The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

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) BEED or the Bachelor of Elementary Education

Can help Achieve the VMGO of the Daraga
Community College, by being a commited person to
this course, such as being productive, graduating in
this course can make the college more successful
by bearing it’s name at the workplace. Furthermore
having the high quality education is the privilidge as
a student in Dcomc for it ought to enchace the
students to become Disciplined to oneself, to bring
more knowledgable and so as to fully develop the
knowledge and skills about this course.
Nevertheless, the course can help a lot more to the
future eductators to become successfull in field of
teaching such as having the excellence on the
course we are in. This are the possible ways to
help contribute to the Vision, Mission, Goals, and
the Objective of the college.
She is Mary Chlairre Nocete Mujar Graduated from Camalig National High School
Formerly known as Ilawod National High School Taking up ABM- Accountancy Business
management Strand in Senior Hih School. Shes Already Eighteen Years Old with a deep
fashion in writing novel based stories to fulfill her work of imagination. She was Born in
Daraga, Albay But Currently Residing At Calzada, Gapo At the Municipality of Camalig
Province of Albay. As What stated while ago, She loves Writing, that is one of her hobbies so
as reading Watpad novels, She have a litttle talent in singing but not as good as The
professionals. She prefer dog over cats, and wish to travel all over the world specially Japan.
She loves spicy foods even though she’s acidic and has an Lazy attitude most of the time. If
she were to describe herself it will be ‘Cat’, Because she prefer silence though she’s
talkative but being silence is another thing, also being careless and not caring through others
Business sometimes.

She Once take up The BUCET after she graduated but sadly he did not get the qouta that
needed to her desired course. She decided to take an exam in Daraga Community College
as Her second option. She loves learning English language so much, that had bring her to
take an Exam In secondary education major in English, but didin’t get the chance to pass the
exam and become a Bachelor in Elementary Education Future educator. As A BEED
Student, What is her Expectation? She Expect a lot of hard days, Specially BEED has A lot
of subject to take up rather than the others, other than these, she was expecting to be more
knowledgable about how teaching become one of the most important Jobs in the world, how
to deal with youngster in the future, and enchance her skill in this field.

She was dedicated and passionate on her course as she make it as her top priority. To
become a future educator, a woman with pride and and true to her words. She might not
promise to have high grades for there are some circumstances, and Commitment that she
might come up to in the future, but she believes that she will finish her college stick to her
course no matter what becouse even there are a lot of hindrances in a persons dream, there
is always a way to get through it. Try and Try but never give up!

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