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109 Registration

109 No109
: 109 109 109 109 109

Total Number of Pages : 02 B.Tech


6th Semester Regular / Back Examination: 2021-22

109 109 109 BRANCH(S):
109 EEE / 109
ELECTRICAL 109 109 109
Time : 3 Hour
Max Marks : 100
Q.Code : J101
Answer Question No.1 (Part-1) which is compulsory, any eight from Part-II and any two
from Part-III.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
Q1 Answer the following questions : (2 ×10)
a) Write the equality and inequality constraints for solving economic load dispatch
b) What is the Unit Commitment?
c) Enumerate the benefits of per unit system. Find the expressions of base values of
different quantities in power system.
Calculate the
sparsity in Y bus
for a system 109
with 200 bus connected
by 380 109
lines. 109
What will be the change in the sparsity if the no. of lines increases by 20?
e) Obtain the expression of governor model in a single area control showing the
input-output relation.
f) What is the significant of a voltage control bus in the load flow study?
g) What are the different types of buses used for the load flow studies?
h) What is complex power?
i) What is stability and what are the type of stabilities, discuss about them?
109 j)
109 Define the per
109 unit inertia constant
109 of an alternator?
109 109 109 109

Q2 Only Focused-Short Answer Type Questions- (Answer Any Eight out of (6 × 8)
a) What is transient stability? How to improve transient stability of a power system?
b) What is a regulating transformer? What will be the change in the Ybus When a
regulating transformer is present?
109 c)
109 Derive the expressions
109 of critical
109 clearing angle
109 and critical clearing
109 time. 109 109
d) Two thermal generating units are operating in parallel at 60 Hz to supply a total
load of 700 MW. Unit 1, with a rated output of 600 MW and 4% speed drop
characteristics, supplies 400 MW, and Unit 2, which has a rated output of 500 MW
and 5% speed drop, supplies the remaining 300 MW of load. If the total load
increases to 800 MW, determine the new loading of each unit and the common
frequency change before any supplementary control action occurs. Neglect losses.
e) Write down the algorithm of Gauss-Siedel method for solving load flow studies.
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

f) A power system has the impedances between various buses
Bus 1 - reference j2Ω, bus 2 - reference j2Ω, bus 3 - reference j2Ω
109 109 Bus 1 to bus109
3 j0.2Ω 109 109 109 109 109
2 - 3 j0.4Ω
1 - 4 j0.4Ω
2 - 4 j0.4Ω
3 - 4 j0.4Ω
Draw the configuration of the system and find bus admittance matrix.
g) Two loads connected in parallel are supplied from a single phase 240V r.m.s
source. The two loads draw a total real power of 500KW at a power factor of
109 109 0.8(lag). One
109of the loads draws
109 150KW at power
109 factor of 0.96(lead).
109 Find the109 109
complex power of the other load.
h) The fuel inputs per hour of plant 1 and 2 are given as
Determine the economic operating schedule and the corresponding cost of
generation. If the maximum and minimum loading on each unit is 25MW and the
109 109 demand is 180MW
109 and transmission
109 losses are
109 neglected. If the
109 load is equally
109 109
shared by both the unity. Determine the saving obtained by loading the units as
per equal IPC?
i) Derive the power angle equation for a synchronous generator and an infinite bus
connected through a transmission line.
j) Explain Automatic Generation Control?
k) What is equal area criterion for stability and derive the same.
l) The pu impedance of a circuit element is 0.15. If the base KV and base MVA are
109 109 halved, then109
what will be the109
new pu impedance 109 of the circuit 109
element? 109 109

Only Long Answer Type Questions (Answer Any Two out of Four)
Q3 Write down the equations governing the N-R load flow method. Derive the (16)
necessary expression of the Jacobian elements in the matrix.

Q4 109
Derive the 109
swing equation 109
of the rotor. Derive
the condition
of stability 109
after (16) 109
following a disturbance.

Q5 A two bus system is shown in following figure. If 100 MW is transmitted from plant (16)
1 to the load; a transmission loss of 10 MW is incurred. Find the required
generation for each plant and the power received by the load when the system λ is
Rs. 25 /MWh. The incremental fuel costs of the two plants are :

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

Q6 Describe the different assumptions taken in Decoupled Load flow method. Form (16)
The final expression of Decoupled load flow method.
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

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