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Granny Garbagecan.

With a nasty sense of humor and a

cunning that has allowed her to snub her nose at even
archdevils, this elder green hag is a legend in her own right.
She has played a small but significant role in innumerable
tragedies throughout the ages. They say that she even played
a role in the fall of Netheril. But perhaps she is merely her
own best publicist. After all, there is a story for how she
played a role in almost every tragedy across the Sword Coast,
even today. They say she provided the murderers of Neri,
queen of the storm giants, with weapons mighty enough to
slay the giant queen. Rumors say that she played a hand in
sabotaging the ritual that lead to the demon lords escaping
the Abyss as a favor to Lolth. No one knows what Granny
Garbagecan is planning now, but it can be assured that it will
have far-reaching consequences.
Styrix Riftspanner. Once, this elder night hag was just one
of the many night hags that roamed the Grey Wastes of
Hades. However, the darklord Azalin, prisoner of the
Domains of Dread, pulled her into his fell land through dark
magic, trapping her there with him. Through long study, she
was able to devise a contraption that allowed her to escape,
making her one of the only beings to escape a domain of
dread, leaving Azalin cursing her name in impotent fury.
Since that day, she has made a name for herself and has set
up shop in Sigil, where she raises the styrix owls (see pg 84)
after which she is named and sells escape plans and other
cunning devices to planar travelers. It's believed that she
consorts with the ghost echoes of another elder night hag,
Ravel Puzzlewell, and that the two plot the release of the
Lady of Pain herself from Sigil.
Sweet Nana Crumblecakes. This elder annis hag
disguises herself as a kindly old widow who runs a boarding
school for misbehaving children out of her summer home in
the hills. In fact, she murdered the original owners of the
mansion and disguises herself as the wife with her skin, and
she uses the boarding school as a means of food, free labor,
and spreading her influence. The scrawny children she
transforms into quablyns (see pg 79) in order to force them to
bake her cakes, while the plumper children she dotes upon,
indulging them in sweets and hearty snacks until they're fat
enough to be butchered and cooked in her massive cauldron.
The cakes that she makes are sold in the nearby town, and
they cause children that indulge in them to lie, cheat, steal,
and otherwise misbehave, prompting their parents to send
them to Nana's boarding school, ensuring a constant supply.
The children are in turn replaced with changelings loyal to
Nana, which act as her agents in the world.

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