LP For Intertext

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Senior High School Department
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Name of Teacher: Lourdes Gallardo Date:

Subject/Grade Level Taught: GRADE 11/READING AND WRITING Quarter: THIRD QUARTER


A. Content Standards The learner realizes that information in a written text may be selected and
organized to achieve a particular purpose.

B. Performance The learner critiques a chosen sample of each pattern of development focusing
standards on information selection, organization, and development.

C. Learning Competency Identify the context in which a text was developed




A. References K to 12 GRADE 11 MODULE

B. Other learning Laptop

Power point presentation
TV Screen


A. Preliminary Prayer
Checking of attendance

B. Reviewing The teacher will ask the students about the last discussion that they have.

C. Establishing a At the end of the lesson, the students shall be able to:
purpose for a. Identify whether the statement is an example of intertext or not.
the lesson b. Understand the concept of intertextuality.
c. Write a paragraph applying intertextuality as a mode of text

new skills
Identify whether the statement is an example of Intertextuality or not.
1. Don Basco crafted Fast City which is about an interactive story
presenting a set of problems and psychological cases put within a
technology -obsessed urban space.
2. The Ten Commandments of Marriage was crafted out of the Ten
3. She published her original story entitled “Enemy of Love”.
4. Wicked by Gregory McGuire came into being because of another story of
Frank Baum which is The Wizard of OZ. the story deals with the Wicked
Witch of the West and the misunderstood protagonist Elphaba.
5. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change
the world.” These were the exact words Nelson Mandela said which was
quoted by US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan in an article published
in blog.usaid.gov.

E. Developing Rearrange the jumbled letters to decode the needed words. After doing so, put
mastery these words together inside the box below to unlock the meaning of the given


WBENETE Intertext means


F. Finding Why is context important in writing?

How is intertextuality happened? Cite a specific instance of where you observed
application of
or applied intertextuality.
concepts and
skills in daily

G. Generalization To sum up the lesson, choose the appropriate words in the box to complete the

Julia Kristeva intertextuality

Relationship context

1. Intertext means________________ between or among texts.

2. Intertextuality occurs with allusion, retelling, quotation, adaptation and
3. Intertextuality was coined by _______ in the 1960’s.
4. _____________defined as the social, cultural, political, historical and other
related circumstances that surround the text to form the terms in which
it can be better understood and evaluated.
5. _____________another method that enables the authors to make another
text based on another text.

H. Evaluating Multiple choice. choose the letter of the best answer and write it before the
learning number. Use capital letters.
1. The new text that is formed using intertext has ______ borrowed or
imitated from the original text.
a. Location b. language c. context d. time
2. Which of the following does NOT allow intertextuality to occur?
a. Allusion b. originality c. quotation d. retelling
3. Who coined the term intertextuality in the 1960’s?
a. Ferdinand Saussure b. John Dalton c. Julia Kristeva d. Graham Allen
4. It is a text developed in a way that it copies the style or other properties
of another text without making fun of it unlike in a parody.
a. Allusion b. quotation c. retelling d. adaptation
5. This method of text development allows the writers to produce text with
borrowed ideas from other writers.
a. Intertext b. hypertext c. context d. concept
6. It is the restatement of a story or re-expression of a narrative.
a. Retelling b. adaptation c. quotation d. allusion
7. Which of the following is not a kind of intertextual relationship?
a. Bibliography b. quotation c. adaptation d. allusion
8. A literary or musical work in which the style of an author or work is
closely imitated for comic effect or in ridicule.
a. Parody b. allusion c. adaptation d. retelling
9. It is a method of directly lifting the exact statements or set of words
from a text another author has made.
a. Allusion b. quotation c. adaptation d. retelling
10. defined as the social, cultural, political, historical and other related
circumstances that surround the text to form the terms in which it can
be better understood and evaluated.
a. Context b. intertext c. concept d. hypertext

I. Additional Write a one-paragraph story (5-10 sentences) about anything applying intertext
activity as the mode of text development.

Prepared by Checked by
Lourdes B. Gallardo Ma’am Richie Anne Luban

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