Text Recount English

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Recount text

Pengertian Recount Text :

Recount text merupakan salah satu jenis teks dalam Bahasa Inggris yang berisi
mengenai cerita suatu tindakan maupun kegiatan penulis atau tokoh-tokoh dalam cerita
tersebut. kegiatan atau tindakan yang dimaksud merupakan pengalaman dari penulis
yang diungkapkan melalui recount text, biasanya tujuan recount text adalah untuk
menghibur pembaca, serta memberikan informasi.

Macam-Macam dan Contoh Recount Text

Seperti halnya narrative atau jenis teks lain, recount text memiliki beberapa jenis atau
macam-macamnya yang dapat Anda gunakan sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda dalam
menceritakan suatu hal. Berikut macam-macam serta penjelasannya.

1. Personal recount
merupakan recount text yang memiliki fungsi untuk menceritakan mengenai
pengalaman pribadi penulis. Personal recount merupakan jenis paling umum yang
biasa digunakan untuk menulis teks recount.
Contoh Personal recount:

My Bad Day

Doni scrimped and paid for a trip around the world that lasted two months. In his diary, he
detailed his journey. I travelled to London and spent several weeks in Europe after spending a
week in New York. I took a train to Istanbul and visited several locations in Asia after seeing the
sights in Europe. First, I flew from Mexico City to New York City, where he lives. After
travelling across Asia, I travelled to South America before returning to Indonesia. Doni was
weary, but he was ecstatic to be on the road again.

2. Factual recount

merupakan recount text yang memiliki fungsi untuk menyajikan laporan mengenai
peristiwa yang terjadi berdasarkan fakta (benar-benar terjadi). Contohnya seperti
laporan mengenai percobaan ilmu pengetahuan atau laporan dari kepolisian.
Contoh Factual recount:

A Man Charged

A man has been sued in court for pushing an older woman down a bus on Upper
Thomson Road. Ong Kok Hao, 25, is accused of injuring 76-year-old Hwang Li Lian
Nee Lye on bus service number 167 around 3 p.m. on June 5th. Ong is alleged to have
pushed the older woman onto her back, causing her to collapse onto the bus stairs. The
incident was recorded and posted to YouTube in a two-minute video. Ong bursts into a
fury at Madam Hwang for pressing the ring at the last minute along Upper Thomson
Road, according to the video. During the resulting scream battle, Ong attempted to slap
the woman before shoving her down the bus. Ong’s lawyer, Eddie Koh, will present his
case to the court. The issue will be revisited by the police in December.

3. Imaginative
merupakan salah satu recount text yang memiliki fungsi untuk menceritakan peristiwa
imajinatif. Contohnya recount text yang menceritakan pengalaman penulis dalam
menghayalkan sebuah adegan yang dia dapat dari mimpinya.
Contoh imaginantive:
Cowboy’s Pride
Today was a particularly hectic day. Thankfully, Rose was at home to assist me in washing dishes, making
quince jelly, and caring for our newest family member, the boy. This was yet another ordinary day. Jean came
in after we completed our chores and began enjoying the dinner we had just prepared. Rose was tending to the
child. A heavy knock came at the entrance. I sat there waiting for Jean or Rose to pass. Jean sprang from his
seat, knife and fork both clutched in his hands. “Can’t a guy eat in peace?” he exclaimed. “I’ve come to arrest
you Mr. Jean Clarkson for horse stealing,” a deep voice said when Jean opened the bell. I stood there watching
Jean finish his last bite of dinner. He then told me that he was about to be arrested. If there was no subpoena, I
informed him he didn’t have to go. I screamed at him, telling him he shouldn’t have let him in. Jean
confidently said, “It’s all right, Mum,” in an attempt to quiet me down.

The bread was taken out of the oven by me. Jean ate the rest of his food from his bowl with a large slice of
thick bread. Constable Fitzgerald was standing nearby. ‘I’ll just go grab my jacket!” Jean said. I chased after
Jean, shouting at him for letting him in when he shouldn’t have. Rose’s screams could be heard. I dashed back
to see what had happened. Fitzgerald was bullying her, she explained. I charged into the kitchen, grabbed the
shovel, and smacked him in the face. Jean dashed back into the room and tackled him to the ground. Cathy was
right there when the door swung open. Cathy entered the room and took Fitzgerald’s rifle. Fitzgerald was shot
in the wrist by the revolver. “Touch our sister again, and there will be a bullet in your head,” both boys said as
they stood there. My sons made me proud when they stood up for their sister.
4. historiacal recount
merupakan recount text yang berisi mengenai sejarah. Contohnya merupakan recount text mengenai
proklamasi kemerdekaan Indonesia.

Contoh historical recount:

Indonesian Independence Proclamation

On Friday, August 17, 1945, at 10 a.m., the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence was read. The
declaration signaled the launch of the Indonesian National Revolution’s political and military struggle against
Dutch forces and pro-Dutch citizens before the latter formally recognized Indonesia’s independence in 1949.
Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta, who were declared president and vice-president the next day, signed the

Generic Structure Recount Text :

Recount text memiliki tiga struktur utama atau generic structure sebagai berikut.
1. Orientation, struktur pertama yang berisi informasi mengenai tokoh, tempat
kejadian, kapan kejadian berlangsung dan lain sebagainya. Informasi yang
diberikan oleh penulis diharapkan dapat memberikan pengetahuan atau informasi
yang diperlukan oleh pembaca agar dapat memahami jalan cerita.

2. Events, struktur kedua merupakan isi dari teks atau berupa cerita mengenai
kejadian maupun pengalaman yang ingin disampaikan oleh penulis kepada

3. Reorientation, struktur ketiga berisi mengenai kesimpulan maupun rangkuman atau

pengulangan informasi yang ada pada struktur orientation.
Ciri-Ciri Recount Text :

Terdapat tiga ciri-ciri recount text yang dapat Anda identifikasi apabila ada soal
mengenai recount text, selain itu ketiga ciri tersebut perlu Anda cantumkan atau wajib
ada dalam naskah recount text yang Anda buat. Berikut ketiga ciri-ciri recount text.
1. Recount text menggunakan kalimat past tense atau lampau. Contohnya seperti
penggunaan verb 3 went, woke up, departed, burned, ate dan lain sebagainya.

2. Recount text menggunakan part of speech adverb serta adverbial untuk

menjelaskan waktu, tempat serta cara. Contohnya seperti last October, Bandung,
On the third day, at the park dan lain sebagainya.

3. Recount text menggunakan part of speech conjunction serta time connectives

untuk mengurutkan peristiwa serta kejadian yang ada dalam cerita agar terbentuk
satu naskah yang padu. Contohnya seperti and, after, the, that, before dan lain

Language feature pada recount text

Selain ketiga ciri dari recount text yang dapat Anda kenali untuk membedakan recount
dengan jenis text lain, recount text memiliki language feature yang umumnya ada di
recount text untuk memperjelas fungsi dari recount text tersebut, berikut lima language
feature pada recount text.
1. Menggunakan personal participant seperti I, my, me dan lain sebagainya.
2. Menggunakan chronological connection seperti first, then dan lain sebagainya.
3. Menggunakan linking verb seperti were, was, heard, saw dan lain sebagainya.
4. Menggunakan action verb seperti go, look, change, run dan lain sebagainya.
5. Menggunakan simple past tense.

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