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The mold is particularly hard to kill, being that magic merely

empowers it. A pound of salt, a gallon of alcohol or acid, or

casting dispel magic can kill a square of chromatic mold that
is 10 feet on a side. Taking cold damage suppresses the
ability of any 5 foot patch within the area of the spell to
release spores for 1d4 rounds. An antimagic field
immediately kills any patch of chromatic mold in its area.
Interestingly, because of its alcoholic blood, cave fishers are
completely immune to chromatic mold spores and feed on it
freely. Cave fishers are often used to keep chromatic mold
populations at bay in areas of high risk.
There are fey dumb beasts in the Feywild. Almost all
creatures in the Feywild possess at least a spark of
intelligence, even if only a malign cunning. Beasts such as
giant elks, giant owls, and giant eagles are prime examples of
such creaturs. Many beasts in the Feywild can speak, and
some can even cast spells and shapeshift.
There are a number of signifant places within the Feywild.
Beautiful cities, strange forests, and haunting caverns are the
rule. Nothing here is ordinary.
Important to note about the Feywild is that its geography is
not stable in the way that the Material Plane is. Time and
space are somewhat subjective in the Feywild, and not all
locations in it are anchored to a single spot.
Worldfall. There are some places in the world that move
between the Feywild and the Material Plane. This process is
called worldfalling. This may happen at regular intervals,
such as every evening, or irregular intervals, such as
whenever moonlight strikes a specific stone, an albatross
passes by, or a particular song is sung.

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