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Catch-up Subject: Homeroom Guidance Grade Level: II
Quarterly Theme: Community Awareness Sub-theme: Simple
(refer to Enclosure No. 3 of DM responsibilities in
001, s. 2024, Quarter 3) the community
Subject/Time: HGP Date: February 2, 2024
II. Session Details
Session Title: Knowing Our People in the Community
Session After going through this module, you are expected to:
Objectives: 1. identify the people in the community who can help in taking care of
oneself and others;

2. show appreciation to those who can help you within your community,

3. share experiences where health and safety are considered at home

and in school.

Materials: clean sheet of papers

any material that you see around your area
III. Facilitation Strategies
Components Duration Activities and Procedures
Introduction and 5 mins Greetings:
Warm-up Song:

Address: Regional Government Center, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, 3500

Telephone Nos.: (078) 304-3855; (078) 396-9728
Email Address:
What are the community helpers that you have watched?
Why they are important in our community?

Let’s Try This

Below are pictures of people in the community.
In a clean sheet of paper, write down who
among them have helped you within your community.
Then answer the processing questions.

Processing Questions:

1. Why is it important that we get to know the people in

our community?

2. How did they help you and your barangay during the
community quarantine?
Keep in Mind
Read and think. Try to apply the lessons learned in your
daily life.
We learn how to take care of ourselves and value others
at home and in school. In addition to that, there are people
around us who can help us in taking care of ourselves and
others. Now that we have experienced this pandemic, we
learn to follow health and safety protocols. We have seen
people in our community who are called Frontliners, who
Address: Regional Government Center, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, 3500
Telephone Nos.: (078) 304-3855; (078) 396-9728
Email Address:
helped us maintain a healthy and safe community. They
also have become our heroes and inspiration. To be able
to give our share to what they have done for us, below are
reminders on how to take care of ourselves and others.
1. When at home, help your parents in checking the safety
of your house and follow the stay-at-home protocol.

2. When there are free health check-ups within your

barangays, consider asking your parents/guardians to join
you to maintain good health within the family.

3. Now that there are no face-to-face classes, always

listen and follow the instructions of your teachers, focus on
your studies, and keep away from areas that are not
allowed for you to go to.

4. Always follow community ordinances. Also, join

activities as advised by your parents, teachers, and
community helpers that will enhance your knowledge and
skills in caring for yourself and others.
In this time of community quarantine, our community
helpers have become our frontliners and our protectors.
And we as Homeliners, we protect and keep ourselves
safe by following these simple protocols such as:
1. Staying at home with our family

2. Washing and sanitizing our hands

3. Eating healthy food

4. Doing routine exercises

5. Having enough sleep

These protocols will keep our body and immunity level on
top of our priority to be able to stay mentally and
physically healthy in this time of crisis.

Concept 15 mins Let’s Explore This

Exploration Look for a story of a frontliner during the community
quarantine. It can be someone that you know, heard about
or read from a newspaper/magazine/internet. Then, in a
clean sheet of paper, draw that person and write your title
below. Then, answer the processing questions.

Processing Questions:
Address: Regional Government Center, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, 3500
Telephone Nos.: (078) 304-3855; (078) 396-9728
Email Address:
1. Were you inspired by his/her story? How?

2. Do you want to be like them? Why or why not?

3. How does he/she helped you in taking care of yourself

and others in the community?

Group Activity:
Group 1.
Directions: Draw lines to match the correct name of each

Group 2
Directions: Read carefully and circle the correct answers.


a. teacher b. police c. nurse


a. farmer b. fireman c. doctor


a. police b. engineer c. teacher


a. fireman b. sweeper c. nurse

Address: Regional Government Center, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, 3500
Telephone Nos.: (078) 304-3855; (078) 396-9728
Email Address:

a. fireman b. teacher c. sweeper

Group 3
Directions: Find the given community helpers in the grid

In a clean sheet of paper, share your three (5) situations

where health and safety are considered by the people in
your community during community quarantine.

Answer: In this time of community quarantine, our

community helpers have become our frontliners and our
protectors. And we as Homeliners, we protect and keep
ourselves safe by following these simple protocols such
Valuing 10 mins 1. Staying at home with our family

2. Washing and sanitizing our hands

3. Eating healthy food

4. Doing routine exercises

5. Having enough sleep

Drawing/Coloring 15 mins Copy and draw the Solar System design below in a clean
Activity (Grades sheet of paper, write down in the circles the names and
1- 3) professions of the people in the community that you
mostly interact with. Color and make the best pattern and
design for you (number of circles depends on the number
of people you know). Then, answer the processing
Address: Regional Government Center, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, 3500
Telephone Nos.: (078) 304-3855; (078) 396-9728
Email Address:
Share Your Thoughts
and Feelings In a clean sheet of paper, create a poster
that will show your thoughts and feelings about the people
in the community or our Frontliners. Make the best design
and write your title below.
Wrap-up 5 mins

Prepared by Reviewed:


Teacher -III P-II

Address: Regional Government Center, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, 3500

Telephone Nos.: (078) 304-3855; (078) 396-9728
Email Address:

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