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"Used to" always refers to the past.

Use it to talk about habits, states, or facts that were

true before, but which aren't true now.

Example: "We used to live in San Diego." This means we lived in San Diego before, but we
don't live there now.

 "Be used to" is typically used in the past and present. It refers to the state of being
familiar with, comfortable with, and accustomed to something.

Example: "Beatriz is used to showering in the morning." This means she is accustomed
to showering in the morning, not in the evening. This behaviour is something she is
comfortable with and familiar with.

 "Get used to" can be used in all tenses. It is the sister phrase of "be used to," but it
focuses on the process of becoming familiar with, comfortable with, and accustomed to

For example: "We're getting used to living together." This means my roommate and I
are learning how to live together. We are still becoming comfortable with our living

 Y, se usa would + infinitive en dos casos:

1. Para evitar ser repetitivo al contar historias:

I would used to visit my grandparents twice per week as a child. My grandmother

would always bake delicious pies for dessert

Normalmente, se pone used to primero y segundo, would + infinitive.

2. Para hablar de ACCIONES repetidas en el pasado, pero no de estados. Nunca se utiliza

would + infinitivo con verbos de estado.

When I was a child, I would used to believe in aliens, so I would watch the stars every

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