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Old Ones

Dendar, the Night Serpent

The strange goddess of the yuan-ti is a queen of foul
nightmares. She is destined to one day swallow the sun
whole. In the meantime, she resides in the realm of dreams,
growing fat on the fears of the world. Her influence even
extends to places in the Feywild, corrupting fair forests into
dark, twisted jungles alive with vicious serpents, strangling
vines, and worse things. Both Titania and Morwel despise the
Night Serpent, and they frequently ally to stymie the efforts of
the yuan-ti.
The Darkbringer is a hated foe of both Titania and Oberon,
for he only brings rot and foul undeath. When a cult of
Moander is discovered, one can be certain that the cult will
find itself the target of constant pranks. However, the fey fear
to openly oppose Moander, for even his attention can ruin
creatures as sensitive to otherworldly influence as the fey, so
it is more often that the fey will provide assistance to heroes
seeking to defeat these cults.

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