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(Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh)


Session 2023-24

Under the Supervision of



I hereby declare that the work presented in this report entitled “STUDY AND ANALYSIS

OF BI TOOL”, was carried out by me. I have not submitted the matter embodied in this
report for the award of any other degree or diploma of any other University or Institute. I
have given due credit to the original authors/sources for all the words, ideas, diagrams,
graphics, computer programs, experiments, results, that are not my original contribution. I
have used quotation marks to identify verbatim sentences and given credit to the original
I affirm that no portion of my work is plagiarized, and the experiments and results reported
in the report are not manipulated. In the event of a complaint of plagiarism and the
manipulation of the experiments and results, I shall be fully responsible and answerable.

Name :

Roll. No. :

Specialization :

(Candidate Signature)


Approved by A.I.C.T.E. & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University

This is to certify that …SPARSH SHARMA , MBA22245 has
undertaken this project titled “RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION
PROCESS” for the partial fulfillment of the award of Master of
Administration degree from Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Technical
University, Lucknow (U. P.).
I wish him/ her all the best for his/her bright future ahead.

Project Supervisor Department of

Management Studies

Head of Department Department of

Management Studies



I deem it a great privilege to thank all those people who helped me to

complete this project work. I express my sincere thanks to the management
MANAGEMENT and our respected Head of the department
…………………………………………………………for giving me this
opportunity to undertake the project work.

I am deeply obliged to my project

guide……………………………………., without whose guidance and
encouragement at all levels , the study wouldn't have been completed. All
those employees of “PCS” deserve special thanks for their cooperation and
help in the collection of necessary and relevant material for this work.

Also, I do thank and remember my friends for their effort and helping hand.

I express my profound thanks to

…………………………………………………, for giving me valuable
advice and guidance and sparing valuable time in clarifying various points
raised by me.

Every effort has been made to enhance the quality of work. However, I owe
the sole responsibility of the shortcoming, if any, in the study.





















The project “Study and Analysis of Tableau/power BI Tool” proves its importance in the
current scenario of people and company to be more data driven. As the market-leading
choice for modern business intelligence, Tableau analytics platform makes it easier for
people to explore and manage data, and faster to discover and share insights that can
change businesses and the world. Everything we do is driven by this mission to help people
see and understand data, which is why our products are designed to put the user first—
whether they’re an analyst, data scientist, student, teacher, executive, or business user. From
connection through collaboration, Tableau is the most powerful, secure, and flexible end-to-
end analytics platform. The great thing about Tableau software is that it doesn’t require any
technical or any kind of programming skills to operate. The tool has garnered interest
among the people from all sectors such as business, researchers, different industries, etc.

People have a hard time getting much useful information from raw data until they
perform some sort of data analysis on the numbers. In the past, it was fairly common to
simply do some magic and produce numbers that summarized the data and call the job
complete. Today, executives expect their staff to go well beyond simply producing
reports that summarize data numerically. People want insightful graphical representations
that make it easier to understand the results of the data analysis

The project work objectively focuses on:

Primary objective:
 To study and analyze Tableau tool.
 To Fulfill the customer Requirement
 Technical level study of Tableau tool.
 Functional level study of Tableau tool.

Secondary objectives:
 Preparation of detail report of Tableau tool.
 Analyze and interpret visualization types in Tableau tool
 Future Modification in Tableau software.

The study has been done by analyzing tool from various aspects like Architecture, Types
of Connections and Files, Types of charts and interpreting based on same. Discussion and


official documentation as a primary data collection source. And Books, Reports are used
as a secondary data collection source.
Findings of project work Strengths:

 Remarkable VIsual Image Capabilities

 Ease of Use
 High Performance
 Multiple Information Supply Connections  Thriving Community and Forum
 Mobile-Friendly

 High Cost
 Inflexible Valuation
 Poor After-Sales Support  Security Problems
 IT Help For Correct Use
 Poor BI Capabilities
 Poor Versioning
 Embedment Problems
 Time & Resource-Intensive Employees Coaching

From weaknesses & observation of the tool, there is need to overcome this flaws and
 Handle an Unlicensed Server
 Handle an Unlicensed VizQL Server Process
 Cookie Restriction Error
 Troubleshoot Trusted Authentication  Troubleshoot Server Processes
 Troubleshoot Desktop License Reporting
 Troubleshoot Disk Space Usage on Tableau Server Nodes
 Troubleshoot Run As User

Following are the conclusions made for the project work:

Tableau is a very useful tool loaded with user-friendly features and functionalities which
helps us extract valuable information from raw data and analyze it using visualizations.


1.1 Introduction to Topic:

1.1.1 What is Tableau?

Tableau is a visual analytics platform transforming the way we use data to solve
problems—empowering people and organizations to make the most of their data.

Tableau is a powerful and fastest growing data visualization tool used in the Business
Intelligence Industry. It helps in simplifying raw data in a very easily understandable
format. Tableau helps create the data that can be understood by professionals at any level
in an organization. It also allows non-technical users to create customized dashboards.
Data analysis is very fast with Tableau tool and the visualizations created are in the form
of dashboards and worksheets.

The best features of Tableau software are

• Data Blending
• Real time analysis
• Collaboration of data

The great thing about Tableau software is that it doesn’t require any technical or any kind
of programming skills to operate. The tool has garnered interest among the people from
all sectors such as business, researchers, different industries, etc.

1.1.2 Tableau Product Suite:

The Tableau Product Suite consists of

• Tableau Desktop
• Tableau Public
• Tableau Online
• Tableau Server
• Tableau Reader

For a clear understanding, data analytics in Tableau tool can be classified into two
1. Developer Tools: The Tableau tools that are used for development such as the
creation of dashboards, charts, report generation, visualization fall into this
category. The Tableau products, under this category, are the Tableau Desktop and
the Tableau Public.
2. Sharing Tools: As the name suggests, the purpose of these Tableau products is
sharing the visualizations, reports, dashboards that were created using the
developer tools. Products that fall into this category are Tableau Online, Server,
and Reader.

Let’s study all the Tableau products one by one.

 Tableau Desktop
Tableau Desktop has a rich feature set and allows you to code and customize reports.
Right from creating the charts, reports, to blending them all together to form a dashboard,
all the necessary work is created in Tableau Desktop.

For live data analysis, Tableau Desktop provides connectivity to Data Warehouse, as well
as other various types of files. The workbooks and the dashboards created here can be
either shared locally or publicly.

Based on the connectivity to the data sources and publishing option, Tableau Desktop is
classified into

• Tableau Desktop Personal: The development features are similar to Tableau

Desktop. Personal version keeps the workbook private, and the access is limited.
The workbooks cannot be published online. Therefore, it should be distributed
either Offline or in Tableau Public.
• Tableau Desktop Professional: It is pretty much similar to Tableau Desktop. The
difference is that the work created in the Tableau Desktop can be published online
or in Tableau Server. Also, in Professional version, there is full access to all sorts
of the datatype. It is best suitable for those who wish to publish their work in
Tableau Server.

 Tableau Public
It is Tableau version specially build for the cost-effective users. By the word “Public,” it
means that the workbooks created cannot be saved locally; in turn, it should be saved to
the Tableau’s public cloud which can be viewed and accessed by anyone.

There is no privacy to the files saved to the cloud since anyone can download and access
the same. This version is the best for the individuals who want to learn Tableau and for
the ones who want to share their data with the general public.

 Tableau Server
The software is specifically used to share the workbooks, visualizations that are created in
the Tableau Desktop application across the organization. To share dashboards in the
Tableau Server, you must first publish your work in the Tableau Desktop. Once the work
has been uploaded to the server, it will be accessible only to the licensed users.

However, It’s not necessary that the licensed users need to have the Tableau Server
installed on their machine. They just require the login credentials with which they can
check reports via a web browser. The security is high in Tableau server, and it is much
suited for quick and effective sharing of data in an organization.

The admin of the organization will always have full control over the server. The hardware
and the software are maintained by the organization.


 Tableau Online
As the name suggests, it is an online sharing tool of Tableau. Its functionalities are similar
to Tableau Server, but the data is stored on servers hosted in the cloud which are
maintained by the Tableau group.

There is no storage limit on the data that can be published in the Tableau Online. Tableau
Online creates a direct link to over 40 data sources that are hosted in the cloud such as the
MySQL, Hive, Amazon Aurora, Spark SQL and many more.

To publish, both Tableau Online and Server require the workbooks created by Tableau
Desktop. Data that is streamed from the web applications say Google Analytics, are also supported by Tableau Server and Tableau Online.

 Tableau Reader
Tableau Reader is a free tool which allows you to view the workbooks and visualizations
created using Tableau Desktop or Tableau Public. The data can be filtered but editing and
modifications are restricted. The security level is zero in Tableau Reader as anyone who
gets the workbook can view it using Tableau Reader.

1.1.3 How does Tableau works:

Tableau connects and extracts the data stored in various places. It can pull data from any
platform imaginable. A simple database such as an excel, pdf, to a complex database like
Oracle, a database in the cloud such as Amazon webs services, Microsoft Azure SQL
database, Google Cloud SQL and various other data sources can be extracted by Tableau.

When Tableau is launched, ready data connectors are available which allows you to
connect to any database. Depending on the version of Tableau that you have purchased
the number of data connectors supported by Tableau will vary.

The pulled data can be either connected live or extracted to the Tableau’s data engine,
Tableau Desktop. This is where the Data analyst, data engineer work with the data that
was pulled up and develop visualizations. The created dashboards are shared with the
users as a static file. The users who receive the dashboards views the file using Tableau

The data from the Tableau Desktop can be published to the Tableau server. This is an
enterprise platform where collaboration, distribution, governance, security model,


automation features are supported. With the Tableau server, the end users have a better
experience in accessing the files from all locations be it a desktop, mobile or email.

1.1.4 Tableau Uses:

Following are the main uses and applications of Tableau:

• Business Intelligence
• Data Visualization
• Data Collaboration
• Data Blending
• Real-time data analysis
• Query translation into visualization
• To import large size of data
• To create no-code data queries
• To manage large size metadata

1.2 Reason for selecting Topic and Organization:

Summer project is an integral part of any MBA degree which gives an exposure to the
student to gain knowledge about the corporate and practical world. Pace Analytics
provided me the platform to work on my area of interest with them and with their
guidance, I tried firm my grip on Visualization tools.
Pace Analytics is well reputed company, which also provides live projects to work on so I
choose this company for my internship. Almost all companies rely on data visualization
tools and data related study to take important decision organization. So because of
interest in this topic I choose this topic for my summer internship.
Thus, working in such a well known reputed and high ambitious organization would
definitely help me in acquiring various managerial skills and knowledge related to
software analysis, development and managerial functions, organizational environment
and communication techniques of the corporate relations.

1.2.1 Scope of Work:

Companies around the world endeavor to make data-driven decisions and gain
competitive advantage. However, the overly complex and outdated tools of the past are
now making users restless and frustrated. We will see how Tableau enables you to have a


conversation with your data, leading to powerful analysis and quicker insight for easier
real-time decision making.
People have a hard time getting much useful information from raw data until they
perform some sort of data analysis on the numbers. In the past, it was fairly common to
simply do some magic and produce numbers that summarized the data and call the job
complete. Today, executives expect their staff to go well beyond simply producing
reports that summarize data numerically. People want insightful graphical representations
that make it easier to understand the results of the data analysis

1.3 Objectives of the Project: Primary

 To study and analyze Tableau tool.
 To Fulfill the customer Requirement  Technical level study of Tableau tool.
 Functional level study of Tableau tool.

Secondary objectives:
 Preparation of detail report of Tableau tool.
 Analyze and interpret visualization types in Tableau tool  Future Modification in
Tableau software.

1.4 Limitation of Project:

 As project duration was limited up to 2 months only.
 Time duration for the project was 8 weeks, which is very less to understand the
whole system.
 The company does not allow the outsider to have any study/research work in
company. Therefore, a getting projects work in company itself is very difficult.
 The study was limited only to Tableau software.

1.5 Downloading the Tableau trial

Before you can begin using Tableau, you’ll have to pay a visit to the Tableau Software
website and download the current version of the software. You’ll need to register first,
but you don’t need to supply a credit card number, so don’t worry about getting billed.
The trial version of Tableau that you download will work for 14 days, so you’ll want to
make sure that you have some free time in your schedule to try out the application during


that trial period. You probably don’t want to begin your trial just before you leave for a
relaxing vacation.

To download your free Tableau trial, follow these steps:

1. Open your web browser and visit and click on
“Try it Free.” The default version of Tableau Desktop starts to download automatically.
This will be either the 64-bit Windows version or the Mac version, depending on your
computer. If you need a different version, cancel the download and click the 32-bit
Windows link or the Mac link to download one of those versions.

2. Wait for your download to complete.

That’s pretty much it. The next section walks you through how to install your
downloaded software.

1.6 Installing the trial software

After the download has completed, you can install the trial immediately or wait until
later. If you don’t want to install the software right now, be sure to remember where you
saved the file. If you do want to install the trial now, follow these steps:

1. Click the Run button in the dialog box that appears in order to begin the installation
If you don’t install the trial immediately, locate the saved file later and run it to begin the

2. Read the license agreement and then select the check box to indicate that you’ve
read and agree with the terms.
You won’t be able to install the software unless you select this check box.


Figure 1.1: Downloading trial version

3. Click the Install button to continue.

4. After the installation completes, click the Start Trial Now link if you’d like to begin
using the software

 About us:
Ai variant is a dedicated team of AI and Data Science Engineers to drive your business to the

next level. When you approach us for any project, we diagonalize it in every possible way to

give you the best possible result in the least time. Our approach is unique, and so our

strategies to automate your business using the latest technologies. We add value to your

service that you provide to your clients. AI Variant specialized in Artificial Intelligence and

Data Science as services, Your BI solutions, and your automation partner. We help big

corporates, enterprise companies, and start-ups to automate their business, improve

functionalities, and provide hassle-free services.


4.1 Name, address and location of company:

Figure 4.1:Company Logo

Ai variant
#49, Ground Floor, 27th
Main Near IQRA
International School, opposite to WIF Hospital, 1st Stage,
BTM Layout,
Bengaluru, Karnataka -
Mobile: 9404770874




Some of the ways we can work together

Figure : How company works together



In the late 21st century, the generation of reports was done by IT professionals. The
demands of the professionals have been increasing daily. This is because of the increase
in the large amount of data. Handling a vast amount of data manually is not an easy task.
Hence, the development of the tools has made the work easier for business teams. With
the tools, features, there are some drawbacks or additional opportunities that could
enhance the tool and the business. These opportunities are represented in the form of
updated versions of the tools. Tableau also has many versions, representing the new
updates whenever released.

Tableau is a widely used visualization tool. There are many enhancements and versions
that were developed on demand of its uses. Tableau kept on releasing its new versions,
new updates on its official website. Let us have a quick review of the recent updates or
versions of Tableau.

3.1 Tableau Versions:

Tableau 2021.4:

Tableau 2021.4 is here with new capabilities to better support secure, connected analytics
in the flow of your business—and of course, some delightful capabilities to help you
work faster and get more value from your data.

Tableau 2021.3:

Tableau 2021.3 is here with new capabilities to bring efficiency to your workflows and
organization at scale, so that you and your team can move faster and make more effective
business decisions. Highlights include updates to Data management, Tableau notifications
for Slack, and Personal Space on Tableau Server and Online.

Tableau 2021.2:

Tableau 2021.2 brings the power of data to everyone across your organization so that
anyone can ask questions and get answers from their data. Highlights include new
experiences for Ask Data and Explain Data, Collections, and a connected Tableau
Desktop experience for web authoring.

Tableau 2021.1:


Tableau 2021.1 brings exciting functionality to help your people make smarter, faster,
business decisions. Highlights include Einstein Discovery in Tableau, quick LODs, and
new unified notification experience
Tableau 2020.4:

Tableau 2020.4 brings practical enhancements to make analytics in your organization

more seamless and scalable. Highlights include Tableau Prep Builder in the browser,
spatial improvements, and Resource Monitoring Tool for Tableau Server on Linux.

Tableau 2020.3:

Tableau 2020.3 brings powerful functionality to help scale your analytics, making trusted
data more accessible to everyone. Highlights include write to external databases in
Tableau Prep, grant license on sign in, and deeper integration with SAP.

Tableau 2020.2:

Tableau 2020.2 brings significant enhancements to help organizations through their

analytics journey. Highlights include Metrics, set control, and enhancements to Tableau's
data model with relationships to help you elevate your relationship with data.

Tableau 2020.1:

Tableau 2020.1 includes exciting ways to add powerful interactivity to your data,
bringing to life some of the most-requested features from the Tableau Community. Enjoy
dynamic parameters, buffer calculations, and viz animations to tell even more powerful,
moving stories behind your data.

Tableau 2019.4:

2019.4 brings functionality to make it easier for customers to find, connect to, and
analyze their data. Highlight features this release include significant table improvements,
view recommendations for Tableau Server and Online, and Webhooks support to help
further integrate and extend the Tableau platform.

Tableau 2019.3:

This is one of the latest versions, which includes a unique feature called tableau catalog.
This catalog allows its users to have an entire viewD
ata is connected and represented with analytics. It gives insights into the business
organization's development, which is one of the most critical aspects of using this tool. It
also includes a tableau server management addon, which allows execution with highly


increased manageability. It improves and monitors performance and content management


Tableau 2019.2:

The tableau 2019.2 version includes dynamic parameters that govern the filters and
calculations. This drives the visualization as expected as for the business needs.
It also includes another exciting feature that provide smoother and sharper map-based
visualization that helps users understand and analyze the data quickly.

Tableau 2019.1:

• Tableau 2019.1 is one of the latest versions with functionality, which is a natural
language-based call data. The ask data functionality provides insights that can be
produced from the data by asking some questions.
• It also provides a feature twitch alerts using the data sources and the workbook on
the same page using the mixed content type.
• It also helps in exporting the insights to the PowerPoint to build a highly
interactive and understanding presentation.

Tableau 2018. 3:

• Tableau has turned out to be a powerful tool when this version has come up with
the feature called a heat map. Heatmap usually refers to the type of visualization
data that combines a scatter plot's characteristics along with the color
• It also came up with the possibility to add dynamic actions. This helps change the
visualization on a real-time basis by clicking or selecting the part of the map. It
also came up with the feature of connecting with R, which makes it more secure.

Tableau 2018.2:

• This version has implemented the functionality of joining the data sets allowing
the common data to be joined. This is found to be useful in the context of spatial
• It also includes another advanced option called nested sorting along with mobile-
friendly dashboards that can be built quickly. The mobile-friendly dashboard has
become easy and useful for the business user, creating the dashboard using the
automatic table layouts in seconds.
• An additional feature of ISO 8601 standard weeks is included in tableau 2018.2,
which can be used with calculator-based visualizations and calculations.


Tableau 2018.1:

• It has implemented the concept of establishing the connection from the SQL
server to the spatial data. Tableau 2018.1 version has paved the way for more in-
depth analysis to derive the different business spatial data sizes.
• It also came up with the clustering feature, which has made the two more
advanced get the data refreshed on a real-time basis.
Tableau 2010.5:

• This version of Tableau has come up with the name of feature as Hyper, which
makes operations related to the complex data sets to work faster.
• It also allows and provides flexibility for the developers and users to create nested
projects wherein the project can be nested based on the permission levels set up as
per the requirement. This helps in systematically working with the project.
• Tableau Server can be used over the Linux operating system from this version.

Tableau 2010.4:

• Tableau has offered a real-time conversation facility for the analyst to collaborate
and discuss the analysis made.
• It has also started supporting okta mobile connect, which led to the increase in the
scope of Tableau Mobile Data Analytics.

Tableau 2010.3:

• The tableau 2010.3 version has come up with an opportunity to load the data
faster on the tableau server's workbooks. This worked because of the automatic
precaching of queries.
• This Tableau version also implemented the Tableau bridge, which helps connect
the live on-premises data from Tableau online, allowing users to use the cloud

Tableau 2010.2:

• This version has brought improvements to the marks card, viral all the details can
be viewed at a glance without scrolling.
• It also implemented legends which can be created separately for individual
measures in the context of graphs.

Tableau 2010.1:


• This version has got a feature called geocoding, which is essential in Tableau.
This feature allows IATA and ICAO quotes to be recognized easily.
• It also allows the creation of dynamic and out of box visualization by facilitating a
drill up taken into another level.

Tableau 2010.0:

• This version allowed Leveraging site SAML (Security Assertion Markup

Language) on the tableau server based on the user.
• It also provided an additional Addon that includes new administrative views that
provide insight into Tableau's licensing and usage.
3.2 Books referred:

 Mastering Tableau 2021 Third Edition, Implement advanced business intelligence

techniques and analytics with Tableau, by Marleen Meier David Baldwi
 Tableau for Dummies, A Wiley Brand, by Molly Monsey and Paul Sochan

3.3 Websites referred

  https://data-

Literature review gives an overview of what has been said, who the key writers are, what
are the prevailing theories, what questions are being asked and what methods and
methodologies are appropriate and useful. As such, it is not in itself primary research, but
rather it reports on other findings. Literature review enhance my knowledge very well
which I use in successful completion of my analysis project. I am confident that this
research will become useful milestone in my successful career.


4.1 Tableau Architecture
Tableau has a highly scalable, n-tier client-server architecture that serves mobile clients,
web clients, and desktop-installed software. Tableau Desktop is the authoring and
publishing tool that is used to create shared views on Tableau Server. Tableau
Server is an enterprise-class business analytics platform to level up thousands of clients.
Tableau Server presents powerful mobile and browser-based analytics and workings
among a company’s presented data strategy and security protocols.

Figure 4.1: Tableau Architecture 1

4.1.1 Advantages of Tableau Server

• Scales up: Is multi-threaded

• Scales out: Is multi-process enabled
• Provides integrated clustering
• Supports High Availability
• Is secure


• Runs on both physical and Virtual Machines

With the right training in Tableau, you can make a good career in BI and get the best BI
jobs in top companies.

The following diagram shows the Tableau Server’s architecture:

Figure 4.2: Tableau Architecture 2

 Data Layer

One of the basic characteristics of Tableau is to supports your choice of data architecture.
It does not need your data to be stocked in any single system, proprietary or otherwise.
Nearly all organizations have a heterogeneous data environment, data warehouses live
alongside databases and Cubes, and flat files like Excel are still very much in use. You do
not have to get the entire data in memory until you choose to. If your existing data
platforms are fast and scalable, then it permits you to straightly control your investment
by utilizing the power of the database to respond to problems. If this is not the case, theni
t provides simple options to improve your data to be fast and responsive with our fast in-
memory Data Engine.


 Data Connectors

It consists of a number of optimized data connectors for databases. There are also
common ODBC connectors designed for any system without a native connector. It offers
two modes in support of interacting with data: Live connection or In-memory. Clients can
switch between alive and in-memory connections as they desire.

 Live Connection

Data connectors of Tableau control your available data infrastructure by transferring

dynamic SQL or MDX statements straightly to the source database except for importing
every data. If you have provided in a quick and analytics optimized database such as
Vertica then you get the advantages of that investing by connecting live to your data. This
leaves the detailed data in the source system and sends the aggregate outcomes of the
query to Tableau. In addition, this means that Tableau can effectively utilize unlimited
amounts of data – in fact, Tableau is the front-end analytics client to several of the largest
databases in the world. It has optimized every connector to receive the advantage of the
unique characteristics of every data source.

 In-Memory

It presents a fast, in-memory Data Engine to optimize for analytics. You can connect to
your data and after that, with one click, extract your data to get it in-memory in Tableau.
Tableau’s Data Engine fully consumes your entire system to attain fast queries answers
on millions of rows of data on commodity hardware. Since the Data Engine can use disk
storage as well as RAM and cache memory, it is not confined to the quantity of memory
on a system. This is not essential that an entire data set be loaded into memory to attain
its performance objectives.


 Application Server

It processes (wgserver.exe) hold browsing and permissions for the Tableau Server web
and mobile interfaces. When a user opens a view in a client device, that user begins a
session on Tableau Server. Then the Application Server thread begins and verifies the
permissions for that user and that view.

 VizQL Server

If a view is released, the client sends a request to the VizQL process (vizqlserver.exe).
The VizQL process then sends queries directly to the data source, returning a result set
that is rendered as images and presented to the user. Each VizQL Server has its own
cache that can be shared across multiple users.

 Data Server

Tableau Data Server allows you centrally control and store Tableau data sources. It also
manages metadata from Tableau Desktop, like calculations, definitions, and groups. The
published data source can be founded on:

• A Tableau Data Engine extract

• A live connection to a relational database (cubes are not supported)

 Backgrounder

The backgrounder refreshes scheduled extracts and manages other background tasks.

Gateway/ Load Balancer

It is the primary Tableau Server that trails requests to other components. Requests which
come in from the client firstly strike the gateway server and are then routed to the
appropriate procedures. If multiple procedures are configured for any component, the
Gateway will work as a load balancer and share the requests with the procedures. In a
single-server configuration, every procedure sits on the Gateway, or primary server.
When running in a distributed atmosphere, one physical machine is designated as the


primary server and the others are designated as worker servers which can run any
numbero f other procedures. Tableau Server always uses only one machine as the primary

 Clients (Web Browsers and Mobile Apps)

It offers interactive dashboards toward clients using zero-footprint HTML and JavaScript
(AJAX) in a web browser, or natively through a mobile app. No plug-ins or helper
applications are necessary. Tableau Server supports:

• Web browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.

• Mobile Safari: Touch-optimized views are automatically served on mobile Safari.
• iPad app: Native iPad application that provides touch-optimized views and
content browsing.
• Android app: Native Android application that provides touch-optimized views
and content browsing.
• Android browser: Touch-optimized views are automatically offered in the
Android browser.

Clients (Tableau Desktop): Tableau Desktop is the rapid-fire authoring environment used
to generate and publish sights, reports, and dashboards to Tableau Server. Using this, a
report author can tie with multiple data sources, explore relationships, create
dashboards, modify metadata, and finally issue a completed workbook or data source to
Tableau Server. It also opens any workbooks issued on Tableau Server or connects to
anyp ublished data sources, whether issued as an extract or a live connection.

5.1 Working with Tableau Environment

Here, we will see the working environment of Tableau:

Opening and Closing the Application

The first thing to understand is how to open and close the application.


 Open Tableau
There are several ways to open Tableau from your computer.
Firstly you have to open the application by doing one of the following:

• Double-click the Tableau icon lying on your computer. After that Select Start > All
Programs > Tableau.
• Double-click a Tableau workbook or bookmark file. Tableau files are usually
stored in the My Tableau Repository folder of your My Documents folder.

 Close Tableau

When you are complete working in Tableau then you should save your task and close the
To close the application follows these steps:

 Click the Close icon located in the right corner of the application title bar.
After that Select File > Exit. If your workbook has not been saved, you will be asked
whether you want to save it.

4.2 Understanding Data Connections

Tableau is a very powerful tool, but without a usable source data, it’s a tool looking for
work. If you don’t have the data you need, you can’t do any analyses or visualizations.

Connecting Tableau to your data

At the time of writing, Tableau's data connection menu includes more than 70 different
connection types. And that's somewhat of an understatement since some of those types
contain multiple options.
Upon opening a new instance of Tableau Desktop, you'll notice a link in the top-left
corner of the workspace. Clicking on that link will enable you to connect to the data.
Alternatively, you can click on the New Data Source icon on the toolbar:


Figure 4.3: Connecting to data

Although in future chapters we'll connect to other data sources, here we'll limit the
discussion to connecting to Microsoft Excel and text files
4.3 Connecting to a file

Let's see how you can connect to a file, using Excel as an example:
1. In a new instance of Tableau, navige to Data | New Data Source | Excel to connect to
the sample Superstore dataset that installs with Tableau Desktop (it should be located
on your hard drive under My Tableau Repository | Data sources).
2. Double-click on the Orders sheet.
3. Click on the New Worksheet tab, as shown in Figure 1.25:


Figure 4.4: New worksheet

4. Rename the newly created tab to First Worksheet by right-clicking and selecting
5. Place Discount on the Text shelf in the Marks card.
6. Double-click on Profit and Sales:

Figure 4.4: First worksheet

Connecting to Tableau Server

Connecting to Tableau Server is perhaps the single most important server connection type
to consider, since it's frequently used to provide a better level of performance than may
otherwise be possible. Additionally, connecting to Tableau Server enables the author to


receive not only data, but information regarding how that data is to be interpreted—for
example, whether a given field should be considered a measure or a dimension. We'll
discuss the difference between these terms in the Dimensions and measures section later
in the chapter.The following are the steps for connecting to Tableau Server:
1. To complete this exercise, access to an instance of Tableau Server is necessary. If you
don't have access to Tableau Server, consider installing a trial version on your local
2. In the workbook associated with this chapter, navigate to the Connecting to Tableau
Server worksheet.
3. Right-click on the Superstore data source and select Publish to Server…:

Figure 4.5: Publish to Server

4. Log in to Tableau Server and follow the prompts to complete the publication of the
data source.
5. Open a new instance of Tableau Desktop and select Data | New Data Source | Tableau
Server, then search for the Superstore dataset you just published and connect. Having
completed the preceding two exercises, let's discuss the most germane point, that is, metadata.
Metadata is often defined as data about the data. In the preceding case, the data source name,
default aggregation, and default number formatting are all examples of consistency across
multiple authors.
6. If you were to change a field name, for example, then publish the data source to Tableau
Server, the new field name would remain, since Tableau remembers changes made to the
metadata. This is important, for example, if your company has a policy regarding the use of
decimal points when displaying currency; that policy will be easily adhered to if all Tableau


authors start building workbooks by pointing to data sources where all formatting has been

Connecting to saved data sources

Connecting to a saved data source on a local machine is very similar to connecting to a
data source published on Tableau Server. Metadata definitions associated with the local
data source are preserved just as they are on Tableau Server. Of course, since the data
source is local instead of remote, the publication process is different. Let's explore the
following steps to create a local data connection using an example:
1. In the workbook associated with this chapter, navigate to the First Worksheet tab.
2. In the Data pane, right-click on the Superstore data source and select Add to Saved
Data Sources.
3. Using the resulting dialog box, save the data source as Superstore in My Tableau
Repository | Data sources, which is located on your hard drive.
4. Click on the Go to Start icon located in the top-left part of your screen and observe the
newly saved data source:

Figure 4.6: Saved Data Sources


5.1 Tableau application:

Improving popular visualizations
Most popular visualizations are popular for good reason. Basic bar charts and line graphs
are familiar, intuitive, and flexible and are thus widely used in data visualization. Other, less
basic visualizations such as bullet graphs and Pareto charts may not be something you use
every day but are nonetheless useful additions to a data analyst's toolbox. In this section, we
will explore ideas for how to tweak, extend, and even overhaul a few popular chart types.

5.1.1 Bullet graphs

The bullet graph was invented by Stephen Few and communicated publicly in 2006 through
his book Information Dashboard Design: The Effective Visual Communication of Data.
Bullet graphs communicate efficiently and intuitively by packing a lot of information into a
small space while remaining attractive and easy to read. Understandably, they have gained
much popularity and are being utilized for many purposes, as can be seen through a web
search. The intent is merely to relay how this important visualization type can be more
effectively used in Tableau. Let's get started.

Step 1: Open a blank/new sheet in a Tableau workbook with your dataset uploaded. We
select one dimension field; Sub-category and two measure fields; Profit and Sales from the
list of fields. Then, we select the bullet graph option from the visualization pane. Click on
Show Me option to access the visualization pane.

Figure Create Bullet graph step 1

Step 2: Now, we will get a bullet chart which will have bars with grey lines in the background
and blue lines on top of that. The grey lines are known as reference lines and the blue ones are
the actual lines. So, from our two selected measures, one will become the reference line and
another will become the main line (blue). The reference line field is the one that is shown on
the Detail card of the Marks section.

Figure Create Bullet graph step 2

Step 3: Next, we set the aggregation type for our line. We select it as Average. You can also
set the bar type, scope, line, label, tooltip, formatting of the bars and lines, etc from the

editing box in tableau. To access this editing box, right-click on the x-axis and select the Edit
Figure Create Bullet graph step Figure Create Bullet graph step Figure Create Bullet graph step Figure Create Bullet graph step Figure
Create Bullet graph step Figure Create Bullet graph step Axis option.

Figure Create Bullet graph step 3

Step 4: Now, we edit the reference line to put percentage-wise segments of average profit
values on the reference line. To do this, we right-click on the Sales axis and select
Edit Reference Line option. Then, we select 50%,80% of the Average Profit.This opens a dialog
box from where you can edit and format the computations of the reference line.

Figure Create Bullet graph step 4

By selecting the percent average option, the reference line divides itself into three segments.
When you hover the cursor over the reference line, you will first see a 50% of Average Profit
mark with the value.

Step 5: Thus, our final bullet chart showing sales and profit values for each electronics sub-
category or brand is ready. When you hover over any of the individual bars, you will
get more information regarding it such as sub-category name, total profit value for the
subcategory and total sales for the sub-category.

Figure Create Bullet graph step 5

5.1.2. Pies and donuts
Pie charts are normally frowned upon in data visualization circles. They simply have too
many drawbacks. For instance, pie charts don't utilize space well on a rectangular screen.
Treemaps fit much better. Also, the number of slices that are reasonable on a pie chart is
fairly limited, perhaps six to eight at best. Once again, tree maps are superior because they
can be sliced at a finer level of granularity while remaining useful. Lastly, when using pie
chart it can be difficult to discern which of two similarly sized slices is largest. Tree maps
are no better in this regard; however, if the viewer understands that treemap sorting is from
top left to bottom right, that knowledge can be used to distinguish size differences. Of
course, bar charts circumvent that particular problem entirely, since the eye can easily
distinguish widths and heights but struggles with angles (pie charts) and volume (treemaps).
Despite these drawbacks, because of their popularity, pie charts will likely continue to be

widely used in data visualization for years to come. For the pessimistic Tableau author, the
best course of action is to grin and bear it. But for one willing to explore and push frontier
boundaries, good uses for pie charts can be discovered. The following exercise is one
contribution to that exploration.

Pies and donuts on maps

Occasionally, there is a need (or perceived need) to construct pie charts atop a map. The
process is not difficult but there are some shortcomings that cannot be easily overcome.

The following are the steps:

Step 1: Convert Simple Bar Chart into Pie Chart

Open a worksheet in Tableau and drag a dimension field and a measure field into Columns
and Rows section respectively. Initially, a simple bar chart appears. Change that into a pie
chart by selecting the Pie charts option from the visualization pane. Click on Show
Me option to access the visualization pane.

Figure Create Bullet graph step 6

Step 2: Increase Size of the Tableau Pie Chart

As you can see in the screenshot below, a small pie chart appears on the editing pane. You
can increase the size of the pie chart by pressing and holding Shift+Ctrl and B. Click on B

several times to keep on increasing the size until it gets to the size of your choice. You can
also perform this operation from the Size option present in the Marks section.

Figure Create Pies and Donut graph step 2

Step 3: Drag and Drop Dimensions to Label Card

Now, you will have all the selected fields in the Marks section. You can drag and drop fields
from dimensions or measures section to the Label card to add labels on the pie chart. As you
can see in the screenshot below, we added a field named Sub- Category into the pie chart.
This adds the names of all the brands or subcategory items on each segment of the pie.
You can similarly add details and colors for the pie chart.

Figure Create Pies and Donut graph step 3

Step 4: Access Formatting Options

Tableau gives us a lot of formatting options for the pie chart as well. You can make a pie
chart look just as you like from the Format option. To access the formatting options,
rightclick on the pie chart and select Format.. option.

Figure Create Pies and Donut graph step 4

Step 5: Check the Pie Chart Showing Total Sales

In this way, our pie chart representing the total sales of each subcategory or electronic brand
is ready. You can hover your cursor over different colored sections of the pie and see details
specific to it.

Figure Create Pies and Donut graph step 5
Step 6: Analyze Another Pie Chart

Given below is another pie chart showing category as well as region-wise sales of an
electronic store. Please note that while creating pie charts, we suggest that you always use
broad categories rather than densely segmented categories.

For instance, you can analyze your pie chart better if you use the Category field than the
Sub-category field as there will be lesser category types than subcategory types. This does
not clutter the pie chart much and divides it into proper segments for us to analyze.

Figure Create Pies and Donut graph step 6

5.1.2 Pareto charts

In the late-19th century, an Italian economist named Vilfredo Pareto observed that 80% of
the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the people. As he looked around, he observed this
mathematical phenomenon in many unexpected places. For example, he noted that 80% of
the peas in his garden were produced from 20% of the peapods. As a result, although
Vilfredo Pareto is not a household name, the 80/20 rule has found its way into the popular
vernacular. In the following exercise, we'll discuss how to build a basic Pareto chart and
then how to expand that chart to make it even more useful.

Using Pareto charts

Of course, not every dataset is going to adhere to the 80/20 rule. Accordingly, the following
exercise considers loan data from a community bank where 80% of the loan balance is not
held by 20% of the bank's customers. Nonetheless, a Pareto chart can still be a very helpful
analytical tool.

Take the following steps:

For creating Tableau Pareto Chart first we have to create a bar chart.

a. Create a bar graph that shows Sales by Sub-Category in downwardsloping order.

i. Connect to the Sample – Superstore knowledge supply.

ii.From the size space of the information pane, drag Sub-Category to Columns. iii. From
the Measures space of the information pane, drag Sales to Rows.
iv. Click Sub-Category on Columns and select kind.

In the kind panel, do the following:

i. Under the kind order, select downward sloping.
ii. Under kind by, select Field. iii. Leave all alternative values unchanged, as well as Sales
because the chosen field and add because of the chosen aggregation. iv. Click alright to
exit the type of panel.

Products area unit currently sorted from highest sales to lowest.

b. Add a Line Chart
Add a Line Chart that additionally shows Sales by Sub-Category
i. From the Measures space of the information pane, drag Sales to the so much right of the
read, till a line appears:

Figure .5.1.3 b: Add a Line Chart – Tableau Pareto Chart

ii. Drop Sales, to make a dual-axis read. it is a bit exhausting to envision that there
unit 2 instances of the Sales bars at now, as a result of they’re organized identically.

iii. Select SUM(Sales) (2) on the Marks card, and alter the mark kind of Line.
This is what the look ought to appear as if at this point:

c. Add a Table Calculation

Add a Table calculation to the road chart to indicate sales by Sub-Category as a running total
and as a p.c of total
i. Click the second copy of SUM(Sales) on Rows and select Add Table Calculation. ii.
Add a primary table calculation to SUM(Sales) to gift sales as a running total. iii.
Choose Running Total because of the Calculation kind. iv. Do not shut the Table
Calculation panel.
v. Add a secondary table calculation to gift the information as a p.c of the overall. vi.
Click Add Secondary Calculation and select p.c of Total because of the Secondary
Calculation kind.
vii. This is what the Table Calculation panel ought to appear as if at this point:

Figure 5.3.1 c1: Create a Pareto Chart in Tableau

viii. Click the X in the upper-right corner of the Table Calculations panel to shut it. ix.
Click color the Marks card to vary the color of the road.

Figure 5.1.3 c2: Create a Tableau Pareto Chart 2

The result’s currently a sociologist chart:

So, this was all about Tableau Pareto Chart
6.1 Tableau Applications
Tableau finds its applications in a broad range of industries such as,
a) Healthcare analytics
b) Education analytics
c) Government sector
d) Marketing analytics
e) Insurance analytics
f) Hight technology analytics
g) Loan risk analysis
h) Public sector
i) Communication, media, and technology
j) Energy and resources
k) Retail and consumer goods
l) Financial services
m) Manufacturing

6.2 Companies Using Tableau
We end this tableau tutorial for beginners with this list of Companies using Tableau
throughout the world.

Cisco, Pepsico, CVS Health, Coca-Cola, Lenovo, LinkedIn, Bookimed, JPMorgan,

Lufthansa, Pfizer, Charles Schwab, Honeywell, Arbys, Oldcastle, AMAG, Seagate,
GoDaddy, Citrix, Tesla and many more

Figure 6.2: Companies using Tableau


The solution’s practicality isn’t restricted by the graphics data representation; there’s
additionally a heap of labor beneath the surface. Indeed, the appliance makes requests to the
cloud and relative databases, spreadsheets and OLAP cubes for the specified applied
mathematics knowledge, and so parses, categorizes and correlates it to come up with a
comprehensive analytical report.

If your company seeks to enhance analytics and find the foremost out of what knowledge
rendition offers, you want to have your sights assail Tableau knowledge image software
system. However, before being loving its exceptional visualizing capabilities, check the
solution’s limitations as they pertain to your business.

7.1 Tableau Pros and Cons let’s

discuss Tableau pros and cons:

a. Advantages of Tableau
Although Tableau’s key advantage of the last word quality visual image of interactive
information overshadows all alternative blessings, the list of tableau package edges the
tool brings to businesses is sort of long.

i. Remarkable VIsual Image Capabilities

Figure 7.1 Tableau Pros and Cons – Advantages of Tableau

Of course, the application’s information visualizing quality is superior to what Tableau

package competitors provide. Even the merchandise of ancient business intelligence vendors,
like Oracle information visual image or IBM’s merchandise for information rendition, cannot
vie with the illustration and style quality that Tableau provides.

It converts unstructured applied mathematics info into comprehensive logical results, that
square measure totally practical, interactive and appealing dashboards. {they square
measure|they’re} obtainable in many styles of graphics and are straightforward to use in
business affairs.

ii. Ease of Use

The tool’s intuitive manner of making graphics and an easy interface permit non-dev users
to utilize the fundamental app’s practicality to the fullest. Users organize data into catchy
diagrams in a very drag-and-drop method, that facilitates info Analyzing and eliminates the
necessity for the assistance of an IT department for pattern building.

Lay users will fancy the capabilities that Tableau offers for stats parsing, like dashboard
development, etc., while not in-depth coaching. However, to induce into the solution’s
capabilities, deeper information could be a should. Also, the shut involvement of IT
specialists could be a necessity if a corporation seeks to expand the solution’s practicality.

iii. High Performance

Apart from the Tableau’s high visual image practicality, users rate its overall performance as
strong and reliable. The tool conjointly operates quickly even on huge information.

iv. Multiple Information Supply Connections

The package supports establishing connections with several information sources, like
HADOOP, SAP and sound unit Technologies, that improves information analytics quality
and allows the making of a unified, informative dashboard. Such a dashboard grants access
to the desired info for any user.

v. Thriving Community and Forum

The number of Tableau’s fans UN agency invest their experience and skills into the
community will increase steadily. Business users will give a boost to their information on
information parsing and reportage and obtain several helpful insights during this
community. Also, forum guests square measure able to facilitate settle any user problems
and to share their expertise.

vi. Mobile-Friendly

There is a mobile app obtainable for IOS and automation, that adds quality to Tableau users
and permits them to stay statistics at their fingertips. The app supports full practicality that a
Desktop and online versions have.

b. Disadvantages of Tableau
Despite its superior visualizing and coming up with capabilities and its alternative blessings.
The Tableau package includes a variety of shortcomings that ought to be taken into thought.

Figure 7.2: Tableau Pros and Cons – Disadvantages of Tableau

I. High Cost

Tableau isn’t the foremost expensive visual image package, particularly compared to such
business intelligence giants as Oracle’s and IBM’s solutions. All identical, the license is sort
of expensive for many little to medium corporations.

Also, the package needs correct preparation, implementation, maintenance, ande mployees
coaching that come back at a sizeable worth. Therefore, its high price makes Tableau the
selection of primarily giant businesses. II. Inflexible Valuation

Tableau’s sales team isn’t versatile enough to produce an independent approach for his or
her customers. Ignoring the actual fact that every company has its own distinctive needs to

the visual image tool package, the Tableau sales model needs purchasers to get the extended
license from the beginning.

As a result, plenty of corporations that use Tableau hit the conclusion that they don’t would
like all their authorized options. they might like shopping for a collection of needed ones and
scale them if necessary. III. Poor After-Sales Support

On multiple message boards, users complain that Tableau package lacks correct after- sales
maintenance. If a client includes a package performance downside, the support team doesn’t
settle the matter by investigation the problem’s root and eliminating it. the most effective
they are doing is to advise getting a feature, which can complete their software’s

IV. Security Problems

Since visualizing solutions manipulate some confidential information, the vendors draw
special attention to security improvement. Despite Tableau’s deep concern for info safety, it
fails to produce centralized information level security.

It simply permits establishing a row level security, that stipulates that each user has his/her
own account. An excellent variety of accounts will increase the probabilities that the system
is also hacked.

V. IT Help For Correct Use

Although the package permits sure as shooting ease in its routine application, Tableau still
needs a big involvement of AN IT department in its additional configuration and basic
practicality enlargement.

Several operations need the creation of SQL queries, that is not possible while not
victimization the services of a talented developer. although untrained business users might
leverage the answer, they’ll not get the most effective out of it while not the help of IT.

VI. Poor BI Capabilities

As antecedently mentioned, the tool provides best-in-class info visual interpretation.
However, it lacks practicality needed for a full-fledged business intelligence tool, like large-
scale reportage, the building of information tables and static layouts.

Also, the answer has restricted capability for result sharing. Its notification practicality is
sort of straightforward, And solely an admin, not end-users, will put together scheduled
email subscription. a bit of code in Python permits to line strong trigger-based notifications.
However, the seller doesn’t support the choice.

VII. Poor Versioning

Only recent Tableau versions support revision history, whereas, for the older ones, package
rolling back is not possible.

VIII. Embedment Problems

Although the seller claims that its tool will be simply embedded into any business IT
landscape, in reality, the solution’s capabilities don’t afford a sleek embedment. Seamless
Tableau’s integration into a company’s product could be a real challenge from each the
money and technical points of the reading.
IX. Time & Resource-Intensive Employees Coaching

Basic use of the appliance doesn’t demand hyper-focused information in Tableau. However,
the tool’s visual image potential is almost unlimited, whereas the educational curve is
implausibly steep for non-analyst users. going to understand all of the tool’s capabilities
while not comprehensive worker coaching is almost not possible.

The educational half alone, on each the event and consumption facet, might take weeks or
months, before one will create the most effective use of the tool’s practicality and obtain AN
huge have the benefit of it. At the identical time, it will increase the price of possession
So, this was all about Tableau Pros and Cons Tutorial.

Findings of project work Strengths:

 Remarkable VIsual Image Capabilities
 Ease of Use
 High Performance
 Multiple Information Supply Connections  Thriving Community and Forum

 Mobile-Friendly Weakness:

 High Cost
 Inflexible Valuation
 Poor After-Sales Support  Security Problems
 IT Help For Correct Use
 Poor BI Capabilities
 Poor Versioning
 Embedment Problems
 Time & Resource-Intensive Employees Coaching

Suggestions to the organization in accordance with the Tableau tool

 Handle an Unlicensed Server

 Handle an Unlicensed VizQL Server Process

 Cookie Restriction Error

 Troubleshoot Trusted Authentication

 Troubleshoot Server Processes

 Troubleshoot Desktop License Reporting

 Troubleshoot Disk Space Usage on Tableau Server Nodes

฀ Troubleshoot Run as User
• Analytical Skills - Learned to analyze the needs of the business or client

• Problem-Solving -Learned working with the software from the beginning of a project
until completion, so Tableau developers need to be able to solve any problems that
arise during the development stage and find alternative ways around issues which is
most essential skill for working in corporate sector

• Innovative – Learned creative skills and the ability to create innovative solutions to
business problems. Tableau developers need to be self-motivated and have the
initiative to find solutions and improvements to systems during prototyping and
customer testing phases

• Detail-Oriented - Strong attention to detail in order to spot inaccuracies in coding or

data. Additionally, can remain focused when working on multiple parts of an
application or system at the same time

• Teamwork -Tableau developers work as part of a large team and work towards shared
business and department goals, so the ability to work professionally with others is
vital to being successful in securing job

Contribution To Host Organization

Data is now more accessible than ever. To improve efficiency in business processes, every
organization collects related information. However, very few companies haver ealized the
importance of analyzing this data that leads the business in a direction of improvement or
change. There are certain questions that companies find difficult to find solutions to:

Visualizing the analysis

Due to the large volume of structured and unstructured data, it often becomes difficult to
manage and procure relevant information from them. Data analytics tools are capable of
handling heterogeneous data and provide insights out of them. Data visualization tools
Tableau make it even more delightful by presenting those insights in various meaningful
charts. It allows decision makers to see connections between multi-dimensional data sets
and provides new ways to interpret data through graphical representations.

Operational efficiency

Data analytics can also help companies identify other potential opportunities to streamline
operations or maximize their profits. It helps identify potential problems, eliminating the
process of waiting for them to occur and then take actions on the same. This allows
companies to see which operations have yielded the best overall results under various
conditions and identify which operational area are error-prone and which ones need to be
Organizations think that they need to gather enormous volumes of data before performing
analytics in order to generate business insights and improve decision-making. This is merely
a myth.



Projects are meant to add an extra dimension to the curriculum, that’s why they are
integrated to enhance a student’s learning capacity and to boost students urge to do
innovative things and strive for excellence.

An emerging and complementary tool of data analysis is data visualization in order to

envision the relationships and then communicate those relationships convincingly to others.
Tableau is a widely-used data visualization tool, yet in the economics of education literature,
there are only a handful of exemplary research projects illustrating data visualization and
none for Tableau.

The contribution of this exercise is to make Tableau more accessible to undergraduate

students in economics, as well as to those instructors thinking about incorporating data
literacy in their course work. Our tutorial exercise is a self-contained module that provides a
step-by-step tutorial on how to develop data visualizations in Tableau with a cleaned data
set. Along the way, the student is encouraged to think about explanations fort he gender
wage gap and has the opportunity to annotate their visualization with their explanations of
data patterns observed in the visualizations.

An extension for this exercise is to export the data to an Excel file to estimate a multivariate
OLS regression, which can further explore patterns observed in the Tableau univariate
trendline visualization. Another extension is to apply the framework of the exercise to
another empirical exercise with easily accessible data sources in Kaggle.

• Tableau provides better security than other BI tools and respects your existing
security protocols.
• Tableau server helps to reduce network traffic and gives you smooth functioning.

• It provides great support to the end users, so the professionals can focus on strategic
• There are minimal hardware requirements of Tableau Desktop.


 Mastering Tableau 2021 Third Edition, Implement advanced business intelligence
techniques and analytics with Tableau, by Marleen Meier David Baldwi
 Tableau for Dummies, A Wiley Brand, by Molly Monsey and Paul Sochan



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