005 CHE 141 Section 5

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Determination of Normality, N and Strength, S of Ammonium hydroxide NH4OH

Using a secondary Standard 0.1 N Hydrochloric acid, HCI Solution.

Principle / Idea
Weak Base Strong Acid
NH4OH + HCl NH4Cl + H2O
Titration Curve/Indicator: Only methyl orange (M.O) can be used.
End Point: Yellow to Orange.
• Equivalent point at pH < 7
• Methyl orange (3.2-4.4) is an appropriate indicator.
• Phenolphthalein (8.3-10.0) is NOT suitable
 The equivalence point of a strong acid and weak base titration is below pH of 7 due to the
presence of an acidic salt.
 Ammonium chloride is an acidic salt because ammonium ionizes with water to form ammonia
and hydronium ions.
 As shown by the graph, the endpoint of phenolphthalein occurs much before the equivalence
point, deeming it inappropriate.
 In contrast, when methyl orange is used as an indicator, the solution's colour will change from
yellow to red at the same time as the equivalence point.
1) Fill the burette with 0.1 N Hydrochloric acid, HCl solution (which prepared and standardized previously).

2) Transfer 10 ml of Ammonium hydroxide, NH4OH solution into a conical flask.

3) Add 2-3 drops of Methyl Orange (M.O) indicator.

4) Gradually add HCl solution from the burette with continuous shaking of the flask mixture,

until the colour change from Yellow to Orange.

5) Repeat the titration another two times and tabulate your results.
Titration of NH4OH solution of unknown concentration against HCl solution of known concentration
Using methyl orange (M.O) as an indicator
No. Initial Burette Reading Final Burette Reading Consumed Volume Mean volume Indicator
(mL) (mL) (mL) (mL)

Normality (N) of NH4OH :
(N x V) NH OH = (N x V)HCl

N NH OH = ……………… eq./L or N

Strength (S) of NH4OH :

Strength (S) = N x Equivalent Weight
Equivalent Weight = Molecular Weight / n
Where, n = number of OH groups
Molecular Weight of NH4OH = (1 x N) + (5 x H) + (1 x O)
= (1 x 14) + (5 x 1) + (1 x 16) = 35 g/mol
Equivalent Weight of NH4OH = 35/ 1 = 35 g/eq.
S NH OH = ………………
4 g/L

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