The Researchers of This Study Will Use A Traditional Method of Collecting Data Through Hard

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The researchers of this study will use a traditional method of collecting data through hard-copy

survey questionnaires. The questionnaire is composed of questions that the researchers have
from related research and studies. The researchers make sure that the set of questions are
enough to provide sufficient data needed in the study. Also, these questions will be thoroughly
checked to ensure their effectiveness and modified to address all the corrections to each
question. Furthermore, the researchers will examine each question and then create the
questionnaire. Once finalized, the questionnaire is prepared for distribution among Grade 11
senior high school STEM students of Colegio San Agustin-Bacolod. The selection of respondents
is carried out through a random sampling method to ensure the representativeness of the
sample. An essential aspect of the data collection process is the preservation of respondent
confidentiality. The researchers prioritize safeguarding the personal information and identities
of each respondent to maintain the integrity and impartiality of the survey. Additionally, no
incentives are offered to the respondents to mitigate any potential bias in their responses. This
approach aims to uphold the authenticity and truthfulness of the data gathered, thereby
enhancing the reliability of the study's findings. The survey distribution is conducted through
face-to-face interactions, allowing for direct engagement with the respondents. This approach
not only facilitates the collection of accurate data but also provides an opportunity for
respondents to seek clarification or express any concerns they may have while completing the
questionnaire. By fostering open communication, the researchers aim to create a supportive
environment that encourages honest and insightful responses, thus enriching the quality of the
data collected.

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