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Intelligent Pigging Inspection of SNEPCO’s

Deepwater Production Loop – Bonga, Nigeria

Shell Nigeria Exploration & Production Co.

Introduction to SNEPCO

 Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company (SNEPCO), based in

Lagos carries out deepwater projects and operations in Nigeria
 SNEPCO operates Bonga; Nigeria’s first deepwater development which
has been on stream since Nov 2005
 SNEPCO operates Bonga on behalf of The Nigerian National Petroleum
Corporation (NNPC) who represent the Nigerian government,
 Other co-venturers are ExxonMobil, Total and Eni (Affiliates)

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Introduction to Bonga Field

 Bonga is Shell’s first and only operated Deepwater asset in Nigeria

 Located South West of Warri,120 KM offshore in water depths1000 meters
 Developed using subsea wells tied to a series of manifolds and tied back to
a moored FPSO located centrally in the field
 Production is via 4 Production Loops with 8 Steel Catenary Risers (SCR)
 Water injection (for pressure maintenance) is via 3 flowlines with 2 SCR’s
 Associated Gas is exported via a 90 KM subsea pipeline
 Oil is loaded to visiting tankers via a Single Point Mooring located approx 3
KM from the FPSO
 Bonga FPSO has capacity >200 kbopd of oil, 100 kbwpd of produced
water, 330 kbwpd of injection water and 150 mmscf/d of gas

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Bonga Production Manifold (PM) 05 Overview

West East

Bonga FPSO Pigging Loop


Production Flowline - 02
Launchers PM5
& Receivers

Production Flowline - 01


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Case for Pigging of Bonga Flowlines

 Intelligent Pigging is the only available technology for complete

inspection of pipelines from launcher to receiver
 Shell as a prudent operator uses IP to confirm integrity status of
 Intelligent pigging of pipelines is a Statutory Requirement in Nigeria
 Corrosion Inhibitor availability in Bonga was interrupted for short
periods due to umbilical blockage
 Bonga Asset expects positive assurance with proof that Bonga
flowlines have “Technical Integrity”

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Bonga Production Flowline Loops – Pigging Challenges

 Bonga has three 10” and one 12” Production Loops; (with outer pipe
diameters of 12” and 14” respectively)
 For flow assurance purposes Bonga Production Loops are Pipe-In-Pipe design
 Inner pipe has non-standard wall thicknesses up to 28mm
 Bonga Production Loops are designed for pigging
 MFL Intelligent Pigging tools are not suitable for Pipe-In-Pipe design
 Ultrasonic (UT) and Eddy Current tools can be used, but because of extra wall
thickness and high operating pressures they are on the edge of technical limits
 Pigging uses cargo oil & wells in the loop must be shut-in; i.e. deferment
 Pigging is not possible during tanker off takes
 The longest loop (PM5) approx 20 KM, was selected for inspection

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Bonga PM5 Loop Intelligent Pigging – Preparation

 Simple technical requirements for required technology and cleanliness in

ITT; strict specs for defect detection (e.g. pits 15% of thickness)
 Contract awarded to a Nigerian service provider – Aug 2012
 Tool engineering – Nov/Dec 2012
 Tool modifications, Pull and Pump tests completed – Dec 2012 / Jan
 Tool and Personnel mobilisation – Jan 2013
 Site survey, Pigging Procedures, HAZID/HAZOP/JHA, tool tests –
Jan/Feb 2013
 Pigging Procedures signed and approved – Feb 2013

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Intelligent Pigging – Execution

 09/02/13, Low Density Foam Pig launched; received shattered

 10/02/13, Medeium Density Foam Pig launched; received no damage
 11/02/13, one Cup Pig followed by two Bi-Di Pig launched, all received
without damage
 12 and 13 Feb Tanker off take (no pigging activity)
 14/02/13, 1st Gauge Pig launched; received dented
 15/02/13, 2nd Gauge Pig launched; received slight damage, PM5
confirmed clean and ovality acceptable for Intelligent tools
 15/02/13, Eddy Current tool launched; received undamaged and data
quality confirmed
 16/02/13, UT tool launched; received undamaged and data quality
confirmed – End of PM5 pigging campaign

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Bonga Intelligent Pigging - Findings

 Selected loop has the highest water cut and was suspected to have
internal corrosion defects
 Tools were selected for detection of metal loss including shallow
internal corrosion
 Detailed analysis of data confirmed that PM5 did not have internal
corrosion defects
 Only 9 incidents of minor milling defects and 6 minor external
corrosion defect were detected
 Data was verified by using two tools with different technologies
 Intelligent pigging enabled the Pipeline Team to provide Bonga Asset
with the assurance that PM5 has Technical Integrity
 W-PIMS estimated remaining life of PM5 over 40 years

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Bonga Intelligent Pigging of PM5 Loop - Summary

 Approx 1000 man-hours worked without Lost Time Incident

 Campaign completed in 10 days, (originally planned for 21 days)
 Total of 7 pig runs using foam, cup, scraper pigs completed to clean the
loop and confirm safe passage
 Two IP runs successfully completed using the latest available technology
 The FIRST deepwater pipe-in-pipe inspection, in Shell, in Nigeria and
possibly in the world
 Pigging successfully completed by SNEPCO staff and Nigerian

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Bonga Intelligent Pigging – Foam Pigs to confirm passage

1- Low Density Foam arrives shattered, this 2- Medium Density Foam arrives intact; safe
is not unexpected to launch cup pig

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Bonga Intelligent Pigging – Cup & Bi Di Scraper Pigs used
for cleaning

3- Cup Pig received slight damage to sizing 4- Two Bi Di pigs with brush received in good
plate. condition. Total debris only 4.5 kg, line is very
clean !

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Bonga Intelligent Pigging – Gauge Pigs confirm ovality and
“no obstructions”

5- The first gauge pig with noticeable dent to 6- The second gauge pig received with minimal
plates, pipeline data logger attached to the back damage, line ovality and safe passage for intelligent
of the pig (not seen in photo). For reassurance tools confirmed
a second gauge pig is launched.

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Bonga Intelligent Pigging – XGP/SIC and UT Intelligent Pigs

8- At 23.30 Sat 16th Feb, the UT tool arrives back.

7- Intelligent tool ready for launch
Job completed LTI free

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Bonga Intelligent Pigging – The Team

Bonga pigging Crew – Feb 2013

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List of Abbreviations

 FPSO Floating Production Storage and Offloading

 kbopd 1000 Barrels of Oil Per Day
 kpwbd 1000 Barrels of Water Per Day
 mmscf/d Million Standard Cubic Feet Per Day
 JHA Job Hazard Analysis
 HAZID Hazard Identification
 HAZOP Hazards in Operation
 MFL Magnetic Flux Leakage
 Bi-Di Bi Directional
 W-PIMS Web Pipeline Integrity Management System

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 The companies in which Royal Dutch Shell plc directly and indirectly owns investments are separate entities. In this
presentation, “Shell”, “Shell group” and “Royal Dutch Shell” are sometimes used for convenience where references
are made to Royal Dutch Shell plc and its subsidiaries in general. Likewise, the words “we”, “us” and “our” are also
used to refer to subsidiaries in general or to those who work for them. These expressions are also used where no
useful purpose is served by identifying the particular company or companies.
 Shell Companies in Nigeria have their own separate identities but on this presentation we may sometimes use
"Shell", "we" or "us" when we refer to Shell Companies in Nigeria in general or where no useful purpose is served
by identifying any particular Shell Nigeria Company.
 All information or advice provided as part of this presentation is intended to be general in nature and you should
not rely on it in connection with the making of any decision. SNEPCo tries to ensure that all information provided as
part of this presentation is correct at the time of inclusion on the presentation but does not guarantee the accuracy of
such information.
 SNEPCo is not liable for any action you may take as a result of relying on such information or advice or for any loss
or damage suffered by you as a result of you taking this action.
 Information is provided with the consent of NNPC, the Licence Holder

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Shell Projects and Technology Confidential 18

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