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Malar is the god of savage nature, and many savage fey love
him. Spriggans, quicklings, and red caps all honor the
Beastlord, and the fey of the Wild Hunt often bear his mark.
Both Oberon and the Queen of Air and Darkness have ties to
the Black-Blooded One.
The kind goddess of forests is beloved by many dryads,
pixies, unicorns, and other kindhearted sylvan fey. Glades
sacred to Mielikki often have hidden fey guardians, and any
who desecrate such places will find themselves the target of
constant fey retribution.
The Seldarine
The gods of the elves are among the closest allies to the fey in
the divine realms. Corellon Larethian is even rumored to be a
lover of Morwel, though this has never been proven. All the
fey lords can expect to receive aid from the Seldarine in times
of trouble, and the fey have a particular fondness for their
elvish cousins.
Some legends say that Oberon is in fact Silvanus's son. The
veracity of these tales is unclear, but what is certain is that
Oberon embodies much that Silvanus himself embodies. All
fey of the wilderness recognize the power of Silvanus and
honor him.
The fey like the clergy of the Storm Lord, because wherever a
worshiper of Talos goes, trouble is never far behind. Though
priests of Talos are always grim men and women, the
prophecies of doom that they preach can be like a spark to
dry tinder, causing a once peaceful seeming community to
erupt into in fighting, a drama that the fey can't resist
watching unfold.
All fey of the seas honor Umberlee, and they know without a
doubt that they do her honor simply by existing. Many nereids
and huriat decorate themselves with the jewels and coins that
crews toss overboard to appease the Bitch Queen, and those
crews that they hear taking Umberlee's name in vain will be
certain to face storms, reefs, and the horrible calm of a
windless sea. It's believed that the soul of any sailor killed by
an oceanic fey will be escorted by that fey to Umberlee
herself in the deep, cold heart of the ocean to determine
whether that fey can keep the sailor's soul. Others believe that
the widows of sailors killed by Umberlee's wrath eventually
transform into nereids or sea hags in their grief.

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