Theoretical and Conceptual Framework of The Study

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Conceptual Framework of the Study:

Exploring the Lived Experiences of Pre-service English Teachers during Internship

This study aims to investigate the lived experiences of pre-service English teachers during their

internship in selected higher education institutions in Bogo City. The conceptual framework is

inspired by the integration of Social Constructivism, Experiential Learning, Identity Formation,

and Reflective Practice theories.


Lived Experiences of Pre-service English


Social Experiential Identity Reflective

Constructivism Learning Formation Practice

Collaborative Hands-on Questions of

Analyze Practices
Activities experiences competence

Confronting real- Identify areas of

Discussion Authority improvement
world challenges

Experimenting with Set goals for future

Reflective Practices Belonging
instructional strategies growth
Social Constructivism

Pre-service English teachers' experiences are influenced by social interactions with peers,

mentors, and the educational community during their internship. Collaborative activities,

discussions, and reflective practices contribute to knowledge construction and understanding of

teaching and learning.

Experiential Learning

During the internship, pre-service teachers engage in hands-on experiences, confronting real-

world challenges and experimenting with instructional strategies. Through iterative cycles of

action and reflection, they develop practical skills and deepen their understanding of classroom


Identity Formation

The internship serves as a transformative period for pre-service teachers' professional identity

formation. They navigate questions of competence, authority, and belonging, negotiating their

roles within the educational community and developing a coherent sense of professional identity

as English educators.

Reflective Practice
Throughout the internship, pre-service teachers engage in critical self-reflection on their teaching

experiences. They systematically analyze their practices, identify areas for improvement, and set

goals for future growth. Reflective practice fosters deepened understanding of pedagogical

principles and cultivates a disposition of lifelong learning.

By integrating these theoretical perspectives, the study aims to provide a nuanced exploration of

the challenges, opportunities, and transformative moments that shape the professional

development journey of pre-service English teachers during their internship in selected higher

education institutions in Bogo City.

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