NeuroAna Definition of Terms

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Definition of Terms NeuroAnatomy

1. Afferent pathway towards the CNS. 2. Efferent pathway away the CNS. 3. Anastomosis joining of branches of arteries. 4. Caudal Pertaining to the tail or the hind part; Inferior to another structure, in the sense of being below it. 5. Cephalic/Cephalad/Rostral Relating to the head or the head end of the body; Situated on, in, or near the head. 6. Chiasm part where the two optic nerves cross. 7. Column a rigid, relatively slender, upright support, composed ofrelatively few pieces (as in vertebral column). 8. Commissure connecting band of nerve fiber that crosses the midline of the CNS, esp. one joining the right and left sides of the brain or spinal cord. 9. Contralateral/Ipsilateral affecting the opposite/same side of the body 10. Decussation crossing over to the opposite side. 11. Dorsal/Ventral relating to or situated at or close to the back/front of the body or to the posterior/anterior part of an organ.. 12. Fasciculus/Peduncle/Brachium slender bundle of fibers; stalk; branch. 13. Fissure cleft or groove. 14. Folia folds (as in folds in the cerebellar cortex); A broad, thin, leaflike structure (lamellae), on the surface of the cerebellar cortex. 15. Ganglia A ganglion is a sac-like swelling or cyst formed from the tissue that lines a joint or tendon. 16. Gyrus/Gyri folds (as in folds in the cerebral cortex); A convolution on the surface of a cerebral hemisphere caused by the infolding of the cerebral cortex. The gyri are bounded by crevices in the cortex called sulci. 17. Lamina A thin plate or layer of tissures. For example, the lamina arcus vertebrae, usually just called the lamina, are

plates of bone in each vertebral body. 18. Lemniscus a band of fibers, esp. of white nerve fibers in the brain, conveying information from the spinal cord and brainstems upwards through the midbrain to the higher centers. 19. Nucleus a group of nerve cells. 20. Plexus In medicine, a network or tangle of lymphatic vessels, nerves, or veins. 21. Somatic Relating to the body wall; somatikos = body. 22. Somatotopic maintainance of spatial organization within the CNS. 23. Tract a bundle of nerve fibers having a common origin anddestination. 24. Cerebro pertaining to cerebrum/cerebral hemisphere. 25. Cerebellum The portion of the brain in the back of the head between the cerebrum and the brain stem. The cerebellum controls balance for walking and standing and other complex motor functions. 26. Meningo prefix pertaining to meningeal membranes. 27. Myelo prefix pertaining to spinal cord. 28. Encephalo Gk. enkephalon; prefix meaning brain. 29. Neuro prefix pertaining to nerve, nerves, nervous system. 30. Ponto Pertaining to the pons, a structure in the brain. 31. Mesen medial. 32. Myo denoting a relationship to muscle. 33. Vestibulo prefix pertaining to vestibular system. 34. Olivo prefix pertaining to the olive, a structure in the brain. 35. Reticulo prefix meaning net; network; netsite. 36. Tecto prefix meaning roof-like. 37. Axo prefix pertaining to axon. 38. Somato prefix pertaining to body. 39. Rubro prefix pertaining to red nucleus, midbrain area. 40. Spino prefix pertaining to spine, spinous.

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