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Shaikh ul Arab Wal Ajam Mujadid e Zaman a Arifbillah Hazrat Aqdas Maulana
Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb
The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

Worth & Value
of a

Muslim Country

Shaikh-ul-Arab Wal-Ajam Arifbillah Mujaddid-e-Zamana
Hazrat Aqdas Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar
Saheb (Rahmatullah Alaihe)

Published By
Idara Talifaat-e-Akhtaria
S.B.C.H.S Gulistan-e-Jauhar, Block 12, Karachi

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country


All my writings and compilations are

collections of the benefits and blessings of
the companionship of our spiritual mentor.
Muhiyus Suunah Hazrat Aqdas Maulana Shah
Abrar-ul-Haqq Sahib rahimahullah,
Hazrat Aqdas Maulanan Shah Abdul Ghani
Sahib Phulpuri rahimahullah and
Hazrat Aqdas Maulana Shah Muhammad
Ahmad Sahib rahimahullah

Muhammad Akhtar
(May Allah Ta’ala Pardon Him)

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

Name of Lecture: The worth & value of a Muslim Country

Lecturer: Shaikh-ul-Arab Wal-Ajam Arifbillah

Mujaddid-e-Zamana Hazrat Aqdas Maulana
Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb
(Rahmatullah Alaihe)

Date: 4th Safar 1416 (14th August 1991)

Place: Masjid-e-Ashraf, Gulshan-e-Iqbal Karachi

Topic: Description of an Islamic country, its

importance and the manner of showing
gratefulness for it.

Compiler: Syed Ishrat Jameel Meer Saheb (Rahmatullah Alaihe),

Khalifa & Special attendant of Hazratwala ()

First Edition: July 2017

Publisher: Idara Talifaat-e-Akhtaria S.B.C.H.S

Gulistan-e-Jauhar Block 12 Karachi

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

The worth and value of a Muslim Country…………………………………………..6
Sincere Advice Given has Influence…………………………………………..…………6
Company of Pious is Necessary with Struggle…………..………………………...7
Reason of Ulama’s Disgrace…………………………………..……………………………8
A Kebab Joke……………………………………………………………………………………….9
Fragrance of Struggle and Connection………………………………………………10

Prophet ‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬has three tasks: Tilawat, Taleem and
From Taleem e Kitab Comes the Proof for Establishing Madarsas……..12
Proof of Establishing Hifz Madarsas…………………………………………………..13

ْ ‫ْی ھ‬
Proof of establishing of Khanqahs from ‫م‬ ‫َ ھ‬ َ‫ز‬
ِّ ِّ‫……………………………… وُیک‬14
Companionship of Pious-A Great Blessing…………………………………………17
The Status of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqui radiallah unho……………………..17
Reason of the Virtuous Status of Hazrat Abu Bakr radiallah unho…..…19
Pakistan is the Result of Wishes and Prayers of our Elders…………..……21
Coalition Government with Non-Muslims was Destruction for
Proof of the Flawed Concept of Democracy……..……………………………….22
What is Meant by Sawad e Azam?........................................................23

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

Mr Jinnah’s Worry and Concerns for Pakistan…….…………………………….25

The Hardwork of Ulama in Establishment of Pakistan……………………….25
Restlessness and Services of Hazrat Phulphuri for the Formation of
Hazrat’s Dream and Tidings for Establishment of Pakistan………..........27
Momin is Superior to Non-Muslim at All Conditions…………………….……28
‫ھ‬ ‫ک ھ‬ َ ٰ
ْ ِّ ‫َْی ِّمْال ِّد‬
The Lesson for Hope and Forgiveness from the Verse ‫ی‬ ْ ِّ ‫………م ِّل‬..29
A Unique, Devoutly Dua……………………………………………………………...……30
A Doubt Resolved……………………………………………………………………………..31
The Unethical Culture of Europe………………………………………………….……31
Pakistan: An Islamic Republic……………………………………………………...…...32
Turning of those who Opposed the Establishment of Pakistan………….35
Support of Hazrat Madni after Establishment of Pakistan…………………36
Respectfully Presenting Salutation to Disbeliever is Kufr…………………..37
Story of Religious Sincerity of a Buzurg…………….……………………………….37
Beholding Kalima’s Nur in the Atmosphere of Pakistan-Hazrat Phulpuri…..….38
Martyrdom of Syed Ahmed Shaheed  and Molana Ismael. Shaheed ...40
The Pleasure of Hardships in Allah’s path………….………………………………41
What is Actual Gratitude for Pakistan?.................................................43

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

The Worth and Value of a

Muslim Country
‫ََ ز‬ َ ‫ھ‬ َ
ٰ َ ‫ِل‬
،‫ْلَع َْر زس ھو ِّل ِّہْالک ِّر ھی ِّمْاما َْب ھعد‬ ‫ھَن َم زد ٗہ َْونز َص ِّ ھ‬
َ ٰ‫َ ھ‬ َ َ َ ‫ََ ز‬
‫م۝‬ ْ ِّ ‫ْح ِّنْالر ِّح ھی‬ ‫م۝ْبِّ ھس ِّمْہّٰللاِّْالر‬ ْ ِّ ‫ِْمْالش ھی ٰ ْط ِّنْالر ِّج ھی‬ ِّ ِّ ‫ف ْا زع ھوذ ِِّْبہّٰلل‬
ٰ ٰ ‫ز ز‬ ‫َز‬ ٰ َ ‫ٰا َ ز َ َ ھ‬
)١١٩ْ:‫ْایة‬،‫۝ ْ(سورۃْالتوبة‬۱۱۹‫ي‬ ْ َ ‫یْا َم زنواْاتقواْہّٰللاَ َْوك ھو ھُنا َْم َعْالص ِّد ِّق ھ‬ ‫ٰيّياْال ِّذ‬
َ ‫ھ‬ ‫ھ‬ ‫ز‬ ‫ھ‬ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ‫َ َ ھ َ َ َ ز ھ ھ َ َھ َ ز ھ ز ز‬
َ َ َ
)٦٩ْ:‫۝﴾ ْ(العنكبوت‬۶۹‫ي‬ ْ ‫﴿وال ِّذیْجاہدواْ ِّفیناْلـَن ِّدیَنمْسـبلنا ط واِّنْہّٰللاْلمعْالمح ِّسـ ِّن‬

O you who believe, fear Allah, and be in the company of the truthful. (9:119)
As for those who strive in Our way, we will certainly take them onto Our
paths, and indeed Allah is with those who are good in deeds. (29:69)

Sincere Advice has Influence

My friends, you just witnessed a recently converted young Muslim who
delivered a lecture in English. During the lecture, you must have observed that
even without translation there was a feeling of Nur and inspiration in his
words. What is the reason? Those who inherited Islam, their fathers &
grandfathers were Muslims. Hence, they will not feel the sweetness of eeman
and belief felt by those who found faith while their clan disbelieved. Look at
these people- they converted to Islam and struggled in the path of Allah, left
their homes, their countries; how much inspiration is present in their speech!
The voice of the heart has a different ring to it than merely spoken words. Allah
has put a special resonance in words spoken from the heart. This new-convert
spoke with such passion, and it shook our hearts because of the struggle he
has been through. When a person accepts Islam, he is like a rebel for the rest
The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

of his clan, and is persecuted by them. This is a great Mujahida (struggles,

striving - hardships endured in seeking Allah Ta’ala’s pleasure)

Company of the Pious is Necessary

along with Mujahida
There is no doubt that the heart is developed through Mujahida and effort, but
only Mujahida is not enough. The company of pious people is also important.
My Sheikh Hazrat Molana Shah Abdul Ghani rehmatullahalaeh used to say that
one cannot do Mujahida alone. Someone who does Mujahida alone is like a
sesame seed who does Mujahida by itself in order to extract its oil. Without
the company of a rose it will remain sesame oil. If it stays in the company of a
rose for a few days and lets the rose fragrance infuse within itself, and then
does Mujahida in the oil press to extract its oil, it will now be called “Roghan e
Gul” (Rose Oil). Tell me, could sesame seed oil be Roghan e Gul without
acquiring the company of the rose? Similarly, if sesame seeds do not stay in
the company of Jasmine flowers and unless they say “We are ready to do
Mujahida, and to grind ourselves in the oil press to become Roghan e Chambeli
(Jasmine Oil)”, they can never become Jasmine Oil. Sesame oil will only
become Jasmine Oil when it stays in the company of the Jasmine flower and it
will be Roghan e Gul (Rose Oil) when it stays in the company of a rose for some
time. Due to this, before going to someone for (spiritual) benefit, we should
first find out whether that person has ever been in the company of the pious.
My Sheikh used to say if an Aalim strives in the path of Allah under the
guidance of the pious, Allah will make his fragrance spread all over the world.

Now I will give you one more example of Mujahida. My Sheikh used to say:
“Look, assume there is a kebab, albeit uncooked - it has beef, it has a round
shape, it contains all the spices used to make kebab - nothing is missing. All the
ingredients of the recipe are there but the kebab has not done Mujahida yet
i.e. it has not yet been fried in cooking oil. The uncooked kebabs are available
to eat, but if someone asks you to eat the kebab and if you do eat it, you are
going to vomit.”
The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

After giving this example, my Sheikh elaborated that we all have an uncooked
kebab, meaning that we all possess the kebab of eemaan but it is uncooked –
it is not fried. This is why whoever eats it, spits it out. Therefore, I advise the
Muslims and the ulama to strive in the companionship of the pious ones for a
period of time. Abstain from sins but do so with the counsel of the Pious (Allah
Walay), because even though there was Mujahida done by the Sahaba, their
real benefit was derived from their being in the company of the Beloved
Prophet ‫صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬. If the Sahaba had strived and struggled in the absence of
the Beloved Prophet ‫صل ل ل ل للللی ہللا علللیل للہ وسل ل ل ل للللم‬, they would not have achieved such an
elevated status.

The Reason why Scholars (Ulama) are not Valued

People say nowadays that lectures of the Ulama are unappealing. They are
unappealing because we didn’t stay in the company of the Pious and we did
not go through Mujahidas under them. See, here I am including myself by
saying “hum nahi guzray” (we did not go through)” so nobody thinks: “He must
be referring to me; he is pointing towards me”. Our elders have taught us to
include ourselves when making such statements. If a person says, “What a bad
condition people are in!” that person is in the worst condition himself.
Therefore, first include yourself that it is us that have not yet undergone
Mujahidas (to leave sins). Those people that went through Mujahidas, Allah
has put great influence in their speeches even in this day.

‫وادی رسحت ےس زگارا اس ےن‬

ِ ‫ھجم وک بج‬
‫رہ ِنب وم ےس رمے وخن اک درای الکن‬
When He passed me from the valley of longings,
From every hair gushed out my blood’s river

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

No matter how much dirt is hurled by the envious upon those who have
undergone Mujahidas, it can never hide the dazzling radiance of their special
connection with Allah Ta’ala (Nisbat ma’a Allah). The pain (from the longings)
of the heart cannot be hidden. Listen to my couplet:

If it were but a drop, it may have hidden
How will dirt hide a river of blood?

If someone kills his evil wishes - the haram desires arising in his heart - just to
gain the pleasure of Allah, and in his heart flows a river of the blood of his evil
desires, nobody can hide this river of blood of the heart, and of his killed
desires. Remember the saying of my Sheikh that if an ordinary person become
pious, it is as if he became Nur but if an Aalim becomes pious, it is as if he is
now Nurun ala Nur i.e. one Nur of his knowledge, and one Nur of his

So my Sheikh said that if someone eats uncooked kebab, he will feel nauseous
and spit it out, but if the kebab is fried, its aroma will spread all over. There
will be no need to ask which neighborhood has a kebab shop - even at distance
its aroma can reveal its location.

A Kebab Joke
My Sheikh Hazrat Molana Shah Abdul Ghani rehmatullahalaeh and Mian
Asghar Deobandi both taught in the Madersa of Shahi Masjid Jaunpur, in India.
A Hindu converted to Islam there. Once there was a party in which beef kebabs
were served. Such parties are occasionally organized for the students. When
he ate the kebab, he liked it so much that when there was no party for a while,
he would say to his friends: “Why you are only carrying books about…when is
there going to be another kebab party?” He used to lisp and my Sheikh Hazrat
The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

Molana Shah Abdul Ghani rehmatullahalaeh used to imitate his lisp as he

recounted this anecdote. O Allah, put in our hearts the kebabs of the pain of
Your Love!

‫زامہن ڑبے وغر ےس نس راہ اھت‬

‫مہ یہ کھت ےئگ دااتسں ےتہک ےتہک‬
The world was listening with great attention
It was us, who got tired telling the story.

My Sheikh Hazrat Molana Shah Abdul Ghani rehmatullahalaeh used to repeat

a saying in the Purbi language (from eastern UP): “A person who burns himself
(his evil desires) to ashes for the sake of Allah Ta’ala, why wouldn’t his
fragrance spread all over?”

The Fragrance of Nisbat (special connection with Allah Ta’ala)

and Mujahida
Just go and see the fragrance of Hazrat Shah Muhammad Ahmed
Damatbarakatuhum. Nowadays the renowned Ulama of Nadwa are in
attendance at his feet to ask for his Duas. Hazrat spent twelve years in the
company of his Sheikh, went through mujahadaat (struggles). Then as he started
to spread the word of Allah he faced extreme opposition at which he said,

‫ڑبھ رےہ ںیہ رھپ رشو ِر دانمشں‬

‫رب دواہجں‬
ِ ‫ھجت ےس ےہ رفاید‬
‫وہراہ ےہ قشع اک رھپ ااحتمں‬
‫ٓاےت ںیہ رہ تمس ےس ریت و انسں‬
The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

Increasing once again are the enemies’ evil

To You is the plea, Lord of both worlds
Love is once again being tested
Coming in all directions, are arrows and spears

And why do these difficulties come?

‫قح رپیتس یک زسا وج ِر ایعں‬

‫ربمغیپاں‬ ِ‫تنس‬ ‫ًانیقی‬ ‫ےہ‬
‫ھجم وک یج رھب رک اتس ںیل وہ اہیں‬
‫الخف قح ہن وھکولں اگ زابں‬ ِ ‫ںیم‬
‫لج ےک اےھٹ اگ نمیشن ےس دوھاں‬
‫ٓاہ اجےئ یگ ہن ریمی رااگیئں‬
Tough tyranny be the punishment of following truth
Is definitely the Sunnah of the Prophets Alaihimus Salam
Trouble me as much as they may over here
I won’t open my tongue contradicting truth
Smoke will rise from my abode after burning
My sighs will not go wasted

These are the couplets that Hazrat recited during his time in difficulty. The
enemies of Hazrat blocked the supply of water for three days. Hazrat
composed these couplets in this pain and grief. Imagine what trouble he and
his family would have gone through when there was no water for three days.

Friends! That is why I say prepare yourselves for the trials in the path of Allah
and seek the company of the pious. Going for tableeg or studying in a Madersa
The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

provide a kind of pious companionship as well; however, a sheikh-e-kamil (one

who has completed his spiritual journey) is essential for guidance. Sheikh ul
Hadis Hazrat Molana Zakariya rehmatullahalaeh used to say: “No matter how
much time you spend in tableeg, if you do not stay in the company of the pious,
taqwa and the special friendship of Allah Ta’ala cannot be attained. That is why
you should establish a connection with a sheikh who you feel is most suitable
for your islah (spiritual reformation).

Allah made the sahaba karam endure various Mujahidas, but this was under
the guidance and company of the Beloved Prophet ‫صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬. If the company
of the Beloved Prophet ‫ صل ل ل لللی ہللا علیللہ وسل ل ل لللم‬would have been missing, the sahaba
would not have achieved such great benefit from their Mujahidas.

Prophethood has Three Tasks: Tilawat, Taleem & Tazkiya

The Beloved Prophet ‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬carried out the three tasks of Tilawat, Taleem
and Tazkiya. Taleem (education) from books led to the creation of Darul
Ulooms, and of institutions for Hifz and Tajweed. Tazkiya (cleansing from
spiritual impurities) led to the creation of Khanqahs.

ْ ‫ْی ھ‬
﴾‫۝‬۰ۭ‫م‬ ‫ب َْو ھاْل ھِّك َم َة َْو ز َُیكِّ ھ‬
َ ٰ ‫ك َْویز َعل زم زہ زم ھْالك‬
َ ٰ ٰ ‫َھ زھ َ َھ ھ‬
‫ْیمْایـ ِّت‬
ِّ ِّ ِّ ‫﴿یتلواْعل‬
“Who should recite to them Your verses, and teach them the Book and the
wisdom, and cleanse them of all impurities.” (2:129)

The Proof for Establishing Madarsas

Derived From Taleem e Kitab
What is the explanation of ْ َ ‫ َو زی َع ِّل زم زہ زم ْال ِّک ٰت ـا‬in this verse? Mufti Baghdad Allama
َ َ ‫َھ‬ َ‫َ ز‬
Alusi rehmatullahalaeh states in his tafseer, Rooh Ul Muani ‫ ِِّب ھنْیف ِّہ َم زہ ھمْالفاظ ٗ ْہ‬that
the Beloved Prophet‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬explains the meanings of the Quran. This verse
The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

gives proof of Madersas, meaning that these Madersas, where Quran is being
taught (i.e. where the verses of the Quran are being explained), are established
on the basis of this verse. Even though the Arabs understood Arabic as their native
language, the Prophet ‫ صل لللی ہللا علیہ وسل لللم‬taught them the special meanings that Allah
Ta’ala had taught the Beloved Prophet ‫صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬. For example, in the verse:

‫ھ‬ ‫ٰا َ ز َ َ ھ َ ٰ َ ز ھ َ ز ھ َ َ ز ھ ز ھ َ ھ ً َ ھ ً ز ھ ھ َ ز ھ َ ھ َ َ ز‬
﴾‫﴿ْٰيّْياْال ِّذیْامنواْاتقواْہّٰللاْوقولواْقوالْس ِّدیدایص ِّلحْلکمْاْعالکم‬
ْ )33ْ،70:‫ْایة‬، ‫(سورۃْاالحزا‬

O you who believe, fear Allah, and speak in straightforward words. (If you do
so,) Allah will adjust your deeds for your benefit (33:70)
‫َھ َ ز‬
َ ‫َ ز‬
ْ ‫ یز ھص ِّل ھحْلک ھمْاْعالک ھ‬the translation taught by the Prophet ‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬is that it
In ‫م‬
َ َ‫ز‬ َ ‫َ ھ‬ َ ‫َھ َ ز‬ ‫َ ز‬
ْ ‫ یز ھص ِّل ھحْلک ھمْاْعالک ھمْا ھیْیَ َتقبل َْح َسناتِّک ھ‬but it
does not refer to correcting your deeds, ‫م‬
means Allah Ta’ala will accept your good deeds. Exegetes write that the
‫َ ز َھَ َ ز‬
ْ ‫ یز ھص ِّل ھحْلک ھمْاْعالک ھ‬was taught to the Sahaba by the Prophet ‫صلی ہللا علیہ‬
translation of ‫م‬
‫وسلم‬, therefore one should not attempt to understand such meanings merely
from dictionaries.

Proof of Establishing Hifz Madarsas

َ َ َ َ َ َ ‫َز‬
And ‫ي ْل ـ زہ ـ ھم ْك ـ ھی ـ ِّف ـ َی ـة ْ َ ا ـِّ ـ ہ‬ِّ ‫ وی ـِ ـ‬he also taught the correct pronunciation of Quranic
letters, therefore a person becoming a Qari is actually learning the reciting
style of the Beloved Prophet ‫صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬. Due to this, my Sheikh Molana Abrar
َ ‫َ َھ‬ ‫ھ‬ ‫َھ‬
ul Haq rehmatullahalaeh explained the meaning of Qiraat as: ْ‫ال زم َرا ز ِِّْبل ِّق َرائَْ ِّۃْا ھنْنق َر ْا‬
َ َ َ ‫ز‬ ‫ھز ٰ َ َ ھ‬
ْ‫ الق ھرا َنْک َماَْک َنْیَق َراْ زُْ َر زس ـ ھوہّٰللاْہّٰللاِّْ ََ ـِلْہّٰللاز َْعل ھی ِّہْ َو َس ـل َم‬i.e we should recite the Quran the way our
Beloved Prophet ‫ ص لللی ہللا علیہ وس لللم‬used to recite it. That is why I advise my friends
to put effort into learning proper recitation and inshallah you will be reciting
Quran according to tajweed. Some people become Aalims, but my heart aches
when they lead prayers and I hear their Qiraat. Just keep practicing, and you
The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

will experience for yourself that as your articulation improves, the feeling of
Nur filling your heart will also increase.

ْ ‫ْی ھ‬
Proof of establishing of Khanqahs from ‫م‬ ‫َزَ ھ‬
ِّ ِّ ‫وُی ْک‬
ْ ‫ْی ھ‬
After this Allah Ta’ala says ‫م‬ ‫َزَ ھ‬
ِّ ِّ‫وُیک‬. The Beloved Prophet ‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬used to do
tazkiya of the sahaba. Qazi Sanaullah Panipati rehmatullahalaeh in his Tafseer
e Mazhari, elaborates on the three meanings of tazkiya in Surah Aal-e-Imran.
َ ‫زز‬
1. The first isْ‫ْیز َط ِّہ زرْقل ھو َ ْالصـ ـ َحـا َبـ ِّة‬that the Beloved Prophet ‫صل ل ل لللی ہللا علی للہ وسل ل ل لللم‬
cleanses the hearts of Sahaba. And what does he cleanse their
‫َھ‬ َ ‫ھَ َ َ ھ ھ‬ ََ‫َ ھ‬
hearts of?.ِّ ‫ہّٰللا‬
ْ ْ‫ا‬ ِّ ِ‫االشـ ـ ِّاِا ِّہّٰللاْ ِّب‬ ِّ ْ. The Holy Prophet ‫ص ل ل لللی ہللا علیہ‬
ِّ ‫عْالعقا ِّ ِّدْالفا ِّسـ ـد ِّْْو‬
‫وسل لللم‬ removes all erroneous beliefs and protects their hearts from being
focused on any Ghairullah. The Beloved Prophet ‫ صل لللی ہللا علیہ وسل لللم‬made
َ َٰ ‫َا‬
ْ‫ الاِّلہْاِّالْہّٰللاز‬the objective of their hearts and made it easy for them to
lay down their lives - not just easy, but made them so desirous that
the sahaba would look for ways to present their lives for Allah. Due
to this, the sahaba used to look for ways to sacrifice their lives for
the sake of Allah Ta’ala.

Hazrat Molana Ilyas rehmatullahalaeh (founder of tableegi

jamaat) use to say the true meaning of ‘La Ilaha Illalah’ is to search
for ways to sacrifice one’s life for Allah Ta’ala. Alas, nowadays how
can the mission of Prophethood be carried forward by people
whose hearts are occupied by Ghairullah? Whoever Allah Ta’ala
gives taufeeq to carry out the Prophet’s work, whoever Allah tasks
with His Royal work, his heart is first freed from all other kinds of
work. Hazrat Molana Rumi rehmatullahalaeh states.

‫رگ افخےش رتف در وکر و وبکد‬

‫اب ِز اطلسں ددیه را ابرے ہچ وبد؟‬
The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

If a bat - benighted, blind, adoring darkness - is seen hanging

upside down in the dark, no one is surprised. But if a falcon that
has seen and lived with the king - that was once the royal falcon -
is now embracing corpses, one wonders why it has abandoned its
royal role and immersed itself in such filth. Similarly, it is
obligatory on molvis, huffaz, Sufis, religious teachers and all of us
to focus on tazkiya of the heart. We must learn the conduct of the
royal falcon; we must learn how to stay with Allah Ta’ala and
protect our hearts from Ghairullah.

Feeding on corpses is a characteristic of vultures. We must purify

our hearts of this trait. Molana Rumi rehmatullahalaeh states:

‫م وکین ےپ ام‬ ‫ابز اطلسمن‬
‫افرغ از رمدارم و رکسگ ےن ام‬
He says, O people! Due to the blessings of my Sheikh Shams Uddin
Tabrezi rehmatullahalaeh, I am no longer a vulture. Now I am the
Royal Falcon. O people, Jalaluddin is now freed of eating corpses
and has attained freedom from them.
َ َ َ ‫َزَ ززز ھ َ ز ھ‬
2. The second explanation stated is ‫ل‬ ْ ِّ ‫ْع ْالــرذا ـِّ ـ‬
ِّ ‫ وی ـط ـ ِّہ ـرن ـف ـوس ـ ـہ ـم‬that the
Beloved Prophet‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬purified the sahaba of negative habits.
َ ‫َ ز َ ز َ ھ َ َ ز ھ َ ھ َ ھ َ ِّ َ ھ َ ھ َ َ ھ َ ھ َ ھ‬
3. ‫ْعا ِّہّٰللاْالق ِّب ھی َح ِّْة‬ ‫اثْواال‬
ِّ ‫ْعْاالْناسْواالخب‬
ِّ ‫ ویط ِّہرْابداَنم‬The Beloved Prophet ‫ص ل ل ل لللی ہللا‬
‫ علللی ل للہ وسل ل ل ل للللم‬cleansed the Sahaba from physical impurities and negative
deeds. It is no wonder that this Tazkiya transformed the Sahaba into
such exemplary characters. Mujahidas and the companionship of the
Prophet ‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬made them attain such great heights.

Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood radiallah unho was passing by an area. A

person asked “Who is this?” The people replied, “This is the companion of
the Holy Prophet ‫”صل ل لللی ہللا علیہ وسل ل لللم‬. So, my friends, at least make yourselves
The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

worthy of being called a companion of someone pious. Read the book

ِّ ” by Molana Shah Wasiullah rehmatullahalaeh, it is a great book.
َ‫ز ھ ھ‬ َ
ِّ ْ‫ عاق َِّبة‬by Molana Shah Wasiullah rehmatullahalaeh. This is an
Also read ْ‫االنَکر‬
excellent treatise by Molana Shah Wasiullah rehmatullahalaeh addressed
to the deniers of the blessings of the pious. I have both these books. May
Allah give taufeeq to Molana Mazhar to publish these books. They contain
the heartfelt discourses of our elders.

You tell me, will you attain the blessings and bounties of the Ahl-Ullah
(pious) just by reading books? With the Book of Allah (Allah’s revelation),
is not a Man of Allah (i.e. a Prophet) also needed? When a book is revealed
Allah, also sends a Prophet. If only books were sufficient for guidance,
Allah would not have sent prophets. The prophets have been sent
alongside the revelation books, and the ummati (followers of a Prophet)
are commanded to seek the companionship of the. The last Prophet ‫صلی ہللا‬
‫ علیہ وسلم‬was instructed as follows:
‫ھ‬ َٰ ‫ھ‬ َ ‫ك َْم َع َْالذ ھ َ ھ ز‬
َ َ ‫َ ھ ھ َھ‬
ِِّّ ‫ی َْیدع ھو َن َْرّبز ھم ِِّْبلِدو ِّۃ َْوال َع‬
﴾‫ش‬ ِّ ‫﴿واَ ِِّبْنفس‬
Keep yourself content with those who call their Lord morning and
evening. (18:28)
O Prophet ‫ ص ل لللی ہللا علیہ وس ل لللم‬patiently sit amongst those people who are busy day
and night in worship of their Lord only to gain His pleasure. Even though you
are worshipping a lot more alone and even though you prefer to pray to Me in
solitude, how will these sahaba be made your pious companions? So be
patient and sit with them and keep them in your company so that the faith in
your heart can transfer into the hearts of the sahaba.

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

Companionship of the Pious-A Great Blessing

So, companionship is such a great and important blessing that if an individual
saw the Beloved Prophet ‫ صل لللی ہللا علیہ وسل لللم‬in the state of eeman or the Prophet’s
gaze fell on him even if he was a blind individual, he would become a sahabi
and his faith would be raised to an elevated status. If you combine the eeman
of a million Imam Abu Hanifas and a million Imam Bukharis and the eeman of
all the Auliya (pious saints) and compare it to the eeman of an ordinary sahabi,
their combined total cannot reach the eeman of the sahabi. Why? Because
how can those who have seen the ten billion-kilowatt lightbulb of
Prophethood, be equaled by those who are seeing ten thousand-kilowatt
lightbulbs. When the Prophet’s gaze would fall upon an individual the
Prophetic gleams would enter their hearts, and all the parts of their bodies,
just like nowadays during an ultrasound exam the rays can penetrate within
our body. So great was the eeman which they were blessed with.

The Status of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqui radiallah unho

That’s why the Beloved Prophet ‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬states that if the faith of my Abu
Bakr radiallah unho is weighed and then the faith of all the sahaba, the
sahaba of previous ummats and combined faith of all auliya is weighed, my
Abu Bakr radiallah unho’s faith will overwhelm all. Do you realize that there
is such an individual, that after all the prophets and messengers no one holds
a higher status than him?
‫ھ‬ ‫َھ َ ز ھ ََ َ ھ َ ھ َھ َ ا َ ھ ھ َزھ َ ھ‬
ْ ِّ ‫الص ِّدی‬
‫ق‬ ِّ ْ‫افضلْاْلَل ِِّّقْبعدْاالن ِِّیا ِّء ِِّْبلتح ِّقی ِّقْاُبْبک ِّ ْر ِّن‬
After the Beloved Prophet ‫ صل لللی ہللا علیہ وسل لللم‬departed from this world, Hazrat Abu
Bakr radiallah unho decided to mobilize the army for Jihad which was prepared
by the Beloved Prophet ‫ صلللی ہللا علیہ وسلللم‬during his life. The sahaba requested that
as the Beloved Prophet ‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬had just departed from this world, and the
wound was still fresh in their hearts, they did not feel the strength for Jihad.
Hazrat Abu Bakr radiallah unho replied: “We will go for Jihad, because the flag
The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

that the Beloved Prophet ‫ صل ل ل لللی ہللا علیہ وسل ل ل لللم‬entrusted to Hazrat Usama radiallah
unho will not be hung down. If no one will come, then Abu Bakr shall go for
Jihad alone and sacrifice his life, as Allah is with me. O Sahaba remember the
Prophet ‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬addressed me, saying:

‫﴿ال َ ھ‬
َ ْ‫َْت َز ھنْا َِّن‬
﴾‫ہّٰللا َْم َع َنا‬
Do not grieve. Allah is surely with us. (9:40)
O Siddique fear not, Allah is with us. Were you there at that time? Who was
with the Prophet ‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬at that time? During our stay at the Cave of Saur,
only I was with the Prophet ‫ ص لللی ہللا علیہ وس لللم‬therefore this verse was revealed for
َ َ َ َ َ
me and Allah is surely with me, .‫ ف ـ َت ـق ـل ـ َد ْ َس ـ ـ ھی ـف ـ ٗہ َْو َخ ـ َر ْ َو ھح ـ َد ٗہ‬Then, Hazrat Abu Bakr
Siddique radiallah unho clutched his sword and left for Jihad alone. At this
time, the Sahaba realized that Hazrat Abu Bakr radiallah unho was right in his
decision. The Sahaba said, O Khalifa tul Momineen, you were right and we have
realized our mistake. After that the Sahaba left with the army with great zeal.
Look at the great faith of Hazrat Abu Bakr radiallah unho.

Hazrat AbuBakr Siddique radiallah unho proved that democracy is ineffectual.

He practically explained this verse of the Quran:
ََ ‫َ َ ََھ َ َ َ ھ‬
﴾ِّ ‫تْف َت َوّکْلَعْہّٰللا‬‫﴿ف ِّاذاْعزم‬
ٰ ٰ
)۱۵۹:‫ْایة‬،‫(سورۃْاہّٰللاْْع ٰ ْرن‬

Once you have taken a decision, place your trust in Allah. (3:159)

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

O Prophet ‫صلی ہللا علیہوسلم‬when you make a vow on carrying out a task, then just
put trust in Allah and carry it out. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique radiallah unho
proved through his actions that democracy is a flawed concept.

Hazrat Umar radiallah unho said to his son, “O my son, O Abdullah ibn Umar,
By Allah, the act of worship of Hazrat Abu Bakr radiallah unho on that day of
leaving for Jihad alone is by God greater than your father Umar’s whole life’s
day-worships and that night he (Hazrat Abu Bakr) risked his life alone and
migrated with the Prophet ‫ ص ل ل ل ل ل لل ل للی ہللا ع ل لل ل لی ل للہ وس ل ل ل ل ل لل ل للم‬, and shouldered the burden of
Prophethood i.e. made the Prophet sit on his shoulders, is greater than Umar’s
lifelong night-worships.”

Reason of the Virtuous Status of Hazrat Abu Bakr

radiallah unho
What more can I say friends! Eeman and Yaqeen is attained from the
companionship of the pious, but it’s a pity to see that people do not
understand this reality. After all what great worship did Hazrat Abu Bakr
radiallah unho do? Bakr bin Abdullah Almuzni rehmatullahalaeh says (which
has also been narrated by Mullah Ali Qari rehmatullahalaeh and other
َََ ََ َ ‫ام َْو َالْب َک ھ‬
ْ‫ْث ِّۃ ِّْر َوایَةٍْوف ھت َو ٰیْولَک ٍم‬ ٍ ‫َْ َی‬ َ ‫اسْب َف ھضل َ ٰ َ َ ھ‬ َ َ ‫َ ز َ َزھ َ ھ‬
ِّ ِّ ‫َْلو ٍۃْوْ ِّبکْث ِّۃ‬ ِّ ِّ ‫ماْف ِّضلْاُْببک ِّ ْر ِّنْالن‬
‫َٰ ھ َ ھ ز َ ھ َ ھ‬
ْ‫َْد ِّرہ‬ ‫ولکِّن ِّْبش ٍءْو ِّقر ِِّْف‬
The superiority of Hazrat Abu Bakr radiallah unho over all the other sahaba
and over the people was not due to a lot of nawafil or excessive fasting, nor
‫َو ٰلک ھِّن ِّْب َ ھ‬
from plentiful narration of Hadis, no from many fatawa and speeches, ْ‫ش ٍء‬
‫ز َ ھ ھ‬
ْ‫ِْفْ ََ ـد ِّرہ‬
ِّ ‫ وقِّر‬but in his breast he held a passion for laying down his life for Allah
Ta’ala and His Beloved Prophet ‫ص لللی ہللا علیہ وس لللم‬. The level of eeman and siddiqiat
(faithfulness) in his heart had no rival. Due to this there is no one like him in
this ummat or the previous ummats. This condition of the heart that makes
The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

your two rakaat equivalent to one hundred thousand rakaats is only attained
through the company of the Pious.

If Akhter would not have experienced the company of his Sheikh Hazrat Shah
Abdul Ghani rehmatullahalaeh then he would be selling medicinal herbs
because I am a Hakeem. Would you then have listened to religious talks from
me? You would have seen me selling Joshanda or antidotes, but today I thank
my Lord Who made me stay with my Sheikh during my youth. In adolescence
the heart desires idle talk, to roam around in the open, but I was alongside my
Sheikh in dark nights, under the light of the stars.

When there would be no light, in the darkness my Sheikh would worship for
eight hours. Hazratwala once said: “Hakeem Akhter stays with me just as a
suckling child clings to his mother”. Alhamdulilah, I was given such a glad tiding
by my Sheikh. Furthermore, my second Sheikh Hazrat Shah Abrar ul Haq
rehmatullahalaeh said: “I had read in books how one should devote oneself
fully to one’s Sheikh. What I had read in books, I saw in reality in the life of
Akhtar”. Hazrat’s brother Asrar ul Haq recounted this to me himself that Bhai
(i.e. Molana Abrar ul Haq) has a very highly esteemed opinion of me. He told
me that Molana Abrar ul Haq said: “What do you know of Hakeem Akhtar? He
has made so many sacrifices for his Sheikh that what we had only read in books
we saw in his actions.” What can I say myself, but I can surely thank Allah Ta’ala
who placed a tiny love of Himself in my bosom, which itself is a bounty from
Allah Ta’ala. It is in Allah’s hands. It is up to Him. Whenever He wishes He can
give, and He can take back whenever He wants. I am not the continuous owner
of this bounty. It is Allah’s favor. He can keep this favor in our begging bowl (hands)
and whenever He wants He will take it away from the incompetent. O Allah, save
us from the blunders through which this favor is snatched away, and O Allah keep
this pearl of Your connection forever in my begging hands.

So I thank Allah that if all the kingdoms of the world, and all the thrones and
crowns of kings are put under Akhtar’s feet, see whether Akhtar will be sold or
not. I trust Allah that inshallah Akhtar would not even glance at them. It is a
The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

pity that there are only a few people who recognize the reality. Many believe
that Akhtar is also greedy and that if a wealthy person comes along, that
Akhter would become servile towards him. I say that by Allah’s Mercy, He has
taught Akhter the value of the pain of His love. Even if all the kings of this world
were to put their crowns and thrones under Akhtar’s feet, by Allah’s blessing
Akhter will not as much as look at them. He will never abandon the tale of love
for Allah Ta’ala. He wil not say: “Let us sit in the capital and enjoy chicken
meals in ease”. For telling my tale of the pain of Allah’s Love, I beg Allah to
grant me a life of a hundred and twenty years.

When Akhter was young he was unknown. No one asked for me. At that time,
my tongue had not found the ears that would listen to it. Now when I have
reached old age, crowds from everywhere are flocking to me. I pray to Allah
that, “O Allah, grant my tongue energy, strength, beauty and sincerity in my
speech, for the sake of these listening ears. Accept my speech and select me
for working in your path all over the globe.” I also make Dua that “O Allah grant
me an aircraft which can carry five to six passengers, and its pilot is also my
friend. Using that aircraft, I can travel all over the globe to spread the word of
Your Love. I can go to Allahabad to meet my elders, to Hardoi to meet my
Sheikh, and to South Africa”, meaning it could save me a lot of travel time.

O Allah! Through Your Mercy – even though Akhter does not deserve it, grant
him attentive ears from the East, West, South and North: ears that are thirsty
to attain Your Love. Thus Akhtar can transfer Your Love, which is a trust from
You in my heart, into their hearts. Make me the means. You make it happen,
and use my name in doing so. Let it be a source of for Sadqa-e-Jaria (sadqa in
perpetuity) for me. Verily, you are the sole fulfiller of all tasks.

Pakistan is the Result of Wishes & Prayers of our Elders

The fact that today is the 14th of August and celebrations are going on, I wanted
to express some words on this occasion, highlighting some points related to
the formation of Pakistan. The formation of Pakistan was the desire of our

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

great elders, especially Hakeem ul Ummat Molana Ashraf Ali Thanvi

rehmatullahalaeh, who had a desire that there should be a separate Muslim
state and that Muslims should not be under the domination of Hindus or non-
Muslims. This has been published in many books. Hazrat Molana Ashraf Ali
Thanvi rehmatullahalaeh said that when my train used to pass Raampur, Azan
could be heard and the fact that Muslims were living there practicing Islam
freely really pleased my heart. Even though Raampur was a Muslim state in
name only, it still pleased the heart to see even the few Islamic practices visible
over there. He further expressed his desire for a separate state for Muslims
where power would not be shared with the Hindus.

A Coalition Government including

Non-Muslims Spells Ruin for Muslims
Consider a place with the population of 9000 from which the Muslim
population is 3000 and Hindu population is 6000 and a coalition government
is formed. At the time of passing a bill in the assembly Muslims would always
be subdued and disgraced because 6000 votes will be cast for Hindus and 3000
for Muslims. Muslims will always be overpowered and disgraced. Do you all
understand? At the tome pf voting, the population of Hindus will always be
naturally greater, because of which Muslims will always be dominated by the
Hindus. No Islamic law will be passed. Day by day their faith will decline, and
Islam will become alien for the upcoming generation. From this example, you
can also understand flaws in the system of democracy.

Proof of the Flawed Concept of Democracy

This concept of elections and democracy that we have received from Europe
is really a curse. Right can never prevail unless the righteous dominate.
Suppose that a place has thousands of residents who are alcoholics, adulterers
etc., and only a hundred residents that fear and obey Allah and say their
prayers. When an election takes place, tell me who do you expect to win?
Whose government will be formed? Due to this, Hazrat Hakeemul Ummat
The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

Molana Ashraf Ali Thanvi rehmatullahalaeh has proven democracy wrong in

his Tafseer Bayan Ul Quran referring to the verses:
ََ ‫َ َ ََھ َ َ َ ھ‬ َ‫ھ‬ َ َ
‫تْف َت َوّکْلَعْہّٰللا‬
‫ط‬ ‫۝ْف ِّاذاْعزم‬۰ۚ‫﴿وشا ِّو ھر زھ ھم ِِّْفْاال ھم ِّ ْر‬
‫َ َز ز ھ‬
﴾ْ‫ِّي؁‬ ْ َ ‫ِّبْال زم َت َو ِِّك ھ‬ ‫ْہّٰللا ُي‬
ْ ‫ْاِّن‬
ٰ ٰ
)۱۵۹:‫(سورۃْاہّٰللاْْعران ایة‬

So, (O Prophet) it is through mercy from Allah that you are gentle to them.
Had you been rough and hard-hearted, they would have dispersed from
around you. So, pardon them, and seek Forgiveness for them. Consult them in
the matter and, once you have taken a decision, place your trust in Allah.
Surely, Allah loves those who place their trust in Him. (Bayan-ul-Quran)

The above verses mean that O Prophet, you will seek their (the sahabas’)
opinion but the final decision will be yours and not of the majority. Whether
or not it is supported by the majority, your decision will prevail. Hazrat Thanvi
rehmatullahalaeh used this verse to prove that democracy and elections are
ineffectual. The righteous ones should govern. Where is the sense in making a
criminal a Prime Minister just because most of the inhabitants of the country
are criminals or non-practicing Muslims?

What is Meant by ‘‘‫?’’سوا االعظم‬

It is narrated in a Hadees:
َ َ‫َ َ ھ‬ َ
ْ ))‫((اِّت ِّب زع ھواْالس َوا ْاال ھعظ َم‬
)‫ْفصلْالثاین‬،‫ِْب ْاالعتصامِْبلکتا ْوالسنة‬،‫ْکتا ْاالمیان‬،‫(مشکوۃْالمصابیح‬
Sawad-e-Azam means follow the large group. What is meant by Sawad-e-
Azam? Does it mean people only great in number - whether it is the majority
of non-Muslims, or non-practicing Muslims? No, but it means to follow the true
The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

ones, Hakeem Ul Ummat has explained Sawad-e-Azam as where you feel

intense Nur, that is where there is guidance - follow that group; even though
they are few in quantity. This is what Sawad-e-Azam actually is.

I was saying that Hazrat Thanwi rehmatullahalaeh had a desire that there
should be a separate country for Muslims, and Hazrat also prayed, “O Allah,
grant such a country where there is only a purely Muslim government.” He
pointed out that although the Congress Party was also striving towards
liberation from the British, the Congress Party was blind in both eyes - they
possessed neither faith, nor Islamic practice. Hazrat Thanvi said: “As a Non-
Muslim, Gandhi is spiritually blind, because he does not have eeman. If due to
the reason that the majority is Non-Muslim, the Non-Muslims come to power
and form their government, then we certainly cannot say to the unbeliever
Gandhi that the law should be a certain way because the Quran has proclaimed
it. Since he does not have eyes (is blind in our faith), will he accept words of
the Quran or of any Muslim? Even if some foolish person approaches Nehru
and Gandhi and says Allah says this in the Quran, then they would just say
disrespectful words about the Quran in response (nauz billah).

On the contrary, even though there are non-practicing Muslims in the All-India
Muslim League, at least they have faith, due to which they possess an eye of
faith and so are not spiritually blind. They may be one-eyed (non-practicing)
but are not blind. At least they can listen to the Quran. Today no matter how
much of a transgressor he is, the leader of Pakistan is at least a Muslim, and
would listen to the Quran without disrespecting it.

Just remember this sentence of Hakeem Ul Ummat that the All-India Muslim
League has one eye and the Congress is blind in both eyes and is led by Gandhi
who is a non-Muslim, while the Muslim League has one eye (possesses faith)
and is led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah who has recited the kalima and is sunni.
After all, Muhammad Ali Jinnah had clearly mentioned to Allama Shabbir
Ahmed Usmani rehmatullahalaeh that “I am a sunni and I offer prayer
according to the sunni method.” Molana Shabbir Ali Thanvi, the nephew of
The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

Hakeem Ul Ummat, told me that he taught Muhammad Ali Jinnah the sunni
way of offering salah, advised him to pray and he used to pray according to
sunnis. On nearing his death, Muhammad Ali Jinnah bequeathed that “I am
sunni and hanafi and that my funeral prayers should be led by Molana Shabbir
Ahmed Usmani rehmatullahalaeh, and not led any individual of any other
sect.” Who led his funeral prayer? Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani
rehmatullahalaeh. If Muhammad Ali Jinnah would have been from some other
sect, he would never have willed Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani
rehmatullahalaeh to lead his funeral prayer. Friends, the prayers of our elders
were with Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Mr. Jinnah’s Worry and Concerns for Pakistan

Jinnah held great concern for the Muslim Ummat. Molana Shabbir Ali Thanvi
told me: “It was 12:00 a.m. when I reached Delhi to drop-off an important
letter to Muhammad Ali Jinnah from Hazrat Thanvi rehmatullahalaeh. I saw
him crying in prostration for Pakistan.” Hazart Thanvi rehmatullahalaeh
mentions that I had a dream in which I saw Muhammad Ali Jinnah in the outfit
of an Aalim.” Don’t look down upon him. Allah Ta’ala can choose anyone to
accomplish something great (for the Deen).

The Hard work of Ulama in the

Establishment of Pakistan
Our great Ulama supported the Muslim League and made great contributions
in the formation of Pakistan. When Pakistan came into existence, Molana
Shabbir Ahmed Usmani rehmatullahalaeh and Molana Zafar Ahmed Usmani
rehmatullahalaeh raised the Pakistani flag in West and East Pakistan
respectively. Jinnah praised Hazrat Thanvi rehmatullahalaeh by telling Molana
Shabbir Ahmed Usmani rehmatullahalaeh that “Had Hazrat Thanvi
rehmatullahalaeh and people from your ranks not supported me, Pakistan
would not have been formed. There is a great hand of Ulama in the foundation
of Pakistan.
The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

However, nowadays the Ulama are slowly being ignored and neglected. I was
present at the largest gathering of the All India Muslim League at Allahabad, in
which the resolution for the formation of a separate Muslim state was passed.
After this, another large gathering took place at Azamgarh where all the great
leaders and Ulama of the All India Muslim League participated including
Molana Zafar Ahmed Usmani rehmatullahalaeh, Molana Shabbir Ahmed
Usmani rehmatullahalaeh, Hazrat Mohani, Liaquat Ali Khan and Muhammad
Ali Jinnah etc.

Restlessness and Services of Hazrat Phulphuri for the

Formation of Pakistan
My Sheikh Hazrat Shah Abdul Ghani Phulpuri rehmatullahalaeh, a great khalifa
of Hakem ul Ummat, was the secretary of the Muslim League in the Azamgarh
District and was very active. Hazrat was anxious and determined that Pakistan
be established and would spend the night shedding tears in prostration saying,
“O Allah, make an independent Pakistan, where Muslims are not the slaves of

For that gathering in Azamgarh, Hazrat left Phulpur at the time of tahajjud to
pick Molana Zafar Ahmed Usmani rehmatullahalaeh from Gorakhpur for
delivering a speech at Azamgarh. To bring him, he left at tahajjud and returned
with Molana Zafar Ahmed at isha of the next day. Hazrat led the isha prayer (at
Azamgarh) and said that he led prayers with same ablution which he had
performed while leaving at tahajjud the previous night, and that whole day he
did not drink a drop of water in order to avoid the need to stop and use the
washroom. Hazrat wanted to quickly bring Molana to Azamgarh. This is an
example of the kind of sacrificial zeal of our elders in the formation of Pakistan.

Later in that gathering, ulama like Hazrat Molana Zafar Ahmed Usmani
rehmatullahalaeh and Hazrat Molana Shabbir Ahmed Usmani rehmatullahalaeh
delivered their speeches. I was also present, and such a large crowd was in
attendance that it was perhaps the second largest gathering in India after the

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

Allahabad session. Molana Shabbir Ahmed Usmani rehmatullahalaeh said that

“Religious individuals are scarce, and so the government shall remain in the
hands of educated misters, but if they put themselves under the guidance of
the ulama, it will reach safely to the shore (destination). If they ignore the
ulama they will not be able to reach the shore.” After this Molana read a verse
of poetry which I will repeat. It is an amazing verse that explains the difference
of the aalims and misters.

‫یتشک ںیہن یتلم‬ ‫ںیمہ‬

‫اسلح ںیہن اتلم‬ ‫اںیہن‬
We can’t find the boat, they can’t find the shore,

It means that they have the object and resources (of wealth) and the ulama
are poor. We (the ulama) have knowledge of the path but are without a boat
(resources and means), while they have the boat but have no idea of the way.
If only these educated men let us sit in their boat and allow us to navigate,
then we will deliver the boat to its destination.

Hazrat’s Dream and Tidings for

Establishment of Pakistan
I also received tidings for the establishment of Pakistan in my dream that same
night. This ghulam of pious men saw in his dream that Surah Anfal is being
revealed on my Sheikh Hazrat Shah Abdul Ghani Phulpuri rehmatullahalaeh which
is making Hazrat turn-about restlessly. I asked, “O Hazrat, why are you so restless?
Is Surah Anfal being revealed on you? At this time, I had not studied the tafsir of
Surah Anfal. I did not know the topics discussed in Surah Anfal. So when I woke
up, I mentioned my dream to Hazrat and asked Hazrat the reason for his
restlessness and for Surah Anfal’s revelation. On hearing this, my Sheikh
interpreted the dream and said that “InshaAllah Pakistan will be formed, because
Surah Anfal deals with the subject of victories and war booty”.

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

A Momin is Superior to Non-Muslim in All Conditions

Some people complain that Pakistan always had presidents and prime
ministers all who were fajir and fasiq (Muslims that disobey Allah), and that
ulama were not given the government, implying that this makes the Hindus of
Hindustan better than our corrupt administrators. Listen to this, a Congress
member said to Hazrat Sheikh Ul Hadis Molana Idris Kaandhelvi
rehmatullahalaeh of Jamia Ashrafia Lahore in Bait Ullah that “better than your
non-practicing and sinful President and Prime Minister are our non-Muslim
President and Prime Minister of India”. Hazrat Sheikh Ul Hadis Molana Idris
Kaandhelvi rehmatullahalaeh answered that member of Congress by quoting
a verse from the Quran right by the Ka’aba:
‫ََ َ ھَ ز‬ ‫َ َ َ ھ ٌ ز ھ ِّ ٌ َ ھ ٌ ِّ ھ ز ھ‬
ْ ‫ْش ٍكْول ھوْاْع َب ھ‬
﴾‫۝‬۰ۭ‫ك‬ ِّ ‫﴿ولعبدْموِمْخاِْمْم‬
And a Muslim slave is better than a polytheist even if he attracts you. (2:221)
No matter how sinful a Muslim is, he is always better than a non-Muslim ْ‫َول ھو‬
‫ َا ھْع َ َب ز ھ‬Even if you like that non-Muslim. On saying ‫ك‬
‫َ َھَ ز‬
ْ ‫ َول ھوْاْع َب ھ‬he put his finger to
the chest of the objector and said that this shows that you like the non-Muslim
better and this act of yours is against the Quran. He then said, remember when
contesting a Muslim with a non-Muslim, no matter how irreligious a Muslim is,
even though he is an alcoholic, adulterer and no matter how much of a
transgressor of religion he is, but his kalima will keep him superior to billions
of non-Muslims. Take a balance and place all non-Muslims of the world on one
side and a sinful Muslim on the other side, the kalima of this Muslim will shift
the balance towards the Muslim side and he will go to heaven though he may
be punished for his sins. But a non-Muslim shall get an eternal punishment,
and will go to hell. Muslims will not get an eternal punishment. After the
punishment Allah will make them enter into Paradise, or possibly even forgive
their sins just because of their eeman.

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

What mercy of Allah descends upon the believers, that there is an episode that
once a person in a sleepy state turned in his bed and while turning he
spontaneously uttered the word Allah. This person never prayed Salah, nor
fasted but Allah forgave him that “While you turned about in your sleep
unaware, I accepted what you uttered.” He is the Creator, the King of Kings.
He can favor whichever act He wills, from anybody. He can accept any small
act and forgive us over it. When Bashir the camel-rider’s one act of his saluting
a worldly head of state was favored by the great worldly king and was
rewarded with gifts, imagine that Allah is the King of Kings and if he favors even
a small act from someone, and rewards them for it, then who has the right to

The Lesson for Hope and Forgiveness

‫ھ‬ ‫ٰم ِّْل ِّک َ ھ‬
from the Verse ‫ی‬ْ ِّ ‫َْی ِّمْال ِّد‬
‫ھ‬ َ ٰ
ِّ ‫ م ِّل ِّکْ ھَی ِّمْال ِّد‬i.e He is the King of the Judgment Day. An important point in
He is ْ‫ی‬
this tafsir is that Allah is the King of the Judgment Day, not the Judge. Even the
Judge has to abide by the laws, as he is a salaried government servant. On the
other hand, Allah is claiming that “when My Court of Justice will begin on the
Day of Judgment, I shall be its King ‫ی‬ ْ ِّ ‫ ٰم ِّل ِّکْ َ ھَی ِّمْال ِّد‬. Whomsoever I wish, being above
all laws, will be free from all charges by My Mercy, as long as he also has eeman
in his heart. Even though by the law he deserved hell but if I want I will forgive
him and leave him unpunished.” Allah will not forgive the unbelievers; the
unbelievers will enter hell forever. For sinful Muslims, Allah reserves His Rights
whether to send them to Paradise after serving their punishment or enter
Paradise without any punishment. That is why Allah has not said that He is the
‫ھ‬ َ ٰ
Judge but He said ْ‫ی‬ ِّ ‫ م ِّل ِّکْ ھَی ِّمْال ِّد‬King of the Court. Judges are bound by laws, but
a King can overrule the law as well. By His Divine Mercy, He can forgive a
ْ ِّ ‫ ٰم ِّل ِّکْ َ ھَی ِّمْال ِّد‬is that the judges
criminal without punishment. The explanation of ‫ی‬
of this world, whether they below to the Supreme Court or not, are not kings
but are bound by the laws, but Allah Ta’ala is the King. He has reserved the
rights of granting mercy. Allah has written on the arsh:
The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

‫ِت َْغ َض ِّ ھ‬
))‫ِب‬ ‫ْح ِّ ھ‬ ‫((س َِ َق ھ‬
َ ‫ت َْر ھ‬ َ
ٰ ‫ز‬
)۱۱۲۷:‫ص‬،۲: ،‫ِْب ْقوہّٰللاْہّٰللاْبلْھوْقرا ٌنْجمید‬،‫کتا ز ْالتوحید‬،‫(حصیحْالبخاری‬
There was a race between My Anger and Mercy, My Mercy won. Shah Abdul Qadir,
َ َ َ
the son of Shah Wali Ullah writes that Allah has written,ْ‫ ْ َس َِق ھت َْر ھْحَ ِّ ھِتْغض ِّ ھِب‬this to say that
He reserves with Himself the right of forgiving on the basis of mercy so that if a
person is not forgiven by law, Allah shall forgive him using His mercy. Such is Divine
Mercy. ‫ از قب یل مراحم خسررررہا‬is a phrase said by Shah Abdul Qadir rehmatullahalaeh
meaning in the manner of Divine Mercy, Allah has it written for the Day of Judgment
My Right of Mercy is reserved. Just like a worldly criminal loses hope from a court’s
decision and appeals to the King asking that “We have also lost from the Supreme
Court, so now we appeal to the King for forgiveness from their royal mercy”, so he
is granted mercy by the King, being above the law. Similarly, Allah has kept this right
to Himself for the Day of Judgment.

A Unique, Saintly Dua

Look, appeal to Allah for His Divine Mercy while you are in this world, “O Allah, our
evil deeds and mistakes are such that as per the law we are in danger that we
would enter hell. Before Your Court of Justice is established on the Day of
Judgment, we request you already in this world for Your Divine Mercy, that You
ordain for us Your Divine Mercy, because our deeds are very corrupt.” Make this
dua sometimes. This is an important point, the Muslim ummah should be taught
this supplication so that they may beg for mercy in this worldly life. A person
pointed out that “Such prayer never crossed our minds. How would our mind shift
(towards those thoughts)?” When we stay in the company of those men whose
mind has already shifted, our mind will shift also.

I was saying that we should never not praise Non-Muslims, saying things like
“The non-Muslims in London and in India are better compared to the Muslims
of Pakistan”. There is fear that such a person may attain death in disbelief.
Remember this well!

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

A Doubt Resolved
Now I will resolve an issue and bring an end to my speech. Some people say
that: “Even if a rope is placed on the streets of Pakistan, it would be stolen,
while look at the honesty in London, that newspapers are placed in roadside
boxes without anyone guarding them. Whoever takes a newspaper, places its
money there. If someone left newspapers like this in Pakistan, it would result
in rampant looting.” Now listen to what I say: one who dines on the feces of
an elephant, would not be satisfied through a chicken’s droppings. These non-
Muslims take petty stealing as an insult – big and notorious thieves don’t
bother to steal two or four rupees. When they steal, they steal millions of
pounds. In America, a fault occurred in the electricity supply lines resuting in a
power outage, and massive amount of robbery and adultery took place. A
young jeweler went to America from Pakistan, he was carrying some gold
jewelry to show someone when some robbers shot him dead and took the
gold. I myself went to his house for condolences.

The Unethical Culture of Europe

A person wrote a letter from America. He is a khalifa of my sheikh. He said that
“I went to America from Hyderabad Deccan, India. I met my little grandchildren
here. My five-year-old niece was telling me, ‘Grandfather, my father does not
dare scold me, as if he does I would call 99 immediately and the Police would
come to arrest him right away”. Later an eleven-year-old girl from amongst
their relatives really called 99 and had her father actually arrested. He (khalifa
of my sheikh) also wrote in his letter that the father was still in jail. An eleven-
year-old daughter has put her father in jail, for what crime? Because he did
not allow her to talk to boys outside. He would say why do you meet college
boys? O people rushing to America! Have mercy on yourselves and on your

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

Pakistan: An Islamic Republic

Let me answer one more thing before I end my speech. Many people have a
feeling in their hearts that it has been so long since Pakistan was formed but
Islamic laws have not been enforced here. So is this a Muslim country or not?
Similarly, from people there is a question that if you die while protecting an inch
of Pakistan’s land, then will you receive martyrdom? I have to answer both these
questions and inshallah the ulama of the whole world will have to agree. Molana
Shabbir Ali rehmatullahalaeh who was Hazrat Thanvi rehmatullahalaeh’s nephew
and principal of Khanqah Thana Bahwan, told me that my elder father (Hazrat Thanvi)
stated that some ulama do not consider the country in which the head of state is
Muslim but Islamic law is not enforced as Muslim countries. Also God Forbid,
they are of the opinion that they should hand over such a country to non-
Muslims. Hakeem ul Umat Mujadid e Millat Hazrat Thanvi rehmatullahalaeh
responded to this and listen to the definition of a Muslim country according to
shariah which he explained. I wish that this response of Hazrat is published in
newspapers and books. The definition of a Muslim country is that if the head
of state is a Muslim and has the authority to enforce Islamic law, irrespective
of how sinful he is; according to Islamic laws, this is a Muslim country. Due to
his own spiritual or human weakness, or fear of public rebellion or of other
powerful states that Muslim ruler, Ameer ul Momineen or Sultan does not
enforce Islamic law, but he does have the authority to do so, then due to this
authority of being able to impose Islamic laws, this is a Muslim country. All the
rulers of Pakistan in the past had the power to enforce Islamic laws, which
makes Pakistan an Islamic republic, so a person giving his life for safeguarding
even an inch of Pakistan’s land is considered a martyr.

Therefore, safeguarding Pakistan is obligatory on us. We cannot guess at what

low level is the faith and religion of those who rejoice at any loss of Pakistan
while living within it. And if a piece of Pakistan splits and someone delights at
that, then the very faith of such a person is in doubt. For such foolish people,
you can just pray to Allah for their guidance.

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

Brothers, it is laudatory that there is concern that Islamic laws be enforced. If

that happens, subhanallah, we will prostrate in gratitude, but badmouthing
and defaming Pakistan, celebrating its division and wishing that (God Forbid)
Pakistan is taken away by Hindus despite it being a Muslim country is a great
crime. If dying and shedding blood while safeguarding on inch of a Muslim
country is martyrdom, then what a great felon is one who rejoices at the
breaking of Pakistan. Therefore, if such thoughts arise, repent by saying, “O
Allah we seek refuge from the slavery of Hindus.”

When I visited Dhaka after the formation of Bangladesh, I met Molana Abdul
Majid (Muhaddis of Lal Bagh) who stated that we never cried so much as we
did at the time of the splitting of West Pakistan, Alas! Though Pakistan split,
Hindus nevertheless remained unsuccessful in their goal. After all, the leaders
of the new state were also Muslims. The Hindus thought that now the Bengalis
would be their slaves, but even today the strength of eeman prevails there,
and they have a grudge and hatred for Hindus in their hearts.

People really have little knowledge about Pakistan. When I defined a Muslim
state, many people claimed that we had many doubts regarding Pakistan, such
as: “What is the benefit of living here? There are no Islamic laws, so we came
here for no reason.” Now these people are saying that you corrected us and
that we did not come here for no reason. We shall live and die in a Muslim
state InshaAllah. Death in a Muslim state is million times dearer to us then
death in non-Muslim state. Did Shah Abdul Ghani Phulpuri rehmatullahalaeh
not see the irreligious and the transgressors of Allah ruling Pakistan, but still
he said that I am not even prepared to urinate in the direction of a non-Muslim
state. There is no narrator of this between me and Hazrat. When Hazrat visited
Mumbai he stated that, “What liveliness and Nur there is in Karachi, and just
look at Mumbai! There is darkness and gloom everywhere in Mumbai – like
the shop where chickpeas are roasted (with its soot covered walls).”

One person said that it’s better that Hindus take over Pakistan because it is so
irreligious. This implies that that we become the slaves of Hindus - the
The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

surprising this is that the person saying this made himself out to be religious
and devout. He prayed Ishraq, and Awwabeen. What can we say? God Forbid
such a day ever comes that we become slaves to the Hindus. However, we are
over here, we are free, and we have respect. At least we can write letters
asking the head of state to implement Islamic law. We can demand this from
the pulpits. You can see how ulama are asking for this openly and publishing
articles in newspapers every day asking for the enforcement of Islamic laws.
Try and give such a speech in India, saying “We Muslims are in a majority - we
are so numerous that a separate Islamic law should be made for us.” Try asking
this, and then just watch the immediate reaction of India’s government as it
arrests the ulama.

When I clarified the meaning of a Muslim state, many people expressed their
feelings that their misconception has been cleared, and that they were
regretting coming here, but now they are aware that Pakistan is a Muslim
country in light of the Shariah, as long as the Muslim ruler has the authority to
enforce Islamic law, but does not do so due to his incompetence, or due to his
own spiritual or human weakness, or from fear of public rebellion, or from fear
of other powerful states.

I thank Allah Ta’ala that Akhter has knowledge of these matters. If Akhter
would not have received the companionship of the pious, how could these
important points have reached you? There is only one narrator between me
and Hazrat Thanvi in defining an Islamic Republic i.e. Molana Shabbir Ahmed
Usmani rehmatullahalaeh, a great pious aalim. He said that this definition was
stated by Hazrat Thanvi rehmatullahalaeh only, and we never came across it
in texts. This will be published InshaAllah and people will be greatly comforted
by it. Otherwise people think: “What can we say! It looks like it was a bad idea
to come here!”

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

Turning of those who Opposed

the Establishment of Pakistan
Now listen! Those who were opposed to the establishment of Pakistan and
accompanied the Hindus of Congress, were persecuted by the Hindus after
independence. Ulama were arrested and they had many troubles. They then
realized that they made a grave error in supporting and trusting the Hindus.
They said: “Had we known this (reaction) before, we would have never
supported the Congress.”

Sheikh-ul-Hadith Mufti Muhammad Wajeeh of Tando Ala Yaar stated that “I

was present in the gathering when Hazrat Molana Madni rehmatullahalaeh
said that, ‘We were able to drive out one enemy, the British, from India but
after this we saw an even greater enemy in the form of Hindus. Those Hindus
with whom we were so loyal then turned out to be so unfaithful and
treacherous. They are like burial-shroud thieves that are even more dangerous
than the ones before.’ Then Molana mentioned a story of two burial shroud
thieves as an example, that there used to be a shroud thief who would steal
burial shrouds and the residents were extremely annoyed. They prayed for his
death as he would steal the burial shroud and disgrace corpses. He eventually died,
and everyone celebrated, thinking good riddance, but then a second burial shroud
thief took his place who was even worse, as he not only stole shrouds but also
َََ ‫ََ َ ھ‬ َ
ْ ‫ َر ِِّحْہّٰللازْالنباشْاالو‬that the first one was better,
disgraced the corpses. People cried out ‫ہّٰللا‬
mercy be on him, as he at least respected the corpses.”

We believe respecting Hazrat Molana Hussein Ahmed Madni

rehmatullahalaeh is part of our faith. I witnessed My Sheikh Hazrat Shah Abdul
Ghani Phulpuri rehmatullahalaeh embrace him and specially invited him to
tackle and resolve an emerging issue of that time at Azamgarh. It is the low
intellect and pettiness of the disciples that they create differences and clashes
amongst the elders. What can I say! It saddens me greatly. We are all from the
same order. Whose Khalifa was Hazrat Molana Hussien Ahmed Madni
rehmatullahalaeh? He was the Khalifa of Hazrat Molana Rasheed Ahmed
The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

Gangohi rehmatullahalaeh and whose Khalifa was Hazrat Molana Rasheed

Ahmed Gangohi rehmatullahalaeh? He was the Khalifa of Hazrat Haji
Imdadullah rehmatullahalaeh. It is all one order.

Support of Hazrat Madni ‫ رحمۃ ہللا علیہ‬after

The Establishment of Pakistan
After this let me inform you of something which is known by very few. It was
stated by Hazrat Molana Madni rehmatullahalaeh on the platform of
Azamgarh railway station that “There may be differences in opinion when a
masjid is being constructed. Some say make it here, some there; however,
once it has been built, safeguarding it is an obligation on all Muslims.

“Similarly, there were differences in opinion in the formation of Pakistan but

now that it has been made, we now believe that protecting it is obligatory on
us.” Hazrat Molana Madni rehmatullahalaeh announced that “The masjid has
been built. Demolishing it is now prohibited. After Pakistan has been made,
safeguarding every inch of its land is our duty.” Look, this was the honorable
way of the Ahl-e-Haq. This event has been narrated by Anwar Nomani who was
the nephew of Allama Shibli Nomani rehmatullahalaeh. People who create
clashes by raising slogans of Ashrafi and Husseini do not see these things.

When Pakistan split and the East Wing was separated, some fools celebrated. They
are not on the way of our elders. Laying down one’s life to protect even one inch of
an Islamic country counts as martyrdom, while you are celebrating at its breaking
apart – what kind of Deen do you profess? May Allah guide such Molvis!

When Gandhi was murdered, a foolish mullah in Jaunpur announced at Jamia

Masjid Jaunpur on Friday that Gandhi has been martyred. Tell me, can a
disbeliever ever be martyred? Can he achieve the status of a martyr? I saw that
person. He was present once in a gathering, and my Sheikh pointed him out
saying that this was the person who announced in the Jamia Masjid Jaunpur
that Gandhi was “martyred”.

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

I will also recount another anecdote. There was a great aalim who was also a
Khalifa of Hazrat Thanvi rehmatullahalaeh. He was a devout worshipper and
would wake up at three at night for the zikr of Allah. His mentor for spiritual
reformation was my Sheikh. At Azamgarh’s Shibli Manzil he said to my Sheikh
that “Pundit Jee has said this” (Pundit Jee nay farmaya hai). He meant Pundit
Nehru. Hazrat Shah Abdul Ghani rehmatullahalaeh asked “Which Pundit Jee?”
He said, “Pundit Nehru”. Hazrat Shah Abdul Ghani rehmatullahalaeh replied:
“Are you quoting some buzurg’s words that you are according such respect
and using the word “farmaya”. Hazrat was extremely upset at this, and asked
him go and pray two rakaat and re-recite the kalima, then fervently repent.

Respectfully Presenting Salutation to

Disbeliever is Kufr
It is stated in Fatawa Shamia
‫َ َ ََ ھ َ َ ً ھز‬
‫ل ھو َسل َمْلَعْالَک ِّف ِّرْت ھب ِّج ھیَلْْیَکفر‬
If a person greets a disbeliever with respect, he exits from the circle of faith. A
Hindu postman who used to deliver letters to my Sheikh would say “Adaab
Arz” (“I offer my respects”). My Sheikh would reply “‫ ”ٓاداب‬and say in my ear
that I am pointing towards my foot that meaning to say “come and press my
foot” (with a break between “aa” – come – and “daab” – press). This was the
meaning of “‫ ”ٓاداب‬here to avoid according respect to the Hindu.

The Story of the Religious Honour of a Buzurg

There was a pious person. During the British government, a British judge
summoned him to court for a hearing. This person turned his back on the judge
in the court and started speaking. The judge was shocked and questioned him
as to why he turned his back? He replied that “O disbeliever, I do not feel like
even looking at you.” There exist such saintly people who do not even like to
look at the face of disbelievers, such that he had his back towards him,

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

delivered his statement and left. The judge kept on asking him to look towards
him, and he consistently refused, saying he does not look at disbelievers.

Hazrat Phulpuri’s Beholding the Nur of the Kalima in

the Atmosphere of Pakistan
When my Sheikh, Hazrat Shah Abdul Ghani rehmatullahalaeh entered Pakistan
from India the first time while migrating, he was crossing the Lahore border,
and was told by the people, “look this is the flag of India and there is the flag
of Pakistan”. From where the land of Pakistan started, he said, “Alhamdulillah,
the skies and the earth here seem completely different and I feel the nur of
the kalima in the atmosphere.” After this some Pakistani soldiers saw the
bearded men that were with Hazrat and presented salam. Hazrat was pleased
on seeing this Islamic practice. When he returned to Mumbai after some time,
he claimed that there seemed to be darkness everywhere just as the darkness
in the shop with blackened walls where chickpeas are roasted.

Some people requested Hazrat to live in India so that his grave may be there.
Even his sons pleased with him “Let’s go, Abba, and spend the reminder of
your life in India. A majority of your relatives are there.” Hazrat replied “I
consider even urinating in the direction of India as an insult.” Such was the
status of my Sheikh! He preferred death here. His grave is in the graveyard of
Paposh Nagar.

After coming to Pakistan, my Sheikh rejoiced and he was really happy. But
sometimes he would see the lack of observing Parda and acts against the
Shariah, and used to become deeply upset. He would express his sadness
saying “Pakistan is seeming to be ‘Na-Pakistan’. Why is Pakistan becoming ‘Na-
Pakistan’”? However, his desire for combat for Pakistan was immense. He
declared that even though there are millions of acts against the Shariah, and
we complain to our brothers and criticize our leaders, but against the non-
Muslims we shall be ready to fight together boldly.

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

During his last years, my Sheikh was unable to stand. Despite this, he had such
passion when he would meet a person called Major Tur. Major Tur was an army
officer who had a full fist-length beard, and would pray salah regularly. My Sheikh
said to Major Tur that “When Jihad starts, when war is declared between India and
Pakistan, even though I cannot stand and my knees are useless, take me with my
bed to the Lahore border. When the cannons launch, give the handle in my hands.
Hazrat had the image of the cannons of the past, which is why he said we will fire
the cannons at the disbelievers and if from the other side a cannon ball will come,
I will be martyred.” After this Hazrat would start crying and said that “For ten
years I learned swordsmanship for martyrdom, just like we become aalim
(scholars) over ten years. Similarly, for ten years for Jihad and martyrdom I
learned swordsmanship!”. See Hazrat’s passion for Jihad.

My Sheikh told me a story that “When Jihad was called in the era of Nawab
Wajid Ali, a pious old man along with an Aalim from my district also
participated. This old man narrated that this Aalim was swinging his sword with
the burial shroud placed on his shoulder. He was reciting this couplet

‫رسِ دیماں نفک ربدوش دارم‬

O lord! I have come in the battlefield with my shroud to sacrifice my life for
your sake with enthusiasm. When he said this a reply used to be heard from
the heavens:

‫انکرم‬ ‫در‬ ‫اونکں‬ ‫ولظمم‬ ‫ایب‬

O oppressed, hasten towards My Mercy i.e. I want to reward you with martyrdom.
This Aalim was then martyred. The old man who was part of that Jihad stated that
he had actually heard such a voice from the heavens in the battlefield and told my
Sheikh about this voice and and Hazrat told me. There is only one narrator between
me and this person who heard these voices from the heavens and that was my
Sheikh Hazrat Shah Abdul Ghani rehmatullahalaeh.

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

Martyrdom of Syed Ahmed Shaheed rehmatullahalaeh

and Molana Ismael Shaheed rehmatullahalaeh
Now I will recount another story. Syed Ahmed Shaheed rehmatullahalaeh had
offered Fajr prayers in Balakot and was busy supplicating to Allah until Ishraq.
After this he prayed Ishraq unaware of the fact that he was to be martyred that
day. He wore his armor and unsheathed his sword. A Muslim CID from Lahore
came to him and said “There is a big officer working for the Sikhs who has sent
a secret message out of love for you. You can read his letter.” The letter
directed Syed Ahmed rehmatullahalaeh to flee as a huge army of Sikhs was
advancing. It said “There is no hope for victory. Your life is dear to me that is
why I am writing this. So escape, hide or leave this place as soon as possible.”
The reply to this letter given by Syed Ahmed rehmatullahalaeh is worth
listening to. He replied that “When a Muslim warrior clutches his sword in the
path of Allah for Jihad, then he can never turn his back. This is against the
prestige of a Muslim. We don’t desire a life in hiding and fleeing, as we are
here to sacrifice our lives.” He asked the man to take the letter back and Syed
Ahmed rehmatullahalaeh told the messenger to convey salam to this Muslim
officer who sent the message and inform him that Syed Ahmed
rehmatullahalaeh will do either of two things: he will attain victory in battle
and become a ghazi, either “my flag shall be raised in Lahore, or I shall accept
‫ھ‬ َ ٰ ٰ ‫ز‬
martyrdom and meet Allah” ‫ول ِّئ َک ْْا َِب ِِّئھ َِّْف ھئ ِّ ھِن ِِّْبِّث ِّل ِّہم‬‫ْا‬. These were our elders…show me
someone like them!

For the preparation of this very battle, Molana Shah Ismael Shaheed
rehmatullahalaeh would pace to and fro towards North then South in his
Masjid Fatehpur bare footed in the scorching heat of the month of June.
People asked why are you burning your feet in the sun. He replied that I am
preparing for Jihad at the mountains of Balakot. If I become delicate, how
would I be able to wage battle? Two men (of the innovating sect) arrived with
the intention of murdering him and saw him pacing barefoot in the courtyard
of the masjid under direct sunlight. They inquired, “What are you doing
The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

Molana?” He replied that “I have to battle with the Sikhs at Balakot and
liberate the oppressed Muslims. The two men thought, “How could we kill a
person who wishes to give his life in the way of Allah?” They realized their
stupidity and repented that people had filled their ears with such negative
rumors ‫الحوہّٰللاْوالْقوۃْاالِْبہّٰلل‬.

Molana Shah Abdul Ghani rehmatullahalaeh said that during heavy showers in
Delhi, the River Jamna would be flowing at its full. Molana Ismael Shaheed
rehmatullahalaeh would dive in the flooded river in the heavy rain and swim
all the way to Agra. Why? Because he wanted to prepare himself thinking that
“If we were to battle in the region of a river, Jhelum River or Ravi River, and
we had to jump in it, then we could swim.” There is a great distance between
Agra and Delhi. This is how far they would go before they came out. My Sheikh
‫ز ٰا َ ٰ َ ھ َ ھ ھ ھ‬
narrates this, there is no narrator between me and my Sheikh ‫م‬ ْ ‫ِن ِِّْبِّث ِّل ِّہ ھ‬
ِّ ‫اول ِّئکْاِب ِِّئ َِّْفئ‬
Such was their aspiration for Jihad that they would swim from Delhi to Agra.

The Pleasure of Hardships in Allah’s path

Two women who were involved in illicit activities and were very rich, repented
under the guidance of Molana Ismael Shaheed rehmatullahalaeh and Syed
Ahmed Shaheed rehmatullahalaeh. When these men announced their
departure for Jihad these women cried out that “Our life has changed from a
sinful one to a pious one. Now that we have repented from the immoral life
and come to the lifestyle of the Friends of Allah, you are now leaving us
behind!” Syed Ahmed Shaheed rehmatullahalaeh and Molana Ismael
rehmatullahalaeh inquired about their desire to accompany them for Jihad.
They replied that we shall go for Jihad and so will our husbands. Our husbands
will battle and we shall prepare feed for horses, sacrificing our sleep.

These women went along with their husbands. Their men would battle at the
foot of Balakot Mountains and their wives would then grind the mill to prepare
feed for the warriors’ horses, to the point that due to constant grinding their

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

hands got blisters. They were wealthy women who were raised in luxury, but
for Allah’s love they endured these hardships in the path of Allah.

Someone asked these women, “O my sister, mother, say when you were
leading a luxurious life in Delhi, you slept on beds of flowers. Was that more
dear to you or now when you have blisters in your hands?” Both these women
replied that, “By Allah due to the blessing of Molana Ismael Shaheed
rehmatullahalaeh and Syed Ahmed Shaheed rehmatullahalaeh these
hardships that we are enduring - we who slept on beds of flowers are sleeping
on pebbles and our hands are full of blisters, we are homeless under the open
sky, but the blessings of this struggle are such that Allah has put in our hearts
a level of eeman and belief that our we are seeing Allah with the eye of our
hearts – the veils are lifted from the skies. Allah has raised us to such a status
that if our hearts are placed on the mountains of Balakot, they would be unable
to bear our eeman. This story was told by Hazrat Shah Muhammad Ahmed
rehmatullahalaeh and he said this is the reward of hardships. Those people
who endure hardships and bear sadness in the way of Allah, their faith is so
fragrant that it makes the whole world fragrant. There is a saying in Poorab
(Eastern UP) that Allah spreads the fragrance of those who burn themselves in
Allah’s love. If a pious person hides from humanity and weeps in prostration,
Allah will spread his fragrance among people.

‫امجل اس اک اپھچےئ یگ ایک اہب ِر نمچ‬

‫ولگں ےس پھچ ہن یکس سجیک وبےئریپانہ‬
How will the garden’s spring hide its beauty
Flowers cannot hide their fragrance

Whose beauty? Allah’s.

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

What is Actual Gratitude for Pakistan?

I have mentioned these few things so it can be known what a great blessing
Pakistan is. We have to show gratitude towards Allah for this great blessing,
and what is the actual gratitude? It is in the Quran
َ ‫ھ‬ ‫ز‬ ‫ََ ََ زھ َھ ز‬ ‫ََ َ ھ َ َ َ ز ز ز َ ھ ََھ ز ھ َ َ ٌ َ َ ز‬
ْ ‫ْہّٰللا لعلكْتشكرو‬
ْ ‫﴿ولقدْنَصُكْہّٰللاْ ِّببد ٍرْوانتمْا ِّذلـ ْـة ْ ْفاتقوا‬
‫ا‬ ٰ
)۱۲۳ْ‫ْایة‬،‫(سورۃْا ِّہّٰللاْْع ٰ ْرن‬

Allah certainly supported you at Badr when you were weak. So, fear Allah
that you may be grateful. (3:123)
ٌَ َ ‫َھ‬ ‫َ َز‬
In the battle of Badr we gave you victory ,‫ َوان زت ھمْا ِّذل ْة‬and you were weak, َْ‫فاتقواْہّٰللا‬
So O Sahaba! Companions of Rasulullah, live your lives with the fear of Allah
َْ ‫ن‬ ‫ھ‬ ‫ز‬ ‫َ َ َ زھ َھ ز‬
ْ ‫ لـ ـعـ ـلـ ـك ْتشـ ـ ـكـ ـرو‬So that you may become among the grateful men. The real
gratitude for Pakistan, the real migration, the true celebration of happiness in
independence is that we become God-fearing, pious, and avoid all sins. What
is the meaning of migrant (Muhajir)?

َ ‫ھ‬ ‫َھ ز َ ز َ ھ َ َ َ ھ ََ َ َ ز ز‬
)) ‫((المہا ِّجرِْمْہجرْاْلطاٰيْوالذُن‬
)‫ْکتا ْاالمیان‬،‫(مشَکۃْالمصابیح‬
The true migrant is one who leaves sin – who migrates totally away from
sinfulness. Migrations is not just about travelling from India to Pakistan and
then enjoying lives watching TV and videos, because now we have the money
and who is going to ask? Non-Islamic gatherings are all around us and our
women are not observing pardah (veil). The real meaning of migration is to
leave sins. Leaving the homeland is also migration, but more important is that
we leave sins. This is actual gratitude for the blessing of Pakistan, because
leaving one’s homeland is far easier than leaving sins.

The worth and Value of a Muslim Country

Now make Dua that Allah gives us a feeling of true gratitude for Pakistan, that
Allah show us the reality of migration, give us the taufiq to leave sins. O Allah,
give us a life filled with Your fear, or the life of those whose lives are filled with
Your fear, that we don’t even go close to a single sin, and if by mistake we
commit any sin then we give us the taufiq to weep until we have regained Your
happiness. O Allah, if You are displeased with us, it’s Your Right but if we err,
Oh God, our Prophet ‫ صل ل لللی ہللا علیہ وسل ل لللم‬says it is compulsory on us to regain Your
Pleasure and make You happy. Give us the taufiq to repent after two rakaat of
prayer, and make the place of our prostration wet with our tears of shame.
Give us regularity in our deeds, and correct our souls. If You will not show
mercy on us then apart from You, no one will have mercy on us. O Allah,
whoever is present here, make them pious. Have mercy on even those who
َ ‫ھ‬ ‫ز‬ َ ‫ھ‬ ‫ز‬ ‫َ ٰز َ ز َ َ ھ ز‬
are absent, ‫ِّکْمس ـ ِّل ٍمْومس ـ ِّلم ٍْة‬ ٍ ‫ اللہمّْکْخ‬Reward all Muslim men and women with
ِّ ‫اْل‬
the happiness of both the worlds.

O Allah accept our organization and keep it safe from all sorts of evil and make
our Madersa an example where Quran is taught in such a beautiful manner
that even the most expert Qari becomes happy and satisfied on visit it.

O Allah! Help me with Your mercy. Give taufiq to students, the teachers, and
Molana Mazhar to organize gatherings regularly where students carry out
recitations so we can see what is going on in the Madersa. Such gatherings
should be held every Thursday for one hour. May Allah give taufiq to the
principal, the teachers, the helpers, the cook, the sweepers, the gatekeeper
and their children that come to this masjid to become pious and friends of

O Allah whoever enters this khanqah don’t let him return deprived. O Allah
give me and Muslims all over the world the taufiq to reform our characters.

َ ‫حصبہ َْا ھْجَ ِّع ھ‬

ْ‫ي‬ ‫ا َْخ ھل ِّقہ زُْم َ َمد َْو ٰالِّہ َْو َ ھ‬ ‫ْلَع َْخ ھ‬ ٰ ‫َو ََ َِلْہّٰللاز َْت َع‬
ٰ َ ‫اٰل‬
ِّ ٍ ِّ
An Is(amic Country
Molana Shabbir Ali ~ who was Hazrat Thanvi ~ ·s nephew &
principal of Khanqah Thana Bahwan, told me that Hazrat
Thanvi ~ stated that some ulama did not consider the country
in which the head of state is Muslim but Islamic law is not
enforced as Muslim countries . Also God Forbid, they are of the
opinion to hand over such a country to non-Muslims. Hakeem ul
Ummat Mujadid e Millat Hazrat Thanvi ~ responded to that and
listen, the definition of a Muslim country according to shariah. I
wish that this response of Hazrat is published in newspapers
and books. Definition of a Muslim country is that:
" If the head of the state is a Muslim and has the
authority to enforce Islamic law, irrespective of how
sinful he is; according to Islamic laws, a Muslim
country. Irrespective to his own spiritual or mundane
weakness, fear of public rebellion or other powerful
states that Muslim ruler, Ameer ul Momineen or Sultan
does not enforce Islamic law but he has the authority to
impose then due to this authority of imposing Islamic
laws, this is a Muslim country. "
All the rulers of Pakistan in the past had the power to enforce
Islamic laws, which makes Pakistan an Islamic republic, so a
person giving his life for safeguarding even an inch of
Pakistan's land is considered a martyr.

Shaikh ul Arab Wal Ajam Mujadid e Zaman a Arifbillah Hazrat Aqdas Maulana
Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb

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