Mohamed Ahmed Ali Mohamed Resume

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Mohamed Ahmed Ali Mohamed

Telephone: (202) 010 930 933 40 – (202) 011 20768991
Date of Birth: 01/12/1998 Military Status: compeleted Address: Egypt, Giza

Full-stack web developer and Computer Science graduate. with experience in building high-
performance web applications using Angular and react frameworks and node js. Proficient
in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles, developing and integrating
management systems into robust front-end architectures. Adept at writing reusable,
maintainable code and collaborating with teams to design robust front-end architectures.
Seeking to leverage Full stack expertise to join a dynamic software development team

• Misr Universty for Science and techonlogy University
Bachelor of Computer Science: Information Techonlogy 2016--2021
Gradution Project: Game Hub System is a gaming software designed to streamline
and enhance the gaming experience for players at various centers. It aims to
revolutionize gaming in Egypt and the Middle East by connecting players, managing
systems, and fostering competitive opportunities while improving player skills

● Full Stack Web Developer 11/2022 to present,
Falla Project using mean stack (
front end: html5, css3, Angular, Typescript, Bootstrap
BackEnd: Node JS, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express, Jwt, Joi, Bcrypt, Multer, Soket.IO,
Postman)(Falla.Fun)( The primary focus of the project is real-time communication during
exams, allowing teachers to conduct exams either in the classroom or remotely.)

● Information Technology Institute (ITI) Monofia, Egypt

3-Month Intensive Training Program (Full Stack using MEARN Track) 07/2023-
In this program, I gained hands-on experience and proficiency in a wide range of
technology packages. (program content)

● Wordpres Woocomerce Website

Cypher-Ammo project using avada them and woocomerce with some plugins and custom
animitaed css (Cyper-ammo)
Fresh Cart
The e-commerce app is a Front-end web app using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JS, React,
Context, Bootstrap, and React Hooks
• Bank AlQuyam
This game like monoboly game but replaced towns with morals and now before you can buy any
moral you need to answer question about this moral if you answered correct you will be able to buy
it if not then you can not buy it have used html, css, javascript
● E-Commerce
This e-commerce project is a Back end and
encompasses eight core models: Product, Category, Cart, User, Address, Subcategory,
Review, and Coupon. It incorporates authentication and
authorization systems using technologies like bcrypt and JWT to ensure security and data
protection. This project is developed using Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Multer, Docker,
Morgan, and Slugify

HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, TypeScript, OOP, jQuery, Angular, React-JS, Context, Redux, SASS,
Node JS, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express, Jwt, Joi, Bcrypt, Multer, Socket.IO, MySQL,
Additional Skills
GitHub, Trello, Design Pattern, Problem Solving, Agile/Scrum
Interpersonal Skills
- Demonstrated leadership and communication skills through collaborative projects. -
Efficient time management and organizational skills honed through balancing academic
and freelance work.
- Proven ability in project management, ensuring timely and quality delivery of freelance project

• Arabic
• English`

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