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Chromatic Mold

Chromatic mold is a subspecies of brown mold which feeds

on magic rather than heat. It is most common in the
Underdark, where it feeds on the standing faerzress
radiation, though it can also be found crusting powerful
magical items. It typically covers a 10-foot square area.
Under normal circumstances, chromatic mold is
indistinguishable from brown mold. However, if exposed to
magical energy, such as that created by a spell or a faerzress
surge, it immediately begins to emit a hypnotic pattern of
kaleidoscopic lights. Any creature within 30 feet of the mold
that observes this pattern must make a DC 15 Wisdom
saving throw. On a failure, the creature is incapacitated and
must use its turn to move toward the mold via the most direct
route possible. The creature can repeat the saving throw
whenever it takes damage. If a creature views the chromatic
mold with detect magic while the mold is dormant, they still
see the kaleidoscopic pattern and must perform a DC 10
Wisdom saving throw. If a creature succeeds on its saving
throw, it is immune to the mold's kaleidoscopic pattern for 24
When the mold is touched or a creature casts a spell within
10 feet of it, the nearest 5 foot patch of mold ejects a cloud of
spores that extends in a 10 foot radius from that patch,
unless the ambient temperature is extremely cold. Any
creature in that area must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
saving throw or become infected with its spores. An infected
creature loses 1 point of Constitution every 4 hours.
Additionally, the creature must perform a DC 12 Wisdom
saving throw at the end of each hour. On a failure, the
creature is affected as if with the confusion spell for the
duration of that hour. If a creature's Constitution is reduced
to 1, it dies. When a creature dies while infected with
chromatic mold spores, the spores consume its body,
producing a new patch of chromatic mold within 1d4 hours
of the creature's death. The infection can be cured with any
effect that removes diseases. However, the Constitution
points can only be recovered with a lesser restoration spell or
similar magic.

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