Annihilation Maker DXD: By: Soul Caliber

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Annihilation Maker DxD


Sooo, let's hypothetically say that it took me four months to upload the fic
to this site. - Reincarnated into DXD world. [English isn't my first
language.] [I don't own anything I use from other works]. [The cover is
made by GOOOOSE, Thank you for the cover]. This site doesn't allow me
to post dicord link :(. So, add this behind discord url : /XmPDjq8R7b

Status: ongoing

Published: 2023-04-12

Updated: 2023-06-27

Words: 675990

Chapters: 182

Rated: Fiction M - Language: English - Genre: Friendship/Family -

Reviews: 19 - Favs: 73 - Follows: 77

Original source:


Exported with the assistance of

Annihilation Maker DxD
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180
Chapter 181
Chapter 182
Chapter 1
Today is a beautiful day. The sky was clear and clouds were drifting.

The sun was like usual, bringing warmth and light to this world while
everything was going as it should be in this world.

People started their day as usual by going to their jobs or doing their
responsibilities… And maybe nothing at all.

In a city like any other city in Japan, there was a school that seemed
fancier than other schools.

This's Kuoh Academy, which was previously an all-girls private

school. But at some point, it changed completely. It changed into a
Co-Ed School while a new building was made overnight, but nobody
seemed to care or rather say they didn't notice any abnormality.

Well, even if a strange event happened life won't stop, as today is

the first day of the school.

New students with the old students arrived today to start their first
day in school.

All students were wearing uniforms which had two types. The boy's
uniform consists of a black blazer with white accents over a white, a
black ribbon on the collar, matching black pants, and brown dress
shoes. While the girl's uniform consists of a white long-sleeved,
button-down shirt with vertical linings, a black ribbon on the collar, a
black shoulder cape and matching button-down corset, and a
magenta skirt with white accents.

All the students walked in the path towards the school while they had
a happy smile on their faces. Mostly the boys because this's a girl's
school but everyone was looking forward to seeing what this year is
Except a single boy that was sitting on a bench in a park away from
the school by a mile.

The boy had a slightly long black hair that covered his forehead
sightly while he had black frame glasses, coupled with black
headphones with blue lines and decoration that was on his neck.

The boy's eyes were clear blue that could reflect the sky, and his
face even if he wasn't the best, it could be considered handsome.
Also, he had the same boy's uniform of Kuoh Academy.

All in all, the boy was leaning his back on the bench while looking at
the sky and the clouds as he seemed to think about something with
a serious face, as he was sending a literate aura.

A few people that were in the park looked at the boy. Some ignored
him while some looked at him and talked silently, mostly girls were
whispering if they should talk to him.

But the looks can be deceiving.

"It fucking boring…" the boy said quietly as he was looking at the sky
with annoyance.

"I'm in a world with a vague mythology, no clear training system, and

a broken power level. But… I can't do anything" Leo said as he

This's the 17 years of Leo in this world. Yes, Leo isn't a person from
this world. Honestly, he doesn't even know why he came here and
why he awakened his memories a year ago.

Apparently, Leo's memories were sealed until his 16 birthday where

he almost threw the cake at his parent's face from the surprise and
anger at himself.

16 years, he wasted by these having memories sealed and left him

with only one year because the city he's now and the school he was
going to.

But he discovered after a bunch of trails that he's a normal human

without any power in a world where gods, angels, and demons are
everywhere. So, he had to take a different approach… Stay the fuck
away from any supernatural event.

First, Leo wanted to convince his parents of moving from this city.
But after he saw his father was happy about his new job, and the fact
he can't just convince them, which made him stop and accept the
fact he's in a death zone called plot.

But fate didn't forsake him that much, because, after a week from his
memories awakening, Leo saw a loading bar in his sight after he
woke up from the bed.

After confirming the existence of the loading bar wasn't just his mind
playing tricks on him. Leo had a new goal, and that's preparing
before the suspected system arrives.

From lifting to taking different martial arts courses, Leo did the best
he could and was available for him without stopping or ignoring his
studies. That was mostly because of his new parents that supported
him, even if he started training and acting weird from nowhere.

Leo is completely grateful for his parents in this world. Although the
memories awakening made him a little awkward, but he soon
recovered after a day.

After watching his parents die in the last life. Leo was grateful for
having these two loving parents and even made him quite angry if
someone was trying to do anything to them… Well very angry that
he beat the shit out a three kids in his school after they insulted his
mother, which made him suspended from school for a month.

But he did the come back of getting in the top ten, even if the
teachers saw him as a delinquent. But Leo didn't care about the
people's way of looking at him. For Leo as long as the people he
cares about see him as himself that enough from him.

Leo's father Scolded him slightly, but in the back, he was saying
good job, and that's my son, which made Leo feel warm and more
respectful towards his parent even if he was acting casually around

After a year of preparation, Leo now can beat normal people even if
they were adults easily, but in a world with a stupid power level, this's

And now Leo skipped the school and arrived at the park. Leo wanted
to go towards an abandoned place, but the thought of meeting with a
stray or something like that stopped him immediately.

"Finally… I can see this system… I just hope it isn't a scam" Leo
looked at the bar with 99% and 7 seconds left before looking at the
sky again.

"Please be something good… Or anything that can help me to grow

stronger" Leo prayed while the countdown reached zero and the
loading finished.

[Welcome to the multiverse chat room!]

[This's a place where you can meet different people from different
universes and chat or interact with them]

[Do you wish to activate the chat room and become the admin?]

Leo face completely distorted when he looked at the two flying

screens above him before taking a deep breath and calming himself.
But on the inside.

} Leo was screaming on the inside from all the frustration.
{Where the fuck is my OP system? No, where is my regular system
that allows me to become stronger… } Leo felt he was bleeding from
the inside while looking at the screens before remembering all his
lessons about martial arts and calming himself.

"Calm down Leo… Even if it was a chat room dressed as a system, it

is still the only thing you got… I have to make use of it" Leo calming
himself Leo looked at the two screens for a while without moving.

"…" Observing the screen for a while the screen started flashing like
telling Leo to choose.

"… There's no refuse button…" Leo noticed something before


"Hello there… My name is Leo Arisaltek, nice to meet you" Leo

smiled slightly while making his voice low so it doesn't sound like a
madman talking to himself even if he didn't care about people but
them pointing at him makes him annoyed.

As for the last name. Leo doesn't understand why his father with
such a last name choose to live in japan.

"As a chat system, you should be able to invite people to have a

pleasant conversation together and help each other. Right?" Leo
said, but the screens didn't change.

"… Do you think I'll believe that bullshit?" Leo said as his glasses
flashed and covered his eyes.

"There's nothing free in this world and if there's, it's just a debt that'll
be paid later…" Leo said quietly as the screens kept flashing.

"So… Because of this's situation, it seems you stuck with me, and
you want me to do something… Then pay me first or you'll be stuck
like this for a long time and believe me when I say… I can wait" Leo
said as some people noticed his weird actions but he didn't care
about them.
Leo now is doing a gamble with his only way of getting stronger and
most likely his last hope. If his thinking was wrong and this chat room
can leave him, then he's done for.

{As long there is a chance and a way to start strong why not take the
gamble?… Here's the moment of truth} Leo thought before a new
light screen appeared in front of him.

[A gift pack has been created for the admin and it will be received
after the activation]

Leo smiled while looking at the new screen. But even if he didn't
want to admit it, his heart was beating really fast at this moment.

"… Safe… I shouldn't push it more" Leo said while looking at the
screen that was flashing even more.

Leo actually wants to ask about what he has to do, or the origin of
this chat room. But he feels that it'll never tell him anything after his
actions now.

Taking a deep breath, Leo choose yes in his mind as the screen
flashed and a new one appeared in front of him.

The screen looked exactly the same as any other chat program with
the typing bar and friend's list in the side but there was no one
except Leo at the moment.

Without looking at the chat screen, Leo moved his eyes instantly
toward a gift symbol in the upper right of the screen.

The moment Leo's eyes glanced at the gift. The gift grow up and
covered the screen before some options appeared in front of Leo.

[Because of the rules between worlds, the admin needs to choose

what he'll get]

[A random ability or item from other worlds, but if it's something that
requires energy or condition that the admin doesn't have, it'll not
work until the admin pay to make compatible with his body]

[A random ability or item from this world where the admin is

completely compatible. As this's the first time the admin get power,
the system allows you to choose the theme of the power as long as it
can work with your current conditions]

Leo frowned while looking at the screen. This seems to be

something good, but there is also a lot of limitation.

A random ability from other worlds seems nice, but the more
powerful it's, the more Leo needs to pay to make it work while a
weak ability won't help him that much.

A random ability from this world with powerful power levels is nice.
But it can only work with his body which lowers the choice to the
sacred gears which not all of them can be extremely powerful like
the Longinus.

"A theme…" Leo looked at the screen before choosing second while
picking the theme as Longinus.

[The admin chooses the second option… Theme Longinus… The gift
has been sent please open it]

"… It actually worked" Leo saw his attempt was successful before
the gift in the screen flashed.

Leo reached slowly to the screen before touching the gift as it

exploded with colorful colors and Leo felt something is changing
inside of him.

[Congratulation for the admin to get… Longinus Annihilation Maker]

A bunch of information appeared inside Leo's head about his new

power while he knew what he got from this gift.

Leo lowered his head in silence while people that were watching him
change his expression without a reason felt even more confused.
Suddenly, a girl and her two friends walked towards Leo that didn't
move for a while.

"Are you oka-…" The girl didn't finish her words because of a fist that
almost hit her in the face.

"YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Leo that was silence suddenly

jumped from the bench while raising his hands to the sky.

"YES!YES!YES! YES!" Leo had a big smile on his face before he

looked to his side.

"Who the hell are you?" Leo said as the girl and her friends felt even
more confused.

"Don't you know that sneaking on others is creepy? People these

days" Leo said to the girl before walking away and leaving the girl
and her friend with few spectators completely confused.

Leo walked slowly while remembering the ability he just got.

Annihilation Maker, also known as the Creation of the Demonic

Beast, is a high-tier Longinus with the ability to create any creature
that the possessor can imagine.

Annihilation Maker is considered to be one of the biggest 'bugs' in

the Sacred Gear system, having world-class powers that could
destroy the world.

"And now it's in my hands… A sacred gear that its key power is…
Imagination" Leo grinned while walking.

"And my imagination is quite… Wild" Leo grin grew wider as he was

walking out of the park.

"First… Activation" Leo said as he focused on his sacred gear inside

of his soul.
The chat room already activated Leo's sacred gear and gave him
enough information to use it, but this's his first time with a sacred

After moments, Leo felt something inside of him it was his sacred
gear which now allows him to create beasts as long as stamina and
energy are enough.

"Now… Let's put a cover" Leo said before he activated his sacred
gear and started imagining the beast he wants to create.

{The shape… Small spider… Color… Change with the

surroundings… Ability 1… Stealth… Ability 2… Block my Longinus
signals and send a normal feedback} Leo closed his eyes before a
dark light flashed on his shoulders.

After a few seconds, a small spider that completely blended in with

Leo's uniform appeared on his shoulders.

Leo felt his breath a little rushed and his body slightly tired, but he
smiled while looking at the spider above his shoulder.

{With this I don't have to worry about any demon or fallen angel until
I master my Longinus} Leo smiled before activating the chat room

Now Leo is planning to look through this chat room. But he

completely forget about school… Like he cares anyway.
Chapter 2
Leo was walking in the street while looking at the surrounding

After leaving the park Leo moved towards the busy street trying to
find a nice cafe to sit down and look at this Chat Room.

Even if the Chat Room is important. Leo doesn't like to rush things,
especially if they are something completely unknown like this Chat

Why does it exist? Who created the Chat Room? Who the real
owner? What's the purpose of it to gather characters from the
multiverse and even giving Leo a powerful Longinus easily? And
most importantly, why did it choose him from everyone? Honestly,
Leo is both wary and confused from the Chat room.

Maybe it was just a joke from a powerful being or maybe someone

just wanted to see something funny or… There's a big scheme in the
middle and he's just a puppet being controlled.

Shaking his head left and right a few times, Leo stopped this thinking
about things beyond his capabilities. Knowledge and information
specially the deep ones are the privilege of the strong, which he
doesn't have because of his weakness.

{It seems I have to just play along… I really hate when things
become so mysterious} Leo frowned while looking at the people

Leo likes to observe the people around him and try to figure out what
they are thinking. This always was a hobby of his which reflected in
his nature that likes to calculate everything around him and prepare
for it.
Which he still feeling uncomfortable in not knowing how did he arrive
at this world.

Leo shook his head before feeling his neck itching because the
spider monster he created is hiding in his uniform collar.

In this short walk, Leo checked his Longinus several times by

connecting with it as he discovered a lot of things about it.

Leo can create any monster he wants and summoning it from any
place in his body like he did with the spider even his shadow can
count as a medium to summon.

Any monster Leo creates won't dissipate until his energy runs out or
the monster got destroyed while he can store some monsters in a
place like his shadow or even inside of his own body if he was
creative enough.

The stronger the monster's ability be it physical with a giant size or

mysterious like controlling flames, the more Leo needs to spend
energy and time to create it. Leo in his walk created few butterflies
without ability almost instantly while the spider took a few seconds
because it was small and without a combat ability.

But even in that condition, Leo discovered a loophole. If the

monsters had things that connect with Leo, the less energy and time
it takes to create.

Like a living monster is easier than a dead monster because Leo is a

living being.

{And this thinking about Annihilation Maker makes me wonder… Are

there two of them now?} Leo remembered the Chat Room didn't tell
him how he did get the Longinus.

If Leo has the Longinus now. Does that guy in the Hero Faction still
have it? Or maybe there's two of them now? Is this a paradox? Leo
questions started to accumulate rapidly without any way to answer

Noticing that he's thinking a lot again. Leo sighed before noticing a
cafe in the distance.

Leo changed his direction before walking towards the cafe while
observing the people around him.

Living peacefully without any worry, even if this world is a bomb that
might explode at any time. And not ignoring the fact that they are the
weakest party in the world.

{Ignorance is a bliss sometimes… } Leo entered the cafe before

walking towards a table.

Sitting down, Leo ordered a cup of coffee while taking his phone.

The waiter was surprised because of Leo's uniform and the fact he's
here during this time, but he still took the order and left.

Leo didn't care about the waiter because he was looking at his
phone now.

[Do you wish to connect the Chat Room to this device?]

This appeared the first moment after Leo took his phone, which gave
him more understanding of the Chat Room. Like it can connect to
different devices, but the limit is unknown for now.

{At least I'll not look like a madman looking at the air now} Leo
choose yes as The Chat Room app appeared on his phone.

Leo clicked on the app as the same Chat Room appeared on his
phone. But it has a few flashing icons.

[Please send the first invitation]

Leo looked at the message for a moment before turning his attention
to his nickname in the Chat Room… Blackmail Admin.

Leo almost hit the screen before calming himself. And choosing
options to change this nickname.

After a lot of turns, Leo finally found the option and changed his
name to Annihilation Maker.

{Who'd use his true name in a suspicious Chat program} Leo nodded
with satisfaction before checking a thing in the upper left corner
called points.

[0 points]

[Points are the main currency of the Chat Room. Using points, the
Chat members can buy some items from the Chat Room store or
upgrade their abilities]

Leo nodded at the explanation before checking the store. It was

completely empty without anything inside.

{Maybe it needs a condition to activate… } Leo tilted his head while

thinking about possibilities.

Stopping the pointless thoughts. Leo choose abilities option before

two options appeared in front of him.

[Overall body reinforcement. Stage 1… Cost: 1000 point]

[Annihilation Maker Balance Breaker… Cost: 9999456 point]

Leo's face twitched while looking at the long number of Balance


{10 million… It was 10 million… Maybe because learning about my

Longinus and activating it lowered the price} Leo remembered that
Sacred gears respond to their user's desires and wishes.
Closing the ability window. Leo looked at an icon next to the points
number before clicking on it.

[Daily Check-in: 42 point]

Leo looked at his points increased by 42 points.

{Daily lottery about points… The limit is 100, huh} Leo nodded as he
fixed his glasses.

Leo understood from this that the Chat Room will have something
like missions to let the members get points because using just the
Check-in will take at least years to get enough points for upgrading.

After checking the Chat group a few more times, Leo glanced at the
invitation screen that was flashing until now.

"…*Sigh*… Why can't I have a normal system?…" Leo muttered as

he looked at the invitation button.

Leo hesitated for a while before reaching towards the button.

Because he knows if he didn't do it this Chat group will force him at
some point.

"Here goes nothing…" Leo clicked on the screen as the invitation


[The admin sends the first pack of invitations and got 1000 points]

[5 invitations has been sent… Please wait until the new members

Leo glanced at his phone before closing it and leaning his back at
the chair.

The waiter arrived at this moment as Leo took the coffee before
sipping from it.
Leo closed his eyes. All the information and events today made him
a bit tired, so he thought of taking a break before meeting these new
members. Leo doesn't know if these members will be powerful or
weak, but there's one thing for certain… He's walking to another
unknown battlefield.

But before Leo finished his coffee, the phone started ringing. Picking
his phone, Leo looked at the caller… It was his father.

{Shit… Act normal Leo. He doesn't know anything} Leo watched his
phone ringing for a while to make it look like he was asking the
teacher for permission.

Leo picked up the call and said "Hello Dad. Did something happen?"
Leo tried to make his tone filled with concern in an attempt to trick
his father.

The other side was silent for a while before Leo heard a familiar
voice " Everything is okay Leo… How school" a few drops of sweat
appeared on Leo's forehead.

{He usually… Never enters the subject directly} Leo calmed himself
before replying "It's okay… But I need to leave because the teacher
won't wait any longer".

"The teacher, huh… Leo, stop this. We know about it" Leo father
said as Leo sighed.

"It was worth the shot… How did you know?" Leo surrendered
before asking.

"It was your new school council president who told us" Leo clicked
his tongue before he realized something." Did you just say, us?".

"About that… Leo, you know that I'm okay as long as you get good
results but your mother…" Leo started to get paler by the second.
"… You better come fast, Leo… You are alone this time" the call
hang up while Leo almost dropped his phone.

Leo stood up slowly from the table before dashing towards the Cafe

"Hey! what ab-" the waiter wanted to stop Leo, but he got money
thrown at his face before Leo rushed out of the Cafe.

Leo sprinted in the road towards his home without noticing his phone
was ringing a few times.
Chapter 3
In a normal neighborhood consisted of many houses. There was a
house that wasn't different from the others.

This's Leo house and the place he grew up in.

Currently, inside the house, Leo was leaning his head on his hand
while looking at his mother that kept talking non-stop for almost an
hour now.

Leo already lost the power to understand her words after a half-hour
and all what he hears now is blablablablabla.

This's Leo's biggest nightmare. To be forced to listen to someone

Scoldings or complains and what makes it worst it's from his mother,
which makes him helpless to stop her.

He clearly remembers that day when he beat those three kids. His
mother scolded him for 6 hours straight and only stopped because it
was getting late. But at least his father joined him that day after his
mother saw him encouraging Leo from the back.

Leo raised his head to look at his mother that didn't even take a
break or a cub of water while walking right and left in front of him.

Most of the talk is about this's his first day in the new school and he
actually skipped it, and some talk about his future and some stuff like
that, but when it reached that part Leo lost his ability to understand.

All this time Leo was fighting his inner urge of using Annihilation
Maker to make a beast that covers his ears, but he stopped because
his mother will always ask him after 5 minutes if he was listening.

"Leo, are you listening?!" Leo's mother Manami turned to look at Leo
that almost dropped his head on the table before asking him.
"Yes… You asked 7 times now, and the answer is still, yes" Leo said
in a tired voice while he noticed something from the room door.

Leo saw his father holding his laughter while giving him a thumb up
from the door.

At that moment, Leo expression darkened instantly while looking at

his father laughing.

"…*Sigh*… You wasn't listening Leo" Manami suddenly said,

drawing Leo attention.

"I know you are trying hard Leo, but you need to stop these acts of
yours" Manami is fully aware of Leo's hard-working as he balanced
his studies with all those different sports he was doing.

"And this's not only about school. It's about your way to treat people
Leo… Think about your social life… Blablablabalabla" Leo tried to
hear her at first but his mind betrayed him.

"It's almost time for lunch…" Manami realized she was talking for
more than an hour before saying " I'm going to cook…"

Leo felt like he was liberated from hell, but the next words stopped
him."And this talk isn't over, young man".

"…" Leo stood up from the table and walked out the door to see his
father with a smug smile. This's Leo father Richard.

"Traitor…" Leo said before his father waved his hand " Hey, don't put
this on me. The call was from the house phone and If I wasn't
there… You know your mother reactions".

"Don't tell me she said something weird…" Leo covered his face
while his father said " The moment your mom picked the phone I
heard a scream of My son is skipping school then he's going to be a
criminal" Leo felt a headache now.
"But don't worry I stopped the call before she continued and I'm
pretty sure she started talking about tattoos or something" Richard
said as Leo covered his face even more.

"However, Leo…" Richard said with a serious expression as Leo

removed his hand and looked at him " I'm with your mother about
your actions…".

"You can't keep treating people as you do now. I know you don't
mean something bad but people always classify the person by his
first impression on them, and your impression will most likely be a
bunch of rude words" Richard said with a calm voice.

Richard knows what kind of person his son is. To put it simply, his
son is the type of a person that will laugh at someone falling in front
of him without helping because he thinks that everyone should stand
for themselves, but if someone wasn't able to stand even if he tries,
Leo wouldn't mind helping them out in a reasonable way.

Richard remembers the time where his son beat two guys in front of
him just because they were bulling a guy that was protecting his
sister in the alleyway which makes him more convinced that his son
learned martial arts so that he can be rude towards people without a

And if someone gives it a chance to learn his character, he'll notice

that after some time, the rude words will disappear but there will be
some sarcasm in the middle.

But people usually misunderstood these actions and think that Leo is
just a jerk without giving it a chance to understand his character.

Like in the neighborhood, Leo usually helps some neighbors if they

asked nicely, which makes every new neighbor surprised by this

This makes Richard worried about his son's future because the
number of friends he got in his life can be counted with one hand.
"…" Leo didn't speak as his father sighed because they did this
conversation many times before.

"Why don't you give it a chance in school? Maybe you can find
something interesting like a club?" Richard gave Leo a suggestion,
but he didn't respond because he doesn't want to go to that school in
the first place.

"…*Sigh*… Fine, I'll give it a try" Leo said after his father kept staring
at him.

"If you excuse me. I'll be in my room" Leo said before walking
towards the stairs.

Richard nodded as he was looking at his son leaving but at that

moment he noticed something wrong "Leo…"

Leo turned to look at his father that was staring at him seriously
"When you said 'give it a try'… Did you mean your way of talking or
the school?"

"…" Leo didn't answer as his father eyebrow twitched "You'll skip the
school again, right?".

Leo stood there in silence as Richard got his answer "Leo, I'm okay
with this, but your mother…" Richard said pointing at Manami in the
other room.

"I have my ways. And…" Leo looked at his mother before giving his
father a bright smile which scared him.

"Hey, mom. Dad said he's okay with me skipping school" With those
words Leo walked upstairs leaving his father with his angry wife.

"Traitor…" Those were Richard's last words before he felt a hand on

his shoulder.

Leo that reached his room smiled while listening to the scolding
This's just a usual day in Arisaltek's household. Leo always thinks
he's lucky to have these two parents, unlike all those novels he read
about traversers losing their parents or some dark past.

Leo cherishes these two parents and counts them as the best gift
given to him by this world, which is why he never stops his mother
because he knows she's just worried about him. Even the father that
always joking with him also cares about him deeply, which makes
him feel warm.

This's one of the biggest reasons why Leo wanted to leave this city
because he doesn't want his parents to be in this death zone. And
another reason he was looking for power even if it means to reach
for a suspicious Chat Room.

"Now I have a way to be strong…" Leo opened his room door before
saying"If anyone dares to touch them… The Annihilation word in my
Longinus isn't for decoration".

Those words were said in a very cold tone. Leo knows from the
moment he arrived in this world and saw the system loading bar that
he'll have to kill someday. Maybe it sounds wrong or ridiculous for
someone who never killed anyone, but… Leo will never hesitate if
this involves his loved ones.

After closing the door behind him, Leo walked to the bed before lying
down and looking at the ceiling. The spider in Leo's collar moved out
and walked up to his head.

Leo noticed the spider movements, but didn't care about it that
much. Beasts created by Annihilation maker have simple wisdom
and instinct, but they're completely loyal to Leo.

After a while, Leo took his phone that he noticed was ringing, but he
wasn't able to open it in front of his mother.

Leo opened the Chat Room app before he saw a lot of notifications.
Leo opened the Chat Room app before he saw a lot of notifications.

[Advocate of gender equality joined the Chat Room]

[Biri-Biri joined the Chat Room]

[The Strongest Man in the World joined the Chat Room]

After this, the Chat Room was silent for almost a half-hour.

[Advocate of gender equality: Is this some sort of scam? Where is

the content I was promised?]

[Advocate of gender equality: I can't even delete it… RIP my PC]

[Advocate of gender equality: And what with this nickname?]

Leo saw only one person kept talking about this's a scam for 5
minutes before another person join.

[Biri-Biri: I have to be impressed by an Esper able to hack my phone


The second person enters like its name… Like an electric shock.

[Advocate of gender equality: Wow, calm down… And what Esper?

Are you an eighth-grader syndrome?]

[Bri-Bri: What do you mean what an Esper? Are you outside the
Academy City?]

[Advocate of gender equality: Academy City? Is there a place like

that in Japan?]

Leo saw two of them talking about where the Academy City for a
while before the third person joined the Chat while another person
accepted the invitation.

[A Hero For Fun joined the Chat Room]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Gu ha ha ha ha. This's an
interesting Devil fruit power, but it takes more than a Devil fruit to
challenge me].

Leo looked at the person's words while wondering if he actually

writes his laugh.

[A Hero For Fun: Oh, are you strong?]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Gu ha ha ha ha. So are you the

one challenging me?]

[A Hero For Fun: If you're strong then yes, but there's a sale soon so
I'll pass for now]

[A Hero For Fun is Offline]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Hm? If you didn't challenge me,
then… Who sends this invitation?]

[Advocate of gender equality: Did I just entered a group of eighth-

grader syndrome?]

[Bri-Bri: Although it sounds like an eighth-grader syndrome with

those nicknames, but isn't this normal in Academy city?]

With this, Leo finally finished reading all the notifications.

"Bri-Bri and Academy city means it Level 5 Esper, Misaka Mikoto

from Index world…" Leo looked at the second person "Advocate of
gender equality. I feel like I heard about it somewhere".

Leo put his hand on his chin before looking at the two last
newcomers" Whitebeard and Saitama…"

If the first two are okay, even if Misaka's world is very dangerous,
then the last two are people that can destroy the world easily.
"Inviting these two… Just what this Chat Room wants to do?" Leo
felt this Chat room hid more secrets before looking at some old

"From their reactions this Chat Room actually… Click baited them"
Leo watched the Chat Room again.

[Advocate of gender equality: Okay, If I can't delete this Chat Room

then I'll at least change my Nickname]

[Bri-Bri: I think I'll do the same]

Leo looked at the two talking about changing their Nicknames before
he glances at something called… Admin options.

With a quick click, Leo disabled any attempt to change Nicknames.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin) has disabled Nickname changing]

The Chat Room caught in a short silence before it explodes.

[Advocate of gender equality: There's an Admin?!]

[Bri-Bri: Are you responsible for this? And you called me Bri-Bri!?]

[Bri-Bri: Come and fight me face to face, you coward!]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Admin? So you are responsible for
this floating thing in front of me]

Leo looked at the messages that kept increasing before reaching to

Admin options again.

[Total ban by Annihilation Maker (Admin)]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Shut the hell up!. You're annoying]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Can't you stop talking for a moment?!]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Lisen here. I'm like you, doesn't know
anything about this Chat Room and why did it appear, so if you could
calm down and think with that brain of yours do me a favor and find
out why]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): And if you can't stop calling it a hack

and a scam, then look in options for something called portable mode]

Leo wrote those few lines before removing the ban.

The Chat was silent for a while.

[Advocate of gender equality: Okay, I'm done, I have better things to

do than staying here to listen to a bunch of rude words. I'll fix my Pc

[Advocate of gender equality is Offline]

[Bri-Bri: Not only hacking my phone but also acting all-powerful

behind a computer screen]

[Bri-Bri has been banned for an hour by the Admin]

Leo directly banned the second annoying person before writing.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): I think an hour is enough for you to

check the portable mode and calm down]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Gu ha ha ha ha. I never thought I'll

meet someone who'll insult me today. I admit your bravery but… Are
you ready to be responsible for your words?]

Leo looked at the screen without an expression. The Strongest Man

in the World whitebeard. Anyone who hears that name in One piece
world will be scared. And what more absurd than that if they heard
someone just insulted him.

{Whitebeard… A living legend and the strongest man in One Piece.

So strong that nobody actually pointed that he doesn't have a beard}
Leo looked at the Chat before reply.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): So, do you want to fight?]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Pick your place. I give you that

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Too bad, old man. We're separated with
a distance that can't be counted by numbers]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Hm? Explain]

Leo didn't talk but just picked photos of a modern city and send it to

[The Strongest Man in the World: What's this place?]

Whitebeard that was sitting on his chair looked at the modern city
photo with a frown.

"I never saw a place like this before… Is it undiscovered region?"

Whitebeard looked at the chat room again.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): A modern city. Something that doesn't

exist in your world]

[The Strongest Man in the World: My world?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Yeah… We're not in the same world.

Like a whole different place, from its society until it power]

Whitebeard didn't reply for a while.

[The Strongest Man in the World: I see… ]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): You're not going to question it?]

Leo was surprised by Whitebeard's reaction.

[The Strongest Man in the World: Why should I be surprised? The
sea taught me to expect the unexpected, but… Gu ha ha ha ha, I
didn't expect to see something like this in the last moment of my life]

Leo that was lying on the bed stood up and sat down on the side
while looking at Whitebeard words "… The strongest man, huh"

"…" Leo smiled while looking at the chat.

[The Strongest Man in the World: But it seems you know my world
very well]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): You can say I know what I need to


[The Strongest Man in the World: For example?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Ace father]

Whitebeard took another period of silence before replying.

[The Strongest Man in the World: It seems there's really a different

world… How do you know?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): I was just lucky for knowing some future
events that all]

[The Strongest Man in the World: The future, you say].

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Yeah, but you better not take it

seriously because the future is made by our actions which change all
the time]

Whitebeard that was looking at the Chat Room screen nodded.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): And I'll not tell you anything about your
[The Strongest Man in the World: I don't really care about any future,
but I'm curious about your reason]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Would you believe if I said that you'll be

betrayed by one of your sons? And as a person that loves his family
deeply, I bet you'll crack my head if I said that]

"GUHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Whitebeard that was sitting on his chair

started laughing loudly which scared his crew.

[The Strongest Man in the World: It seems you really know what kind
of person am I ]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): If this's over then we should talk about

this Chat Room… Look at the store]

Leo wrote for whitebeard as he opened his store that was flashing.

[Restoration function is opened now… By paying equivalent points,

the members can heal any condition they are in, even prolong life as
long as points are enough]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): This's most likely was added here

because of you]

[The Strongest Man in the World: My condition, huh]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): So this takes us to a question. Why?

Why this Chat Room looks like it preparing us for something even
giving us healing services]

[The Strongest Man in the World: The things that'll give those points]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Yes… And this period we are in is most

likely to be a preparation period until we'll be sent to different worlds,
so we need to prepare and work together. Because if you notice…
There's no retreat button ]
[Annihilation Maker (Admin): I'll make a file with an explanation about
the basic function of the Chat Room and the subject of the different
worlds for other members]

Leo started working on his file before he got another message.

[The Strongest Man in the World: I've decided… ]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Decided what?]

[The Strongest Man in the World: You're going to be my son!]

Leo stared at Whitebeard's words for a while before replying.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): No]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Me and You are going to fight after
this thing you call program give us the ability to travel between
worlds and when that happens… I'll show you why I'm called the

[The Strongest Man in the World is Offline]

Leo looked at Whitebeard leaving the chat before holding his head in

"… I need to become stronger… And fast" Leo said as he walked

towards his desk before he sat down on the chair.

After finishing the explanation file, Leo opened the ability section and
choose Overall body reinforcement Stage 1.

[Do you confirm your choice?]

Leo choose yes as his body flashed for a second before returning to

"…" Waiting for a while, Leo didn't feel anything different except his
fatigue is gone now.
"Is this a scam… Hm?" Leo noticed something in his vision to be
exact his vision is blurred now.

Removing his glasses, Leo's vision returned to normal and even

better than before. Leo now realized he can even hear his mother
and father talking clearly.

Leo stood up from the chair and started to do some martial arts
moves as he understood how much his body changed.

His power, speed, and every function of his body almost tripled,
making him officially in the categories of superhumans.

Leo stopped his action after a while, noticing that after all of that his
breath didn't even rush a little.

Moving back to the desk and picking up his phone, Leo glanced at
his abilities again.

[Overall body reinforcement. Stage 2… Cost: 5000 point]

[Annihilation Maker Balance Breaker… Cost: 9994537 point]

"Balance Breaker cost lowered…" Leo nodded before closing the

Chat Room and leaning his back on the chair.

Leo now is thinking about what the best choice for him now. To be
stronger, you need to cover everything from strength to speed, which
Leo knows he can't just create monsters and sit away because a
strong enemy will never allow it.

Leo stared at his glasses on the desk while feeling the spider above
his head before an idea popped in his head.

"Annihilation Maker create beasts from my imagination… As long as

it a beast it can create it" Leo raised his hand as he focused on it.

A dark light appeared on Leo's hand before glasses that looked

exactly the same as his old glasses appeared.
Putting on the new glasses, Leo looked to see the vision is normal,
but the moment he blinked his vision turned into a Thermal vision.

These glasses are a beast created by Annihilation Maker with the

ability to grant Thermal vision to its user.

"As long as it a beast… It can be whatever I want it" Leo smiled

while switching his vision to normal.

Taking a notebook, Leo opened it before his hand flashed with a dark
light and a pencil appeared.

Leo started drawing on the notebook like he was a professional

drawing " First, I need something to cover my lack of combat
experience and give me more power"

Leo's hand moved at very fast speed while the drawing was made
clear… It was Venom from marvel.

"Symbiotes is the best choice for now…" Leo looked at his Venom
drawing as he remembered Symbiotes powers from marvel.

Symbiotes or Klyntar are species of extraterrestrial symbiotes from

the Marvel world.

They grant their user a lot of powers which start in Increasing its user
physical ability and making his body immune from all diseases and
grant a healing factor. The Symbiotes also grant advanced senses
like allowing their user to see 360 degrees around his body as if the
symbiotes skin is covered in eyes while increasing their user
intelligence and memory, but these are only the basic abilities.

"The most powerful thing about Symbiotes is their ability to retain

genetic memories and the abilities of its previous users but… That
ability I can't make currently with Annihilation maker" Leo frowned as
he felt the rejection from his Longinus.
"Knowledge, power, and imagination. These three are the key for my
Longinus… Imagination is already available which leaves Knowledge
and power" Leo rotated the pencil in his hand while thinking.

"Power can't be achieved easily, so it left me with Knowledge…" Leo

picked his notebook while staring at his Venom drawing.

"Step by step…" Putting his hand on his chest Leo stopped moving
for a while but with every second passing, Leo got paler.

After a few seconds, Leo stopped as he was breathing heavily, but

he had a happy smile on his face.

"If I can't make it instantly, why don't I do it step by step…" Leo

smiled as he felt the golden glowing sphere next to his Longinus.

This's another type of beasts that its only function is to save another
beast inside of it until its creation finishes.

Leo can add energy and stamina at any time to continue the creation
without worry about losing his progress.

"This's the first project… It'll take almost a week because it is

something that only requires normal human powers, but it'll be my
ticket to knowledge about something that'll take my ability to a
different level" Leo smiled before he remembered something.

Leo picked up his phone and choose the restoration function before
an option with 10 points appeared in front of him.

Clicking on the option, Leo felt his fatigue disappeared, and he went
back to full energy.

"This might finish after 2 days or fewer…" Leo said as he started to

send energy to the golden sphere as it was beating slowly.
Chapter 4
Leo was inside his room wearing his uniform. That's the day he'll go
to check that school.

Honestly, Leo doesn't care about devils and their games. For him as
long as they don't mess with him, he'll never care about them.

Leo yawned as he was fixing his uniform collar. After creating the
sphere, Leo stayed the whole night awake to accelerate its progress.
But just sending stamina wasn't the reason for his fatigue.

The real reason is the effect and the ability that this beast gave Leo
after the progress reached 30%.

Leo put on his headphones before he glanced at a pot in his room.

Leo's mother Manami usually likes to put different plants as
decoration in the house and this pot contains a normal plant, but
now… It withered.

Leo reached to his chest as he felt the sphere beating slowly. The
moment this beast started to take a shape his ability also started to
show up and appear on Leo.

"Stamina wasn't the thing that was used by my Longinus it was Ki or

life force" Leo said as he raised his hand.

A small white flame appeared on Leo's finger before Leo controlled it

and made it jump around his hand.

"This's can be counted as Senjutsu…" Leo extinguished the flames

in his hand.

Every living being in the world born with a life force called Ki, but
very few are able to tap into it and control it.
Like any other living being in this world, Leo also has that energy
hidden in his body but because of his normal human capabilities, he
wasn't able to sense it even with his Longinus until he created this

This beast is a master of life itself with a power very similar to his
Longinus, which finally made Leo realize how he was able to create
it from the first try.

The similarity between his Longinus and the beast made the cost of
its creation small, and with the new ability to control life, the cost
became even smaller.

Leo closed his eyes as he sensed the world around him. The dark
world suddenly ignited with light or small clusters floating around.

These clusters are every living being in Leo vicinity like plants,
insects, Humans, even the Ki in the air can be used to determine the
surrounding without the need for vision.

This beast in its infancy allowed Leo to access Ki but also control it
without worry, like breathing after one night from training.

Because this beast is born from Leo's soul so it more like an ability in
the shape of a beast.

Leo now is able to gather the Ki in the surrounding and use it directly
to create beasts but it takes a long time to gather it unlike his own Ki
and not ignoring the fact that the Ki in the city is very low.

But even if Leo able to control Ki and perform simple Senjutsu now,
he didn't want to draw Ki from the surrounding for three reasons.

This's his home, which he prefers if no supernatural person knows

about it, especially about his abilities.

Trying to absorb Ki from the surrounding without control will kill living
beings around Leo like what happened with that plant in his room.
Leo was focused on his beast until he felt Ki before looking at the
plant withering instantly.

The beast was instinctively absorbing Ki from the surroundings to

accelerate his growth, but Leo stopped it before it actually hurt
someone or alarm supernatural people.

As for the last reason, Leo found that Ki is dangerous even with his
beast control. There are always evil thoughts flowing in that energy
which makes Leo slow down the progress and take it slowly because
he doesn't want to be corrupted by this energy.

Leo finished his preparation and put on his glasses before leaving
the room.

Because of the new boost of Ki, Leo had to change his cover a little,
so he turned his headphones into a beast that can make his Ki look
normal and his glasses ability changed to speed reading and
understanding, so he can learn quickly. Leo also made his spider
into a button on his uniform before he increases its ability to hide his
Longinus with the ability to decrease presence.

Leo walked downstairs and greeted his parents before sitting down
and having breakfast with them.

Richard told Leo that he took care of his school skipping and he
should never do that again but in the back, he gave Leo a look of I
can only help you here.

Leo nodded before finishing his breakfast and walking towards the

Putting on his shoes, Leo left the house and walked towards the
school while taking his phone to check the Chat Room.

First, he did a check-in and got 82 points this time, which made him
realize that this beast creation will finish today when he goes to the
park where there is enough nature for Ki.
Leo walked in the route until a few students that have the same
uniform appeared.

Leo took a quick glance at them before focusing on the phone.

[Bri-Bri: Anyone here?]

Leo raised his eyebrow when he saw everyone Offline except 'Bri-

{There's still one invitation left… Maybe it got refused} Leo thought
before replying.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Here… Did you calm down, Bri-Bri]

[Bri-Bri: You… Anyway, this Chat Room isn't an experiment from the
city or even an Ability]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): You activated the portable mode, huh…


[Bri-Bri: This thing doesn't link with any network no matter how much
I try to use my ability and no Esper in the city can pass my barrier to
show me this screen so what this thing exactly]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): No one knows exactly what's it for now

but there's one thing for certain… It has some sort of a goal]

[Bri-Bri: A goal… That conversation with the strongest. Is there really

different worlds?]

Leo read Misaka's words before remembering that Whitebeard came

back after a while before starting a long conversation.

Mostly it was Whitebeard speaking about his old adventures in One

piece, which was quite interesting for Leo. All the weird and
interesting places that Whitebeard spoke about made Leo want to
visit One Piece one day.
But Leo didn't speak about Whitebeard future again because he
knows that he'll just ignore it. The man really trust and love for his
sons, so Leo didn't even want to say anything about Ace for the fear
of Whitebeard going after Teach, which will most likely spare him
after he beat him.

Honestly, Leo doesn't hate this carefree old man with his
straightforward personality, which makes Leo helpless about his
son's betrayal, so he chooses to take it slowly because he doesn't
know where's One Piece plot now.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Read the explanation file]

[Bri-Bri: I read it but that doesn't make sense this's unscientific how
can different worlds exist and be connected only by a Chat Room?]

{Girl, your power that based on magic is also very unscientific} Leo
thought before replying.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): I'll repeat my words I don't know and

these conversations should be done with all the members. But if you
want the current explanation, then I have a very simple one to

[Bri-Bri: What?]

Misaka was in her room looking at the Holographic screen in front of

her with a serious expression.

At first, when Misaka saw the Chat Room appeared on her phone
she thought it just a prank and when she saw 'I dare you to join, flat
chest Bri- Bri' the anger forced her to join immediately.

After getting banned and calming herself, she started to study this
Chat Room. But she found nothing and her suspicious grew after
looking at the Holographic screen that can work with her mind.
"He's the Admin, so he has to know something" Misaka said before
she saw a message that almost made her fall from the bed.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): It just works]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin) is Offline]

Leo closed his phone after sending that message. But he noticed
someone hit him from the back.

{The drawback of low presence} Leo thought before looking at this


"Eh? Leo! It has been a while" Those words were said by a young
man with blond hair and grey eyes.

Leo looked at this smiling guy before he said, "Who're you?" The
young man smiled stiffly as he stared at Leo with a wry smile.

"I see your bad personality still the same…" The young man said
while walking next to Leo.

"And I see you still a pervert… Saji" Leo said while looking at Saji
staring at a girl boobs.

"What wrong with a man being a pervert?" Leo ignored those words
and walked forward as everyone was looking at them because of
Seji's words.

"So where have you been after middle school?" Saji ignored the

"Somewhere," Leo said as Saji sighed" Nothing happened and you

were just hanging around" Saji translated Leo words.

Saji is Leo's childhood friend from primary school and one of his few
friends that actually understands how Leo's character works.

"…" Leo stopped talking as he saw the school gates from a distance.
"Did you skip yesterday?" Saji started talking alone while Leo was
thinking about the beast that almost reached 60%.

"There's no way I'm attending that entrance ceremony" Leo fixed his
glasses while Saji looked at him "I know you usually do that, but the
student council in this school is different" Leo looked at Seji and
said"Hoh? Like what?"

"Just looking at the president's eyes gives me chills" Saji said as he


"… You're an M now?" Leo said as Saji gave him a blank stare " Is
that what you understood from my words?"

Leo shrugged his shoulders, but he noticed that Saji that usually talk
gone silent now.

"Hey, Leo can I ask you something?" Saji said while Leo gave him a
wary look "I will not lend you any money".

"*Sigh* It not about the money…" Saji stopped for a moment before
continuing "If you were given a chance to enter a place that can
change your life completely, but that chance might take something
important from you… What'll you choose?"

Leo stared at Saji seriously for a while before saying " Is that thing
very important like you can't give it up no matter what?" Leo asked

"… It more like how you look at the thing rather than something that
you can't give up" Saji said as Leo nodded "Okay, then do you feel
like this an opportunity that will never repeat? And you'll regret it
deeply if you let it go?.

"…" Saji was silent for a while before answering " Honestly, I want to
choose but it as well…" Saji stooped but Leo finished his words.
"You're afraid or confused… Maybe because it from the unknown or
the no going back after it, right?" Leo said as Saji nodded.

"But you also feel that you'll regret it if you let it go…" Leo said
before looking at Saji " Then if you saw it appropriate… Go for it"

"This life is just a bunch of choices we make in a path called fate or

destiny maybe they are wrong or maybe they are right but…" Leo
had a serious expression now " Make sure you never regret it… After
all, we'll not live forever, so why not take an adventure once in a
while. And… Only you can choose your path"

"…" Saji was silent for a while before smiling " You still have your
way with words"

"Said the guy who keeps calling my personality bad" Leo said while
Saiji smiled "It's bad and you know that".

The two kept walking until they reached the school gate and saw the
student council member there.

{So these are the devils… } Leo looked at the student council
members while slowing down his footsteps and making Saji slightly
in the front.

Leo noticed that Saji have a complicated look while looking at the
student council members but it disappeared quickly.

{They began the recruiting, huh… } Leo thought before looking at

Saji, nodding toward the student council as they returned the
greeting before resuming their work.

The student council which is Sona Sitri's peerage was doing his job
of checking on the students if they hold anything suspicious or if they
are breaking the school rules.

Leo and Saji passed easily but at this moment Saji noticed
something wrong "Hey, Leo…"
Leo glanced at Saji that was looking at his uniform, " How did they
not call you? And is it allowed to wear headphones inside the
school?" Saji felt confused because there were few skippers and
rules breakers from yesterday being called to the student council

"My skip is already being taken care of but… Headphones are

forbidden?" Leo had a shocked look on his face before saying "But
what about those"

Leo glanced at some girls holding different bags in their hands

before Saji said " Those are club equipment which is different from
you headphones"

"But these are my club equipments…" Leo said while Saiji gave him
a stare "Leo, I know you for years and you never, and I say never
joined a club, but what club needs headphones?"

"Fashion club, and I'm the only member" Saji gave up thinking about
this problem while Leo nodded with satisfaction.

This's the new power of the spider which allows Leo to transfer his
presence and attention to another person or the things next to him.
Leo calls this ability the Kuroko effect.

"Hm?…" A girl with a short bob cut and violet eyes suddenly looked
at her side but she didn't see anything.

"Tsubaki…" The girl said as another girl with long black hair
responded seriously "Yes! President"

"Did you notice something now…" the girl said, but Tsubaki shook
her head.

"Nothing…" the girl put her hand on her chin while thinking for a
moment before resuming her work.
After twists and turns, Leo and Saji reached their classes and

Leo moved to a random place in the class while putting his head on
the desk. The spider Kuroko effect is already working, so as long as
Leo answers the teacher call he can just ignore the rest of the

{Making that beast is very exhausting even with the Chat Room
restoration… Now I need to think of my other project} Leo thought
while the teacher entered the class.

Leo didn't care because he was thinking about his second project
after the current project is done. But he can't make a choice. There
are a lot of monsters and powerful creatures from fiction like
Warhammer, Pokemon, Marvel, etc…

Honestly, after Whitebeard's challenge, Leo was thinking about a

project that will guarantee his win against any strong enemy, but he
can't try it or use it without any points as a security.

This project called Suicidal Counter Policy or can be called SCP.

Longinus or sacred gears are powered by the strength of their user

but the user's strong will and desire can break the limit of its ability
and what will more powerful than the desire of survival?

So This madman is thinking of making a psychological trigger that

will activate instantly when his life is almost lost or when he been
attacked by a force that'll kill him.

When the trigger is activated Leo's vitality or life years will be paid to
create something completely ridiculous from the SCP series to
destroy anything in front of him.

But before Leo's thoughts went further, the Holographic screen of the
Chat Room appeared in front of him without his permission.
[Chat Room member Advocate of gender equality died]

"… Huh?" That was all that Leo could say to express his feelings
right now.
Chapter 5
The teacher that was checking students present called on Leo that
raised his hand but he wasn't paying attention to the teacher
because his eyes were still on the holographic screen.

Leo looked at the message for a while before he chooses to log into
the Chat room by the brain command.

The teacher and Leo classmates didn't notice his strange acts
because of the spider and the fact that Leo is sitting in the back.

[Bri-Bri is Online]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin) is Online]

[The Strongest Man in the World is Online]

[A Hero For Fun is Online]

Everyone in the Chat Room arrived at that moment, but nobody

spoke for a while.

*Awkward Silence*

The silence continued for a while before Bri-Bri chose to break it.

[Bri-Bri: Did he just… Died?!]

[Bri-Bri: For real?!]

Leo looked at Misaka's message, and even from the words he

noticed her surprise and shock. Well, Leo can't blame her. She
probably didn't even see the dark side of Academy in the current
{She probably doesn't even know about the sisters now… Academy
City} Leo thought before reading another message.

[The Strongest Man in the World: Apparently that the case]

Unlike Misaka, Whitebeard seemed quite indifferent to this event.

This didn't surprise Leo because it whitebeard. What more to

[A Hero For Fun: Emm… Rest in peace?]

Saitama that didn't log from the last time, arrived now and like
whitebeard, he doesn't seem to care that much.

[Bri-Bri: You two don't care? If this Chat Room is telling the truth,
then he just died!]

[The Strongest Man in the World: I saw a lot of death in my life to be

moved by the death of someone I don't know]

[A Hero For Fun: I didn't even see this guy the last time I was here]

Leo looked at the messages before writing with his mind.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Honestly, I'm with the Strongest but it

indeed quite surprising. I mean, it has been just a single day]

[A Hero For Fun: *First *]

[Bri-Bri: Are taking this as a game?!]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Calm down Bri-Bri. Even if we want to

do anything, we can't just reach him now]

[The Strongest Man in the World: And he's already dead]

[Bri-Bri:But… There has to something we can do]

{*Sigh* Still innocent} Leo looked at Misaka's message before

[Annihilation Maker (Admin):*Cough*…* *]

[Bri-Bri: What?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): We gather here today to say goodbye

to one of our members]

[Bri-Bri: You are serious?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): There is not much to be told about this

member. I mean seriously, he didn't log for more than 26 minutes]

[A Hero For Fun: He's serious]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): So we're here to say goodbye and have

a moment of silence for him. But I'll probably forget about him after
this silence]

[Bri-Bri:… ]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): So before we have a moment of

silence. Does anyone want to say something about Advocate of
gender equality?]

[A Hero For Fun:… He died young?]

[The Strongest Man in the World: We don't know his age, but I have
nothing to say]

[Bri-Bri:… I give up]

[Advocate of gender equality: DON'T ACT LIKE I AM DEAD


[Bri-Bri: GHOST!]
Misaka that was walking in the road screamed, which scared all the
surrounding people before she apologized.

[Advocate of gender equality: Where do you see me dead?!]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin):*Screen Shot with the death *]

[A Hero For Fun:*Screen Shot with the death *]

[The Strongest Man in the World:*Screen Shot with the death *]

[Bri-Bri:*Screen Shot with the death *]

[Advocate of gender equality:… ]

[Bri-Bri: What happens to you? Aren't you dead?]

[Advocate of gender equality: I don't know. I pushed a girl away from

a truck then my vision flashed and I'm here in a dark space sitting on
a chair while this screen floating in front of me. Just how's this

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): A truck?! Don't tell me it did it again]

[Bri-Bri: Again?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Another long story. Maybe you are in a

place that beyond the reach of the last device, so the Chat Room
just activated the portable mode]

[Advocate of gender equality: Portable mode? What do you mean?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): It a long story, I'll explain later, but now.
Why don't you activate the streaming option to let us understand
what going on… It's the button in the bottom left corner]

[Advocate of gender equality: Eh? Okay… There someone here]

[Advocate of gender equality activated streaming function, do you
wish to join?]

Leo looked at the option before he chooses yes, and a new screen

{It was this guy?… I completely forget about him} Leo looked at the
boy sitting on the chair and the blue-haired woman talking to him.

The boy had brown hair and green eyes while wearing a green
tracksuit. The woman was beautiful with long blue hair and a unique
dress, but Leo wasn't affected by her beauty because he knows the

{Kazuma and Aqua from Konosuba} Leo leaned his head on his
hand while watching the show.

"Unfortunately, you passed away moments ago" the blue-haired

woman said as a message flashed in the Chat Room.

[Advocate of gender equality: Is it just me seeing things or this girl

isn't wearing an underwear]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Don't worry because she isn't wearing


[Bri-Bri:… Perverts]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Go tell that to the no underwear girl]

[Advocate of gender equality: I agree. But I can't see anything]

[Bri-Bri: Shouldn't you be focusing on something else?]

"Hey, are you listening to me?" Aqua said while drawing Kazuma

"Anyway… Your life was short. But you are, in fact, dead" Aqua
smiled while saying those words that shocked Kazuma for a

But before he felt sad about his death, the Chat Room flashed.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): First death in the Chat Room after a

day… This's a record]

[A Hero For Fun: He really died young]

Kazuma eyebrow twitched from the messages before he took a deep

breath. Looking at Aqua, Kazuma said "What about the girl I pushed
out of the harm way"

Kazuma said while a message flashed.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Prepare yourself for impact, young one.

Reality can be very disappointing]

Kazuma didn't understand this message but Aqua's next words

made him forget about it "She's alive"

"Thank goodness" Kazuma smiled as he left that his life wasn't in

vain but Aqua next words made him understand the earlier message.

"Actually, she would've been fine even if you hadn't done that" Aqua
said as Kazuma got surprised.

"That tractor was going to stop before it hit her" At this moment
Kazuma's eyes widened "Tractor?"

"Yes, it was a tractor" Aqua said before Kazuma asked "Then what
happened? Did I got plowed over by the tractor?"

"No, you died from the shock… You mistakenly thought a truck ran
over you. I've been doing this for a long time, but this's the first time
to see something like this" Aqua said before laughing at Kazuma
while the poor boy was feeling devastated by the fact.
Then the Chat Room heard a very unique way of death. Kazuma Got
killed by shock before wetting himself and having a heart attack in
the hospital with the doctors laughing.

"I don't wanna hear it! I don't wanna hear it!" Kazuma held his head
while screaming {This's can't get worst} Sadly, he's wrong.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I can't… I feel

like I'm gonna explode!]

Leo was in his class twitching all over while desperately trying to
hold his laughter.

[Bri-Bri: I shouldn't laugh at someone else's death but…


[The Strongest Man in the World: GU HAHAHA! That's really a

unique way to go!]

[A Hero For Fun: HAHAHAHAHA! I never saw anything like this!]

"BASTARDS!" Kazuma screamed at this moment but Aqua reached

to him and said something gave him the last blow.

"Your family reached the hospital, and now even they're laughing at
the cause of your death" Aqua said as Kazuma screamed again.

"I've vented enough stress for now" Aqua said as Kazuma glared
intensely at her {Damn you!}

Then Aqua proceeded to explain all the things about her being a
goddess and giving Kazuma the two choices.

[Bri-Bri: She's a real Goddess?!]

[A Hero For Fun: God? Is she strong?!]

Even from the screen, Leo was able to feel Saitama's intense
fighting spirit.
[The Strongest Man in the World: She's a real God?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): She isn't something like an omnipotent

one not even close, and I don't see a chance she can block one
punch from you, Hero.]

[A Hero For Fun:… Even a god is disappointing]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): They differ from a world to another. Like

my world has a lot of them running around, and that bible one is
dead leaving a heaven full of angels]

[Bri-Bri: Dead? Why do I feel I heard something very important? And

is your world this dangerous?]

[A Hero For Fun: Worlds?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Hero, go read the explanation file and

Bri-Bri… Your world can be scarier than mine in a lot of ways]

[Bri-Bri:… I want an explanation, now!]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Later. Something is happening]

"So we have a great deal for you" Aqua moved back before saying "
You like games, don't you?"

Then Aqua proceeded to explain about the Demon lord under a light
of special effects.

{Maybe I should make a beast that gives me something like a BGM}

Leo thought before writing.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): This sounds like a scam for me]

[Bri-Bri: It really kinda fishy]

Kazuma looked at the messages before asking Aqua about his

survival rate and the language.
Aqua took a manual and showed it to Kazuma as he noticed a small
note, but she covered it.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): installing language into the second life

candidate AKA 'SLfag' brain puts a lot of burden on their brains,
which may lead to permanent brain damage AKA 'Go full retard'…
Honestly, I feel you should choose heaven]

Leo was able to read and almost memories the small note by his
glasses before writing it in the Chat Group.

[Bri-Bri: I think you should reconsider it]

At this point, only Leo and Misaka were replying while Whitebeard
and Saitama were watching the show. But Saitama was destroying a
monster while watching.

[Advocate of gender equality: I know it full of risk, but anything is

worth sacrificing to have my dream adventure in a fantasy world]

"Now I'll grant you a power…" Aqua did a dance while a lot of cards
fallen to the ground before Kazuma started checking them.

{My gaming intention is telling me these things here are totally

broken} Kazuma thought while picking the cards but he saw the Chat
Room screen flash again.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Although I don't want to say it but even

if these things look powerful, please remember that reality can be
very disappointing]

[Advocate of gender equality: Can't you let me choose in peace?]

{Did the brain damage of language installing affect him before the
operation?} Aqua was sitting on her chair eating chips while looking
at Kazuma that was changing his expression for no reason.

"Can you hurry up. It's all the same, nobody is expecting something
from a shut-in geek like you " Aqua said calmly but Kazuma snapped
at those words "I'm not a geek, and I died outside so I'm not a shut-
in, either"

Aqua didn't care about Kazuma's words and kept nagging for him to
choose, which made him angry.

"Bitch!" Kazuma said as he stared at Aqua with a gaze filled with


[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Hey, look. Even if I didn't care about

this Admin identity… Well, I still care about its options, but I need to
tell you to calm down and think correctly… He isn't listening, right?]

[Bri-Bri: Yeah… Is it bad?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Actually it'll be quite entertaining for us,

but for him… ]

"I can choose one thing to take, right?" Kazuma stood up and said
while Aqua nodded.

"Then I choose you" Kazuma said while pointing at Aqua.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Congratulations on choosing water type

pokemon but unlike the rest, this one isn't useful]

"What?" Kazuma was confused by the message but Aqua stood up

from her chair as a magic circle appeared under him.

"Then don't leave the magic circle…" Aqua said before she notices
something wrong " "What did you choose again?".

An angel appeared from the void as she announced that Kazuma's

request is approved and he'll be teleported with Aqua to the parallel

"What going on?! You have to be kidding, right?" Aqua saw the
magic circle under her as she screamed at the angel "THIS'S
"Have a safe trip, Aqua-sama. When you defeat the demon lord, we
shall send someone to take you back" The angle smiled but in a
place that Aqua didn't know there was a bunch of gods celebrating.

"HOOORRRAAAAAAYY! The retard is finally gone!. All praise this

brave young man named, KAZUMA!" one of the gods said as all of
them were cheering with Kazuma name.

"KAZUMA! KAZUMA! KAZUMA!" Kazuma which became a hero

among gods without his knowledge was laughing while floating in the
magic circle.

"I'm a goddess, I can heal people, but I can't fight! How can I defeat
the demon lord!" Aqua was doing her last struggle, but the angle
kept her smile while looking at her floating in the magic circle.

[A Hero For Fun: I've completely lost hope in these gods]

Saitama was feeling disappointed that he finally met a god, but he

can't even fight a demon lord.

"How's it feel to make fun of me? This's what you get for treating me
like an idiot" Kazuma smiled creepily before saying " You're now my
item which I'll take with me, so… Use that god power of whatever to
make my life as easy as possible"

"NOOOO!" Aqua screamed while Kazuma was laughing and the

angle was saying the farewell word, but at this moment Kazuma got
a message from the Chat Room.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): *Sigh* Do you know? I was just having

a talk with my friend about regretting things in this life. It doesn't
matter what you choose but make sure you check it first and you…
Did something you'll regret, idiot]

"WHAT DO YOu mean by th-" the magic circle activated as

Kazuma's voice got smaller until it disappeared with a flash of light.
The screen in front of Leo flashed until the picture turned into a
medieval town with a fantasy theme going on.

[Advocate of gender equality is alive]

Kazuma was standing with Aqua at the roadside while looking at the
surrounding with amazement, but suddenly, the Chat Room screen
he ignored was flashing before him.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Location: Aincrad Floor 1. Welcome to

Sword Art Online… Noob]
Chapter 6
The sky was clear blue as the white clouds were drifting with the

The sun shone on a medieval town but unlike the usual towns. This
one has a fantasy theme going on with all the adventurers around
the town. This's the most peaceful town where the beginners start
their journey, the town of Axel.

On a side road inside of Axel, a wagon passed to reveal Kazuma

and Aqua standing there with a different expression on their faces.

Aqua had lowered her head, which covered her eyes with her long
hair while standing without a word. She still didn't accept the reality.

Kazuma, on the other hand, was looking at the air with an angry
expression on his face like a madman while some people pointed at
him from afar. But in a place they couldn't see, a Holographic screen
was in the front of Kazuma.

[Advocate of gender equality: Even if I don't know what that means,

but if it came from you, I have all the reasons to think it offensive]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): You don't know sword art? How did you
know about Pokemon then?]

Leo frowned while looking at the screen. When Kazuma chose Aqua,
Leo wrote a joke about Pokemon but Kazuma's reaction shows he
heard about it before, but now he doesn't know SAO.

[Advocate of gender equality: Who doesn't know pokemon? Do you

think I came from under a rock?]

{Pokemon exist in his world but SAO doesn't} Leo thought before he
saw a message.
[Advocate of gender equality: But why are you asking me these
questions? And can you explain this screen?]

{Does this has something to do with information flow between the

worlds?} Leo thought before he wrote.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Anyways, here a simple explanation

about this Chat Room. This's a Chat Room that connects different
worlds together and allows it, users, to communicate with each other.
For further details look at the explanation file but wait until I update it]

[Advocate of gender equality: Different world? Like this one?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): No, it much more complicated, but I

have few things to ask you. Answer the fastest you could]

[Advocate of gender equality: What?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): People die If… ]

[Advocate of gender equality: Eh? They are killed]

Kazuma didn't understand, but he answered, anyway.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Just because you're correct… ]

[Advocate of gender equality: Doesn't mean you are right]

Kazuma answered faster this time while all the other members were

[Bri-Bri: What is going on?]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Is this some sort of secret code?]

[A Hero For Fun: I think we just don't have enough context]

Then Leo and Kazuma kept going with the stupidest quotes ever
existed in a few anime while their speed increased to a degree the
other members couldn't follow them because of the context.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Last question… You thought this was

your general second life but… ]

This time Kazuma didn't write in the Chat, but he looked at the Chat
Room screen where the camera, and pointed to his face with his

"But it was me, KAZUMA!" Kazuma screamed, as Aqua that was

having a problem accepting the reality flinched.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): It seems you're really a man of culture.]

[Advocate of gender equality: I also never thought I'll meet a fellow

member, and it was a jerk]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Said the asshole with the gender


[Advocate of gender equality: Honestly, now I feel this Nickname isn't

bad. I mean, I have no problem to attack a girl]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): That all? Please, If I saw a girl falling

towards me I'll just move away and let her fall]

[Advocate of gender equality: Oh, yeah? Then I'll not hesitate to

dropkick… ]

Then both of them started to talk about the true gender equality
rights while the Chat Room reaction was more confusing.

[Bri-Bri: Suddenly, I'm feeling very unsafe in this Chat Room]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Gu hahahaha. This's very


[A Hero For Fun: Indeed]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Leo]

[Advocate of gender equality: Kazuma]

[Bri-Bri: What did I just witness?]

[A Hero For Fun: The beginning of a friendship?]

But before Kazuma wrote again, Aqua rushed towards him and
started to shake him while screaming.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin):*Screenshot*]

Leo took a screenshot instantly.

"Stop it! Stop it!" Kazuma said but Aqua kept shacking him with tears
in her eyes "I get it, okay!? I'm sorry" Kazuma said before pushing
Aqua away.

"If you hate it that much, you can go home" Kazuma touched his
shoulder that was hurting from Aqua shaking before he said " I can
figure the rest by myself"

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): You're just a noob level cannon fodder

that will die from the first mob here]

[Advocate of gender equality: Shut up, bastard! Like you're any


[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Look at my Nickname and say that


[Bri-Bri: I feel we can't insert in this conversation now]

[A Hero For Fun: Same, but if everything is okay, I'll leave]

[A Hero For Fun is Offline]

Whitebeard didn't answer because he was having fun watching Leo
and Kazuma conversation while drinking.

"What are you talking about? I'm crying because I can't go back!
What do you expect me to do now?!" Aqua said before starting to

Kazuma looked at the crying Aqua without an expression before

saying "Okay, Calm down, goddess" Aqua stopped crying and
looked at Kazuma.

"At times like this, we should visit the guild HQ. Because gathering
intel from the guilds and bars is the usual thing in RPGs" Kazuma
said before staring at Aqua that was surprised by his change "How
did you suddenly become so dependable"

"But first, don't you have anything to give me? Look I'm still in a
tracksuit at least give me the starting equipment" Kazuma said but
Aqua gave him a look of 'I can't do anything' which made him stare
at her in silence.

[Advocate of gender equality: Hey, this server GM is very useless

can I change the server?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Regretting it already?]

[Advocate of gender equality: Kinda, but it seems I have to start from

the zero… This's sucks]

"Do you at least know where the guild is?" Kazuma asked but for his
disappointment, Aqua shook her head" I'm a goddess. Why would I
care about where someone stuck a pile of rocks?"

{Useless bitch} Kazuma gave Aqua a very nasty gaze before walking
forward while trying to locate the guild.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Aqua followed Kazuma that was looking with
surprise at a message on the screen.
[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Hey, asshole, need help?]

[Advocate of gender equality: Is the sky falling down or the world is

ending because someone like you can never say something like this.
Tell me what are you after?]

Even if they didn't meet for a long time. Kazuma was able to feel that
Leo is the type of asshole that wouldn't help without a reason.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): What I'm after? Who knows]

Leo leaned on the chair before writing.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Maybe I'm curious, or maybe I'm feeling

generous today and you can even count it as a whim from me… And
maybe it the same reason you threw yourself in front of that girl]

[Advocate of gender equality: My reason for… ]

Kazuma didn't finish his words because he understood what was his

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Nothing at all. This's my choice and

now it's your choice to accept or refuse]

Kazuma that was walking stopped in his place while Aqua that was
flowing his almost fallen to the ground.

"What happen?" Aqua asked, but Kazuma didn't answer.

After a while, Kazuma took a deep breath and wrote on the screen.

[Advocate of gender equality: I accept, but… I only want a simple

help like a weapon and nothing more]

Leo smiled when he saw the message before writing.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): I see… After I finish my things here, I'll

send you a simple weapon like a sword or something]
[Bri-Bri: I was watching this conversation for too long, but now I need
to ask is there a way to help him?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Didn't you read the file? There's a gift
function that send some simple things between members]

[Bri-Bri: You need to make that file more detailed! But thinking about
it… What were you going to send?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Well, like my nickname, I can make

very interesting things, so I was going to send him some guns, armor
and some minions to attract hatred, but he refused]

{Maybe that guy isn't that bad} Kazuma was thinking about his next
plan before his body turned like rusted gears towards the Chat Room

[Advocate of gender equality: Umm… Can I choose again?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Hahahahahah… No]

[Advocate of gender equality: Give me back my feelings, bastard!]

[Advocate of gender equality is Offline]

[Advocate of gender equality finished the streaming and got 400

points because of the satisfaction]

"What happened to you" Aqua saw Kazuma suddenly sitting on the

ground with a look full of regret on his face "I'll never try to act cool

"Huh? Don't worry about it" Aqua said with a smile that brought some
comfort to Kazuma, but that vanished in the next second " No matter
what you do, you'll never be cool"

"YOU!" Kazuma squeezed Aqua head as she screamed for mercy.

{That was interesting, and I recorded it} Leo stretched his arms
before he saw a new message.

[Bri-Bri: Are you really helping him?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Yeah, is there a problem?]

[Bri-Bri: No, it just surprising. Did you take pity for his situation?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Pity? HAHAHAHAHAHAH!]

[Bri-Bri: Why are you laughing?]

Misaka didn't understand the reason that Leo laughed suddenly. She
didn't feel she said something wrong.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): You know? There are a lot of things you
can call that guy. Geek, Nerd, Shut-in, Asshole, disgusting but…
Someone like him isn't for pity at all]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): He's just an asshole. An asshole that I

can't bring myself to hate]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin) is Offline]

[Bri-Bri: What just happens?]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Did it finish? Well, it was very
interesting to watch]

[Bri-Bri: Strongest]

[The Strongest Man in the World: What?]

[Bri-Bri: What did the admin meant by that]

[The Strongest Man in the World: You want to know? From the last
conversations, I can see you are still an innocent little kid]
[Bri-Bri: Who are you calling a little!]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Guhahahah. I'm calling you, but
what do you want to know is simple]

Misaka watched the screen intensely while waiting for the answer.

[The Strongest Man in the World: It actually nothing at all]

[Bri-Bri: Huh?]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Those two are just assholes that
should come here and become pirates, but like Leo said… You just
can't bring yourself to hate them]

[The Strongest Man in the World: You know after the first meeting
with that guy I realized something… That guy even if he knows me
very well, he didn't look at the nickname of strongest and
whitebeard, but after that talk do you know what I felt?]

[The Strongest Man in the World: He looked at me as Edward

Newgate, without any title. GUAHAHAHAHAHA.]

[The Strongest Man in the World: That guy isn't even strong. All the
strong have that thing about them like Hero for fun, but I didn't sense
that from him, and what more interesting. He still challenged me

Misaka stared at Whitebread's messages without blinking. At this

moment Misaka felt something weird that remind her of her identity
as LVL 5. Most of the people are afraid and jealous of LVL 5 in the
Academy city, which made Misaka always feel rejection from this
city, but she had some very good friends, so she didn't care very

But at this moment she felt that feeling of 'not belonging' from this
Chat Room but unlike the Academy city that comes from strength
and fear. This one was more deeper. Like she doesn't understand

[The Strongest Man in the World: And that Kazuma boy. He's also
interesting. Gender equality and that look in his eyes]

Whitebeard smiled while drinking a barrel of wine in one go.

[Bri-Bri: Is this why you wanted the admin as your son?]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Hm? Maybe at first, but now I don't
want to do it]

[The Strongest Man in the World: You know? My sons are part of my
crew and my greatest treasure in this world, but Leo… He's more of
a captain than a crew member]

[Bri-Bri: What! Then what about the challenge?]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Even if I didn't want him as a son
now… A challenge is a challenge, and I'm still going to crack his

[The Strongest Man in the World is Offline]

Misaka was sitting inside a cafe while leaning on the chair, as she
had a complicated look on her face.

She can feel that Whitebeard's words have a deep meaning, she
isn't able to comprehend, but she has a feeling that the Hero will
able to understand them instantly.

Misaka sighed while trying to clear this feeling before she walked out
of the cafe. Maybe a walk will help her to clear her head.
Chapter 7
The bell rings announcing the end of the school period and the start
of the lunch break.

Students walked out of their classes before heading towards the

school cafeteria or going somewhere else if they already brought
their lunch.

When all the students started moving around the school, there was a
student on the rooftop staring at the crowds through the metal fence.

The student was wearing a boy uniform, but unlike the others, he
was wearing headphones on his neck.

Leo stood there facing the fence normally, but his hand that was
twisting the metal slightly and the unpleasant expression on his face
is telling something else.

"It stopped… I knew it. A beast like this can never be created easily"
Leo mumbled as he was feeling the beast inside of his soul next to
the Longinus.

Inside Leo's soul, the sphere that represents the container and the
beast inside of it was beating slowly, but this time it wasn't glowing.

When Leo finished the conversation in the Chat Room, he leaned on

his chair while waiting for the lesson to finish. But the moment he did
that… The beast's growing progress stopped at 70%.

Leo tried to put some Ki inside it a few times, but no matter how
much he put, the beast didn't grow more.

After realizing that truth. Leo stood up from his desk slowly before
moving normally toward the door and walking out of the class in the
face of his teacher and classmates that didn't even notice him.
Leo walked in the hallway at a fast pace, but a teacher spotted him
before asking him what he's doing here at this time. This teacher
was able to spot Leo because the spider ability wouldn't work on
strong people if they were focusing or when there's nothing to switch
his presence with.

But before the teacher finished his words, Leo snapped his fingers,
as a blue butterfly appeared in front of the teacher. The moment he
saw the butterfly, the teacher's eyes lost focus as Leo passed him
easily, and only regained sense after Leo was out of sight.

That butterfly is a beast that applies a simple illusion which only

works against normal people.

After passing the teacher, Leo reached the rooftop door and unlock it
easily with a key-shaped beast before walking forwards to use this
place to check on his beast.

Then the checking started with Leo communicating with his Longinus
and sending Ki while receiving detail from the container beast.

In the end. Leo realized the beast didn't fully stop growing, but it just
got very slow. Like he had a normal connection, but now he's using
McDonald's WIFI. That because he doesn't have enough knowledge
about how does this beast work or enough power to complete it

"I need a new source of energy, the park wouldn't work… It seems I
have to take a trip" Leo frowned slightly while looking at the distance.

In Leo sight, there was a long giant trail of light passing the entire
city before splitting into different directions but at one point, there
was a separate trail of light in the forest outside the city.

Those are the Dragon Viens that span all this planet and the carrier
of most the Ki in nature which is Leo target this time, but he isn't
after the normal Dragon vein that could kill him if he dares to touch it.
The separation from the original vein is Leo's goal this time. Unlike
the big vein, the separation doesn't have that big energy, but for Leo,
it more than enough, and because the Ki in it is chaotic nobody will
come after it.

"I don't have a lesson in the afternoon and the clubs will begin their
work so I'll go now… After I finish this" Leo raised his hand, as a
black light flashed before four dragonflies appeared and flew in a
separate direction before landing.

Leo is going to create Kazuma weapons, so he needs to secure this

place first because of the scanning wave that has been going once
every half-hour in this school.

"One devil is doing his job properly and one is just sitting without
doing anything" Leo sensed the school using Ki as he was able to
spot a dark energy scanning the school and from his understanding,
it'll probably be Sona.

While there was an unmasked violent dark energy in a part of the

school that made Leo realized its Rias Gremory.

"Honestly, I don't care about those devils…" Leo lowered his hand as
a white aura ignited on it mixed with black light.

Leo doesn't have a feeling for those devils, he doesn't hate them or
like them, nor he cares about their actions.

Everyone has their goals and ways in life. Who is Leo to judge
them? Leo doesn't care that much about them except he's a
Longinus user, so he'll eventually be pulled into this battle. But his
friend will enter this circle, which makes Leo a little helpless.

From Saji's question, Leo understood that Sona asked him if he

wants to be in her peerage, which refreshed Leo's understanding of
this Devil.
Honestly, if one day Leo knew that Saji was turned into a servant
without his will or he was forced to, then he'll first find a way to take
the evil pieces before having a 'Friendly' meeting with those Devils.

But even if it seems funny. The Devil named Sona had morals and
gave the choice to Saji.

"The Chat Room and the Devils… I need to become stronger" Leo
said as a sword appeared in his hand.

"I guess this's enough for him…" Leo swung the sword a few times
before nodding.

This's a beast in the shape of a sword made for Kazuma. It doesn't

have an impressive ability except because it's a beast it can correct
the user stance and allows them to learn swords faster but Leo
added another ability with an interesting trigger.

"I really want to see his face after this…" Leo smiled before using his
Longinus to create a paper beast with a note and tie it to the sword

"He isn't online, I'll send it later" Leo dropped the sword, as it sank in
his shadow.

Leo stood there feeling the wind blowing his hair slightly while
looking at the clouds in the sky.

"I still do not know what happen to me or why did I become like
this…" Leo closed his eyes as he whispered." When did it start?
Since far, far into the past? Maybe it was from my past life? Or
maybe it was this life?"

"That doesn't matter anymore" Leo opened his eyes as he smiled

slightly before saying "… And besides. This's just me"

Leo doesn't know when he became like this. But it may be his regret
in his past life.
Leo remembers the life that felt like a machine for him. Everything
comes and goes, no goal, no ambition. Leo felt more dead than
living during those times, so he wanted to make up for it… Maybe
this's his look for freedom.

And this is also his reason for helping Kazuma. Because he saw his
self in him. Just two guys been disappointed by life and got another
chance, so they'll use it to the fullest and be them self.

At this moment, Leo started to hear voices in his head, or rather he

felt them from the Ki in the surrounding.

Leo closed his eyes as he sensed the whole school, Humans or

Devils, nothing was hidden from him nor anyone noticed him.

'I'm hungry'

'I'm tired'

'This's funny'

The Ki carried the thoughts and will of the students all around the
school, and Leo was able to feel every one of them easily. Small
grains of golden light was flowing with the air now while circling
around Leo as his hair moved slightly, forming a beautiful picture.

Leo didn't notice the grains of light because he was busy with this
mysterious feeling that the KI brought him. For Leo, this's almost

It was like nature was playing a song with all living beings
participating in it.

'When will this school end?'

'The line is too long'

'I need to study'

{Hold up… } Leo that was feeling the Ki sensed something wrong.

'We can win this match'

'I need more coffee'


'The lesson was long'


{Breast? What in the hell?} Leo was puzzled by this will in Ki, but
before he understood anything a horde of wills hit him directly.


Leo stopped his Ki instantly as he leaned on the metal fence while

breathing heavily. Leo almost threw up his lunch at this moment.

"What in the fuck was that… The Ki actually turned into a breast!"
Leo that faced an absurd situation was looking for the reason.

Leo felt that Ki was pure, very pure that almost became poisons like
pure Oxygene, but it was filled with one thought and that's lust.

"You…" Leo found the reason in a place next to the girl's locker

There were three boys trying to peek through a hole in the wall, but
Leo's attention and anger were directed towards the brown-haired
boy with the wretched smile on his face.

In a place people couldn't see, the boy was releasing a lot of

thoughts and wills which carried by Ki that turned into breast shape
the moment they contact them.
Activating his Longinus, Leo created a small ball and threw it
towards the boy.

The ball flew directly towards the boy but the moment the ball almost
reached him; it opens up and turned into a wasp.

The wasp flew directly to the boy's neck before landing and raised
his stinger that was larger and longer than the usual wasp.

"Hm?" The boy felt something on his neck but before he checks it a
wave of pain hit him like a train."AHHHHHHHHH!"

"What are you doing!?" the boy two friends tried to stop the boy, but
when they heard girl's screams and angry yells, they run away while
leaving the boy rolling alone in the ground.

The boy that was holding his neck in pain felt something above him
as he raised his head to see girls holding wooden swords.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" the second wave of pain came before the poor

boy passed the first one.

"… Protagonist or whatever. Never fucking mess with me!" Leo said
as he shook his head to clear those thoughts from earlier.

"It seems I really need to follow the rules and find a way to separate
something from his soul" Leo looked at the boy getting a beating
from girls as a weird aura was appearing from his hand.

"Red Dragon Emperor doesn't need a breast word in front of it!" Leo
took a deep breath before moving toward a bench and sitting down.

Leo swore he'll never read the Ki of someone like that again or he'll
throw up blood rather than lunch.

Sitting for a while, Leo felt his mind back to normal before he wanted
to stand up, but he noticed something coming towards him.
A petite girl with white hair and golden eyes with a black cat hairpin
appeared from the door as she was carrying a bag of cookies in her

The girl was walking normally until she spotted Leo that was staring
at her.

*Awkward Silence*

Leo and the girl kept staring at each other for a while without blinking
until the girl said. "That my place"

The voice was low and faint with a lack of emotions, but Leo was
able to understand, so like any young boy in his age he said "It

The atmosphere returned to silence at that moment, but it was much

more awkward.
Chapter 8
The Breeze was blowing slightly on the rooftop of the Kuoh Academy
as it slightly moved the hair of two people there.

Those two people were a boy and a girl. The boy had black hair
while the girl had white hair which quite the contradiction between

Two were sitting normally in two separate benches, as they were

staring at each other with their blue and golden eyes. But what was
seems to be normal will turn instantly awkward if someone was to
come here.

The boy and the girl were staring at each other for almost 10 minutes
now without blinking, as the atmosphere between them got more

The boy was holding his phone and the girl holding her bag of
cookies but no one did a move which seems to be childish. But if the
girl was staring seriously, then the boy was having other things in his

{… She reminds me of my cat} Leo didn't change his expression

while looking at the girl, as he felt she is familiar. But his mind wasn't
really focusing on her.

Leo was thinking of that state he was in earlier. It was like he

resonated with the whole nature, which opened him the door to read
will and thoughts by Ki.

{It happened after my words… } Leo thought for a moment before he

noticed a certain truth {There's Chinese mythology here, and they
use Ki… Does this energy have an enlightenment property like
cultivation techniques?}
Leo suddenly felt he grasped the truth and this world might have
cultivation techniques, but before he thought more. His phone
started ringing which startled him and made him blink.

Leo didn't look at his phone because the girl in front of him nodded
like she won something before opening her bag and eating cookies.
But even if she didn't have an expression, Leo felt she had a smug
look now from her eyes.

Leo squeezed his phone that would be already broken if the Chat
Room didn't reinforce it before looking at the caller… It was Saji.

Leo looked at the name for a moment before he answered the call
and said "Give me one reason for not coming right now and break
your phone"

"Well, sorry if I ruined something important, but didn't you promised

to have a football match with me after the lesson?" Saji didn't care
about Leo's usual way of communicating.

"The match? Well, sorry something important happened so I might

not arrive" Leo remembered the match so he apologized. Leo
doesn't like to break promises with his friends, but the conditions
don't allow it.

Saji knows Leo very well, so he understood that something happens

to Leo before he said " Did something happen? Where are you

"Nothing important but I might need a favor…" Leo turned to look at

the white-haired girl that was still looking at him before he said " I'm
in the rooftop of the Highschool section, but… Are children allowed
to enter this section?"

The girl that was eating cookies almost crushed the cookie in her
hand and the bag while her gaze turned dangerous as she stared at
Leo that didn't care about her.
"Favor? No problem, but children?…" Saji was walking in the hallway
next to the cafeteria before he stopped as his expression turned
serious before he said "Leo can you describe the person next to

"Hm? Well…" Leo looked at the girl scary eyes before he said " A
white-haired Loli, but why d-. Hm?"

Leo looked at his phone because Saji hanged up the call, but he
didn't notice the girl atmosphere is getting more dangerous.

However, Leo didn't wait for long before he heard the sound of
footsteps coming from the rooftop door.

After a few seconds Saji came sprinting from the door before he
rushed towards Leo that didn't understand what is happening.

"You traitor!" Saji held Leo collar and started shaking him left and
right "Was your important thing dating, huh?!"

Leo watched Saji that kept shaking him left and right before he
raised his fist and at that moment Saji jumped backward, leaving
Leo. This is not a joke, Saji saw what Leo can do, so he isn't willing
to take risks.

Leo lowered his fist slowly before fixing his collar and said" From
your reaction, I guess you know this white-haired Loli"

"You don't know Koneko Toujou?!" Saji had a shocked expression

before starting to talk about a mascot or something as Leo nodded.

{No wonder she felt familiar… } Leo looked at Koneko that was
shaking her fist from anger and dropped the cookies bag.

"Enough with that. I have something to talk with you about" Leo
looked at Saji seriously. Saji stopped his acting before nodding, but
at this moment Leo did something that surprised him.
Leo walked towards Koneko that was mumbling " President told me
to not hit normal humans" before he picked up the bag and put it in
her hand.

"Don't throw your things to the ground" Leo walked away as he

dragged the shocked Saji, leaving Koneko that was frozen from the
shock in her place.

Koneko looked at Leo that was dragging Saji before he disappeared

from her sight. After a while, Koneko looked at her hand where Leo
slightly touch her.

"Ki…" Koneko had a complicated expression on her face before she

said "It was happy around him"

Even if Koneko didn't want to have anything to do with Senjitsu, but

her instinct as a Nekomata is still working. She didn't feel anything
weird from Leo, but wherever he walked Ki would become happy for
some reason.

Koneko shook her head before walking to her place that was
occupied by Leo before she sat down. She pulled a cookie and ate it,
but even if her expression turned back to cold, there was a slightly
complicated look from her eyes.

Leo was dragging Saji before he stooped and looked at him "What
happens to you?"

"You, you, actually helped her" Saji shocked expression didn't fade
because he knows this guy in front of him, which makes him unable
to understand what happened and why did that girl got a VIP

"Hm? Yeah… Is it weird?" Leo looked at Saji that was nodding while
he said " Yes, It was very weird"

"Well… She kinda reminded me of someone" Leo walked downstairs

before he said " My cat"
"Your cat?…" Saji mumbled before something flashed in his mind as
he remembered something important about Leo.

This guy in front of him even if he doesn't want to admit it, has a
thing for cute stuff. Saji remembers the time when he and Leo were
little kids.

Because of the influence of his unawakened memories, Leo was

more mature from the other kids and didn't like to play childish
games and kept a serious expression most the time, but that
instantly was broken when Saji saw him playing in his home with a

Saji remembers the happy and childish smile on Leo that didn't
appear a lot. That cat was raised by Leo's mother, but it disappeared
one day and Leo was really sad about that.

So even if Leo doesn't admit it or even if he doesn't have any

evidence, Saji still believes that Leo has a soft spot for cute things.

{Hold on… } Suddenly, an idea flashed in Saji mind {If the cat was
cute and Koneko Toujou look like a cat which means she also cute
and from the equation of cuteness plus the look multiplied by the cat
look divided by his soft spot will equal me having a camera and
recording an embarrassing moment of his}

Saji felt like everything has sense now, like the universe secrets
opened for him just from the thought he can see Leo embarrassed
face. But he didn't know that this state actually helped him to unlock
his Sacred Gear faster than the original.

Leo looked at Saji's expression that looked like his mind got blown
before he said "What happens to you?"

"Nothing!" Saji hit his chest and flashed Leo with a bright smile
before he said " You need me in a favor, right?"
{Fishy… Very fishy} Leo watched Saji bright smile as he felt
something is hidden under that smile, but he doesn't have time now.

"I need to spend the night at your house and at the same time I
don't" Saji looked at Leo before he said " You need me as a cover?"

"Yeah, I have something very important and I need you as a cover

for me" Leo looked at Saji seriously before he said " Can I count on

" Yeah, no problem" Saji waved his hand before he said " But are
you going now"

Saji didn't question Leo's goal because after all these years if Saji
learned something it'll be that Leo is very smart and can take care of

"Yeah" Leo nodded but Saji frowned before he said " You know even
if the class in the afternoon aren't that important, but if you absent for
two days straight then you'll be called to the student council even if
you have an excuse"

"I know" Leo smiled before he said " But you know me, so it better to
face them now than later"

{Also I need to see something with my own eyes} Leo looked at Saji
that was nodding.

"Okay, I got you covered, but you owe me a favor" Leo looked at Saji
before he said " Sure, if you need me just scream my name, who
knows, I might appear from nowhere"

"Huh? Are you joking with me? Before something like that happens
you'll be screaming for my help" Leo raised his eyebrow as he smiles
before saying "Ho? Then let see who will scream for help first"

Leo walked away, leaving Saji that had a helpless smile on his face.
"I need to take the bus to reach there" Leo looked at the long trail of
light before he said "It'll be a long journey"

(Time skip)

Leo walked out from the bus as he was staring at the mountain in
front of him.

The sun has already gone down bringing the sunset and this bus
was the last one for this location next to the forest.

"Kid, if your home isn't here then ride the bus to go back to the city"
the old bus driver looked at Leo before he said " These woods aren't

"… What do you mean?" Leo frowned before the bus driver said "
There has been a lot of missing people in this forest but no one
knows why"

If this was his old world, Leo will laugh in the driver's face, but if it
this world, then everything is possible.

{Is it a stray?} Leo looked at the driver before he said " Don't worry
old man, this is my station"

Leo walked away from the bus while the driver sighed before driving

Leo didn't follow the road and moved directly into the forest. He
didn't need direction because the beast inside his soul was guiding
him towards the exact location at this moment.

Leo kept walking slowly while paying attention to the surrounding

before something flashed in front of him.

The Chat Room screen flashed with a short message.

[Advocate of gender equality is inviting you to chat]

Leo looked at the message for a moment before login into the Chat

[Annihilation Maker (Admin) is Online]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): What do you want?]

[Advocate of gender equality: My weapon, so I can level up already]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): You already sign up in the guild and got
that card?]

[Advocate of gender equality: Yup, and I don't want to spend my time

working those side jobs to have enough money for equipment]

{Should I tell him?} Leo that almost wrote a message looked at

Kazuma other message.

[Advocate of gender equality: And how do you know about my world

this much?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): The same reason you know Fate]

[Advocate of gender equality:… Those worlds exist? Then my world]

Kazuma that was in the stables stood up instantly from the haystack
and looked at Leo's message.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Yeah, there's an anime about your


Kazuma took a while to respond.

[Advocate of gender equality: Then my world… ]

Even if Kazuma didn't finish his word Leo was able to guess them.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Do you feel like your life is fake?]

[Advocate of gender equality: No, to tell the truth, I felt more alive
this day than all my life]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Maybe because you died once *First ]

[Advocate of gender equality: Yeah, yeah, very funny]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Don't think too much about it, Kazuma.
Our future is always made by our hands, take it as an example.
There was no Chat Room in the anime or an asshole willing to help
you. And honestly, I wouldn't mind having me in a book or a novel,
but I'll probably kill the author if he does it bad]

Kazuma looked at the message for a moment before laying down on

the haystack again before writing.

[Advocate of gender equality: I have one thing to ask]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): What?]

[Advocate of gender equality: Please… Tell me I'm the protagonist]

{He recovered faster than I expect} Leo smiled as he kept walking in

the forest while the sun was almost fully gone down before he wrote.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): You want plot armor? But first, what
makes you think you're the protagonist?]

[Advocate of gender equality: I reincarnated into this world?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Thousands of people also have been


[Advocate of gender equality: I have the goddess… Don't count that,

She is more useless than helpful]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): The only time you'll have protagonist

treatment will be when you visit Eris]
[Advocate of gender equality: The other goddess? But why I'll visit

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Let's just say you'll need a head for

[Advocate of gender equality:… Do you know? I'm not gonna

question it, just send me my weapons]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Don't worry and stop nagging me for it.
It already finished, but there's something I have to do that'll make
that beast better]

[Advocate of gender equality: Hold up. A beast? Wasn't it a sword or


Leo had gone very deep inside the forest, as he felt he was close to
the dragon vein before replying to Kazuma's message.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): A beast in the shape of a sword. Well,

my ability is your usual bullshit imagination-based ability that doesn't
have limit except its user]

[Advocate of gender equality: Beasts making ability with

imagination… What the fuck with this OP Demon Lord type ability?!]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Deal with it]

[Advocate of gender equality: But to think about it, beast making… ]

Leo grinned as he looked at Kazuma's message.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Don't worry, one day I'll come with
Goetias to knock on your door]

[Advocate of gender equality:… Why it plural?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): *Ars Almadel *]

[Advocate of gender equality: That doesn't make me feel better!]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Exactly. But if you finished your

questions, I have one to ask you]

[Advocate of gender equality: What?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Answer me honestly… What was the

content that the Chat Room click baited you with?]

Leo already knows all the reasons behind the other members.
Whitebeard because he thought it was a challenge. Misaka probably
because she got insulted. Saitama joined for a challenge or a
supermarket sale automatic alarm.

[Advocate of gender equality:… ]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Don't try to log out * *]

[Advocate of gender equality: *Sigh* It was… You know]

Leo's eyes widened when he looked at Kazuma's message.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): You are telling me that you, Kazuma

Sato, joined a multiverse Chat Room for P*rn?!]

[Advocate of gender equality:… Yes]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin):… ]

[Advocate of gender equality:… ]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin):… You're a man]

[Advocate of gender equality:… Thank you]

[Bri-Bri: Can you two stop these kinds of conversations in the main
Misaka was inside her room as she was lying on her bed ready to
sleep, but she was blushing from these messages.

[Advocate of gender equality: Where did you come from?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): I don't think she left from the start or
from the moment she logged in]

[Bri-Bri: Yeah, I didn't log out once]

[Advocate of gender equality: How can you tolerate a glowing and

flashing screen in your face?!]

[Bri-Bri: Can't you guys just close it every time when it flashes while
doing your work?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Well sorry for not having a

supercomputing brainpower of LVL 5 esper]

[Bri-Bri:… ]

[Bri-Bri: Anyway, can't you guys move for a private Chat or


[Advocate of gender equality: Yeah, we can do that but… ]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): The reaction of people like you makes

us want to continue, and I'll appreciate it if you send me your
expression now]

Leo finished Kazuma words as Misaka had an electric current

flashing on her head from anger.

[Bri-Bri: You two… Really enjoying this!]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): You have no idea]

[Advocate of gender equality: You have no idea]

Misaka started to generate a lot more electricity, as the darkroom
lighted, but she stopped because she didn't want to wake up her

{Just wait when we meet} Misaka turned her attention back to the
Chat because Leo wrote a message.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin):Bri-Bri, you are doing it wrong. Anger

will not help you in online chats, let's me show you the correct way]

"The correct way?" Misaka whispered as she looked at the screen.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Hey, Kazuma, remember the time you

choose a job. What did you choose?]

[Advocate of gender equality: I feel this is going very badly. It was an

adventurer, the weakest class. Why? Are you going to laugh at me
for it?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): I never laugh at the weakness of

someone because I know I'm also was once weak, but please look
at the store in the ability section]

Kazuma frowned before choosing the shop and looking at the ability
section before his eyes widen.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): There is a little thing called 'overall body

reinforcement' which you could get after a few days of logging and
you'll be able to choose a good job but now you're stuck with the

[Advocate of gender equality is Offline]

Kazuma raised his head and looked at the ceiling with eyes that lost
hope in this world before he screamed "GODDAMMIT!"

Aqua was sleeping and drooling before she startled and fall from the
Leo smiled while looking at Kazuma leaving as he spotted a cave in
front of him.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): And this is how it done, Bri-Bri]

[Bri-Bri:… By being a total jerk?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Basically, yes]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin):Well, I'm leaving now I have a beast to


[Bri-Bri: Beast? Can you open the Stream function? I'm curious
about the ability in different worlds]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Sure, why not? I mean, it free points,

but my gut tells me it will be painful and full of suffering for me. Are
you sure you want to watch it?]

[Advocate of gender equality is Online]

[Advocate of gender equality: I remember I forgot to ask when my

weapon will be ready, but now I'm staying *Waiting for your *]

Leo's expression darkened when he looked at Kazuma, sending his

image laying on a haystack while digging his nose. But he didn't
have time to respond.

Leo stopped his footsteps and stared at the cave in front of him.
This's the entrance of the dragon vein.
Chapter 9
Calm down it was just a joke about the cultivation techniques.

6451 words chapter, which equal to three of my usual chapters.

Enjoy the chapter.

Leo was standing in front of the cave, as he was sensing the

powerful and chaotic Ki coming from it.

{Very chaotic… } Leo frowned as he was measuring the Ki inside the

cave { This negative and malicious intent makes me think of Angra

Although it wasn't something exaggerate like the sins of the whole

humanity but for the current Leo, this Ki is very dangerous.

This is just a separation of the Dragon vein, so it doesn't have the

usual purification function that cleans the Ki before sending it back to
nature. All the negative emotions have been stacked inside that
space in the cave and will attack any living being enter there, which
is why no one wants to use these separated veins.

And because of the fact that these separated veins will dissipate
after a while, no one cares about them.

[Advocate of gender equality: From earth to Leo, are you there?]

Leo was thinking about how to enter this Dragon vein before the
Chat Room screen flashed before him.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Yeah, I'm here but if you want the
stream, I need some time to prepare]

[Bri-Bri: Preparation? You weren't joking about the pain and

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): No… This thing can even take my life to
a certain extent]

[Bri-Bri: Your life?!]

[Advocate of gender equality: Hey, Leo. Pain and suffering are a

thing and risking your life is a whole different thing. You know there's
no second chance for you in your world]

Leo saw Misaka and Kazuma messages before he sighed helplessly,

but there was a slight smile on his face.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): I said to a certain extent, I'm not the

guy who'll throw his life for nothing, but even so, it a risk that I need
to take]

But Leo can't stop now, even if this is risky. The beast that been
created now is Leo's ticket to take his Longinus to the next level
even without Balance Breaker.

Leo understood the true weakness of his Longinus or the limit that
was put by the bible god. It's life, no matter how much Leo creates
from beasts they can never be truly alive.

Annihilation Maker beasts are just a vision created by energy in a

special way that makes beasts that have an entity, but they can
never be alive or have even simple intelligence except the instinct.

Instinct doesn't seem to be problems at first, but after facing strong

opponents, Leo beasts will only become cannon fodder which
completely unacceptable for him.

The time of existence also is a problem because they are made just
from energy, which puts a burden on Leo's body if he has multiple

Leo has a feeling that this limit will even affect the normal strength of
his beasts in the future, so he'll take care of it now and for all.
Honestly, when Leo made the beast, it was only for the sake of
removing this limit and because it not very expensive for his current
condition, but the beast somehow resonated with this world Ki which
lead to all the other stuff that happened.

[Bri-Bri: But do you have to risk your life for just power?!]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Power? Bri-Bri, in my short life I didn't

consider the power to be my first concern, it just… I don't want to
hesitate anymore or leave anything to regret later]

[Bri-Bri: Huh?]

[Advocate of gender equality: I see… Go for it]

[Bri-Bri: What?! Are you actually supporting him?!]

Misaka widened her eyes as she looked at Kazuma's message. She

couldn't believe he actually supported Leo in his crazy ideas.

[Advocate of gender equality: Give me a break. What should I do?

Leo already made his choice and I don't think you can stop him]

Kazuma replied to Misaka's message normally, but in reality, he was

clenching his fist before looking at Aqua that was scratching her
head because of the fall.

{She's an Arch Priest, maybe she can help, but can I send her
spells?} Kazuma looked at Aqua that fallen asleep again before a
vein popped on his head. But before he did anything, a message
appeared in front of him and Misaka.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin) activated streaming function, do you

wish to join?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Stop acting like I'm going to die and
enter already!]
Leo looked at the two enter the streaming as he raised his hand. A
white aura ignite on Leo's hand before it mixed with a dark light.

[Bri-Bri: Is this your true look?]

[Advocate of gender equality: So this is how you look… I have a lot

of problems]

As an asshole himself, Leo understood Kazuma's words before he

typed in the Chat.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Before you say anything, look at this

*Kiba surrounded by *]

[Advocate of gender equality: Whoa! How handsome… It kinda

pisses me off * * DEUS VULT! ]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): He's a devil actually, so your statement

is very accurate. Count me in * *]

[Bri-Bri:… ]

Four dragonflies appeared from Leo's palm as they flew in four

different directions before landing.

The four dragonflies are actually Leo's way to confuse most of the
scanning type abilities and the reason he used his Longinus in the
school earlier.

The four dragonflies work in turn, the first one jam the scanning
wave before it sends it to the second dragonfly that mask the scan
result and made it like the wave hit this place.

The third dragonfly then takes the wave and let it go in its way
normally before the fourth dragonfly sends a fake result for the wave

Sona scanning waves only met with the same normal result over and
over without anything suspicious.
The same goes for the butterfly, as its ability work in a way that
makes people think they hypnotized themselves, which makes any
person check after Leo completely clueless.

[Advocate of gender equality: I came here to see beasts and

monsters, not insects. What are you? Insects maker?]

[Bri-Bri:B-B-Bugs… ]

[Advocate of gender equality: You're okay there?]

[Bri-Bri: I'm fine!]

Leo looked at the Chat screen with a dangerous gaze before he took
a deep breath and walked towards the cave entrance.

The cave wasn't big, it didn't even have much space inside as its end
was in plain sight.

The moment Leo set one step here, the beast inside his soul started
beating quickly, as it was guiding Leo to the dragon vein entrance.

[Bri-Bri: Is there something important in this cave?]

Misaka recovered from her fear of bugs and wrote in the Chat after
seeing that empty cave.

"Don't let your eyes trick you… Important things usually never
appear easily" Leo didn't need to type because of the stream.

A wave of golden-colored Ki appeared on Leo's hand before he

pointed with his finger to the front gently.

At the moment Leo's finger touched the air in front of him, the space
turned like water ripples and started to open. A green portal
appeared in front of Leo.

"Dragon veins even if they are connected with nature, their true
location is a different dimension" Leo nodded, as he was watching
the portal expanding.

Although it not big or strong like the dimensional gap but the Dragon
veins exist in different dimensions made by Ki. Ki users can access
some Dragon veins normally, but if you want to enter the true vein,
then you need a key like the Yellow Dragon or a beast with a very
powerful control over life, like Leo.

But before Leo was happy, a giant wave of Ki hit him directly.

Leo raised his hands in front of him while using his Ki to cover his
body with a white aura, but even so, he still got pushed for more than
5 meters.

The vegetation started to grow inside the cave and wither in the next
moment, which made a scene like the cycle of life and death.

Leo didn't have time to take care of the vegetation because he was
facing bigger problems now.

{Kill, steal, hate, anger, kill, kill, kill… }

Voices filled with malicious intent started to appear in Leo's head, but
he bit his lip and forced himself to focus before using his Ki to reject
those thoughts.

[Advocate of gender equality: Leo, are you okay?!]

[Bri-Bri: What happens to you?!]

"… I'm fine" Leo walked toward the gate that was releasing huge
quantities of Ki before he said "This was expected from the Dragon

Leo felt the beast inside of him started to grow again as it reached
71%. But Leo felt that the beast need something from inside the
Dragon vein.

[Advocate of gender equality: Don't tell me you want to enter]

"Well…" Leo took a deep breath before saying " There's no other

Misaka didn't write any message now because she couldn't

understand what makes Leo risk his life only for some power.

Leo took a deep breath as he forced his beast to absorb this Ki.
When the beast absorbed the Ki, golden grains of light appeared on
Leo mixed with his white aura, which block more evil thoughts from
the Dragon vein.

Without any delay, Leo jumped towards the portal before his vision
flashed until he appeared in a green space filled with raging Ki. After
Leo entered the portal a shadow of an animal appeared from the
cave entrance but it didn't dare to move closer to the portal.

The moment Leo appeared in this place, a lot of wounds appeared

on his body, but they got healed instantly by the golden grains of
light surrounding Leo.

Leo noticed his glasses, and headphones are also breaking before
they turned into dust.

{My beasts can't survive here except the Ki based ones} Leo
frowned from this scene, but at this moment the Chat Room screen

[Advocate of gender equality: I need to ask this, are you sure you'll
not die?]

[Bri-Bri: Is this what you meant by an extent?!]

"Shut up and just watch…" Leo felt pain from the wound that kept
appearing on his body, as they got healed by his beast power.

Leo frowned from this result because if he got injured like this here,
how can he survive in the core of the vein where his goal awaits.
The white aura on Leo's body didn't help either because even if it
seems like Touki, it isn't perfect or strong like the real Touki.

{If I can't perfect the technique now… } Leo forced his beast to
absorb all the Ki that was attacking him before sending it toward his
white aura {I'll just use quantity instead }

Leo aura turned golden as it exploded around him while raising his
hair to the sky, which blocked all the chaotic Ki from hurting him.

[Advocate of gender equality:… Did he just go Super Saiyan?

Suddenly, I feel he'll be more than fine]

[Bri-Bri: Again, I don't have enough context, but at least he isn't

getting injuries now]

Leo ignored the Chat Room screen as he blasted towards the front
with an inhuman speed. But the more he advanced the stronger the
Ki will be.

Leo noticed the injuries started to appear on his body again which
made his uniform tattered and filled with blood but even so, he didn't
stop or scream about pain.

Kazuma and Misaka felt uncomfortable with this scene filled with
blood because even if Kazuma died once, he only saw this scene in
movies and the quality of Chat Room screen with the thought he is
seeing a real person like this isn't helping him.

Misaka wasn't better as he felt she is going to throw up.

[Advocate of gender equality: Hey, man. Maybe you should stop]

Misaka didn't type, but she only stared at the screen while clenching
her hand.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Feeling uncomfortable?. Pain. I told you

that it'll not be pretty to watch this. Pain.]
Leo wasn't able to talk because he was focusing on using his Ki to
block all the attacks.

[Advocate of gender equality: You're okay?!]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): For the last time. Pain. I'm perfectly
fine. Pain. Something like this can never stop me. Pain.]

[Bri-Bri: I would have believed you more If you didn't type the word
pain subconsciously every time!]

Before Leo replayed the space in front of him turned golden as he

almost fell to the ground. On Leo's right leg, there was a giant wound
that almost split his leg from his body, but it got recovered quickly.

The Ki power in this golden space multiplied by many times, which

made Leo's defense completely useless, so he focused his aura on
his head and heart before rushing again while taking more injuries
with each step.

This scene shocked Kazuma and Misaka because they never

thought Leo will actually go this far without even considering

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): THIS IS NOTHING!]

[Advocate of gender equality: You are brave, there's nothing I can

say more]

[Bri-Bri:… ]

Leo kept advancing in this golden space of torture before he spotted

something in front of him.

It was a golden sapling, the center of the dragon vein, and Leo goal
from this journey.

Leo walked towards it slowly because he couldn't run now, the

injuries rate has exceeded his recovering rate, which makes every
step Leo takes now is filled with pain and suffering.

Leo reached the sapling as he reached for it with his hands that were
trembling before he held it next to his chest.

The moment the sapling touched Leo's chest, the beast sphere
glowed again, as it absorbed the sapling directly.

After the beast devoured the sapling Leo stood in his place without
doing anything before he fell to the ground.

[Advocate of gender equality: LEO!]

[Bri-Bri: LEO!]

Both Kazuma and Misaka now are watching Leo's body getting
destroyed before it recovered non-stop.

First, Leo's hands turned into dust until it recovered with a golden

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): PAIN PAIN PAIN PAIN PAIN VPAIN


[Advocate of gender equality: He is talking the language of pain! Bri-

Bri translates it now!]


Misaka completely lost her calm.

[Advocate of gender equality: Aren't you an LVL 5 Esper or

whatever?! Can't you translate a different language?!]


Leo wasn't even able to think now and what he wrote was just
because the screen is on.

The beast inside Leo's soul is growing at a tremendous rate as it

reached 99% in no time but it didn't reach 100% because of the last

Even if he was feeling this's the biggest mistake in his life, Leo
forced his Longinus and shoved the beast towards his soul.

This's the only way this beast will be able to break the limit on his
Longinus and Leo can't stop now or he'll die.

The beast sank slowly in Leo's soul as the pain became something
he isn't able to describe anymore.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin):&à1à##)à_-

('""#&'41^^é_)à86'à&'_à&)'à#_&54éà'_#&)é à#'23_&')_à]

[Advocate of gender equality: We're losing him!]

Kazuma bit his lip before he turned towards Aqua and started
shaking her to wake up "Wake up, you useless goddess, I need your
help now!"

Aqua started to wake up slowly, but before that Kazuma saw the
screen turn completely golden without anything shown.

The beast completely sank inside Leo's soul as the progress

reached 100%. At that moment the whole dragon vein started
shaking, as a huge golden Ki engulfed Leo before exploding.

Kazuma and Misaka stopped their action while staring at the screen.
All that they hope now is they don't see the death message, but after
a few seconds, the golden light disappeared and showed Leo lying in
the cave with almost no clothes.

[Advocate of gender equality: Leo, are you okay? Say something

[Bri-Bri: How can you check on him by that?!]

Leo stood up slowly from the ground while feeling his mind hurt from
all that Ki and the pain he felt, but his body was perfectly fine.

Leo held his head from the pain while he noticed the flashing screen.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Shut up! My head hurts!]

[Advocate of gender equality: see, he's fine]

[Bri-Bri: How does that even work?!]

Kazuma and Misaka breathe a sigh of relief when they saw Leo
standing up, but Misaka blushed because he almost doesn't have
clothes now.

"I'm never going to do something like that ever again…" Leo

supported himself with the cave wall before he said " I feel like I have
been traumatized"

Then Leo looked at Kazuma and Misaka's message before he said "
I'm fine… Thank you for your concern"

[Advocate of gender equality: Leo, you didn't hit your head inside,
didn't you?]

[Bri-Bri: I think you should go to the hospital, but first, can you get
some clothes]

"…" Leo expression darkened while looking at those messages

before a golden aura appeared on his hand as it spread to the cave

"Although I want to see your embarrassed look now, but I don't want
to be naked in the forest" the cave wall started to turn gold before it
turned into a golden light around Leo's hand.
Leo used his Longinus at this moment as a dark light started to mix
with the golden one. More and more from the wall started to
transform into golden light before it mixed with the dark one until all
the lights disappeared and left a black semi-liquid substance on the

Leo reached for the substance as it crawled on his arm before it

engulfed all his body. After a few seconds, the black substance
transformed again and changed color, as it turned into a Kuoh
academy boy uniform.

Leo then moved his leg and hit two rocks on the ground as they
turned into golden light mixed with black before transforming into
black glasses, and headphones with blue lines.

"Done" Leo moved his hand as he felt his body stronger and another
conscious appeared in his mind.

{Lord, your body is in a perfect condition, but your mental state is

very exhausted it recommended taking rest} a hoarse voice sounded
from Leo head as he nodded before saying "After I finish this we'll be
on our way, Venom"

Leo smiled because he finally archived his goal. His beasts now are
really alive, completely loyal, and won't just die if they lost energy.

And the biggest gain is he can now use inorganic objects and matter
instead of energy to create his beast, which lower the cost greatly.

Venom that was unviable yesterday, has been created easily by

using matter as a replacement and he was created with all his
powers like spider senses and super strength, etc…

{Creating this beast was the correct choice..} Leo smiled before he
remembered the journey in the veins {Even if the cost was big}

[Advocate of gender equality: Leo… Did you just say Venom?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Yeah]

[Advocate of gender equality: That means… You weren't joking]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Joking? Oh, Kazuma. You should wait

for the day I come with a Fou or Goetia to visit you]

[Advocate of gender equality:… ]

[Bri-Bri: Can you guys explain what are you talking about]

Leo moved towards the wall again as the golden and black light
process repeated while Kazuma replied to Misaka.

[Advocate of gender equality: This is an ancient knowledge only

available to the cultured people]

[Bri-Bri: Are you telling me that I'm not cultured?!]

Electric current appeared again on Misaka's head, but it vanished

when she saw the screen where Leo.

Leo finished his creation, as a brown fluffy beast with small white
wings and green claws appeared in front of him.

"Woooooo…" the beast said in an echoed voice while floating

around Leo.

[Bri-Bri: What that… It's cute]

Misaka stuck her head in the screen as she was looking at the beast
with a very intense gaze.

[Advocate of gender equality: A furball?]

{He doesn't know Yu-Gi-Oh or One-piece, huh… } Leo looked at the

beast floating around him before he said " This is a winged kuriboh
and like you said Kazuma, this is my second chance"
Kuriboh doesn't have a strong strength or power, but his ability to
save it user from all attacks after it dies which is very powerful for

Leo smiled while looking at Kuriboh that narrowed his eyes while
saying his cry "Wooooo"

Leo stood in his place for a second before reaching to the Chat
Room screen.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin) paused the stream]

[Bri-Bri: Huh?]

[Advocate of gender equality: What happened?]

Leo looked left and right before he stared at Kuriboh that tilted his


Leo hugged Kuriboh and caressing his fur for a while, as Kuriboh
had a face of enjoyment before letting him go.

Kuriboh floated above Leo's head until it got smaller before landing
on top of Leo's head. Leo activated the stream after checking on

[Annihilation Maker (Admin) resumed the stream]

[Bri-Bri: Did something happen?]

But even if Misaka said that, her eyes were still on the Kuriboh on
top of Leo's head.

[Advocate of gender equality: Wanna talk about it? Leo]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Personal reasons]

[Advocate of gender equality: Oh, really?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Personal reasons]

[Bri-Bri: Can't you say it?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Personal reasons]

[Advocate of gender equality: One day I'll know it, just you wait… But
can you tell me what did you create after all that torture?]

Misaka removed her eyes from Kuriboh and looked at Leo. She was
also very interested in the beast that took Leo all that pain to create.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): No, this beast needs a proper stage to

be shown and now I have something to do]

Leo looked at the dragon vein dimension that started to collapse

slowly after it lost the core.

[Advocate of gender equality: Something you need to do?]

[Bri-Bri: Please tell me it not another round of pain]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): I'm never going to do something like

that again! And about the thing… I'm going to create a noble
phantasm with anti-Angel/Devil property]

[Advocate of gender equality:… Excuse me?]

[Bri-Bri: I can understand devils, but why angels?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Bri-Bri, you need to know that church

and angels are usually the evil guys in every world]

[Advocate of gender equality: I can confirm that]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): And that also goes for your world, Bri-
[Bri-Bri: Another very important information. Can't you just tell me?!]

{Not with that guy in your Academy city} Leo didn't want to tell
Misaka anything about Aleister Crowley because he doesn't want her
to get his attention. That man is too dangerous to mess with,
especially if Leo or anyone in Chat Room can't help Misaka now.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Jokes aside, I have to create this beast

to counter those guys]

[Bri-Bri: Counter? Why are you talking like they are your enemies]

Leo turned his head and looked at the Chat Room screen where the
camera before he said " They're not my enemy and maybe will even
be allies, but… I'll not wait until I regret my decision"

[Bri-Bri: Why do you sound like you are going to kill them? Even if
they are different races they still people?!]

"Different races? I think you misunderstood something, Bri-Bri…"

Leo gazed at the screen camera, as he said with a cold voice " I
don't care if it human or any other race, an enemy is an enemy for
me, but let me tell you an advice Bri-Bri"

"Sometimes, this mercy you have now will become cruel for you and
the people you care about if you showed it to an enemy…" Leo
closed his eyes and said " For me, a dead enemy is the only good

"If necessary, I'll not hesitate to sacrifice other people to save my

important ones…" Leo opened his eyes and said " Which also
includes you two… If you two were in danger I'll never hesitate"

Kazuma and Misaka stopped their movement and looked at the

screen. Both of them didn't know how to respond to these words now
or even trying to deny Leo words. Because in a place in their hearts
they know that Leo is right, even if they didn't want to admit it.
But before Leo said anything else, he felt something tingling in his
head before he jumped to the left.

Behind Leo, there was a giant stinger with a green liquid that melt
the cave walls.

[Advocate of gender equality: Huh?]

[Bri-Bri: Leo behind you!]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): I already saw it… My spider-senses

were tingling]

[Advocate of gender equality: Really? You're going to use that


Leo didn't care about Kazuma as he saw different types of animals

appearing inside the cave, but unlike the normal animals… These
were bigger and have very monstrous features like giant's teeth or
claws dripping green liquid.

[Bri-Bri: I'm feeling uncomfortable]

[Advocate of gender equality: What the hell with this protagonist

treatment?! You just finished a power-up and found a punching

Ignoring Kazuma again, Leo stared at deers, squirrels, wolfs, birds,

while counting there were at least 20 animals here.

{They are dead… } Leo noticed that all the animals don't have Ki
before a voice appeared from a wolf. "You really made me wait…"

{The guy behind these animals?… } Leo looked at the wolf calmly
before he said " So you are a stray, huh… I guess you were too
scared to go after me"

"Grrrrrrr… Don't think your tricks can save you now…" Wolf turned to
look at the portal behind Leo " I watched you from the moment you
came out, you're very weak now"

{Did the animal part lowered his IQ?… Hold up, from the start?!} Leo
felt Kuriboh on his head before his expression frozen.


A golden aura appeared around Leo as it pushed everything around

him backward before he said "You know? I was going to kill you
anyway, but thank you for the extra reason"

"GRRRR…" all the animals got angry from Leo's words before they
rushed towards him.

"*Sigh*… Well, I guess this is it" Leo stood there with his hands in
his pockets as his golden aura block all the stingers with the green
liquid before an eagle with a large beak attacked Leo's eye. But
before it hit Leo, a butterfly appeared between them.

The eagle didn't care about the butterfly and attacked it, but instead
of killing the butterfly, the eagle had a hole in his head with the same
size of his beak after hitting the butterfly that didn't get injured at all.

"You need to learn to stop attacking nature…" Leo put the butterfly
on his finger before he looked at the animals rushing before he said "
Kazuma, as a man of culture, remember this moment"

[Bri-Bri: Can you explain to me this culture thing?]

[Advocate of gender equality: Don't worry, I also don't understand

what's going on]

Leo took a step forward as the ground started to tremble before tree
branches appeared from the ground and locked most of the animals,
but some small animals escaped and rushed towards Leo.

"I, Leo Arisaltek, have a dream…" Leo golden aura increased while
small golden grains of light appeared around him " To become
[Advocate of gender equality: That phrase, shit!… No, no, no, Leo,
stop! We can talk about this!]

[Bri-Bri: What is that? Is it bad?]

[Advocate of gender equality: No, maybe it just me… As long as

there's no cracking sound followed by a piano, we are fine!]

*Cracking sound*

*Piano started playing*

[Advocate of gender equality: FUCK!]

More tree branches appeared, as they blocked the animals before

Leo said "Persona!"

*Music stopped*

*Awkward silence*

An awkward atmosphere appeared with only the sound of struggling


[Advocate of gender equality:… Really?]

*Piano playing again*

"*Cough*" Leo cleared his throat before he put his hand forwards
and said "Gold Experience!"

Leo's golden aura glowed even more, as a humanoid creature

separated from his body and rushed forwards with a speed that left
sonic booms in the air.

The creature had a golden color all over its body. The top of its head
is similar to that of a typical helmet of a soldier, with curved markings
similar to the letter J coming down from the eyes on both sides.
There are stylized wings on its shoulders and large ladybugs all over
its body. This is the stand of Giorno Giovanna from Jojo's part 5.

"USELESS!" Gold Experience screamed as his fists turned into after

images and hit all the animals in the cave, even the ones at 8 meters
away from Leo. Because Leo removed the range limit when he
creates it.

Outside the cave, there was a giant bear monster that was looking at
the cave from a distance. This is the stray that controls those
animals. But at this moment he had a shocked expression on his

*Crash* *Crash* *Crash* *Crash* *Crash* *Crash*

Animals started to fly from the cave and crashed into the ground, as
they made potholes next to the bear stay.

The bear didn't believe a human was able to do this before he heard
footsteps coming from the cave entrance.

Leo walked slowly while Gold Experience was floating behind him
before they both looked towards the giant bear.

"GRRRRRRR… HUMAN!" Leo watched the angry bear with a calm

expression before he said " You are really lucky to witness two things
this day"

{Well… I was going to end it with a bang anyway} Leo used Venom
to cover his face before he raised his hand to the sky as golden light
spots started to gather from all the plants in the surrounding.

Gold experience saw this and rushed to the cave wall which is next
to the mountain before he punches it "USELESS"

The Dragon vein that was supposed to vanish started working again
with the control of Gold Experience as the whole mountain started to
Bear stared in awe as he saw the whole mountain started to turn
gold while floating in the sky before a black light appeared on it.

{The Ki inside the dragon vein… The dimension of the dragon vein…
With the whole mountain as a matter to use} Leo raised his hand and
at that moment all the golden and black light gathered towards him.

The whole scene was like another sun appearing in the night, which
alarmed a lot of people.

Leo started to float in the sky with the light as he looked at the
shocked bear stray " Life is always around us… from the moment we
take our first heartbeat in this world"

[Advocate of gender equality: Oh my god!. He's doing monologues!]

"However, everything has two sides of existence… If there's life"

golden and dark light turned into rings around Leo left hand as
something was made inside of them while Leo said "… There'll be

{Venom be ready to record, Gold Experience let's finish this} Leo and
Gold Experience gathered all the rings towards Leo palm before a
sword-like thing appeared from inside the light "Annihilation On"

[Advocate of gender equality: Can you stop stealing phrases?!]

Leo reached gently and caught the sword from its scabbard. At that
moment all the lights vanished, leaving Leo holding the katana in his
hand while his clothes also changed.

Leo now is wearing a long, silver buttoned blue coat with three
separated coattails. A white, serpentine pattern runs around the
collar, with a snake's head hanging over the coat's left shoulder, and
its tail slinking down the right, all the way to the bottom of the coat. A
gold lining runs across the edges of the coat, and a silky, golden
flower blossom pattern decorates the inner lining. Each cuff of the
coat also possesses five, gold buttoned straps with gold lining.
While the Katana in his hand had a black inc scabbard while its hilt
was white with a golden handguard, but even in his scabbard, this
sword seems to be dangerous from all the blue aura around it.

[Advocate of gender equality: Another plagiarism, and I finally know

what he meant by Anti-Angel/Devil weapons]

[Bri-Bri: I give up. I don't want to know]

Leo landed gently on the ground as he put his right hand on the
katana hilt. A blue aura appeared on Leo with some dark blue
butterfly around him and a shadow of a man with white hair, but the
most striking thing is the sound of the sword as Leo pulled it slightly
from its sheath. Unlike a normal sword sounds, this sword sounded
like a beast took from its cage while all the space around Leo
trembled from actual fear… The space was fearing this beast in
Leo's hands.

Several magic circles appeared around this place, but the space
shock crushed them completely and hurt their users.

"This is…" Leo looked at the animals surrounding the bear before he
pulled the sword completely and said with a voice that overlapped
with the shadow behind him "… Requiem"

[Advocate of gender equality: No, it fucking not]

Leo didn't care about Kazuma, as he waved the Katana gently to the

*Pff* *Pff* *Pff* *Pff* *Pff* *Pff**Pff* *Pff* *Pff*

All the animals in front of Leo got their heads chopped off without
Leo tacking a step forwards before ten blue blades appeared around
him and shot towards the bear nailing him into the ground.

"Tear him to shreds…" Leo put the Katana back to his scabbard as
he put a sword drawing stance while the shadow behind Leo
completely disappeared.

"… Yamato" The bear didn't even see when Leo pulled the sword
before a dark blue space distortion engulfed him.

"I don't know if you became stray because of your master or

because your own but…" Leo turned his back to the bear as he put
the Yamato inside its scabbard and said "… Disappear now"


With the sound of the sword put in its scabbard, a lot of slashes
appeared inside the space distortion and cut the bear into small
pieces instantly.

Leo releases his breath slightly before feeling something and pulling
Yamato, as a blue aura appeared and he teleported from this place.

In the next moment, a lot of supernatural creatures appeared here,

but most of them were injured and some got a knock by the space
that still trembling. The supernaturals didn't stop and looked at the
place where the mountain disappeared while some of them tried to
track Leo by space, but they stopped after a few of them got their
head chopped off by space, as the cause of this accident remained a

Inside Leo's room, there were few ants that Leo used to check the
time limit of his beasts. But at that moment, a blue light flashed, as
Leo landed gently in the room before it flashed again and he
appeared on the rooftop.

"I think those deaths will teach them not to mess with a raging
space" Leo said as he was watching the Chat Room screen that was

[Advocate of gender equality: Let's count here… Spiderman, Giorno,

Shiro, and finally Vergil… I finally know how shameless you are]
[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Admit it… You're just jealous]

[Advocate of gender equality: Of course, I am jealous!]

Leo and Kazuma started a conversation about how shameless he is

before a message from Misaka appeared.

[Bri-Bri: Admin, I was thinking about your words now… ]

Leo stopped his chat with Kazuma, as he looked at the screen " My
words, huh… So what about them?"

[Bri-Bri: Even if there was a truth in them, but I… Choose to believe

in people, even if that might lead me to a terrible fate, I don't want to
give up my trust that everyone can have a good side… Like you jerk]

[Bri-Bri: I choose to do what I like, and I don't care about your

choice… And like you said, if we were in trouble you'll save us, didn't
you?… It recorded * *]

[Advocate of gender equality: Yeah, honestly I'm with her, and like
she said, our powerful plagiarism admin will not let us small
members die, didn't you?… I also recorded it *Gotcha *]

Leo stared at these messages without a word while he put his hand
on his face {These two idiots}

But even so, Leo had a small smile on his face while he loosens his
grip on Yamato slightly { And the worst part, I have been taught a
lesson by these idiots}

"It was just an advice, you… Idiots" Leo removed his hand as he
smiled helplessly.

[Advocate of gender equality: Who are you calling an idiot?! You


[Bri-Bri: You're looking for a fight, right?!]

"But…" Leo looked at the city with its shining lights in the night
before he said " Well said… Kazuma, Misaka"

[Bri-Bri: M-M-Misaka what?!]

"What happen?" Leo didn't understand this reaction before another

message arrived.

[Bri-Bri: Where are your honorifics?!]

"Honorifics?" Leo tilted his head slightly before he said " What are
those? Are they tasty? Misaka"

[Bri-Bri: YOU! Stop calling me by my name directly!]

"Didn't you call me by my name, earlier? but… Sure Misaka, no

problem Misaka, got it Misaka" Leo repeated it three times in a row.

[Bri-Bri is Offline]

[Advocate of gender equality: Wow, the two days straight logging has
been ruined… By raising flags]

"Flags…" Leo stopped for a moment before remembering something

about Japan culture "Oh… Shit"

[Advocate of gender equality: Yeah, I had enough… Send me my

weapon in the morning]

[Advocate of gender equality is Offline]

Leo transformed Venom into his uniform and put Yamato in his
shadow before he chooses to end the stream and received 200

Leo sighed before he sat down on the roof and watched the city from
afar while playing with the small Kuriboh.
Kazuma moved back to his haystack with a deadpan face before
lying down and trying to sleep.

Misaka was lying on her bed with her face completely red while she
was mumbling 'I'll drop thunder on his head next time'.

Everyone logged out from the Chat Room as it went completely

silent. But before Kazuma, and Misaka close their eyes… A message

[NEET Princess joined the Chat Room]

It seems the night is still very long.

Chapter 10
"Wooooo?" Leo put the confused small Kuriboh on his head before
he raised up from the rooftop.

"The fifth member…" Leo looked at the Chat Room screen before he
said "Didn't it got refused?"

Leo didn't understand why this invitation got accepted now or that
Nickname, but this didn't stop him from complaining.

"Can't someone have a rest here?…" Leo felt a headache from all
the action tonight.

Leo was planning to take a rest to recover his mental state to its
peak before he goes and read books about genes and biology.

Knowledge is a very important factor of Leo Longinus or the part

where his imagination isn't enough.

At first, Leo wanted to create something like the spider that gave
peter parker his powers, but then he saw Gold Experience stopped
in the middle of creation, which wasn't in his plans at all. This
accident made Leo take it slowly about making these kinds of beasts
because he doesn't want to end up with a spider head and arms.

"Let's see who this is…" Leo logged into the Chat but he didn't know,
he wasn't the only person complaining about this.

"Can't someone have a rest here?…" Kazuma repeated the same

words as Leo before standing up from the haystack he was lying on.

Kazuma felt today is the worst in his life. First, he got killed by the
stupidest reason ever, then he chooses a useless goddess as his
cheat in a different world and he got bombarded by Leo fact about
his job earlier, so he's now more than just tired.
But he felt if he didn't log now he'll miss a lot of things, especially
after seeing the new member Nickname and more importantly… He
hates reading the chat log.

Misaka wasn't better because she got interrupted from her sleep two
times already, but she also felt there is a lot to miss from this event.
But Misaka didn't see a shadow appeared behind her and started
looking at her.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin) is Online]

[Advocate of gender equality is Online]

[Bri-Bri is Online]

[The Strongest Man in the World is Online]

[A Hero For Fun is Online]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): This is the second time today… And

this is getting ridiculous! ]

[Advocate of gender equality: I'm totally over this]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): You think you're tired? Try doing a walk
in the dragon veins then!]

[Advocate of gender equality: How about trying my way in dying


[Bri-Bri: Nobody here is an idiot who died from shock or a fool who
go directly for a torture walk]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin):… ]

[Advocate of gender equality:… ]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Guhahaha. It seems you are

getting along together very well. Did something happen?]
[Bri-Bri: A lot of things happened and my head also hurts now]

[A Hero For Fun: My head also hurts… For a different reason]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Waking up from sleep?]

[A Hero For Fun: The screen appeared when I was sleeping, and I
used my power instinctively but…*A giant hole in Saitama's *]

Saitama looked at the giant hole he made in his apartment because

this Chat Room surprised him in his sleep. This Chat is one of the
few things that Saitama can't feel or react to in time, which leads him
to punch directly, but even if he stopped in time, his apartment didn't

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): The price of power]

[Advocate of gender equality: *That's a lot of *]

[A Hero For Fun:… ]

[Bri-Bri: Did you guys forget why we're here?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): We have a reason?!]

[Advocate of gender equality: Is it important?]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Maybe it'll become important if you
look at it from a different side, but now it isn't more important than

Whitebeard was drinking while looking at his sons and daughters

having a party and he didn't care if his sons told him to stop drinking
multiple times.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Your health is okay, old man?]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Those points made my sickness a

little better, but they are far from curing me or prolonging my life]
[Advocate of gender equality: If it easy to prolong your life then those
villains from a different world will cry]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin):*Looking at the *]

[Advocate of gender equality: Leo… What did you do?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): I may or may not increase my life to at

least 3000 years by absorbing that core]

By absorbing the core in the dragon vein, Leo concept of life has
been changed a little. If you ignore the human body, Leo now can be
considered a spirit of nature from the power of Gold Experience
combined with the core.

[Advocate of gender equality:… Go apologies to all villains

*Orochimaru isn't *]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Why are those villains working so hard

for immortality, anyway? Can't they just go become pokemon trainers
and get it done already **Orochimaru with ash hat and a Pokeball in
his *]

[Bri-Bri: My hope in you guys getting serious is getting smaller with

each day passing by]

[Advocate of gender equality: Hasn't it been only two days?]

[Bri-Bri: My hope wasn't that big in the first place]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Good for you, but can this new member
speak or type?]

[Advocate of gender equality: Yeah, at least say something after

ruining my sleep]

[A Hero For Fun: Apologies for my apartment!]

[Bri-Bri: Although I don't want to sound rude, but my sleep also has
been ruined]

While the messages kept increasing about the new member that
ruined the sleep of everyone, there was a place in a different world.

This place is completely separated from the real world by a powerful

boundary, as there is just a little connection between the real world
and this place. In this place, you can see a lot of different creatures
and humans, but everything seems in the old Japanese ages.

Because this place was meant to be like this. A place to be isolated

from all the technological advancements in the real world and
become a paradise for different species. This is Gensokyo or can be
called the land of fantasy.

Inside Gensokyo, which filled with Youkai that make it perpetually

noisy, there was a bamboo forest filled with mist.

Because of the mist, the bamboo forest has very low visibility, but
that wasn't the only weird thing here. If someone enters this mist, he
has a large chance of losing his way. But if he reached the center of
the forest somehow, he'll see an old mansion which hidden from the
eyes of the public.

When someone gets closer to this mansion, he'll not notice any
change on time, be it day or night, making everyone feel this forest
has taken outside the flow of time and history.

This old mansion is called Eientei, or it can be called the House of

Eternity. Built on the traditions of the old-fashioned Japanese
mansions, there isn't a single sign of wear, as it is literally eternally

When someone visiting Eientei, not the faintest amount of light

reaches the bottom, so everything is dark, and the only sounds that
can be heard are the bamboo leaves rustling in the wind, which
makes it the calmest place in the whole Gensokyo.
But unlike the traditional Japanese design of the mansion, there was
a room inside of it that didn't match this design.

The room was chaotic with all DVDs and snacks thrown into the
ground with some figures hanging here and there, and with a lot of
monitors and game consoles around… This is a high-level NEET

In the middle of this disaster, there was a girl lying looking at a

computer screen with a devastated expression on her face.

"My score…" the girl mumbled sadly as she looked at the Chat
Room screen.

The girl was very beautiful, so beautiful beyond any human, like she
wasn't one in the first place. She had dark brown eyes, very long
black hair. Wears a pink shirt with many white bows, and a long, dark
burgundy skirt decorated in yellow with bamboo and flower shapes.
This is the princess of the Lunarians and the one called The Sinner
of Eternity and the Moment, Kaguya Houraisan.

But what was going to be a beautiful scene has been ruined by the
chaotic room and the expression on the Kaguya face.

Kaguya expression turned angry for a moment when looking at the

Chat Room screen, but she calmed down and looked seriously at the

Although this Chat Room looks like it filled with the middle two
diseases, but there were two problems in this for Kaguya.

First, this is Gensokyo which means that no human network is

available except some Kappa's opening the network to update data
but that wasn't the most important. The biggest problem is Kaguya is
using her power at this moment.

The power to manipulate eternity and the moment this is Kaguya

power. This kind of ability allows her to turn one moment into eternity,
which means unlike all other people that complain about time, she
has all the time in the world. It maybe looks like a time stop, but it
more advanced.

When the Chat Room appeared for the first time, Kaguya thought it
hacking or those kappas are playing a bad joke, so she ignored it
because she had more important things to do… Playing games and
playing games.

But after forgetting about it for two days, the Chat Room invitation
appeared suddenly in front of Kaguya and exactly where the mouse
was clicking which forced her to enter this Chat Room. And all of that
happened in her eternity, which is impossible for her to play online
while activating her ability because she can't pull all the other players
with her from just an internet connection.

"Not been affected by my ability and the fact of this classic cliche…"
Kaguya put her sleeve in front of her mouth before she said " Is this

When they said Kaguya has been corrupted by humans, they

weren't lying in a sense. This moon princess has been corrupted by
the culture that breakthrough time and space and became a NEET.

"But it could be a joke or someone playing tricks…" Kaguya wasn't

quite sure about this Chat Room because even if she didn't been in
Gensokyo for a long time and didn't interact with those youkais she
heard from Eirin about all those weird abilities they have, so even if
she didn't take them seriously, she had to be careful.

"Hmmm" Kaguya looked at the messages that kept appearing before

she reached to the keyboard and typed something.

[NEET Princess: So this was really a Multiverse Chat Room]

[Advocate of gender equality: No question asked?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): This must be the fastest acceptance to
the Chat Room until now.]

[Bri-Bri: Admitting it directly?!]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Quite the quick acceptance there ]

[A Hero For Fun: Adaptation?]

[NEET Princess: Don't take this princess as those idiots. Something

like this is very easy to guess]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Hey, Kazuma, Misaka, I think she is

mentioning you two ]

[Advocate of gender equality: Who's this bitch?!]

[Bri-Bri: Why do I have to get this angry every time I enter here?!]

"This is the normal reaction but…" Kaguya looked at Misaka and

Kazuma messages before she received another one and said "…
How to do this?"

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Now like he said… Who are you?]

This message put Kaguya in two positions. First, she tells her
identity and see the result, or she keeps silent while changing the
subject. After thinking for a while, Kaguya typed this.

[NEET Princess: A princess in the bamboo forest]

After that thinking, Kaguya chose to give a hint maybe because she
thought it'll be interesting to see if she also has a work in different

"Bamboo forest?…" Leo looked at that message before something

flashed in his mind. After getting Venom Leo memory became better
and better as he started to remember details from his past life better
now like this one.
"Princess and NEET while the location is a bamboo forest…" Leo
thought for a while before he said "The bullets hell game?"

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Gensokyo? Kaguya Houraisan?]

[NEET Princess: I guess you aren't half bad for knowing this

[Advocate of gender equality: The bullets hell?… Hold up, if she is

here then… ]

[Bri-Bri: I already gave up the culture thing, but can you at least
explain to me who's this?]

"I really have a work in different worlds like all of them…" Kaguya
looked at the nicknames before she said "Saitama, Whitebeard,
Misaka Mikoto, Kazuma Sato, and the guy that seems from DXD…

Kaguya was smiling, but that smile vanished when she saw the next

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): She's just an old hag with an age equal
to an eternity]

Kaguya face stiffened as she felt an arrow shot through her while her
fist was shaking from anger.

[Advocate of gender equality: Yeah, she's an old woman that her age
is unknown, but if her ability says eternal, then her age is also like

Another arrow hit Kaguya that almost broke the mouse now.

[Bri-Bri: She's that old, and she still calls herself a princess? I feel
sad for her]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Yeah *Very sad for *]

[Advocate of gender equality:*Very sad for *]

[A Hero For Fun: Just joining the fun*Very sad for *]

Kaguya was shaking from anger. In all her life, she was always
considered the most beautiful princess, be it from humans or youkai.
And now, three people dare to make fun of her directly.

Leo looked at Chat Room where Kaguya stopped sending messages

before he said " She's probably shaking from anger now"

"But her first reaction…" Leo moved the Chat screen and looked at
the old messages before he said "It seems we have another cultured

[NEET Princess: Fufufufufu… How long has it been since I got this

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Shouldn't you have something like a

calm mind or whatever?]

[NEET Princess: Calm? I'm very calm… Very calm… Totally calm]

Kaguya is looking at the screen now while thinking about what Eirin
medicine she should send to these assholes.

[Advocate of gender equality: Something tells me she isn't very calm]

[Bri-Bri: You think?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Well, before you start to think of

throwing us with medicine, let me ask you a few questions]

[NEET Princess: Do you think you can save yourself?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Do I look like I'm scared of you? But

answer this if you are a cultured person… ]
Kaguya frowned while looking at Leo's message, then she saw the
question about some classic quotes. Although she didn't want to
answer this, but her identity as a cultured person has been
challenged now.

Then the same thing happened again, with Kazuma joining in the
middle of the questions.

[Bri-Bri: This thing again?!]

[A Hero For Fun: Didn't you give up?]

[Bri-Bri: Not like this… Just look at them, they are typing three
messages by the second!]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Just wait for them]

But they didn't stop. After going through many quotes they started
writing six digits numbers for a while but that stopped instantly after
Kaguya wrote the seven and eight digits.

[Advocate of gender equality: WHAT!?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): I-Impossible… Those are just legends]

[NEET Princess: Fufufufufuf. Did you really think, weaklings like you
can overcome me?]

[Advocate of gender equality: How can she know everything from the
good shit to what the fuck I just watched?!]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): She must have been cheating!]

[NEET Princess: No, I wasn't. This is just the reality you two have to
live with now]

[Advocate of gender equality: Leo… What the point of living

anymore? All what I have accomplished during my life has been
crushed now]
Kazuma fell on the haystack, as he was staring at the ceiling with
empty eyes like his will for living vanished at this moment, but the
light went back to his eyes after he saw a message.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): NEVER GIVE UP, KAZUMA!]

[Advocate of gender equality: Leo… ]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Even if it hurt me to admit it we indeed

lost. But never give up! If we can't beat her now we can do it in the

[Advocate of gender equality: Yeah… Thank you for reminding me,


[Annihilation Maker (Admin): No problem]

[NEET Princess: Hmph! Even if I'm still angry, but I have to admit
your courage now… I'll be waiting for your next challenge *I have
taken the first *]

[A Hero For Fun: What a fighting spirit]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Guhahahaha. This really reminded

me of Roger]

[Bri-Bri: Even if it seem to be amazing, but I have a feeling they

weren't talking about something good at all]

But suddenly both Leo and Kazuma froze when they saw Kaguya

[Advocate of gender equality: Hey, Leo… Are my eyes tricking me


[Annihilation Maker (Admin): No… It really was an animated


[NEET Princess: Hm? Didn't you guys watch Steel Ball Run?]
Kaguya got a little confused about these messages before a devilish
smile appeared on her face.

[NEET Princess: Or maybe… There wasn't a Steel Ball Run in your

world yet]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin):… ]

[Advocate of gender equality:… ]

[NEET Princess: What a shame. I have this blue-ray Steel Ball Run
here, but sadly… A certain two guys have called me with very rude
words. What a shame]

[Advocate of gender equality:… You aren't a princess, you are a


[Annihilation Maker (Admin): It seems I have to take my nickname

seriously after this… Just wait until I go to your world]

[NEET Princess: Fufufufufuf]

[Bri-Bri: I really can't handle this anymore! For the love of god! Tell
me what the hell are you talking about!]

Misaka had enough with this culture thing. Every time Leo and
Kazuma say words she can't understand at all, and now there's a
third person to join them.

[NEET Princess: Oh? Do you want to know? Well, that actually very
simple, listen here]

Misaka put her head closer to the screen. She was waiting for this
from the moment she heard the cursed word of culture, but before
she be happy a message appeared.

[NEET Princess has been banned by the Admin]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): You old hag… Do you think I'll let you
corrupt Mikoto on my watch!]

[Bri-Bri: M-M-Mikoto WHAT!]

Misaka face was burning red now. If Leo called her by her family
name was embarrassing for her, then calling her first name directly is
beyond her limits.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Although she seems to be very easy to

piss off and very violent but unlike you, she's a cute and lovely
innocent girl, and if you corrupt her then… ]

{Is this a confession! But we only know each other for two days… }
Misaka's face got redder as she looked at Leo messages without
noticing the shadow behind her started shaking. But all that vanished
with the next message.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Where do you think I'm supposed to

find an innocent girl to bully her in the Chat Room?]

[Bri-Bri is Offline]

Misaka dropped her head down as her expression was filled with
rage which activated her ability but she stopped because she heard
a voice behind her.

"Big sister… What are you doing?" the voice was cold and dark as it
sends chills to Misaka before she turned her head slowly to look at
her roommate.

A girl with tawny hair tied into two curly pigtails was looking at
Misaka while releasing a very dark aura before saying "Why are you
blushing while looking at the air"

The cold voice was very scary, as Misaka was sweating before
moving backward.
"Kuroko it not what you think" Misaka started getting nervous, as she
was trying to escape. But Kuroko's dark aura increased.

"Don't try to run!" Kuroko jumped towards Misaka, as a bolt of

lightning flashed in the room before something dropped and started
to twitch.

"Damn you, Leo…" Misaka clenched her fist while looking at Kuroko
that was twitching with a creepy look on her face before she said "
Just you wait… This isn't over!"

"Who is Leo?" Kuroko stood up from the ground like a zombie before
she turned towards Misaka that was feeling a headache now.

Leo looked at Misaka leaving the Chat Room before he put his hand
on his chin and said "Did I overdo it?"

But at that moment a message appeared in his private section.

[NEET Princess: You… Authority abuser!]

[NEET Princess: Do you think you won!?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): As long as I have this Admin title, I'll

never allows any corrupting of the innocent members]

[NEET Princess: Stop with that act. You know what I mean]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): What?]

[NEET Princess: You're not a person from DXD world!]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Yes]

[NEET Princess:… Is that all?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): What more to say about it?]

[NEET Princess:… Forget it. But you know you can't keep it a secret

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Misaka or this worthless identity?]

[NEET Princess: Both, but I don't think you care about your identity]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Misaka, huh… Honestly, I don't know]

Leo picked Kuriboh from his head and started teasing him slightly.

[NEET Princess: Even if you hide it, she'll face it one day]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): I know]

[NEET Princess: And this is not only about Misaka. This Chat Room
isn't something came from a joke… They'll have to kill and see the
darkness of this world even if you tried to stop it like now]

{She saw it directly… Well, she didn't live that long for nothing} Leo
looked at the small Kuriboh waving his small claws.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): I know]

[NEET Princess: So why didn't you tell them?]

Kaguya didn't understand Leo's way of work. Didn't all those Chat
Group fictions have an Admin that supposed to tell his member their
future? Then try to fix it or something, but what Leo is doing is totally
the opposite.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): The world isn't pretty or friendly as it

looks like now… It a place filled with darkness and despair which
create an abyss that'll swallow any weak person and leave only the

Leo smiled while looking at Kuriboh, hitting him slightly with its claw
because he kept teasing him.
[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Even if I know that they'll eventually
have to face it, but for now… I'll take it all and clear a path before
them until they are ready]

[NEET Princess:… You'll do the dirty work?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Honestly, I don't know why I'm doing

this but I don't have any other choice… Who made me this asshole
that won't listen to anyone and… ]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Like I said, where I'm going to find a

cute innocent girl to bully, and you old hag with a complicated mind
isn't good at all]

[NEET Princess ban has been removed by the Admin]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin) is Offline]

Kaguya looked at the screen with a calm face. Even she didn't notice
that she dropped her mouse already before she said, " Humans,

Kaguya remembered the race she despised all along until she got
exiled from the moon. She felt those years with the humans felt more
real than all her life in the moon.

"Leo was his name…" Kaguya smiled before taking a snack and ate
it as she said "Maybe this Chat Room isn't that bad"

[NEET Princess is Offline]

[Advocate of gender equality: Did they just left us alone?]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Guhahahah, this one of those


[A Hero For Fun: They did]

[Advocate of gender equality: I'm leaving]

[Advocate of gender equality is Offline]

[The Strongest Man in the World: I still have a party here so I'll go]

[The Strongest Man in the World is Offline]

Saitama looked at the empty Chat Room before he logged out and
looked at the broken apartment in silence.

Leo didn't care about what happens in the Chat room now, as he
stood up and looked at the city.

"…" Leo didn't say anything for a while as the wind moved his hair

"Venom…" Leo clothes twitched slightly before a voice appeared in

his head {Yes, my lord}

"How much do we need for you to evolve to all-black?" Venom

moved slightly before he said {I need a lot of energy, but if I was able
to absorb a lot of dead god's divine powers, I should be able to take
a big step forwards}

"I see…" Leo stood there is silence while Kuriboh was playing in his

Leo knows he can't protect those idiots forever, but as long as it's
something he can do he'll never hesitate, and to accomplish it he
needs power… A lot of power.

Leo sits his goal to be a magic god first because only by having that
kind of power he can help those idiots.

"It seems I need to accelerate my actions…" Leo felt Yamato in his

shadow before looking at the direction of the school.

Yamato is the sword of Sparda from Devil May Cry universe with a
power that allows it to cut through everything as long as energy is
enough, even the fabric of space itself, but that isn't the true power
of this sword.

Yamato is the sword of separation that holds the concept of

separation, unlike the rebellion which can unify things.

Like Sparda separated the demon world from the human one, and
how Virgel separated his human side from the demon side, Leo can
also do that and use this Separation concept.

"It seems I have to pay a visit for the red dragon" Leo stood on the
rooftop while the wind was moving his clothes.

All the members have been gathered now, which makes Leo think
that the Chat Room will reveal it propose any time soon and before
that happen. He need to be ready for it.
Chapter 11
The night went away by the arrival of the first sunray which
announced the start of a new day.

First sun rays fall on the ground, but it didn't dispel the darkness
completely because it still very early in the morning.

Most of the people still sleeping except a few who stayed awake
during the night or woke up very early.

But this rule only works on normal humans as now there was a lot of
commotion after what happened during the night.

A whole mountain with a dragon vein, has been taken in that night by
a spectacular show of lights. But this wasn't the reason for
commotion, it was how it happened in front of all the factions without
anyone able to stop it or even know the culprit behind it.

Even after a lot of investigation during the night, there was no clue
for this culprit except a small footage of a shadow with a mask but
nothing more was shown because of the chaotic space around the
location that took the life of a few investigators.

After a whole night, the space recovered to its normal form but all
clues or energy signs have already gone which made all the
investigators helpless and didn't have a choice only to stop their
efforts to find this masked man.

However, there were still three parties trying to find this masked
man. Devils were the first to start looking for this man because the
accident location was very close to the city where there were two
relatives of the four great satans, which made the Devil look
carefully, and increased their wariness from intruders and other
Fallen angels there were close to the city started to lay down a little
because of the Devils, but there were a lot of them investigating this
accident because of the orders from Grigori.

But Angels investigating the accident was a surprise to all parties

because these guys don't usually interfere in the human world and
leave everything to the church which makes all parties feel there is a
hidden truth in this.

When all parties are still trying to find the culprit, there was
something happening in the underworld. In a location far from the
Devil territory, there was a place filled with fallen angels. This is
Grigori headquarter which host most the fallen angels.

In an office inside the headquarter, there was a man looking at

documents very intently. Sometimes the man had a serious face
before it turns into a frown, but occasionally he has a mad look.

He was a tall man appearing to be in his twenties with an average

build, black hair, golden bangs and black goatee. He also possesses
twelve jet-black feathered wings that grow out from his back which
shows he is a fallen angel and one of the strongest. This is the fallen
angel Governor General Azazel.

Suddenly a knocking sound came from the door before a fallen enter
the office with a lot of documents. Azazel signaled the man to put the
documents on his desk without looking away from the document in
his hand.

The fallen angle put the documents before paying respect to Azazel
and leaving the office.

After a while, Azazel sighed and leaned on the chair before he said "
This doesn't make a sense…"

Azazel has spent the whole night trying to understand the thing that
happened the last night.
"These signal and reaction is definitely Annihilation Maker but…"
Azazel stood from his chair and picked a new document before he
said "Why it completely different now"

Azazel can say proudly that except the bible god nobody knows
sacred gears better than him. When the commotion happened the
last night, Azazel was in his lab so he wasn't able to react fast to he'll
be the first to arrive at that location after sensing the Annihilation

After all, this Longinus is very risky to be left alone to let it fall in the
wrong hands especially when the plan for peace has taken a big
step forward with the acceptance of Four Satans and Michaels.

But now, let alone tracking the Longinus, he can't even know if this is
still the Annihilation Maker.

"It feels like the Annihilation Maker internal structure and the way of
function has been changed completely…" Azazel frowned while
reading the data in documents " Why I'm feeling like I'm looking at
Sephiroth Graal?"

Sephiroth Graal is the Holy Grail of the Secluded World, a Longinus

with the ability to tap into the principle of life and allows it host to
learn how soul and life are made which allows him to revive dead or
grant immortality.

But now Azazel is looking at the data showing signs of life and soul
creation, which is something completely impossible for Annihilation

Azazel knows when the lord made these Longinus and sacred gears
he made limits that manifest in a whole system. Each Longinus has
its own function and can't just use other Longinus abilities. After his
death, there were some mistakes but it can't go that far. Even
Sephiroth Graal has side effects on its user.
"Is it a Sub-Species?" Azazel kept jumping in conclusions because
he doesn't have enough data.

Sub-Species are Sacred Gears that have taken on a unique

characteristic because of the thoughts and feelings of the wielder.
They are more powerful than the normal form of the same Sacred
Gear, and will sometimes gain a new ability as well. But this still
didn't explain the reason why Annihilation Maker changed
completely, which made Azazel's insane scientist side awaken for
this completely new phenomenon.

But before Azazel grabbed all the documents and rushed to the lab,
his private communication channel started to ring.

"Ugh…" Azazel looked at the caller as he had an annoying look on

his face before he sighed and answered the call as a magic circle

"I have very important things, so make it short…" Azazel looked at

the guy appearing from the screen of the magic circle.

The man was handsome-looking with long blond hair and green
eyes. Like Azazel, he has twelve wings growing from his back, but
his wings were gold. This is the leader of the angels, Michael.

"Although I don't think playing with your toys is very important

currently, but I shall do so…" Michael said in a calm voice while
Azazel's eyebrow was trembling before he said " Something
happens to the system"

"Huh? Wasn't that system already filled by loopholes already? What

could happen except…" Azazel stopped his words while Michael
nodded before he said " Annihilation Maker"

"What happen? I don't think you'll only call me for a 'Bug' became
more of a 'Bug' " Michael looked at Azazel for a second before he
said "… Annihilation Maker is out of the system now"
Those words struck Azazel like a lightning bolt and even made him
back a few steps before he said " Repeat what you just said"

"Annihilation Maker is out of the system now" Michael repeated his

words while Azazel shoulders were trembling before he started
laughing like a madman "HAHAHAHAHA! Did you see it even his
creations were able to escape his control and who did it? It was
probably a human! HAHAHAHA!"

Azazel kept laughing for a while before he calmed down and said " I
really needed that, so what do you have"

Michael stared at Azazel calmly but there was some dissatisfaction

in his eyes before he said " The system lost all the connection with
Annihilation Maker which means there is no way for it to reincarnate
into another host after this one"

{Lost connection with the sacred gear system completely, can this
even be called a sacred gear now? If he died can he take it with him
to hell? No matter what I need to find this wielder and ask him how
he did it} Azazel was floating in his thoughts before he woke up by a
cough from Micheal.

"Anyway, if you took all this trouble to tell me, then you should have
a way to track him" Azazel said while Micheal nodded before he said
"Yeah… There is a backup tracking function in the sacred gear
system that only activates if something big like this happens but…"

When the bible god made the Longinus, he wasn't stupid to leave
them like that so he did a simple security measure that only activate
when something big like this happens.

Azazel wasn't surprised because he knows about this security

measure but Micheal next words surprised him "Because it was so
sudden the system was only able to take footage of the inner mind of
the wielder before the connection lost"
" I see… But it seems you still hold things against those Satans"
Azazel smiled but Micheal expression didn't change before he said "
We just learn to live together for the sake of our races but the things
about heaven and the system have nothing to do with the Devils"

"That's for the better…" Azazel nodded because even if they are now
fighting for peace some old scars are very hard to forget.

"Now let's see this guy" Azazel had a very excited look on his face
now while Michael felt hapless when he saw him enter this mode.

"*Sigh* Annihilation Maker has rejected the system from the moment
the change happened, so we'll probably see the inner mind of how
it'll protect him, but this information will probably give us a clue to
find this wielder even if it was going to show up one time" Michael
waved his hand before a screen appeared in front of him and Azazel.

The screen colors kept changing until it turned into a forest next to a
mountain. But there was something weird about this scene.

*Very calm and relaxing music starts to play*

"Hm?" Azazel listened to the music, but he felt it seemed to be more

like the calm before the storm.

Michael was staring seriously at the screen, probably because he

thinks that the wielder like music. But after a while, the screen
changed to a man wearing black clothes with a mask.

Azazel and Michael focused on the screen so they won't miss any
detail but the man only raised his hand and his thumb up like he is
going the push something before he said in a hoarse voice that didn't
belong to a man or a woman " Killer Queen has already touched this

*Music became intense*

(A/n: Jojo part 4 villain Yoshikage Kira, and the music is his theme.
I'm doing this because there's a lot of readers that doesn't
understand references)

Azazel and Michael watched the explosion on the screen while the
footage in the system also got destroyed.

*Awkward silence*

Azazel and Michael looked at the screen in silence before Azazel

broke the silence and said " Well, that was really an explosive mind
he got there"

Michael gave Azazel a helpless star, but he didn't care about it and
said, "What? You know it a good joke"

Michael closed the call immediately and left Azazel there thinking
about something.

"Things are getting interesting but for them to happen during this
period" Even if he was still feeling carefree but if anyone knows
Azazel saw him now, he'll understand that Azazel is serious now.

Azazel grabbed all the documents before walking towards his lab.
There's a lot of things he needs to study now.

When all the parties were looking for the culprit of all this commotion,
he's just hanging out in the city near the park.

Leo looked at his hand in silence. This hand got blown up five times
already because of an experiment he's doing now.

After leaving the Chat Room yesterday, Leo slept only for three
hours because it enough for him before reaching this place.

Leo secured this place first by beasts that block the smell, sound,
vision, energy, etc… Before he starts an experiment.
Now Leo is officially starting his Dragon hunt, and he is going after
the most easy and simple target currently, which is the Red Dragon
Emperor Ddraig that still didn't awaken. But for that, he needs to
prepare somethings.

First, Leo knows the location of Issei Hyoudou and his house, which
is a very simple and clear target to teleport, especially after he felt
his Ki in the school.

Secondly, Leo needs something to separate Ddraig from Issei and

this thing is Yamato which holds the concept of separation with the
power to split two realms, so it must be easy to separate the sacred
gear from Issei.

Thirdly and most importantly, Leo needs a way to fuse with the Boost
gear on a soul level after he takes from Issei because he has a
feeling that Ddraig will move directly for a new host by the system if
he left it there alone.

As for having two Longinus? Leo feels it possible and very simple to
have two Longinus and that feeling increased more after that night,
but he doesn't know the reason, it was like his Annihilation Maker
tells him it possible.

But even if it possible, Leo wants to secure it completely, so he

started to make a beast that can put Ddraig in his soul and that was
after a long observation of how Annihilation Maker and Gold
Experience exist in his soul.

Leo made a beast that'll catch things in the spirit state and push
them towards his soul before merging them and that beast exists in
his left arm.

But during the creation, Leo had a lot of setbacks in the progress of
the creation which made his left arm blow up 5 times and he had to
use Venom and Gold Experience to heal it.
"Slowly, Link it with the arm, and start to make the bridge slowly…"
Leo made the same steps in an extra careful way, as he watched the
beast making a bridge in his soul until all the nodes are made

"Finally…" Leo moved his left hand slowly before he let go of all the
connection, but this time the beast didn't blow up.

"Good… Now it time to hunt dragons" Leo nodded with satisfaction

because after he gets Ddraig he has a lot of other plans.

Honestly, Leo feels he's the most hardcore Longinus user ever, It
has been just two days of him having a Longinus and he already
broke its creator rules, and he's going after another one.

Anyway, Leo now plans to create a beast with the ability to absorb Ki
and reinforce his body permanently, but it needs a lot of planning to
do it. Because it is not easy to make those kinds of beasts that can
increase power permanently.

Making this kind of beast needs a lot of preparation and Leo can't
just jump to it and make it randomly. Who knows where it'll go wrong
and hurt his body and especially his brain.

There's a size scall that Leo can't understand, when the beast size
increases greatly it'll take a lot of energy but when the size becomes
small and entre the microsize, the energy scale will increase greatly.

Leo shook his head slowly to clear his head from these thoughts
before checking his beast one last time, but before he did that a
holographic screen appeared in front of him.

Leo knows this screen, it the usual Chat Room, but this time it was
golden which means it very important.

[All the invitations have been accepted and the interaction between
members is enough]
[Task functions is open now]

[Please all the members log in now for more explanation]

"*Sigh* It starting, huh…" Leo knew this day will always come, so he
wasn't surprised before he chooses to enter the Chat Room.

[Advocate of gender equality is Online]

[Bri-Bri is Online]

[The Strongest Man in the World is Online]

[A Hero For Fun is Online]

[NEET Princess is Online]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin) is Online]

"They are already here?" Leo felt surprised by how early these guys
can arrive before he typed.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Well, it seems the real thing is about to

start. Why do these things happen now? I was going to hunt

[Advocate of gender equality: you're slowly becoming more

dangerous each time I see you, Leo. Even your words are becoming

[Bri-Bri: Gods, Devils, Angels, and now dragons, his world is also
getting more dangerous]

[NEET Princess: I know four dragons from his world, and each one
of them can kick his ass directly]

[The Strongest Man in the World: We have dragons here, but one of
them is rare and the others are something I hate very much]

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