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Name: __________________________ Date: ___________ Rating Score__________

Lesson 5: The Different Weather Components in a Weather


A. Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the
statement is incorrect. Write your answers on the space provided.
_______ 1. We need to know weather conditions to keep us safe.
_______ 2. Weather helps us decide what clothes to wear.
_______ 3. Weather influenced the kind of activities we do.
_______ 4. Knowledge on weather forecast help us to prepare.
_______ 5. Typhoons can destroy properties and lives.
_______ 6. You need to know the different weather instruments and its
uses for you to be aware of the weather conditions.
_______ 7. Knowing the weather condition would help you prepare for a
certain activities of the day.
_______8. Weather does not affect our daily activities in many ways.
_______9. Weather data provide insights into the world’s climate change.
_______10. Weather Instruments are very important to know what is
happening around us.

A. Study the weather chart below and answer the following questions.
Weather Different Temperature at Various Times
( in one’s school yard)

6:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 12:00 n. n. 2:00 p. m.

fine 27˚C 31˚C 33˚C 30˚C
fair 26˚C 28˚C 29˚C 27˚C
rainy 23˚C 24˚C 25˚C 24˚C
Learning Activity Worksheets
GRADE 4- Science
1.At what time of the day is the temperature at its highest?
2. At what time of the day is the temperature lowest?
3. At what weather condition are the temperatures high?
4. At what weather condition are the temperatures low?
5. What factors affect the day’s temperature?

B. Direction: Study the weather report and plot it on a weather chart

Metro Manila Fair weather conditions all throughout the day.
Temperature ranges from 30˚C - 35˚C
Baguio City Light to moderate northeast wind. The sky will
be cloudy with brief rain showers in the
afternoon or evening. Temperature ranges from
Cebu City Occasional rain shower and thunderstorm in the
afternoon with moderate to strong easterly
winds. Temperature ranges from 25˚C-30˚C.

Weather Elements
Metro Manila Baguio City Cebu City


Sky Conditions

ACTIVITY 3: “Match Me”

Direction: Match the components of weather in column A with its
description in column B. Write your answer on the space provided in each
_____1. sky condition A. water falls on earth as rain
_____2. humidity B. moving air from high to low
_____3. temperature C. the hotness and coldness of
_____4. wind speed D. moisture in the environment
_____5. Precipitation E. appearance of the sky.
F. serve as a blanket of the

Learning Activity Worksheets
GRADE 4- Science
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is the air temperature if the sun is shining brightly?
A. The temperature is low.
B. The temperature is high.
C. The temperature is normal
D. The temperature is constant.

2. When the sky is cloudy, the air is cooler. Why?

A. The clouds are heavy.
B. The temperature is high.
C. The temperature is normal.
D. The clouds block the heat of the sun.

3. What makes a cloud formation?

A. air temperature C. water vapor in the air
B. sky condition D. wind

4. What does temperature tells us?

A. It tells the direction of the wind.
B. It tells how hot or cold the air is.
C. It tells the speed of the wind.
D. It tells the sky condition.

5. Which of the following is not a weather element?

A. humidity
B. precipitation
C. thermometer
D. wind

6. It is a fine sunny day. What clouds do you see in the sky?

A. cumulus B. nimbus C. cirrus D. stratus

7. The sun is shining brightly. The air is still. It is warm outside. What do
you think is the temperature of the day?
A. high B. low C. very low D. normal

8. How does the wind move during fair a weather?

A. violently B. hard C. gently D. fast

9. The best time to go swimming is when the weather is______.

A. clear and sunny B. cloudy C. rainy D. stormy

10. When the sky is cloudy, the air is_______.

A. cooler B. hot C. humid D. very hot

Learning Activity Worksheets
GRADE 4- Science
Activity 4: What is the weather today?
Listen to a weather report over the radio or watch television tonight.
Record in a chart the weather conditions reported.

Weather Elements Place/Location

Wind Speed
Wind Direction
Sky Conditions

Answer the following questions briefly:

1. What are the date recorded in your weather chart?
2.Why is it important to record accurate data?
3. Why is it important to know the weather conditions?
4.Why do we need to give accurate data in telling about the weather
Department of Education 2015. Science Grade 4 Learner’s Material. Pasig
City: Lexicon Press, Inc.
Department of Education. 2015. Science Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. Pasig
City. Lexicon Press, Inc.
Padpad,Evelyn C….The new links(2013).Rex printing

Coronel,Carmelita C. Padpad,Evelyn C….The new links(2013).Rex printing

Prepared by:
CAA Elementary School

Dona Manuela Elementary School

Quarter: 3 Week: 5_ (Learning Activity Worksheet)

DBOW: Use weather instruments and describe the different weather components in a
weather chart. S4ES-IVe-5

Note to the Teacher: Remind your students that activities in handling materials
needs the presence of an adult.
(Government Property. Not for sale)

Learning Activity Worksheets
GRADE 4- Science
Lesson 6: Safety Precautions During Different Weather


Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following will you do if you observe a strong wind heavy
rains on a day?
A. stay inside the house
B. play outside
C. go to restaurant
D. go to the beach
2. Which of the following is the ideal clothes during rainy days?
A. thin clothes
B. old clothes
C. thick clothes
D. new clothes
3. The sky is dark. You hear thunder. Your father requested you to help him
harvest the rice. What should you do?
A. Help him to finish the harvest fast.
B. Let father do the harvesting alone.
C. Let him stop harvesting.
D. Do not mind him.
4. If there is extreme heat, what should you do?
A. Wear thick clothing.
B. Drink small amount of water.
C. Stay under the sun.
D. Stay indoors where it is cool.
5. Mang Pedro prepared his fishing net. He observed that the sky is dark.
What is the best thing that he should do?
A. Hurry and go on fishing.
B. Keep the nets and do not go on fishing.
C. Call other fishermen to go on fishing.

Learning Activity Worksheets
GRADE 4- Science
D. Never mind it and continue fishing.

Activity 2: AGREE or DISAGREE

Write A if you agree with the statement and D if you do not agree.
______1. During a sunny day, drink water only when you are thirsty.
______ 2. Wear lightweight, light colored clothing that cover as much skin
as possible during sunny days to avoid sunburn.
______ 3. Slow down when driving during a stormy day.
______ 4. When the weather hot, taking a bath or wet towel can help you
cool down.
______ 5. It is always best to go to the mall during a sunny day.
______ 6. Apply sunblock lotion when playing outdoors
______ 7. Evacuate immediately if the authorities say so.
______ 8. Wear water resistant covers like raincoat and boots during rainy
______ 9. During a stormy day it is best to go to the mall because there are
no classes.
______10. Stay away from windows and metal doors during typhoon.

Activity 3
Answer the following questions briefly:
1. What can people do during sunny days?
2. What clothes is the best to wear during warm days?
3. How do you protect yourselves from bad weather?

Learning Activity Worksheets
GRADE 4- Science
4. What can people do during rainy days?
5. What kind of weather do you like? Why?
6. Why is it important to know the weather condition of the day?
7. List down some occupations that depend largely on certain kinds of


Which of the following shows preventive measures during different
weather conditions? Put a check mark on the corresponding column.
Activity Preventive Not a
measure preventive
1. Drink 8 glasses of water regularly.
2. Use sunglasses to protect your
eyes from too much heat.
3. Walking under the sun without
using hats or umbrellas.
4. Staying inside the house when the
sun is shining brightly.
5. It feels good to rest under large
trees during a stormy day.

Learning Activity Worksheets
GRADE 4- Science
6. Standing under tall trees and
electricity poles during stormy days.
7. Stay inside the house during
stormy days.
8. Wear thick clothes during rainy
9. Expose yourself to too much heat
of the sun.
10. Do not wade in dirty water during
rainy days.

Department of Education 2015. Science Grade 4 Learner’s Material. Pasig City: Lexicon
Press, Inc.
Department of Education. 2015. Science Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. Pasig City. Lexicon
Press, Inc.
RBS Science and Technology Series Revised Edition 2015. Cyber Science 4 (Worktext
in Science and Technology) Sampaloc Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.
RBS Science and Technology Series Revised Edition 2017. The New Science Links 4
(Work text in Science and Technology) Sampaloc Manila: Rex Book, Inc.
Science, Health and Environment 4 Towars an Active and Responsible Living

Prepared by:
Moonwalk Elementary School

Joy P. Secillano
Pulanlupa Elementary School

Quarter: 3 Week: 6_ (Learning Activity Worksheet)

DBOW: Identify safety precautions during different weather conditions. S4ES-IVg-8
Note to the Teacher: Remind your students that activities in handling materials
needs the presence of an adult.
(Government Property. Not for sale)


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