Q4Sci4-LAW 2 Edited-Week3 - 4

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Name: __________________________ Date: ___________ Rating Score__________

Water Cycle and Weather Instruments

Lesson 3: Water Cycle and Its Processes

Activity 1
Directions. Write T if the statement is true or F if it is False.
______1. The water that we have on the earth today is the same water
that the earth has always had, and the same water that it
always will have.
______2. Water continuously changes its form so it can be used and
______3. The moon is the driving force of the water cycle.
______4. During the water cycle, water is found in three states: solid in
the form of snow, hail, or sleet, liquid water, and gaseous or
water vapor.
______5. The water cycle is very important to all organisms on earth
who rely on water for survival.

Activity 2
Directions: Explain the importance of the water cycle by arranging the
jumbled letters to form a word that will complete the sentence. Write your
answer in the blank provided.
1. Water cycle regulates the (e t u p m a r e t r e) __________ on

Learning Activity Worksheets
GRADE 4- Science

2. Bodies of water serve as (t t a h I b a) __________ for animals

and other sea creatures.
3. Bodies of water are (c s e s o u r) _______ of food like seafood
to eat.
4. Water is needed for many human (a c i t i v t e s i)
____________ such as washing and cooking.
5. Water bodies are habitats for growing (p an l t s) _________that
other living things eat for consumption and survival.

Activity 3
Directions: Label the process of the water cycle in the diagram by choosing
the correct term inside the box. Then, answer the questions that follow.

condensation evaporation collection precipitation

Diagram created thru canva.com

Learning Activity Worksheets
GRADE 4- Science

1. Which process helps to collect groundwater?

2. From which process the water cycle begins?
3. Which process causes rain to fall from the sky?


4. In which process does the water changes from a gas or water vapor to a

liquid water takes place? _______________

5. What do you call a cycle which process involves evaporation,

condensation, precipitation, and collection? ____________________

Activity 4
Directions: List down at least two (2) importance of the water cycle.


Activity 5
Directions: Read each question. Write the letter of the correct answer on
your paper.
1. Where does the energy that empowers the water cycle come from?
A. plants B. animals C. sun D. electrical outlets
2. What water cycle process takes place when moisture from clouds falls
to the ground as rain, sleet, hail, and snow?
A. condensation B. animation C. evaporation D. precipitation
Learning Activity Worksheets
GRADE 4- Science

3. What happens during the evaporation process?

A. Water freezes.
B. Water vapor meets cold air and changes back into a liquid.
C. Water gets warm and changes from liquid water to water vapor.
D. Plants take in water from the soil.
4. What water cycle process takes place when the rising water vapor meets
colder air and turns back into water droplets?
A. dehydration B. evaporation C. condensation D. precipitation
5. Why is the water cycle called a “cycle”?
A. because the water forms into circles
B. because of its constant movement of water from Earth’s
surface to the atmosphere and back to Earth’s surface
C. because the water runs
D. because it leaves its place

Prepared by:
Doña Manuela Elementary School
Pulanlupa Elementary School

Quarter: 4 Week: 3_ (Learning Activity Worksheet)

DBOW: Describe the process in the water cycle(S4ES-IVd-4)

Note to the Teacher: Remind your students that activities in handling materials
needs the presence of an adult.
(Government Property. Not for sale)

Learning Activity Worksheets
GRADE 4- Science
Lesson 4: Different Weather Instruments and Weather Chart

Activity 1: Identifying Weather Instruments

Directions. Identify the weather instrument being described in the following

statements. Write your answer on the line provided before each number.
________________ 1. It measures hotness or coldness.
________________ 2. It determines the direction of the wind.
________________ 3. It is used to measure the amount of rainfall.
________________ 4. It measures air pressure.
________________ 5. It tells the speed of the wind.

Activity 2: Jumbled Letters

Directions. Rearrange the letters and write the correct word on the line
provided. Then, draw lines to connect the words to their corresponding

1. N D I W E N V A

2. M E T H O M R E E T R

3. M T O E A N R M E R E

4. R O B M E R A E T

5. N I A R U A G E G

Learning Activity Worksheets
GRADE 4- Science

Activity 3: Identification
Direction: What instrument is used to measure the following?
1. air pressure- _______________________
2. amount of rainfall- ___________________
3. air temperature- _____________________
4. wind velocity- _______________________
5. amount of moisture in the air- ___________
6. wind direction- _______________________

Activity 4: True or False

Directions. Write True if the concept is correct and False if incorrect.
_______ 1. Air temperature is measured in degrees Celsius.
_______ 2. Air temperature changes from time to time.
_______ 3. Air pressure is the amount of moisture in the air.
_______ 4. A barometer measures air pressure.
_______ 5. An anemometer measures the speed of wind.
_______ 6. An anemometer tells the direction of the wind.
_______ 7. A hygrometer measures air movement,
_______ 8. The rainfall measures the amount of rain showers.
_______ 9. A wind vane helps identify the name of the wind.
_______ 10. A rising barometer reading indicates bad weather at a given

Learning Activity Worksheets
GRADE 4- Science
Activity 5: Creating a Weather Wheel
Directions: Cut out a wheel and an arrow. Punch a hole in the arrow.
Punch a hole in the middle of the weather wheel. Fasten the arrow and
the weather wheel together with a split pin.

Department of Education 2015. Science Grade 4 Learner’s Material. Pasig
City: Lexicon Press, Inc.
Department of Education. 2015. Science Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. Pasig
City. Lexicon Press, Inc.
Villona, H. (2017). Cyber Science.rev. Rex Publishing Incorporation

Learning Activity Worksheets
GRADE 4- Science

Prepared by:
Gatchalian Elementary School

Quarter: 4 Week: 4_ (Learning Activity Worksheet)

DBOW: Use weather instruments and describe the different weather components in a
weather chart. S4ES-IVe-5

Note to the Teacher: Remind your students that activities in handling materials
needs the presence of an adult.
(Government Property. Not for sale)


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