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Neutral Parties

Surprisingly, the fey typically hold little enmity toward devils.
Contrary to demons, which desire the destruction of all
things, devils crave subjugation, particularly of the mortal
races. As such, devils typically have little interest in the fey
and the fey subsequently have little quarrel with devils.
Some powerful fey even form temporary alliances with
devils. The Queen of Air and Darkness finds the scheming
fiends to be a welcome addition to the intrigue of her
Gloaming Court, and she often hosts emissaries of both
Dispater and Glasya. The Prince of Frost finds the rigid
adherence of devils to their orders to be a far more reliable
than the fickle winter fey, and he has an ongoing relationship
with Levistus. The fey are especially fond of the beautiful
Erinyes, and the Queen of Air and Darkness often has an
Erinyes residing in her court as a reward to that devil,
participating in the Wild Hunt and other cruel sports at their
leisure. Ultimately, however, devils are beings of civilization,
while fey tend to favor the wild and free ranges of wilderness,
and the two races rarely have much interaction.
Old Ones
That Which Lurks is an enemy of Lolth. The Queen of Air
and Darkness, a fellow enemy of the Spider Queen, finds the
Elder Eye to be a convenient ally in her war against the drow
from time to time. However, the mad god of slimes is far too
foul and insane to be beloved by the fey, so the Queen keeps
her distance from it whenever she can. Ghaunadaur for its
part seems to be indifferent to the fey.
The primordials are ancient beings of elemental fury and
power. It was they who shaped the world in its earliest days.
Now they lie dead or imprisoned, scattered throughout the
Material Plane. The fey are creatures of wilderness, the life
that was allowed to grow on the earth once the furious
madness of the ancient planet was quelled. They have little
interest in the primordials, though they bear neither fear nor
enmity toward them. In fact, the animus loci are among those
primordials that chose not to fight against the gods, and they
linger as embodiments of the wilderness they adopted as
The fey are closely associated with ghosts, specters, wraiths,
banshees, and will-o-wisps. These spectral undead are a part
of the natural, results of lingering wrath, bitterness, or
sorrow. Many fey ally or command these spirits as part of
their retinue.
Fey tend to have little interest in the corporeal undead, as
most of these creatures are typically brutish and dull.
Creatures such as zombies and skeletons rarely attract the
interest of the fey, being too stupid to trick. Some fey are
served by wights of their former mortal servants. Mummies
are rarely given much thought, as the fey have little interest in
religion. Vampires, liches, and other powerful undead are
considered on an individual basis.
Some undead are expressions of pure destruction, such as
bodaks, the spawn of kyuss, and the dreaded atropals. These
undead are hated by the fey with a fierce passion, as their
foul influence can spread rapidly, blighting the land like a
disease. The ravenous hunger of undead such as ghouls
spreads slaughter and destruction, which the fey find
distasteful if out of their control.

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