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Bane represents strength and order, the iron fist of
civilization. The fey, on the other hand, are expressions of the
unpredictability of wild nature. His clerics seek to
exterminate troublesome fey wherever they are found, and
the fey have learned to recognize and despise the symbol of
his black hand. Enemies of the tyrannical priesthood of Bane
have often found themselves aided by unseen allies who
loosen barding on warhorses, free slaves, and spoil the
rations of soldiers marching under the black hand. However,
the fey are ever fickle, and it is never wise to count on their
support for long.
Orcs are one of the most destructive races in the world, and
as such they often come into conflict with the fey when they
destroy their homes. Once when Baghtru himself was riding
into battle, Titania transformed his auroch steed into a rabbit,
which was promptly crushed by the bulk of Baghtru as the
orcish god can tumbling to the earth, defeating the raging god
in one swift move and humiliating him forever. Luthic
commanded that mothers tell this story to orc whelps, both
as punishment to Baghtru for his recklessness and to teach
them the price of arrogance. The orcs have never forgotten
this slight, though they rightly fear the strange power of the
The Spider Queen of the drow despises fairies, just as she
does all other creatures, and the feeling is mutual. The Queen
of Air and Darkness often works to stymie the efforts of Lolth
and her subjects, sending her servants to cause mischief
such as releasing slaves, disrupting trade routes, fouling their
water, and blighting crops. In response, Lolth's clerics have
begun to breed a variety of ettercap loyal to their goddess.
The natural enmity that ettercaps feel towards fey have
served the drow well thus far.
The Maimed God has little patience for the spiteful mischief
of the fey. His worshipers are particularly opposed to the
lawless chaos that fey revel in, and his clergy has a long
history of seeking vengeance against groups of fey who cause
undue distress and mayhem to innocent people. Both Titania
and the Queen of Air and Darkness nurse grudges against
the worshipers of Tyr, and by extension Torm, and temples of
Tyr and Torm may find themselves the target of retribution
from the fey for slights committed against them decades or
even centuries ago.

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