Which one of the consequence is related to Shock Therapy
(a) The rate of inflation had go down
. (b) The Value of the Ruble, the Russian currency declined
(c) Food security strengthened
(d) The gap between rich and poor has ended
is the organ of United Nations which includes representative of all member states
and each with one vote.
"(a) General Assembly (b) Security Council
(c) Secretariat (d) Economic and Social Council
Section-B (12 Marks)
e Highlight any two features of European Union that make it different from other regional
organizations. (1+1-2)
K Differentiae between 'internally displaced people' and 'refugees' with suitable
example. (2)
6. Epidemics demonstrates that there is aneed for growing international cooperation'.Give
any two arguments in support of this statement. (1+-2)
What is the full forms of E.V.M.? In which year did the use of E.V.M. start
across India? (1+1-2)
On what grounds one party dominance in India after independence was different from
other countries. Support your answer with any two suitable illustrations. (1+1=2)
18/ By which constitutional provision government declared a state of emergency on
25 June 1975? What was the argument given by the government to proclaim the
emergency? (1+1-2)
Lo Describe any four basiccharacteristics of the Soviet system. (4x14)
28. To reform Security Council was inevitable in the dcrade of 1990s. Do you agree with this
statement? Support your answer with any two suitable argument. (2x2-4)

On what grounds various countries challenged the suggested criteria for the new
permanent and non-permanent members of the Security Council? Support your answer
with two arguments.
. Analyse India's experiences of resistance towards globalization. (2x2-4)
22 Identify the major events which were responsible for the abolition of Privy Purse. (4)

Interpret the events which led to a Split in Congress party.

What was the objective of establishing the Mandal Commission? Describe any two
recommendations suggested by the 'Mandal Commission'. (4)
Section-D (12 Marks)
24 Read the following paragraph carefully and answer the questions based on it : (4x1=4)
ASEAN was and still means principally an economic association. While the ASEAN
region as a whole is a much smaller economy compared to the US, the EUand Japan, its
economy is growing much faster than all these. This accounts for the growth in its
influence both in the region and beyond.
24 What is the logo of ASEAN flag? (1)
(a) The circle of 12 gold stars.
(b) Olive leaves around the world map.
(c) Two hands joining together and seven pigeons between both hands.
(d) Ten stalks of paddy within a circle.
country is one of the founder countries of ASEAN. (1)
(a) Singapore (b) Vietnam

(c) Cambodia (d) Myanmar

India has signed a frce trade agreement with which of the following countries? (1)
(a) Thailand (b) Lao PDR
(c) Philippines (d) Indonesia
244 Which organisation was established in 1994, by ASEAN to carries out the
coordination of security and foreign policy? (1)
(a) ASEAN Security Community
(b) ASEAN Economic Community
(c) ASEAN Regional Forunm
() ASEAN Socio-cultural Community
In the given outline political map of India four states
and(D). Identify these states on the basis of the have been marked as (A), (B), (C)
correct names in your answer book alongwithinformative given below and write their
the respective serial numbers of the
information used and concerned alphabets as per the format that follows:

Y The state where Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated during the election campaign in
May 1991.
G The state in North India where anew policy to provide reservation OBC was first
Y The stale whose chief Minister was sentenced to a token imprisonment of one day
by Supreme Court.
The capital ofthis state faced communal intolerance in 1992.
Serial Number for the
used information Alphabet
Name of State

Note: Following questions are for Visually

No. 25. impaired candidates in lieu of Question
25.1 Who was the chairman of the
second Backward Commission? (1)
25.2 By whom was the Babujan Samaj
Party founded? (1)
25.3 Which party was formed by the
supports of
25.4 Rajiv Gandhiwas assassinated by which erstwhile Jana Sangh? (1)
Study the cartoon given belovw carefully and answer (1)
the questions based on it - (4)



What type of relations are reflected in the above Cartoon between the rulers of the
Princely States and the its people. ()
262 What does the statement of Sardar Patel-"No No, Don't get up your highness.
Just give me this. That will do," mean in the above (2)
India after
23 Name the four princely states which refused to be the part of
independence. ghnin, gnm tyd, Mana, y (1)
Note : Following questions are for the Visually impaired candidates we en
question Number 26 -
26.1 Which principle was followed in thc division of India and Pakistan? (1)
20.2 ldentify the two provinces in which partition caused the deepest taum (1)

26.3 Who was the first Home Minister of Independent India? 1)

26.4 Name the original state from which Haryana state was carved out. (1)
Section-E (24 Marks)
3 For which countries the expression South Asia' used? Highlight two reasons for rapidly
growing involvement of America in South Asia after the Cold War. (2+242-6)

India's position in South Asia is central and hence most of the conflicts in South Asia are
related to India.' Examine the statement with the help of any three examples. (3x2-6)
28/ Recently 'Resources Conservation has become an integral past of World-politics." Justify
the statement. (6)

Identify the two main challenges that make it difficult to reach consensus on the
protection of global commans. (3x2-6)
24 Analyse any three consequences of the India-China War of 1962 on Indian politics.

Spell out any.three reasons for why India has not joined any block during the Cold War
after getting independence.
What was the 'Punjab Accord? List any two main points of this agreement. (6)

How Goa became an integral part of the Indian Union? Elaborate. (6)


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