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1. The tongue can move and play a vital role in chewing, …..…, and speaking.
a. to b. swallowing
c. for d. of

2. Instead of being housed in one central bank, the Federal Reserve System is to….. into twelve districts.
a. dividing b. divided
c. division d. divides

3. Those species are cultivated for their…….follage.

a. beautifully b. beau
c. beauty d. beautiful

4. Kiwi birds mainly eat insects, worms, and snails and……. For their food by probing the ground with their
long bills.
a. searching b. searches
c. searched d. search

5. He founded that city in 1685, and…..quickly grew to be the largest city in colonial America.
a. he b. it
c. it d. we

6. Fewer people reside in Newfoundland than in……Canadian province except Prince Edward Island.
a. other b. one another
c. any other d. others

7. Dr. Bethune, the founder of Bethune-Cookman College, served as…….to both Franklin Rosevelt and Harry
a. advise b. advised
c. an advisor d. advising

8. Some plants produse…………poisons that can affect a person even if he or she merely brushes against
a. irritating b. irritated
c. irritability d. irritation

9. Accute hearing helps most animals sense the approach of thunderstorms long before people….
a. hearing them b. do
c. do them c. hear

10. The rotation of the Earth on its axis is…….the alternation of periods of light and darkness.
a. responsible in b. responsible for
c. responsible with d. responsible to

11. Doctors are not sure……fever

a. exactly how disease causes
b. diseases exactly causes how
c. how disease causes exactly
d. how exactly causes disease

12. ……….Burmese breed of cat was developed in the US during the 1930’s.
a. The b. When the
c. While the d. Since the

13. Along the rocky shores of New England………and tidal marsh.

a. are where stretches of sandy beach
b. stretches of sandy are there
c. are stretches of sandy beach
d. stretches of sandy beach are

14. lina was nominated for an award as both a screenwriter…… actress in 2009.
a. also b. in addition
c. and d. but
15. An erupting volcano sometimes affects……of the surrounding region and can even cause lakes to
a. feature b. the featured
c. featuring d. the feature

16. most tree frogs change color to harmonize…………

a. to their background
b. with their background
c. on their background
d. in background of them

17. due to the refraction of light rays,…. Is impossible for the naked eye to determine the exact location of a
star close to the horizon.
a. it b. this
c. that d. there

18. Modern poets have experimented with poetic devices…………..and assonance.

a. as such alliteration
b. such as alliteration
c. such alliteration as
d. alliteration such as

19. Birds’ eggs vary greatly…….size, shape, and color.

a. with b. of
c. at d. in

20. Fredrick dedicated……….of slavery and the fight for civil rights.
a. his life to work the abolishment
b. his life to working for the abolishment
c. his life to work to abolish
d. his life to working in abolish

21. Mount Edith Cavell, a peak in the Canadian Rockies, is named……

a. a famous after nurses
b. after a famous nurse
c. nurses after a famous
d. after famous nurses

22. Xanthines have both

Good and bad effects on the body, and these effects…..the size and regularity of dosage.
a. are generally determined by
b. are generally determined on
c. are generally determined in
d. are generally determined with

23. when a severe ankle injury forced….to give up reporting in 1926, M.Mitchell began writing her novel
Gone with the wind.
a. herself b. her
c. hers d. she

24. one of the most difficult questions in difining sleep is “what……the functions of sleep?”
a. is b. has
c. have d. are

25. the museum houses…..of various objects documenting the vibrancy of the cultures.
a. five thousands pieces
b. pieces five thousands
c. five thousand pieces
d. thousands five pieces

26. …….in the same direction as their orbital motions, while Venus and Uranus rotate oppositely.
a. seven of planets rotate
b. seven planets rotate
c. seven rotate of planets
d. seven rotate planets
27. in the US….. to the national legislature comprising the house of Representatives and the Senate.
a. voters elect representatives
b. representatives elect voters
c. elect representatives voters
d. voters election representative

28. it is the interaction between people, rather than the events that occur in their lives,……the main focus of
social psychology.
a. which are b. that are
c. which is d. that is

29. Today…..fewer than one hundred varieties cultivated flowers.

a. are b. have
c. there are d. have there

30. …….some of the famous detectives in literature are based on deductive reasoning.
a. methods use by
b. they used methods
c. the methodology used
d. using the methods of

31. the short story most naturally flourishes in an age…..with simplicity and directness.
a. what it expresses
b. that expresses itself
c. which expressing
d. it is expressed

32. Naval cartographers’ knowledge of surface ocean currents is much more complete…….subsurface
a. than b. than in
c. than those of d. than that of

33. Unless exposed to light….plant cells do not produce chlorophyll.

a. most of b. the most of
c. the most d. most

34. Temperature levels in an oven are varied according to the kinds of…
a. are foods baked
b. foods to be baked
c. are baked foods
d. foods are baking

35. the three most common states of matter are….

a. solidity, liquid, and gas
b. solid, liquefy, and gas
c. solidity, liquidate, and gas
d. solid, liquid, and gas

36. the snowy egret is about the size…..crow

a. large b. of a large
c. of large d. a large

37. it has been found that chronic loud noise may lead to….hearing loss
a. temporary or permanently
b. temporarily or permanent
c. temporarily or permanently
d. temporary or permanent

38. with modern machinery, textile mills can manufacture as much fabric in a few seconds as…..weeks o
produce by hands
a. workers once took it
b. took workers it once
c. it took once workers
d. it once took workers
39. Norman Mailers first….with his war novel The Naked and The Dead, published in 1948.
a. Successfully achieved
b. achieved success
c. successful achievement
d. achievement of success

40. Through the years, the job of governing cities has become …..complex.
a. so much increasingly
b. increasingly whole
c. increasingly
d. what is increasingly

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