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Name: AbdulRahman Anas Ahmed Alsayed

Academic No. 20220620
Class: 3 Phy 1
Mr. Haitham
Originally known as "quidditch", quadball was invented in 2005 in the United States
and taking direct influence from J.K. Rowling's iconic series, the sport had runaway
success and quadball quickly grew across the country and expanded throughout the
rest of the world.
Quadball is a fast-paced, mixed-gender, full-contact sport that is played in
communities and universities by hundreds of players throughout the United Kingdom
and the rest of the world. Seven players on each team compete to outscore their
opponents by scoring the quaffle through the one of the opposition hoops,
defending their own hoops with tackles and bludgers, and catching the flag to win
the game.
Clubs compete against each other in teams of 21, with rotating squads of seven a
side on pitch at any one time:
 Three chasers, who defend the hoops and attempt to score against the
opposition by shooting or driving the quaffle (a volleyball) through any one of
the three hoops on the opposing side. A goal is worth 10 points.
 One keeper, who defends the hoops and works with the chasers in an attempt
to score against their opponent.
 Two beaters, who attempt to disrupt opposition play by throwing bludgers
(dodgeballs) at opposing players. There are three bludgers in play at any time.
Any player struck by bludger thrown by the other team must drop the ball
they are carrying, dismount their broom, and run back to their own hoops to
tag back in before they can resume play.
 One seeker, who must catch the flag. The flag is worth 30 points, and is
attached to the flag runner; an impartial official who has the job of preventing
either seeker from pulling the flag through evasion and physicality.
A broom is held between players' legs at all times. Any action taken by a player,
including running, shooting, passing, catching, or tackling, must always be completed
with the broom held between their legs. The broom adds a layer of skill and
complexity to the sport, through a handicap which works the same way you must
pass a ball backwards in rugby, or can only kick the ball in football.
Today, quadball is played by tens of thousands of athletes around the globe, with
local, regional, national, and international tournaments taking place every year.

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