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Opinion on the Issue:

Ғылыми факт және миф
Scientific facts should always take precedence over myths. While myths can be
intriguing and sometimes entertaining, they can also lead to misunderstandings and
misinformation, especially in critical areas like health and safety.
1. Dropping a coin from a high building: This is a scientific fact that the coin will
accelerate as it falls due to gravity, eventually reaching a high velocity when it hits
the ground. The myth might be that the impact could kill someone, which is
plausible depending on the height and the coin's mass.
2. Part of the moon being permanently dark: This is a scientific fact due to the
Moon's synchronous rotation with the Earth. The myth might be that it's
completely dark, but in reality, it's more about being in perpetual shadow rather
than total darkness.
6. Antibiotics and viruses: It's a scientific fact that antibiotics don't work against
viruses. The myth might be that antibiotics can cure the flu, which is caused by
Антибиотиктер мен вирустар: Антибиотиктердің вирустарға қарсы әрекет
етпейтіні ғылыми шындық. Антибиотиктер вирустар тудыратын тұмауды
емдей алады деген миф болуы мүмкін.
7. Bats being blind: Contrary to the myth, many bats can see quite well, especially
fruit bats. However, some species of bats do rely heavily on echolocation, using
sound waves to navigate and find prey in the dark.
9. Ten percent of the brain myth: The idea that humans only use 10% of their
brains is a myth. Scientifically, brain imaging studies show that most of the brain is
active, even during routine tasks.
How many scientists suffered or were killed by their experiments or inventions?
Неше ғалымдар өздерінің тәжірибелері немесе өнертабыстары салдарынан
зардап шекті немесе өлтірілді ме?
Many scientists throughout history have faced risks and dangers in their pursuit of
knowledge and discovery. While some have been injured or even killed by their
experiments or inventions, it's a reminder of the dedication and sacrifices often
involved in scientific exploration.
1. Inventors risking their lives with their own experiments: Inventors like Marie
Curie, who discovered radium and polonium, exposed themselves to dangerous
levels of radiation without fully understanding the risks at the time.
2. Scientists inhaling harmful substances: For example, early scientists
experimenting with gases like nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or radioactive materials
unknowingly exposed themselves to health risks.
3. Explosions in the pursuit of discovery: Scientists working with volatile
substances or processes, such as Alfred Nobel, inventor of dynamite, faced the
constant risk of explosions during experimentation.
4. Discovery of anaesthetic properties of nitrous oxide: Horace Wells, a dentist,
discovered the anaesthetic properties of nitrous oxide. However, his experiments
led to addiction and financial ruin, ultimately leaving him an invalid.
5. Blood transfusion risks: Early scientists experimenting with blood transfusions
faced numerous dangers, including incompatible blood types and infections from
unsanitary procedures.
6. Donors at risk: In the early days of blood transfusions, donors often faced health
risks due to the lack of understanding about blood compatibility and potential
Most people associate NASA with astronauts and rocket ships. What do
they not know?
Көптеген адамдар NASA-ны астронавтар мен зымыран кемелерімен
байланыстырады. Не істейін
олар білмей ме?
What many people might not know is that NASA's innovations and research have
extended far beyond space exploration, with impacts on our daily lives in various
unexpected ways:
1. Smoke detectors: NASA invented the smoke detector, which has become a
crucial safety product in homes and buildings worldwide. These detectors use a
level of sensitivity to detect smoke particles, helping to prevent fires.
2. Designing adjustable smoke detectors: NASA's research led to the development
of adjustable smoke detectors, reducing false alarms and improving their
effectiveness in detecting real threats.
3. Poisonous gases detection: NASA's expertise in detecting poisonous gases in
spacecraft environments has influenced the design of gas sensors used in homes
and industries to detect carbon monoxide and other harmful substances.
4. Scratch-resistant materials: NASA developed coatings for plastic and glass
materials to resist scratching, which has been used in everyday items like eyeglass
lenses, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
5. Ear thermometer technology: The technology used in ear thermometers, which
can measure temperature in less than two seconds, was initially developed by
NASA for space research.

Can you imagine something that hasn’t been invented, but it were it would change
the world for the better?
Сіз аласыз ойлап табылмаған нәрсені елестетіңіз, бірақ ол өзгеретін еді
әлем жақсы жаққа қарай ма?
Here are some imagined inventions that, if realized, could potentially change the
world for the better
1. **Gene-editing technology to eradicate diseases:** Imagine a precise gene-
editing tool that can target and eliminate genetic diseases like polio at the root
level, offering permanent solutions for many health conditions.
2. **Biodegradable rubber tires:** An invention of rubber tires that naturally
degrade over time, reducing the environmental impact of tire waste and helping to
combat erosion caused by discarded tires.
3. **Nuclear waste decay accelerator:** A device that accelerates the decay of
nuclear waste, turning it into harmless byproducts more rapidly and safely than
current methods, reducing the risks associated with long-term storage.
4. **Ecosystem regeneration system:** An innovative system that can rapidly
restore damaged ecosystems, such as forests or coral reefs, to their natural states,
helping to reverse the effects of climate change and human impact.
5. **Fossil fuel replacement:** A breakthrough technology that replaces fossil
fuels with a clean, renewable, and efficient energy source, reducing carbon
emissions and dependence on finite resources.
Some people talk about wanting to ‘to put the clock back’. Would you like to do
Кейбір адамдар «сағатты артқа қоюды» қалайтындығы туралы сөйлесіңіз. Сіз
мұны істегіңіз келе ме?
While I don't have personal desires, I can provide some perspectives on the idea of
«putting the clock back» and the use of the given words:
1. **Pale imitation of the past:** Sometimes, trying to "put the clock back" can
result in a pale imitation of what once was. Nostalgia may overshadow the reality
of progress made since then.
2. **A parallel example of history repeating:** History often shows us that
attempting to rewind time rarely works as intended. It's like trying to play someone
at their own game; the outcomes might be predictable.
3. **To top it all, exclusion of progress:** Wanting to go back in time can mean
excluding the advancements that have made life better for many. It's important to
remember that progress has included everyone to a greater extent now.
4. **Regularity vs. change:** While there's comfort in regularity and familiarity,
progress requires change. It's about finding a balance between what we know and
what we can improve.
5. **Affinity for the past:** Some people have a strong affinity for certain eras or
traditions, but it's crucial to recognize that each era had its own challenges and
How do you feel about the bunch of fake news posted and shared on social media?
туралы қалай қарайсыз әлеуметтік желіде жарияланған және бөлісілген
көптеген жалған жаңалықтар?
As an AI, I don't have feelings, but I can provide perspectives on the issue of fake
news and its spread on social media:
1. **The impact of fake news on the blogosphere:** The proliferation of fake
news on blogs and online platforms has created a challenge for those seeking
accurate information, as it can be difficult to discern fact from fiction.
2. **Broadcasting misinformation:** Social media platforms have become a prime
space for broadcasting fake news, where misinformation can spread rapidly to a
wide audience.
3. **Investigative journalism's role in combating fake news:** True investigative
journalism plays a vital role in uncovering falsehoods and revealing the truth
behind fake news stories, but it often gets overshadowed by sensationalism.
4. **Media bias and its contribution to fake news:** Media bias can sometimes
lead to the propagation of fake news, as stories are sometimes framed to fit a
particular narrative rather than presenting objective facts.
5. **Media events as potential sources of misinformation:** Media events,
especially those with high viewership or attention, can sometimes become sources
of misinformation if not rigorously fact-checked.
Do you agree that thanks to
mass media the whole world has become a «global village»?
арқасында келісесіз бе БАҚ бүкіл әлем «жаһандық ауылға» айналды ма?
Yes, I agree that thanks to mass media, the whole world has become a «global
village.» Here are some ideas on this topic using the given words:
1. **Instantaneous communication:** Mass media allows for instantaneous
communication across continents, bringing people closer together in this global
3. **Cultural exchange:** Mass media facilitates a constant exchange of cultural
ideas and practices, creating a more interconnected and diverse global community.
5. **Increased awareness:** Mass media increases awareness of global issues,
encouraging people to take action and contribute to positive change on a global
6. **Global entertainment:** Movies, music, and TV shows from different
countries can now reach a global audience, fostering a shared entertainment
7. **Social media connectivity:** Social media platforms, a part of mass media,
allow individuals to connect across borders, share ideas, and form communities
based on shared interests or causes.

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